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The Star Wars Writing Prompt Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TK-1204, Sep 6, 2020.

  1. TK-1204

    TK-1204 Imperial Special Forces
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Hello there,

    As a fun little idea, I'm creating a "writing prompt" thread for members of the Cantina to participate in.

    - So what, exactly, is a writing prompt?

    - How will this thread work?
    Each week members can post up to one, Star Wars themed prompt. Members can see what prompts have been posted, select one they like, then write a small Star Wars short story based on that prompt and share it here!

    - Why only one prompt per person, per week?
    The idea is to keep the thread from being flooded by too many prompts, and promoting the use of what prompts have already been posted.

    - Is there a limit to the number of stories I can post?
    Nope! It is only asked that you try to keep it at one story per prompt. However, if you feel like flexing those creative muscles and can create two, unique stories based on the same prompt, go for it!

    - Are there rules about what I can/can't use in my stories?
    As long as there's nothing in them that violates the Cantina's Rules & Regulations, and follows the topic set by your chosen prompt, there are no limits.

    - Can I use an older prompt someone posted earlier in this thread?

    - How do I share my stories in this thread?
    First of all, be sure to quote the prompt you used for your short story! Then simply write out your short story and post it in this thread! If you think your story might be on the long side, feel free to write your story on a word document and attach it to your post.

    - Can I comment or discuss a short story someone else posted in this thread?
    Feel free to do so! Just be sure to play nice. :)

    And that's all there is to it! So to kick things off, here's a prompt to get started:

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  2. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    I'm gonna spitball here and just flow where the story takes me. It's more of a micro-fiction at best this week, but maybe next week it'll be longer. No drafts, no editing. NO BETA WE DIE LIKE GLENN/MEN/WOMEN/HUMANS.

    Purple. A chill went through my body. What an odd color. Purple was seen as the color of royalty on many planets, or so I've been told. And yet, the Jedi never seemed to use it. Until now at least. Then again, purple might defeat the purpose of their false humility. I turned off the blade, slipping the cool metal into hidden pocket in my jacket. Whichever Jedi thug lost it could surely afford to make a new one.

    Purple...that's what these days have felt like for so long now. Not a pure purple like the blade. No, it was corrupted purple. A blight. A royal blue like the skies of stories and fairytales, tainted with rust and anger and blood. Tonight was different. It was...red. Pure, agonizing red.

    But why? I couldn't place it. People undulated around me, moving away from the sirens and the screams. Nothing stopped life on Coruscant after all. Not a war, not a plague, and most certainly not one unimportant death. Still, I shivered. Did nobody feel that? Slowly I merged with the crowd. The sirens' wails were closer now, but they ignored me. It was dark and the streets were crowded. I moved faster, trying to fight off the chill. Why couldn't anyone feel it?

    Maybe...maybe it was time for a vacation. Yes, surely that's what my gut had been saying for the past couple of days. Ziana always wanted to go to Jedha for some reason. Might as well oblige her.
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  3. Embo and His Pet Anooba

    Embo and His Pet Anooba Jedi Commander

    Apr 2, 2020
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    Im almost done!
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 6, 2020, Original Post Date: Sep 6, 2020 ---
    nice idea with the jedi not using purple because of their false humilty.
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  4. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Thanks! I'm not entirely sure that's the reason, but it's definitely how this character views it. (Personally I'm more partial to the idea that Jedi consider purple more corrupt than not, since it's a mix of "Jedi" blue and "Sith" red. So Jedi who use purple are seen as having a higher risk to fall to the Dark Side. This is completely false, but it's a myth and stigma that's continued through until the end of the PT Jedi Order.)
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  5. Pobody's Nerfect

    Pobody's Nerfect Jedi General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I was on Corusant, actually right below the Senate building, and I was really trying to blend in because I don't belong there and getting caught would probably mean another stint in a hard labor camp like Wobani or Kessel. But you know how it goes, the harder you try to look like you belong somewhere the more you seem to stand out. I've heard the trick is to not try but just to believe you belong there. And that's probably good advice for most people in most situations, but not for me, and definitely not for the Senate building. You see, the Senate and me are just about as opposite as can be. They've got wealth and power, I'm a runaway slave. I don't know how to act like wealth or power because I've never seen it. Sure, I've seen the Boss and the Overseers exercise power, but even I know that's different from what the Senate does. Well, maybe not that different in some ways. It's all about control, after all. But I've heard the Senate talks about the best way to solve a problem until they all agree. The Boss would probably half one of our air rations for even suggesting that.

    Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear my entire life story. You want to hear about the little metal tube that fell from the Senate building. I get that. And I'd rather not talk about myself anyway. I am being hunted, you know, and the more you know about me - don't look at me like that, I didn't say you'd sell me out. I trust you. You've got that look about you, like you understand what it means to live in hiding. But just because you wouldn't sell me out doesn't mean you won't let something slip. No offense, I'm just being cautious. Anyway, there's a reason I'm telling you this, even though it could land me in trouble. Because you won't understand why I did what I did with that metal tube unless you know a little bit about my situation. I'm a runaway slave who keeps running to the places I feel least comfortable fitting in because that's where they're not going to look for me.

    All right, the tube. The trooper who questioned me tried to get me to admit I threw it at the glass window, breaking it. But that isn't what happened. It couldn't have happened that way, wanna know why? Because the glass fell first. The tube didn't fall for another half minute. You're looking at me like you don't believe me. You might choose not to believe a runaway slave, but I know what I saw. The glass fell first, the tube fell later.

    The tube itself was real shiny. It looked almost ornamental, you know? Not like a tool, but more like a piece of art that should be on display. Look, I've stowed away on transports and shoplifted for awhile now, and even though I've gotten pretty good at it, I still feel guilty about it, every time. So when this museum piece falls from the sky at my feet, well, I thought maybe it was meant to happen. Maybe I could sell it and not have to shoplift anymore. That's what I was thinking when I picked it up.

    Then the blade came out and I almost dropped it. My first thought was it was some sort of anti-theft thing. The light and the noise both scared me and I fumbled it a bit, but almost as soon as it happened I realized what I was holding. It was a Jedi lightsaber. And I was mesmerized.

    I stared into the blade, wondering what it all meant. Was I being chosen? Was this my calling to go back and free my tribe? I heard something above me that sounded like electricity arcing and I thought this was part of, um, this sign from the Ancestors. You look amused at my foolishness, and thinking back, I'm amused at it too. But I really believed for a moment the Ancestors were calling me to free my tribe by gifting me a Jedi lightsaber. Odd, because I haven't believed in the Continuum of the Ancestors since I was a child. But imagine it from my point of view. A runaway slave, the being in the Galaxy with the least power of all, in the seat of all the power of the Republic, when a Jedi lightsaber, the very symbol of liberation and rescue, falls at my feet? While the sky bursts with electricity above?

    Then that dead guy fell from the sky, and suddenly I understood I wasn't being called by the Ancestors, I was being framed for his murder.

    Look, I'm sorry about the trooper. Killing him goes against everything I believe in, and I've regretted it ever since I did it. But the moment I did it was just instinct. If I had stopped to think about what I was doing I wouldn't have done it, but that's the thing - I didn't stop to think. Ironic, because I haven't thought of anything else since.

    Can a clone join the Continuum? In a sense they have Ancestors, but in another sense they don't, and even though I don't believe, I find it frustrating to not know the answer. I think I could find some peace if I knew.

    Well, there is no more to tell you. That's how I came into possession of this thing, and although I had it for only a few minutes, it turned me into a murderer. I no longer want it. Keep it if you dare, but if I were you, I would get rid of it.
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  6. TK-1204

    TK-1204 Imperial Special Forces
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Seeing some great stuff so far! Happy to see you guys taking to it. Now that my prompt has had a few stories, I figure I'll also do my part and make a story out of it,

    HELLO THERE MY FRIEND! Come in, come in! No need to be shy, welcome to Zaeed's Curious and Exotic Esoterica, the finest shop on all of Coruscant! Have a look around, my friend, my wares are plenty and their stories numerous. You see this my friend? This is the shoe of esteemed politician Zoro Bogda, once the governor of the planet Voldok III, turned drunkard senator. If you put your nose close enough to it you can still smell the Zakuulian brandy that spilled onto the shoe when he so unceremoniously fell over dead from multiple heart failure at one of the Chancellor's cuh-RAZY parties!

    Uh. That is a nose you have, right friend? No? Well then, do not worry! You're not missing much.

    Please, please take a look around, I'm sure there is an item that will catch your eyes. The tusk of an elder krayt dragon? The supposed lucky wamp rat foot that belonged to the great Xim the despot? How about this fantastic...

    Oh. I see, my friend. You have an eye for the finer things in life! Of all the fantastical and amazing items here at my esteemed establishment, you are drawn to this. Do not be afraid, come closer and inspect this relic of a bygone era! Look at its exquisite craftsmanship, the chrome hilt with touches of gold. Behold its perfectly symmetrical shape! And the blade! Oh, my friend, the blade is what makes it truly a rare treasure. Look here my friend, the blade of a purple kyber crystal!

