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SPOILER A cyborg seen, I have not

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Kyle, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Ricky Spanish

    Ricky Spanish Rebel Official

    May 19, 2015
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    Like I've speculated before, I believe if this photo is legit then it's part of the flashback that isn't on MSW's shot list because it's the huge plot twist of the film...explaining the costumes, why Luke is in hiding (He can't kill Kylo because he's family,) why Luke and Han might have had a falling out etc

    I believe this is the scene Mark shot in pinewood, not just a few seconds of him hooded, walking away from a massacred academy
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  2. Aglarion

    Aglarion Force Sensitive

    May 7, 2015
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    I hope you are wrong...flashbacks everywhere...
  3. Ricky Spanish

    Ricky Spanish Rebel Official

    May 19, 2015
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    According to MSW's plot outline there's no room for Luke in the main plot so personally I really hope I'm right!! I don't think this is some daft 2 minute flashback to validate the plot, I reckon this is a 10 minute or so Episode 6.5 highlight reel that explains all the gaps in MSW's story.

    According to MSW all Luke does is the shot from the second trailer then a walk away, yet he was at Pinewood studio's for three days. I'm convinced they shot something more significant there. Hamill is a good actor, it wouldn't take him 3 days to shoot a faceless walk-away. The reason MSW's story makes no sense is because we're missing the secret scenes that propel the whole story.

    IMO it's the shot from teaser 2, a walk away with a sad beep from R2, a few secs of Luke and Ren fighting, a shot of Luke disarming him, Han interviening to save his son (the shot Kyle saw) Luke giving in and acquiescing, Luke knowing that his emotions rule him too much to kill Han's son rendering him impotent to the major threat of the galaxy, a shot of Luke throwing away his saber (making Rey giving him his saber back actually significant) and walking away....waiting for a stronger, more controlled warrior like Rey to save the galaxy because he just can't kill his friends son.

    Is it just me or does that make a lot of sense?

    Edit: I actually love this and hope that's what we've been missing. Making Luke a coward will be spitting in so many fan's faces, rendering him impotent because Han means so much to him he just can't kill his son as the reason for his exile makes sense. They've been talking about introducing strong female characters in the ST, what if the point of Rey is that she's so strong emotionally she could kill her brother/relative unlike Luke who is just too compassionate/single minded (like his father) to hurt his friends?
    #163 Ricky Spanish, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
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  4. Aglarion

    Aglarion Force Sensitive

    May 7, 2015
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    I was not defending MSW outline, I think they are many things wrong with it. I believe there will be more Luke than what is rumored as well but I don't think they will use flashbacks so much(if at all).
    I definitely don't agree with Kylo being Han's son.
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  5. Ricky Spanish

    Ricky Spanish Rebel Official

    May 19, 2015
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    *disclamer I may get the exact wording from MSW's shot list slightly wrong but...

    "Finn consoles Han regarding Kylo Ren"

    Han is a brilliant character but he can be incredibly self centered, if this character isn't his lover or one of his friends from the OT then I can only conclude that the reason his connection to Kylo Ren is so painful (and why Kylo Ren sits in the Falcon sentimentally) is because he must be his son

    It would piss everyone off if Han and Leia split for insignificant reasons but their son turning to the darkside would be a very valid reason for their estrangement
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  6. Aglarion

    Aglarion Force Sensitive

    May 7, 2015
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    That is of course a very valid conclusion if you believe all on MSW synopsis is true, which I don't.
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  7. Ricky Spanish

    Ricky Spanish Rebel Official

    May 19, 2015
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    I believe it's 90% true but we're missing the key "I am your father" (if you will) moments of the script involving Luke and Rey/Ren's origins. I have no reason to doubt the "Finn consoles Han" scene. I have my doubts over Rey's parentage but I'd bet the house on Kylo Ren being Han'Leia's kid!

    It's cool if you don't and if you're right we have so many surprises in store, but im just trying to work with what we've got that's all but officially confirmed
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  8. mecano

    mecano Rebel General

    Oct 26, 2014
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    we seem to be very sure about the "must be the I am your father moment". That moment was in 5, in 6 we had a sister, and the rest 4 movies didn't have it. What if there is no such moment in the new movie? Personally I don' t need the Whaaaaaat moment. It should remain something rare, special, I' m OK with a good story with no big surprises :) ......well, unless I see Luke saying: Kira, I am your father. ;-)
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  9. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    I think we have enough family revelations during the OT, everybody knows everybody by the time TFA hits the credits.
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  10. odmichael

    odmichael Rebel Official

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Agreed. By the end of this movie, I don't want anymore character-family surprises. I am okay with other types of plot twists though.
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  11. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    The more new twists the better.
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  12. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Kyle's conviction about the image has always led me to believe that there may be more Luke in a Force Awakens.

