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I want an Enfys Nest RPG!

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Video/Tabletop Games' started by Darth Brooks, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Darth Brooks

    Darth Brooks Rebel General

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Who else here loves Enfys Nest? I loved this character. Her mask, her look, the swoop bikes, her name, and of course the reveal that she's just a young girl. I thought she was by far the coolest new bit of the universe we got to see in SOLO.

    She seems to be ripe for exploration in other films, books, etc...But I was thinking recently that what I'd really love to see is an Enfys Nest video game. Imagine a single player 3rd person RPG where you play as young Enfys. The game opens with her mother's death, possibly as part of some battle or skirmish. Her mother is killed at the hands of the Empire or Crimson Dawn, and when she dies, the girl takes up the mask and flees with the remaining survivors from the battle.

    As the game progresses you could upgrade your bike, trick out your armor, battle with rival marauders with the eventual goal of uniting opposing tribes / factions of bandits into the larger rebellion. Eventually you would confront the person that killed your mother and exact your revenge. The game could tie in a bunch of other characters or factions from this period, you could have a few run ins with Beckett and his crew, and the story could even include other bounty hunters like Fett, etc. Obviously Crimson Dawn would be one of the main opposing factions, as well as the Empire.

    Her swoop bike could serve as means of transportation through the world, like a car in GTA or your horse in Zelda. Combat could involve blasters and 3rd person shooter mechanics or...even cooler...it could have a sort of Dark Souls hand to hand combat angle to it where you fight with her vibroblade. A lot of the missions could easily be based on heist jobs, train robberies, fetch quests based around obtaining coaxium. The whole thing could take place on Vandor.

    It could also have a base building element. You go out in the world, steal coaxium and then use it as a currency to upgrade your stronghold, recruit new marauders, and manage your army. Similar to the FOB in Metal Gear Solid 5.

    What do you guys think? What would you like to see in an Enfys Nest game?

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  2. srg

    srg Force Attuned

    Jul 15, 2016
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    Great idea! I would definitely love to play such game. Enfys Nest is a total blank canvas and I would be happy if they developed her in a game, instead of a throwaway comic or something like that. Her armor looks like it has a history. It would be interesting to collect it piece by piece (with different masks, perhaps) and obtain the proper movie look somewhere towards the end of the game.

    However, every time an idea of a Star Wars RPG comes up, I feel like canon is a major obstacle... I mean - they can't give us the freedom typical for RPGs without compromising continuity. I hope they'll find a way around it for the good of Star Wars gaming.
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  3. Darth Brooks

    Darth Brooks Rebel General

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Yeah that is a valid concern, but I hope there's a will / way to get past it. It's sad we're so many years into the new era of Star Wars and we still don't have a proper 3rd person game where you're just a jedi wielding a lightsaber, or something in that vain. It seems like the obvious low hanging fruit to me. Remember Jedi Knight? Where's that kind of game??? I mean seriously, you could just re-skin Dark Souls with Jedi and lightsabers, and that alone would put it pretty far on the path to being one of the greatest games ever made.

    I'd hope that in an Enfys Nest game, the developers would find a way to keep it either focused on what's happening on Vandor, or build it around new characters instead of relying on pulling in threads to the other movies. It's kind of funny that the big reveal around Enfys was that she is just...gasp...a totally new character, and not a character you already knew in disguise. If you look at a game like KOTOR, which many consider the best Star Wars RPG, the very concept of it being so far in the past allowed them to create new storylines and not worry about existing canon. Obviously the rules of canon were different then, but you know what I mean. Maybe if the world of Enfys Nest is focused enough around the tribes of Vandor or contained within the criminal underworld, it could stay out of the way of other canon.

    Alternatively, since Enfys Nest is implied to be a sort of Dread Pirate Roberts character, the game could allow you to create your own character and play as one of her swoop marauders. The eventual goal would be to climb up the ranks and become the next Enfys Nest and inherit the mask...The game could take place in the distant or near past and serve as a backstory for the planet and explore the origins and inner workings of her gang or tribe, but be a bit more open like you are just playing in that sandbox.

    Still, I think it would be possible for the game to exist in an action / rpg vein and find a balance between offering up real choices to the player and staying within canon. I don't think it would be important to have your actions affect the story line or for there to be a good vs bad character ending, for example. I think the character, setting and universe are strong enough that I would be open to being strung along on a somewhat linear story line, if it was well done. As long as there's depth to the armor customization, combat, speeder upgrades, and the different marauder allies you could bring with you, I think it could be compelling and fun.

    One thing that's a requirement though...it's gotta be in 3rd person. If I'm playing a character in badass bounty hunter armor, you better believe I want to see what she looks like :p
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  4. Jaxxon

    Jaxxon Green Space Rabbit

    Dec 4, 2017
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    This would be a great game, BUT I think I would rather have her backstory in a more concrete form. I think her character is one of the most fascinating things to come out of Solo, and I'd love to see her lead a comic series or a novel.

    Cool idea though. I would like to see something like this but where you get to create your own smuggler-type character, and maybe you get to choose between being a pirate, an Imperial or a Rebel. At the very least, an RPG set in new canon would make me excited about Star Wars games again. I really hate the corporate-feeling, online-prioritized style of the current canon games.
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  5. Darth Brooks

    Darth Brooks Rebel General

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Yeah I mean, instead of a game I'm up for an entire movie about her. How bout you? Haha.

    Your other idea is cool, it could be based around Crimson Dawn and some other crime syndicates, or something tied to that. You create a character, ally yourself with a crime syndicate, the empire or the rebels, etc etc.

    Regardless, I agree there needs to be some sort of new canon RPG...Enfys Nest seems like fertile territory for a great game. I also think a game following Luke between episodes 6 and 7 would be amazing too. You could fill in the story of what happened in between the films, Mark Hamill could return for the role as a voice actor (which he is obviously great at), and we'd get a new set of classic Luke adventures without recasting young Luke as a different actor. That would be a great game too.
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  6. Lock_S_Foils

    Lock_S_Foils Red Leader

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Anybody ever translate the Aurebesh on her helmet?
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  7. srg

    srg Force Attuned

    Jul 15, 2016
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    "Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher."
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  8. cawatrooper

    cawatrooper Dungeon Master

    Nov 14, 2016
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    I wouldn't mind a game based on her concept, though- leading a group of raiders around to gather supplies for the growing rebellions, and fighting scum and Imperials alike.

    I guess it's kinda like the Star Wars Mount and Blade mod, but way more fleshed out and polished.
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