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Follow Up Script :)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NoahOutlaw, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. NoahOutlaw

    NoahOutlaw Clone Commander

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Before you read this, go read the fake episode 7 story because the one I wrote below is the sequel story to the one below…


    It starts with the opening crawl saying something like: After the death of Han Solo, the republic has been frantic, with no military leader, the galactic empire has more control of the galaxy. Luke Skywalker and Leia are trying the best they can to regain control of the galaxy.

    We see a smaller ship which is owned by Fawn flying through space, we see the cyborg Luke Skywalker meditating, looking very disgruntled about something, but suddenly Fawn and Leia come through the door to tell Luke he must hurry to the cockpit to see something. We see Kane, Fawn, Chewie, Leia, Elder, and Luke in the ship control room and they all look disturbed about something, the camera turns and we see a very large fleet of star destroyers and super star destroyers attacking a very familiar planet, Dantooine. (If you remember, The republics main base is on this planet, which explains why the galactic empire would want to destroy the planet. Leia says a very familiar phrase to chewie, “Chewie, get us out of here!” which brings a tone of sadness upon the 3 Original Trilogy characters in the cockpit. Luke keeps saying that he senses a great amount of force in the cockpit but he brushes it off because he thinks its just Leia he is sensing, but it is actually a combination of Leia and Fawn. (Luke does not know that Fawn is force sensitive.) So the group goes to a smaller planet, one we have never seen in the Star wars universe, we can call it GobberTown for now, Gobbertown is a Snow Planet, kind of like Hoth but not so secluded (There are cities and such). The group arrives to Gobbertown and we find a smaller republic base with people working and the presence of Leia makes everyone work a lot harder than usual. Leia asks a worker where the leader of that base is. We meet him and his name can be “James”. Leia tells James about Dantooine and how it has been destroyed by the empire and she informs James that this base is now the main base of the republic.

    We cut to a shot of a star destroyer flying through space, we see a shot black leather boots and the camera pans up and we see a deformed, half man half robot, man, this is Ruin from the episode 7 story. A general on the star destroyer informs Ruin that his master wishes to speak with him, he gets a surprised look on his face and quickly walks away from the general. We see Ruins on one knee in front of a hooded figure sitting in a chair in a room a lot like the emperors in Episode 6. Ruin gets on a knee and say’s “What is thy bidding my master”. The hooded man tells Ruin that he feels that the young woman that is friends with Luke Skywalker is force sensitive and needs to be destroyed. Ruin tells the hooded figure that it will be done. Ruin tells the general of the Star Destroyer to make route to Gobbertown, the general tells Ruin that that planet has been abandoned for years, there are no life forms on that planet, Ruin aggressively picks up the general by the neck and repeats his request, Ruin throws the general to the ground then the general tells his men to make route to Gobbertown.

    We see Luke Skywalker once again meditating and all of the sudden we see his eyes light up and he says “Fawn.” At this moment he realizes that the strong presence of the force he has been feeling has been Fawn. We see Luke run out to find Fawn but he can’t find her. He finds Leia and asks her where Fawn is, “She is doing a perimeter check, she will be back soon. Why? What’s wrong?” Leia asks Luke. Luke tells Leia that she is force sensitive, and Leia responds with “I Know” and Luke asks how Leia knew and she tells him she has felt her force presence also. Luke jumps on a speeder to go out and find Fawn. We see Luke speeding through the snowfall on his speeder. He is trying to reach Fawn over the Walkie Talkie thing. (I don’t know what it is called in the SW Universe.) We hear a static voice come through, its Fawn, she tells Luke her coordinates, Luke meets up with Fawn and he tells her that she is force sensitive and she must be trained in the Jedi ways, but after Luke says that we hear a voice in the distance say “Not if I have anything to do about it.” We don’t see the figure at all, all we see is a Red Lightsaber in the distance. The figure starts coming into sight, It is Ruin, he charges at Luke, Luke doesn’t have time to pull out his lightsaber, but right before Ruin strikes down on Luke he is stopped, we see Fawn using the force to stop Ruin from killing Luke. Luke pulls out his Lightsaber and has A badass fight with Ruin, Luke tells Fawn to go back to the base to get help. Fawn jumps on her speeder to go back to the base but is suddenly stopped, we see Ruin fighting Luke with 1 hand and using the force to stop Fawns speeder with the other (Remember, The reason Ruin is on the planet Gobbertown is to destroy Fawn, so he cant let her Leave.) but since Ruin is multitasking, Luke knocks Ruin down pretty easily, Fawn escapes and goes back to the base. Luke Picks up Ruins saber and is about to decapitate Ruin (Like Anakin did in episode 3) Ruin is pleading for his life. Luke doesn’t want to show is anger and lean towards the dark side so Luke spares Ruins life. Bad Decision. Ruin Jumps up, picks up Luke with the force, Throws Luke high into the air, Ruin picks up and ignites his lightsaber, and puts it under Luke’s body, Luke is impaled by Ruins lightsaber. We see Ruin disappear into the snowfall, then camera pans down to Luke’s Corpse. We see Kane and Fawn reunite at the Base and she is frantically telling Leia to go save Luke, but as soon as she says that, Leia feels a disturbance in the force, She knows Luke has died, but before she can go get his Body, Ruin walks inside the Base and starts to slaughter everybody and everything, Including Chewie. Chewie is now dead. Leia sees what is going down and she yells at him, he gets an Evil Grin on his face because he knows who she is, and he wants to kill her. When he reached her we see Leia pull out her Lightsaber, Which surprises everyone around her, She ignites her Purple Saber and is ready to fight. Ruin and Leia fight for a short time when suddenly a lot of Republic Soldiers come to the rescue and open fire on Ruin. Ruin uses force speed to bolt out of the base onto his ship. We cut to Ruin talking to the Hooded figure, Ruin tells him that Luke is dead, but Ruin tells the Hooded figure that Luke’s Sister is also a Jedi and a skilled one to. He informs the hooded figure that he did not destroy Fawn. The Hooded figure angrily screams “WHAT?!?” and we see Ruin start floating in the air gasping for breath, we hear his neck snap and he falls to the floor. The hooded figure stands up takes off his hood (It is revealed that it is Darth Bane) “I guess I’m going to have to do it my self… CREDITS START.
    #1 NoahOutlaw, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
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  2. MarsPhoenix

    MarsPhoenix Sith Psychiatrist

    Sep 19, 2014
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    That raises a very good question: Can Carrie Fisher go on into becoming an action hero? That would be interesting.
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