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GAME Star Wars: Clash of Fates (Fan Project)

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Video/Tabletop Games' started by Devizz, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. Devizz

    Devizz Rebel General

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Disclaimer 1: All the art is not mine, this project is purely for fun and completely non-profit.

    Disclaimer 2: The game is in very early stages of development, more of a conceptual phase if you will. A lot of balancing work is required, quite possibly a lot of cards need to be re-designed or/and text needs to be somewhat altered to be more cohesive.

    I am working on a fan project of sorts - a custom Star Wars card game. Looking for people to help out with prototyping/QA and balancing/design.

    Star Wars: Clash of Fates
    is a fast-paced strategic card game set in the Star Wars universe.

    The force is out of balance, fates clash and destinies collide. Play out the epic saga as you see fit - the galaxy's fate lies in your hands.

    The game is really easy to pick up and yet it has a lot of depth, allowing for numerous complex decisions that will allow one to triumph over others. The game was designed to be easy to play and hard to master.


    For example, the issue I have with balancing right now: if all abilities are as diverse and unique as in the current iteration, the game might end up really unbalanced. Something to consider (one of the possible approaches to the problem): instead of the constant 20, 16, 12 power level of cards (current power curve is 20 for golden cards, 16 for purple cards and 12 for gray), change it up and try to balance the numbers around the abilities. In order to do that though, all the abilities need to be properly tested while prototyping.

    If anyone is interested then let me know on PM and I can get you up to speed on the rules (though a lot of them are not set in stone, I have many pages of notes where I list few possible design choices and all the cons/pros for each).

    I was thinking that we could potentially prototype the game on TTS.

    If you want to try the game out with your friends feel free to print the cards and provide feedback after playing.

    I am currently working on a rulesheet and it should be finished within the next couple of days. Until then, here are some very basic rules (like I said, these are not set in stone and might change):

    - Each player's deck needs to consist of exactly 20 cards.
    - Each player may include 2 golden cards and 6 purple cards in his/her deck.
    - The game takes place on a 4x5 grid (height x width, there are 20 tiles and a single character takes up
    1 tile).
    - There are 3 rounds in the game, the player who wins 2 rounds first wins.
    - When a new round starts, each player draws 5 cards.
    - When the game starts, each player throws a 1-6 dice. The player with a higher number may decide who goes first (you may also use a coin toss for this).
    - Players take turns and may play ONE card during each turn.
    - The combat is based around comparison of values on cards (each character has 4 different values displayed, the higher value overpowers the lower value).
    - When a character overpowers another character, the overpowered character is moved 1 tile away in the attack's direction. The attacker is moved to the attacked character's old position.
    - Players may pass at any time. When you pass, you can't play cards from your hand and your opponent take turns until he/she passes as well.
    - The player who controls a higher number of characters WINS the round.
    - When a character is placed on the board, it may overpower ONE other character by default unless a card states otherwise - remember, you may overpower another character immediately after playing your character. You don't have to tho. If you place a character on a board away from all the other characters, you may overpower another character later during the round. Keep in mind that OVERPOWER counts as an ACTION (you may only perform one action and play one card per turn).
    - Your character has to be placed adjacent to another character to overpower it.
    - Let us assume the following scenario: we have characters X (player A), Y (player B) and Z(player B). If player A successfully uses character X to overpower character Y which belongs to player B, both character X and Y now belong to player A. Player B may now use character Z to overpower character X or Y. If he overpowers any of the two, he only takes control of the one he/she overpowered.
    - When one of your characters with a special ability is overpowered, you may no longer use that ability until you regain control of that character. The player which seized your character may NOT use its ability.
    - After a character is placed on the board, you may not use its action ability in the same turn (you may use another character's action though, if it is present on the board for at least 1+ turn).
    #1 Devizz, Mar 8, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
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  2. cawatrooper

    cawatrooper Dungeon Master

    Nov 14, 2016
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    Looks pretty cool.

    I'd be careful with that art, though. I can recognize a lot of it as Fantasy Flight Games owned.
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  3. Devizz

    Devizz Rebel General

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Yeah it is but like I said, this is a fan project that is completely non profit so I don't think anyone will care. ;p
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  4. StarWarsGaming

    StarWarsGaming Rebel Commander

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Looks great. Very interesting. Is it possible I could learn a bit more about this? Do you have the cards downloadable as well?
  5. Devizz

    Devizz Rebel General

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Sorry for the late response. You can download all the cards from the imgur link, they are in full res PNG format.

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