    My friend you seem... nervous. Surely you are familiar with the weapons of the fabled Jedi Knights? Yes, yes, they may not be around anymore... but surely you remember the war. I most certainly do. You know... as hard as it might be for you to believe, I was not always the well educated purveyor of rare artifacts you see before you. Yes, my friend, it is true. Many years ago I was a beggar, roaming the streets of my poor village on the far off world of Haruun Kal. Back then I had no money, no shop and no dreams. I scrounged an existence by begging for food by the markets. Many of us did. Unlike this wondrous planet city we are on, my home world was mostly jungle and mud. Many of us born to that world were destined to a life less fortunate than others, and like the others I thought it impossible for any of us to become more than we were doomed to be.

    But then the Clone War started. Chaos erupted across the galaxy! Suddenly even the most backwater of worlds became the setting for great and terrible battles the likes of which had not been seen in generations, my friend it was truly an extraordinary and terrifying time! And one day, the war came to my little mud ball of the galaxy. Marching machines of death landed, villages were burned, jungles reduced to ash, and even the cities were not spared from the carnage!

    However, it was amidst this truly horrifying time, my friend, that I saw him. It is true that I said that many on Haruun Kal were condemned to the fate of being a mudrat, but on this most special of days I witnessed the return of one of the most prolific of my people. His name was Jedi Master Mace Windu! A man who was taken from his home by the Jedi religion, trained in the ways of the Force, and who returned to his homeworld to save his people from the metal menace! And as I sat in that alley, among the blur of white plastoid armor and metal chassis, I saw a bright purple blade cut through the noise. A light in the darkness. I saw as he performed feats no mere human could ever dream of doing, cutting down the metallic monsters by the hundreds!

    Yes, my friend, this blade you see before you is that blade. The sword of the great Mace Windu!...

    How did I find it? Well, my friend... after the war had left my world, it was in ruins. There were no more cities, no more farms, and no more markets for those such as myself to beg for food. With so many people now without homes, the Republic decided that it would be best to relocate us while they helped rebuild our world. And so I was loaded onto a transport and sent to Coruscant. When I first saw the city, I was dazzled by the towering skyscrapers and amazing by the number of ships and speeders so numerous that they blackened the sky. But... that amazement soon gave way to a familiar feeling. As a refugee, I was sent to a shelter in a lower part of the city. We had beds, and were given soup... or at least I think it was soup. We were given the minimum needed to survive but... not enough to live. I went from being a beggar in the streets of a planet few had ever heard of, and became a beggar in the very heart of civilization.

    But fate has a funny way of working, my friend. And on that fateful night I found myself on a late night stroll. At this point I had taken to doing some odd jobs, and had finally save enough credits to get a ride to the surface! My heart raced as I boarded the taxi, and as the dim, artificial light of the lower levels gave way to the night sky, filled with stars and bustling with the life of a million speeders. The driver had asked me where I wanted to be left off, and my first thought was to see the very heart of the Republic itself, the senate building!

    Of course this is easier said than done my friend, as during this time the war was in its waning hours and the Chancellor had be kidnapped not long ago. So, understandably, security was quite tight! However after spending much of my life on the streets of a backwater world ruled by ruffians and brutes, one learns the technique to be unseen. As I walked under the shadow of this great monument to galactic civilization... I heard a peculiar crash. It was distant, but quite distinct my friend. Suddenly, I was rained upon by fragments of glass! I huddled, guarding my face from the sharpened fragments of death, wondering what could possibly be happening! And then, I heard screams, and a sound like thunder! Suddenly I hear another crash, this time softer. The sound of an organic being hitting solid ground, and a few moments later, the distinct clanging of metal.

    As I rose back to my feet, I was shocked to see this hilt at my feet! I picked up, eagerly examining it. I had never before seen such a beautiful thing such as this, my friend. And what I ignited the blade, my heart rate rose! So hard was it that it felt as though my chest had turned into a drum, being viciously beaten. But soon I would be woken from my stupor, the adrenaline of such a find soon to be replaced by a far... worse feeling, my friend.