    Now that we have a picture of Luke in his garb, plus what MSW has posted today about the leaked Luke photo (mainly that the droids decipher something an a Hologram of Luke appears) - it feels like time to rehash some of the arguments for "Where the Heck is Luke" in this film.

    What seems obvious from the trailers:
    • Luke is in a scene with R2-D2, wearing a cloak with a fancy undershirt and no skin on his robot hand (image 7 and 3)
    • Luke appears sad or distraught in this scene as he lowers his head at the end, seeming to put a comforting hand on R2
    What images below appear to show:
    • Luke is in some fancy Jedi-looking robes similar to what a Jedi elder would wear and has the beard of Obi-wan. (Image 5)
    • The dirt on R2-D2 is part caked on grime that never goes away, and added dirt for the scene he is in. (Image series 10 )
      • This may be due to practical reasons and multiple different R2's being used, but I like to believe they consider his grime in each scene.
    • R2 appears to have the same grime in all scenes we've seen him in thus far. (Image 1,2,3,4,6,7)
      • Again - this may be just an oversight or practicality - but perhaps it's continuity
    • Luke appears to be in a rocky cave near a fire when he consoles R2 (Image 3,7)
    • Old Luke appears to be wearing an outfit that may match what is scene in the trailer (Image 5,7)
      • While the cloak appears dark in image 7, it appears brown in 6, and dark tan in image 5. This may just be lighting, or digital image grading.
    • R2 uses his holo-projector at the Resistance Base (Image 1)
    • The rumored Cave on Skellig is wet, green and mossy. (image series 9)
    • The second unit shot cave scenes at Hang En cave in Vietnam - and this cave is rocky, sandy, and a bit drier than Skellig (Image series 8)
    The Big Question: How can Luke and R2 be in a fireside cave scene together (Image 7) if R2 is at the Resistance base and everyone is looking for Luke? When does this scene happen? Why are they alone in the image?

    Theory 1: The scene in question is a flashback to some time in the past - maybe where Luke says goodbye to R2 or Luke loses his Jedi Academy.

    Even though this is the leading Theory, there are some images that don't add up for me.
    • R2 appears to have the same grime in the scene as he does at the Resistance Base. This could be chalked up to practicality of filming, but it could also point to continuity of R2 seeing Luke shortly after leaving the Resistance Base. It literally is the same grime because it's the same time frame.
    • Flashback Luke appears to be wearing an outfit similar to Old Luke - especially when you look at the material of the shirt/sleeve. This makes me believe that either Luke hasn't changed outfits in years (but somehow keeps them incredibly clean living in a cave?) or this isn't a younger flashback Luke.
    • If R2 is going to decipher something and show a Hologram of Luke at the end of the film (and shortly after Rey goes to Luke - meaning that the Hologram probably tells them where he is) - when did this recording take place? Is it live feed?
    This probably seems the most logical theory based on rumors that we have thus far, but it isn't 100% foolproof.

    Theory 2: The scene in question takes place during the present time - meaning that R2 must run into Luke sometime after leaving the Resistance base and before he returns to the Resistance Base.

