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Acolyte Wishlist

Discussion in 'The Acolyte' started by Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi

    Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi Rebel Official

    May 5, 2016
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    This is the project that has strayed farthest from what we know in the Star Wars galaxy. With so much of recent Lucasfilm movies/shows set in the same general era, here is a list of what I want Acolyte to do differently to differentiate itself from other Star Wars:

    1) a more “civilized” era. Remember, the galaxy has not been torn apart by empirical warfare, so there should be more unique cultures and lifestyles represented. This is a galaxy at peace (with the occasional Nihil attack, as mentioned in the books.)

    2) different aesthetics in ships and speeders. This goes hand-in-hand with point #1. A galaxy at peace should convey transportation aesthetics functioning in such a manner. Naboo starfighters come to mind, so things along those lines would be cool to see. This is an opportunity for visual artists to let their minds run wild.

    3) Sith history and backstory. ‘Nuff said.

    4) Jedi with exciting new abilities. Remember, this is the “height” of the jedi order. I want to see jedi that “wow” us with what they are able to do, talents and abilities lost over time. They need to seem powerful and noble in this era. Does not have to be Force Unleashed-strength, but something along the lines of the High Republic novels.

    5) Politics. Yes, I know, fans hated the Phantom Menace for it, but I feel the politics of this era are very important, especially if we are seeing the steps in which the Sith gradually gain forwards momentum .
    #1 Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi, Dec 2, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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  2. Lord Phanatic

    Lord Phanatic Luminous Being
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    I'll be happy to be the first. Like I've said for many years in these forums. I want to see a live action female sith. No. Not in a vision form.
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  3. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    I want -- especially for this show, which is pretty much a standalone thing that promises "new pockets" of the galaxy & timeline -- to see new things explored (in live action). I don't want just another round of Sith & Jedi butting heads. No, I want the SW universe to grow bigger and explore new things, at least in tandem with whatever dark side stuff we've been promised. Specifically, I would love to see the Nightsister/Dathomir culture(s) explored in live action, and a show where a witch sneaks around and discovers proto-Palpy nefariousness behind the Jedi's backs might be cool. Moreover, I want non-Force stuff to have a central importance, too; there's a huge inflasion risk concerning Jedi/Force stuff in Star Wars, and without ordinary characters and stories to add context and stakes for the Force, those epic lightsaber duels are nothing but flashy nonsense.

    So, I want:
    1. Less force/fewer Jedi than what the fandom seem to ask for. (SW isn't ONLY the Force).
    2. Cool dark/gray morals main character(s). Huge plus for them being female; even huger plus if they're not human (although they need human facial features to broadcast recognizable human emotions to be able to CARRY the show; Wookiees and such are for side-kicks, etc.).
    3. New cultures in SW. I'm not even talking fancy locations and beautiful new vistas, just peoples of different creeds, colors, religions/philosophies, and societies. Make SW bigger, please.
    4. Surprises.
    5. Something terrible, something fascinating, and something cute.
    6. Either an all-in on The Prophecy & setting up the Skywalker Saga ('cause there IS room for seeing all that stuff in a pre-prequel live action project), or, no connection to the Skywalker thing at all. One or the other, no half-measures, please.
    7. No Tatooine, please.
    8. Call-backs/set-ups to S:ASWS & the ST. (I'd love to see Corellia or Hosnian Prime again. Also, I also NEED more abednedos in my Star Wars!).
    #3 Angelman, Dec 11, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
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  4. Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi

    Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi Rebel Official

    May 5, 2016
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    I wholeheartedly agree with this list.
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  5. Madmartigan

    Madmartigan Force Sensitive

    Sep 6, 2014
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    This is a really cool and great wishlist.

    This, with a good casting (that already seems pretty good and eclectic), good dialogs, proper visuals and an epic scale would be enough.

    Ah, and no jokes and gags please, with no overacting :)
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  6. Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi

    Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi Rebel Official

    May 5, 2016
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    It’s been 2.5 years since I first posted this “wishlist” thread. (Was hoping for more comments during that amount of time…)
    With the first trailer out and the marketing campaigns ramping up for an early June release, it’s time to do a “pulse check” on my 5 top wishes, (as listed in my first comment. Below I will give a grade (A-F, just like in elementary school) with information compiled from the teaser trailer, Lesyle Headland interviews, and what we’ve read on SWNews Net.
    1) a more “civilized” era.
    B grade. Just like the High Republic novels, there is a big irony going on here: we don’t see much about the actual High Republic, instead being whisked away to far-off places identical to the Original Trilogy/Sequel Trilogy films (sand planets, cantinas, Ireland-looking places, etc.) Thank goodness the Jedi are shown wearing golden robes. Headland said in a past interview there will be more lightsabers and Jedi in this tv show than any single SW film. I’m still hopeful we will get a show that will truly look and fee like it’s from a Classical era. But so far we’ve only seen hints of originality, when it should be overflowing.
    2) different aesthetics in ships and speeders.
    B- grade. Similar to the first wish on my wishlist, Disney has done very little to convince me this is from a non-OT era. Judging by the trailer and images from Empire magazine, the show appears to have the same aesthetics as anything else in the Disney era. How many times are we going to set our shows in rundown cantinas? I never thought I’d say this, but I miss the nightclub from Attack of the Clones.
    3) Sith history and backstory.
    A- grade. We got a scare a few weeks ago when rumors were circulating that the show’s villains are some “other” religious cult who happen to use red lightsabers. Lesyle Headland came out and cleared that recently by saying “Sith” so I can breath a sigh of relief. It is unclear how much Sith history will be shown, but Headland still insists the show will be from the “villain’s point of view,” (even though the trailer suggests it will be a Jedi-centric show.) Here’s hoping there will be lots of Sith history. I would love to see a lineage of Sith given, with names of all the Sith from the past 100 years leading up to this point. Throw in Darth Bane’s name, and I am curious to see how the Sith come up with the names. (Example: why did Sidious choose the name Vader without thinking when re-naming Anaking Skywalker?)
    4) Jedi with exciting new abilities.
    B+ grade. This is one area the show is delivering on. The trailer and Empire magazine is clear the Jedi are not the dogmatic “monks” of TPM. Padowan Jecki Lon is described a “Jedi David Bowie” type which is far different from the obedient Padowans from the PT (I still don’t understand what a “Jedi David Bowie” would even be like.)
    5) Politics.
    A- grade. When a character in the trailer states “It’s not about power, it’s about who is allowed to use it” (paraphrase), you know there will be political disputes and quarreling. That’s what I want to see from this show. Headland described the show in past interviews as portraying the Jedi in a not-so-positive light. There is no Empire in this era (and I don’t think the Nihil will be showing up,) so what can the show possibly be about? That’s right: political infighting, disputes, mystery, all the stuff I want Star Wars to have but is lacking in the Disney era.
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