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The Old versus New Expanded Universe

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Dynamixx88, Jan 19, 2020.


Did you like more The...

  1. New Canon Expanded Universe (Disney Era)

    4 vote(s)
  2. Old Expanded Universe (George Lucas Era)

    4 vote(s)
  3. Both of them

    3 vote(s)
  1. Dynamixx88

    Dynamixx88 Rebel Official

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I am just tired from the hate posts and hate discussions around the internet, therefore I wanted to spark a discussion in this community with a class and kind behaviour.

    People tend to compare new and old, good and bad and there are discussions and battles over the old versus new EU after Disney bought Star Wars. Please, vote in a poll and feel free to write down your opinions on why do you like one or the other, or both!

    I will write mine:
    The Old EU (George Lucas era) - that is the one I grew up with. I was huge into Star Wars and when I got Thrawn Trilogy for Christmas (It was around 1997 when I was in second grade), with my dad telling me that it is basically new episodes, I lost it! The stories were cool and I loved the new planets, Thrawn and Imperial remnants did make a sense, Mara Jade was actually cool and beliavable and I liked her link to the old trilogy. I liked the EU back then, for what it was. I was Star Wars hungry and as the movies were finished and Prequels coming in, the EU told you the adventures of your favorite heroes after the movies. Looking back, older, I think the old EU is overrated. There were great stories, but with more and more and more, it was a convoluted mess and people complain about there being planet killers in the ST and yeah, the threats could've been more inventive, you had like dozens in EU. And that was the problem. All authors wanted their stories to be SW Episode-like epic, so you had different variations on what was aleady done and for 1 great story, there was 30 not worth reading. Lot of contradictions, Luke being this Jedi uber-hero/godlike. I really hate the Yuuzhan Vong and that whole arc.

    Worth mentions: Thrawn Trilogy, Outbound Flight, The Clone Wars comics (that was basically the Clone Wars TV show but in Comic format with lot of the ideas and story beats getting adapted in the canon show)

    The New EU (Disney Era) - At first, I was shocked by the news but undestood that you have the old die, to built the movies around the Yuuzhan Vong and ton of weird stories and not being limited. What we got in the end was basically Jaina and Jacen Solo story with Dark Empire in Episode 9 (and I think that one of the reasons I liked the Episode IX was because I loved Dark Empire as a kid and it was in my headcannon with Thrawn trilogy). What I like about the new EU is that everything is canon and thus relevant to the lore. The downside of this is, that lot of the stories are not that epic or they are but it doesn't fit the movies. I love the Darth Vader, Aphra, Poe Dameron comic book series, but I didn't like the main Star Wars run... besides the horrible uncanny valley art with the characters having weird mimic that didn't reflect the situations, the story felt sometimes forced and sometimes too much (looking on you Sho Torun stuff), it simply didn't fit the aesthetics of the films visually or storywise, but there were some good stories like the Rebel sun prison or the Screaming Citadel. I have just read it because I love the lore and everything is cannon, but it was a waste of time and next time, just watching Episodes 4 and 5 will do.
    The new books are weak overall... It is either interesting side story that you read for more info or it is intertwinned with the events in the movie. I didn't like the praised Lost Stars, because I didn't liked the characters and living trough the movie events again didn't impress me that much - but there were some interesting things, like recoinassance in x-wings or adjusting the gravity when flying near Death Star. I liked the first Thrawn tough :)

    Overall, I like the new EU more, because it complements the movies and doesn't go sideways and crazy to make itself interesting like the old EU and Marvel Star Wars went that way, but Doctor Aphra does unconventional things and shows that it can be done and it is great and fun! The trick is probably in using completely new characters and not shoehorning the ones you know pretty well into weird situations.
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  2. cheewie

    cheewie Rebel Trooper

    Oct 3, 2019
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    Well, I am full into New Canon because I didn´t consider EU as true canon...I never read any of it but I was told that it felt very inconsistent and Lucas interviews reflect that he himself didn´t considered it full canon as he stated that if he had continued with the movies the story would been very different from old EU and New Canon. I have read some of the new books and comics, and I enjoyed them very much in almost all cases. But I haven´t read not even the half of them(There are too many) but I intend to do so. I have to disagree with you in one think, I just have finished reading Dr. Aphra until issue 40 and I haven´t liked it very much at all. It feels unrealistic the way she speaks to Vader and doesn´t get killed LOL...My favourites are both Darth Vader series, Darth Maul, Shattered Empire, Bloodline, Leia Princess of Alderaan,Catalyst, Master and Apprentice, Dooku Jedi Lost and Aftermath Trilogy... I am enjoying The Rise of Kylo Ren so far. But as aI keep going I have already found little inconsistences between New canon books and comics and movies(mainly TROS) I expect there won´t be much more. I also have played Battlefront II campaign and I have specially enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order, best star wars videogame in years. This multimedia canon is working plenty for me, and I am very hyped on checking out what they could make with PL(Project Luminous lol). Currently reading Jedi Fallen Order: Dark temple comic series.
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  3. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    I don' think it's exactly right to call it the Lucas era. He had virtually nothing to do with the EU then.
    And even went so far as to explicitly say it wasn't canon.
    Disney is attempting what Lucas never did (and I don't think he ever wanted to), in organizing all the peripheral material as canon so everything lines up as best as possible.

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    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  4. BobaFettNY21

    BobaFettNY21 Force Attuned

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Rebels and a couple of the recent novels (Alphabet Squadron, Young Stars, anything with Cham Syndulla and/or Battle of Jakku) have put Canon way ahead of the EU for me.

    Also...BabyYoda. C'mon, this can't even be a question, lol
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  5. Dynamixx88

    Dynamixx88 Rebel Official

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I have labeled it as such, because Star Wars was mainly in George Lucas' hands. He called the shots for the main media (Movies, The Clone Wars) and sometimes video games (The infamous visit to the creators of Darth Maul game and making them angry for liking the design of Darth Talon and telling them that she will be great couple with Maul). It was definitely GL era before he sold it to Disney, as he was the sole owner of the franchise. I know his connection to the EU was virtually non-existant creatively, but we know from Clone Wars and Prequels that he borrowed heavily from it - the most jarring example being Aylaa Secura, Coruscant, Korriban/Moraband or the scrapped concept of Yuzhan Vong appearing in the Clone Wars right before the Disney acquisition or the Aurebesh alphabet taken from West End Games.
  6. Phil J

    Phil J Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    When the old extended universe was being written, during that period between the films, was everything perfect? I feel it unfair to judge a body of work published over 5 years against that which had decades to accumulate depth and richness. It would be like comparing a 20 year old port to a 3 year old sherry. Of course, I would happily drink both...

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