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Jakku = Tatooine

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Fallon Tagge, Apr 29, 2015.


Jakku is...

  1. Just a codename

    14 vote(s)
  2. Tatooine renamed

    34 vote(s)
  3. A new planet

    178 vote(s)
  4. Something else (discuss!)

    4 vote(s)
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  1. alex

    alex Rebel Official

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I'm not convinced by this.

    The Landscape is a bit different because they are different real life deserts.

    The Cultures aren't the same. Tatooine is moisture farmers and gangsters with big cities and a few space ports. Jaku, without a second sun, would have as extreme of heat or dryness. It seems to be super barren with all activity revolving around scavenging and debris.

    From rumors, the plot isn't the same either.

    Tatoonie: main character gets a mysterious call to action and is reluctant until his guardians die.
    Jakuu: Main characters crash here and escape with a local.
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  2. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I think the point that its a different planet but similar look is a screaming exclamation that they are attempting to tell a different story in a familiar style. The more things change the more they stay the same.
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  3. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Being firmly in the "Jakku = NOT Tatooine" camp, I still think it is a bit strange that JJ & Co decided to invent a planet that is so visually similar to one of the franchise's most iconic planets. I am sure looking forward to hearing JJ's behind-the-scenes justification for this. I mean, it would be SO easy (and rather interesting if you ask me), to change Jakku from a yellow-sand desert into a red-sand desert (which granted, would require a fair amount of additional CGI magic and color calibration post-Production), a black-sand desert (just filme it on a beach in Iceland), or even a cold-steppes desert like in Mongolia. There are TONS of possible desert types they COULD have chosen from or invented, and that they went for a Tatooine-like thing is, IMHO, just weird. Still, there must be a reason for it that we are not privy too, and someone mentioned the possibility that JJ want a Tatooine-like world he can blow up - that would be, IMHO, a poor justification (why not have everything happen on a red-Mars* like world and blow up that instead). It is all rather strange and mysterious :)

    *I am completely aware that Mars is not a red-sand planet, but rather a dull grayish-yellow world, but I still think of it as a red planet :p
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  4. ArynCrinn

    ArynCrinn 1030th Lieutenant (Jr Mod)

    Aug 26, 2015
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    There are red sand deserts they could have filmed in... though a red sand planet might start looking too much like Geonosis, or like Tatooine when Anakin went searching for his mother. Now a desert setting complete with some vegetation like the following could have been interesting:
    Or even a traditional western New Mexico desert with some sort of cacti and tumbleweed could work too.
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  5. Bosc

    Bosc Force Attuned

    Jan 9, 2015
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    No, you're right. Mars is pretty red! It's the color of rust, actually, because the color comes from the same process - oxidized iron. It's not sand, though.


    The issue of "why Jakku" is definitely a legit question. I doubt this is the reason, but maybe it's as simple as the fact it was shot in Abu Dhabi rather than Tunisia. When I first watched the first teaser, the difference was subtle but noticeable.
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  6. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Nope, Mars is actually a dull orange/yellow. NASA keeps adding red filters to Mars imagry to not "upset" the public who still percieve Mars as a red planet (or at least they did until a few years ago). This is what Mars actually looks like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars#...lf-Portrait_by_Curiosity_Rover_Arm_Camera.jpg
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  7. Ralok-one

    Ralok-one Rebel Official

    Nov 7, 2014
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    the thread is dead, but it just keeps going D:

    please someone kill this abomination of a thread, its literally nothing but people complaining now.
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  8. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    It is just like with the "Red Pyramid" in Egypt. It's yellow ;)
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 6, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 6, 2015 ---
    Or... you could stop reading the thread if it botters you? There are LOADS of threads here I don't read because they no longer interest me, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't post there if they want to.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 6, 2015 ---
    So, you gave me a "Dislike" for this, Ralok-one? Note that I didn't give you a red mark for tha half-a-dozen (or whatever it is) times you have suggested this thread closed. What exactly is objectionable by suggestion you do not read this thread if it bothers you? Or was it the mention that I don't follow threads I find disinteresting that was objectable to you? Or do you object to me calling the Red Pyramid yellow?
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  9. Bosc

    Bosc Force Attuned

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Well, ok. There is the issue of color filters, and not every spacecraft is the same. Surface composition varies, so an olivine is going to be a different color than a clay. But the omnipresent dust contains iron oxide so it is red, and it's everywhere coating almost everything. Anakin would love it (it gets everywhere...). It's also in the atmosphere, giving it a red sky and providing a natural red filter as we look across the landscape. We also may have slightly different eyes that are perceiving color differently. Your link didn't work for me (probably my tablet) but the latest selfie pics I saw sure looked red to me.

    We should have a space science thread here. It would have been great for the New Horizons flyby in July. :)

    But yeah. I'm fond of my Abu Dhabi theory, though I suspect it's wrong. It would be a kind of subtle homage to Tunisia.
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  10. Luuke22

    Luuke22 1030th Lieutenant (Jr Mod)

    Dec 12, 2014
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    On the subject of "Why Jakku and not Tatooine?", I'd like to reiterate my theories.

    First of all, the poetic reasoning: JJ and co. are telling a new story in a familiar universe. Technically, this is Episode VII, which technically makes it a sequel to RotJ. However, TFA is really more of a "soft" reboot. We're being introduced to new characters with a new story in a familiar setting. So Jakku looking like Tatooine but being distinctly different is a reflection on the movie itself: the same, but different.