    Why this theory may have more weight and support Kyle's image leak synopsis.
    • That shirt on Luke in the trailer looks a lot like the material of the undershirt in the Luke photo shoot, while it doesn't seem to match any known previous outfits for Luke - save his Tatooine garb in ANH.
    • If this is Old Luke in the scene and if Luke is "missing" then there needs to be a time when R2 and Luke can be alone together, be sad, and record the "Hologram".
      • This has to happen after we first find R2 at the Resistance Base, and it appears to happen in a rocky cave. The cave doesn't match Skellig, but appears more like Hang En.
      • The First Order Base is underground on the Snow planet. You can see rock walls in the trailer when Phasma is walking down the corridor and you can see troop elevators going down into the ground in the Parade Ground image. It may be that the second unit footage may be for the underground structures of the First Order base
      • If this scene doesn't take place in the underground base somewhere near a fire (reminiscent of Kylo's fiery sword) then where else could it be? Why would R2 be sad? Why would Luke console him?
    • In the Kyle leak - Luke, Kylo, Han are standing in a cave near a dim lit source, maybe a fire. This seems to match the description of the scene in question.
    • If Han bites the dust, it would explain why R2 and Luke are sad and standing near the fire.
      • This would also give Luke the opportunity to record a Hologram and send it back with R2 to Leia.
      • If Luke isn't at this scene then WTF Luke!? You dropped your training on Dagobah to save Han and Leia and now you're not there?
    • R2 was on set in what appears to be an imperial ship or structure. This makes me think that R2 goes with the Falcon to rescue Rey for the same reason that Han took R2 and C3PO to Endor. They're useful when it comes to breaking into imperial places and finding people.
    • R2 is the glue. He saves the day all the time. We've seen a lot of images of R2 from Force Awakens thus far. They made a replica that can move and perform. If all R2 does is stand around at the Imperial Base for a few scenes in Act II - it doesn't match how much we're seeing of R2. Maybe Finn can bust Rey out of the prison with his knowledge of the First Order security, but it could just as easily be R2.
    Yet, some things that don't add up for this theory
    • Kyle's image description lists Luke in a tattered Robe with a Gash on his forehead, yet in the scene in question, Luke's robe doesn't appear tattered, although if you ask me - bearded Luke in the photo shoot does look scarier than previously seen. Almost haunting. Not sure what to think here. If this scene of R2 and Luke is shortly after the scene Kyle described, then only Kyle could confirm if the cave he saw looks like the cave in this shot.
    • How does R2 get back to the Falcon? The crew all appear to make a hasty get away thanks to Chewbacca pulling up at the last minute. Does Chewie find R2 and bring him back to the Falcon after R2 connects with Luke?
    • The cape in the trailer is awfully dark. I have a hard time chalking this up to lighting - but then there's this dress that confused the internet...
    Theory 3 - The scene in question is at the end of the film when Rey goes to see Luke.
    • R2 wasn't rumored to be climbing around Skellig - but maybe he just shows up at the very very end of the movie and we are seeing the very last scene - Luke and R2 united.
    • The caves just don't seem to match - it feels weird to go from mossy/misty skellig to dry/rocky sand.
    • Doesn't seem right and ends the movie on a downer instead of the call to action of Rey embracing her heritage and training under Luke.
    Theory 4 - This scene is on Jakku and Luke is looking for his old saber and somehow manages to run into R2 who may be here looking for Poe.
    • It was filmed near where the Jakku village assault happens. There was a lot of similar sand and fire. Luke may be after his Saber or after Kylo.
    • Luke may not be so much as sad, as he is missing his old friend R2.
    This is a fun theory and means Luke is in the movie as early as act I, but how on earth does R2 get there and then back to the base and why doesn't he tell everyone where Luke is? Does Luke pull a mind trick on R2? It also would explain the differences in Luke's dark stealth cloak and his more tan regal cloak.

    In Conclusion:

    I really want to believe in Theory 2 - and maybe there's a little more evidence for it, but it is still hard to prove unless we see more.

    #172 thehiredgun, Aug 14, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
    • Great Post Great Post x 5
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  13. odmichael

    odmichael Rebel Official

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Nice post. Actually you've convinced me the flashbacks rumors are weaker than they appear. Still think there is a flashback. But that doesn't mean Luke has to be in it.
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  14. DamionGraff

    DamionGraff Rebel General

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I don't know Kyle from Adam, and I have no reason to believe anything untoward about him, but I also have no reason to believe this information is legit. I want to make it clear that my post here is about the information provided, and we should be free to critically examine it since it's been put forward here.

    Of course, you have to wonder why the photo wasn't just sent to his email address or texted to him like any other photo on any other cell phone (you know, so he could show other staff members here...because I gather that none of them have seen it except him)? Or, if not, why he didn't just take a photo of the screen himself with his own cell phone...

    Regardless, imagine you're on a jury.
    Submitted as evidence is not the bloody knife itself. It's a person who gets up on the witness stand and testifies....not even to seeing the bloody knife itself, but seeing a picture of the bloody knife on his friend's cell phone camera.

    When I was running Prequel Spoilers, I might post a firsthand account of someone who claimed to be on the set. I would not post the second hand account of someone who claimed to know someone who was on the set, and saw something through that someone's cell phone screen.

    Anyone else notice that no pictures of content on monitors used during filming have ever been leaked from this movie? It's hard to believe that you could stand in front of one of those monitors (the ones that JJ himself is looking into), pull out your iphone 6, and snap a picture of what's on the screen without someone noticing. Besides, why *that* scene and not one of the 300+ other scenes that were right there on monitors ready to be photographed by any other lucky John Doe with an iphone?

    You have to assume that any scene has an equal probability of being the one that Kyle was shown on that cell phone screen. 1/300+ and it just so happens to be LUKE and HAN and KYLO all together in what sounds like one of the single most consequential scenes in the movie. AND it's completely out of left field, it's BRAND NEW exclusive info, doesn't fit anything we've heard before, and is VERY buzz-worthy, feeds PERFECTLY into the well-known fan desires to have more Luke in this movie than all the rumors suggest, and it makes for pages and pages of intense discussion.

    It's not "Rey with BB8 in the desert," it's not "Poe in X-wing cockpit," it's not "C-3PO at resistance base," it's not "Han walking alongside a puppet," it's not "Gleeson in Imperial-looking garb walking down a hallway"....I could go on and on.

    It's worth asking whether or not anyone who's reading this right now, a staff member, etc, *other than Kyle* has seen the photo with their own eyes (regardless of what any other source says). The answer, I'm assuming, is "no."
    #174 DamionGraff, Aug 14, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
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