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Jedi Factions

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Trevor, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Trevor

    Trevor Rebellion Arms Supplier
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    Oct 17, 2014
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    As a diehard Star Wars fan, I've always felt lucky to be old enough to have seen ANH in theaters in '77, and like most others my age, it changed our lives for good, bad, or otherwise...depending on your perspective. I've spent a lot of time in my life (more than I'd like to admit) researching the entire SW universe, characters, dates, battles, etc...etc. One thing that has peaked my interest in later years is the Jedi Order.
    As we have known the canon jedi order, it's always just basically been referred to as the "Jedi Order"; a pooled group of Jedi that has a central council that dispatches these light side knights to trouble spots around the galaxy to mediate arguments and spread around the feel-good atmosphere of peace, now that's a little too darned neat and simple, so just hold on.....

    With some amusement laced with seriousness, that (as much as I hate to admit the comparison) sounds like ....the United Nations. Again, notwithstanding the lousy comparison, that's kind of what it comes down to in the Star Wars universe. Now here's where I dig into the Jedi orders: If you've ever read (deeper than I) into the Expanded Universe or "Legends" as it's now branded, you'll see and hear about different factions of the Jedi Order like Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi, Corellian Jedi, (and many, MANY others in "The Jedi Path") as well as my favorite: the Order of the Silver Jedi.
    The Silver Jedi were a dispatchable military Jedi organization that actually were tasked and ordered to fight battles! While there is little (if any) more than a short paragraph in Wookieepedia written about these Jedi, I automatically wanted to know more as I too am/was a military veteran....so tell me more please...I am intrigued.
    It has been stated that Qui-Gon Jinn was perhaps a "Grey Jedi" as he followed the Jedi code and rule, but went about accomplishing his tasks in his own unconventional ways. That's probably why he wasn't on the Jedi Council, because he was a maverick of sorts that irritated the council with his tactics yet never strayed from the core belief and mission of the Jedi but was a "bull in a china shop" (so to speak) about obtaining the goal.
    While I don't want to be here all day discussing how many different Jedi organizations there have been, I did want to raise the awareness about the fact that the Jedi...are not (in Legends) JUST "The Jedi" which only makes perfect sense to me looking at the organization as a whole......there HAVE to be specialized fields and differentiations between.
    I personally, would like for this topic to be acknowledged in the upcoming trilogy, animated series, or the spin-off movies with at LEAST a mere mention of the different Jedi organizations and/or specialty units to bring the subject under the "SW Canon Umbrella".
    Do you/have you read the Legends/Expanded Universe novels mentioning the different Jedi orders?? Do you have a favorite Jedi organization?? Sound off!!
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  2. Voxx

    Voxx Jedi Hero of Legend

    Sep 6, 2014
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    In the non-canon Clone Wars novel No Prisoners, Anakin and Ahsoka encounter Jedi Master Djinn Altis who is the leader of a faction of the Jedi Order called the Altisian Jedi. Anakin was conflicted when he met them because they were alowed to marry and what not. They were also alowed to have more than one apprentice.
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  3. Trevor

    Trevor Rebellion Arms Supplier
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    Oct 17, 2014
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    Yes, exactly!
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  4. Jordan Of Alderaan

    Jordan Of Alderaan Rebelscum

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I would love to see this in the new canon! Beyond this, I think it would be interesting to see a morally grey side to the Jedi order, possibly a misinterpretation of the code or something.

    In TCW and RotS we see an arrogance and blindness at times on the part of the Jedi and even sometimes prejudice. I think it could be interesting to see a whole faction consumed by those traits. I guess somewhere between Jedi and Sith in many ways?
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  5. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Jedi Commander

    May 28, 2019
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    My favorite faction is the Altisian Jedi:


    The Altisian Jedi were a reform movement started by Jedi Master Djinn Altis. This order differed from the Jedi Order in four major ways:

    1. Altisian Jedi allowed marriage and believed bonds strengthened a connection to the Force oppose to the Monastic approach of the Jedi Order.
    2. The Altisian allowed a Jedi Master to have multiple Apprentices oppose to the one Master and One Padawan approach of the Jedi Order.
    3. The Altisian went underground at Order 606, and actually protected their Jedi rivals during the Dark Times.
    4. Altisian Jedi encouraged questions and questioning, “I teach being good, doing good, and asking good questions. That's about it, really.” (Djinn Altis, Wookieepedia)
    The Altisian Order reformed the Jedi Way. They remained loyal to Ashla, The Lightside, but contended with the Jedi on their ascetic and monastic values, and their interpretation of the Jedi Code.

    The Altisian Jedi have three ranks:

    Jedi Master
    Jedi Knight
    Jedi Padawan

    Jedi who likely would have been Altisian would have been:

    Anakin Skywalker, he would have been free to be married to Padme.

    Qui-Gon Jinn, he was alresdy unorthodox and disagreed with the Jedi Council often.

    Dooku, who would have loved the arcane arts of Altisians

    Luke Skywalker (Legends), especially married to Mara Jade.

    Revan, Savior of the Galaxy, whose bond with Bastila Shan drew him back to Light. Revan married Bastila Shan.

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