    Now, the in-universe reasoning: it seems that Jakku and Tatooine, though similar in design, will serve two distinctly different functions. When we were introduced to Tatooine originally, it was a desolate wasteland that almost no one visited, let alone left. As the saga continued, it became clear that the planet was a gangster-haven; it was controlled by the Hutts and actually served as a kind of waypoint for a certain kind of space-fairer. The PT went even further and made Tatooine seem almost important in the scheme of things; far from being just some backwater spaceport, it was actually an important part of galactic history. With Jakku, we seem to be returning to the original plan for Tatooine: a desolate wasteland that no one ever visits or cares about. The people there do not live there by choice, but out of necessity; the only traffic on-and-off planet seems to be either corrupt gangsters or First Order Imperials. The differences between the two planets will be very important to the character of Rey; if she were living on Tatooine, she wouldn't be nearly as mysterious nor have the feeling of being stranded. Jakku is Jakku because the story necessitated it; if Tatooine hadn't become the hub that it has in current canon, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Also, I'm seeing a lot of negative and Clouded ratings being tossed around, as well as some confrontational rhetoric. Try to keep things civil, everyone!
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  11. A Few Luke Screws

    A Few Luke Screws Rebel General

    Apr 28, 2015
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    Look, JJ has been known to leave a trail of bread crumbs that lead fans to a conclusion other than the truth (read: Khan will not be in Into Darkness) and we already know that the production team of TFA is doing their damnedest to keep every detail under wraps, so until we see the final product we can't act like we KNOW one single thing about this movie.
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  12. ArynCrinn

    ArynCrinn 1030th Lieutenant (Jr Mod)

    Aug 26, 2015
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    That's a quite an exaggeration. We actually know plenty of things...

    If you actually go back and watch the teasers for Into Darkness, and ignore the claims that Khan wasn't going to be in the film, there's not really thing there which is misleading or misrepresenting the actual plot.
  13. Darth Holmes

    Darth Holmes Rebel Official

    Feb 20, 2015
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    It's fair to say there is still much we don't know abut this movie. Yet there are many people on this forum who seem to draw negative conclusions based on partial information and other peoples speculation.

    Case in point this whole debate that Jakku is too similar to Tatooine . Its painfully obvious JJ hasn't shown us anything he hasn't wanted us to see thus far. The only FINISHED glimpses we've seen of Jakku have been sand dunes and a couple downed star destroyers. The rest has all been behind the scenes, which is an unfinished product. Has anyone stopped to think that the landscape of Jakku might be enhanced digitally in post production and that the finished product could look much more unique?

    We've gotten tidbits of info that suggests Jakku is a junk yard full of scavengers. This makes me think of Raxus Prime not Tatooine. What if there huge back drops of piled up wrecked star ships added digitally and most of the planet turns out to be a junk graveyard? Would that be different enough for you?

    However it turns, out my guess is there will be a lot to differentiate Jakku from Tatooine, JJ just hast show us yet.
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  14. Darth Daigo

    Darth Daigo Rebel Official

    Jul 10, 2015
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    I think some people might have been thrown off by the moisture vaporators on the D23 poster.

  15. Pomojema

    Pomojema Ayatollah Of Rock-&-Rolla
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    Jul 23, 2014
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    Moisture vaporators have a practical application on any planet. Namely, ones with expansive deserts without any end in sight, and a deficit of liquid water! :rolleyes:

    Considering commerce within the Star Wars Universe is interplanetary, it's not hard to imagine that the company that manufactures the devices simply sold a similar model on another planet.
    You know, after giving it some thought, I am deciding to lock this thread after all. Here's why:
    1. The debate continuously goes in circles and involves one party ignoring all existing evidence and the other party - myself included - growing increasingly frustrated in trying to debate the conspiracy theorists. That's not a healthy atmosphere for a debate.
    2. The debate should have never happened to begin with - J. J. Abrams stating that the desert planet was not Tatooine, but Jakku was meant to put an end to speculation. And sure, while there's still controversy over the Khan Harrison thing, bear in mind that that stupid plot twist was mandated by Paramount (the same studio that thought spoiling the plot twist to Terminator Genisys and advertising it prominently was a good idea). Abrams explicitly stated that he hated having to lie to the fans. His method regarding plot spoilers is to conceal, not deceive.
    3. Tatooine has two Suns; Jakku only has a single Sun. Jakku's star doesn't resemble either of Tatooine's stars.
    4. Concept art reveals that Jakku was going to be a snow planet at one point in development.
    5. I've said this before and I'll say it again - there would be no dramatic weight in revealing that one desert planet that audiences are unfamiliar with is actually a desert planet that audiences actually are familiar with. There are still some casual audiences who think that Jakku is Tatooine not because of some crazy conspiracy theory, but because they don't actually know that there's a difference between the settings. Likewise, there's no spoilerific reason to keep that knowledge from the audience, especially considering that we only see the planet in Act One.
    6. Poetry. J. J. Abrams wanted to use a desert planet because it was thematically familiar, but he wanted to use a different planet than Tatooine in order to make it seem more fresh.
    7. Aftermath, set months before the Battle Of Jakku, explicitly states that Jakku and Tatooine are two different planets that exist at the same time. This is the most damning evidence of all, as it brings an end to the whole speculation that Tatooine is renamed Jakku after the huge war-ending battle, and it also puts an end to the theory that they're the same planet when they're actually billions of kilometers apart.
    8. Because I can. Sorry - not sorry. I reckon that I should have done this a long time ago.
    I'd hate to be a killjoy, but the ride has to stop here. Feel free to talk about Jakku in another thread, but Jakku has been proven to be a separate planet from Tatooine.
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