    Within moments I began to hear the sound of a sirens. As I puzzled to figure out what could have caused such a commotion, I turned to see what had caused that distinctive sound from earlier. It was a body. The body of Mace Windu, the hero of my home world. All of my jubilation, within an instant, turned to a melancholy I cannot quite describe. But before I could dwell on it further I could hear the sirens draw ever closer, and realizing that I had placed myself at the scene of a most horrible event... I fled. I fled, holding the weapon of the one man from my world who I had witnessed become something greater than what many of us were content to be condemned to. I fled as armor clad warriors, the same that I saw the great Master Windu lead to victory on my world, loaded his lifeless corpse onto their ship as though it were a bag of waste. And it was with this blade, that my collection began. In the following years I would travel this world, going to spaceports, parties and much more, gathering the most exotic and strange items from the universe to sell to the finest patrons of this world.

    I had found my purpose... I suppose.

    I am sorry my friend, it is not you but... I am afraid I must ask you to take your leave. Recounting these events have brought back... unpleasant feelings. The blade? I uh... I'm afraid it is not for sale at the moment, my friend. I hope you can understand.

    I do hope you will return to me one day, there is so much more I wish to show you! But for now... I must resign myself to the sanctuary of solitude. I cannot... I will not part with the only remaining piece of him. There is much I must think on. Oh, and do promise me not to inform the authorities of this item. Relics of the Jedi religion are not wares typically approved for sale by those in power, if you catch my meaning.

    Until next time, my friend. Until next time.
    #6 TK-1204, Sep 7, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
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  7. Embo and His Pet Anooba

    Embo and His Pet Anooba Jedi Commander

    Apr 2, 2020
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    the beginning reads like the intro to a goosebumps book. Very nice!
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  8. TK-1204

    TK-1204 Imperial Special Forces
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I've always had a soft spot for these sorts of stories, cliche as it may be. :p
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  9. KesselRunner

    KesselRunner Rebel Official

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Hey guys. So, um, I wrote something using the prompt. It got away from me a little bit. Wound up being over 20 pages and around ten thousand words... I'd like to share it, but due to the length, I'm not sure if it would be okay to post it here, or if I should post it elsewhere and just post a link here. Any ideas?

    Edit: Nevermind. I'll just put it on fanfiction dot net and post a link when it's good to go. :)
    #9 KesselRunner, May 17, 2022
    Last edited: May 17, 2022
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  10. Lazarus Dei

    Lazarus Dei Tree Dodger Extraordinaire
    Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Great idea - I'll keep an eye out for the link :)
    • Like Like x 4
  11. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    I've had that happen...multiple times...
    Anyways, I look forward to reading it!
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  12. KesselRunner

    KesselRunner Rebel Official

    Dec 7, 2015
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  13. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Hey, @KesselRunner. Busy times, busy times, and I've got the plague to boot, but I had a chance to take a look at your tale. Didn't read it all through, though... much business and 10k words are a handful of 'em :p

    Generally speaking, I found this to be a good read with much setting immersion and large cast of colorful characters. I can in all honesty say that I’ve read published, well lauded authors writing far worse than this. Of course, there are issues in the text – ‘cause there always are – but especially for a fresh manuscript that hasn’t gone through a brutal editor yet, this was pretty good, sir!

    So, here I come, trying to play the part of the brutal editor :cool:

    First of all, it is annoying that the site where you posted the piece won’t let me copy text off of it. That makes referencing and exemplifying it a hassle, as I have to type out sentences if I want to highlight something. That is not a criticism of you writing, though, just me venting frustration. Oh, well… :rolleyes:

    Secondly, you have lots of describing going on in your text, including people describing actions and motives to one another rather than letting us see/experience said things as they happen. Sometimes, characters describe what they are about to do before they do it, so that we actually consume/experience it twice. If you haven’t already, get used to hearing the feedback shorthand of “show, don’t tell”. It is annoying as hell, but it is always pertinent and always correct, unfortunately.

    (We all do the telling bit too much… It is a trap of our medium, of writing, which is in its nature passive, descriptive, and story-telling'y. The trick is to train yourself to spot and deal with it in situ; that helps a lot, letting you make things happen in your story, rather than to have things happening to the story – if that made any sense. Basically, try to let the reader take part in the experience of what is going on rather than having them observe it from afar, so to speak – put the reader in the action).

    Also, about describing, you could shave text all over your piece. Like myself, you write sentences that are longer and clunkier than they need to be. Let’s do an example.

    Original sentence:
    Kedrin could only imagine what they looked like, a ball of fire rising out of the darkness like some kind of backwards meteor. <-- That’s a great image, and I really like it. Kudos. But you spend a lot of words getting there, and you make your point – (“ball of fire”/”meteor”) – twice.

    Shaved version:
    Kedrin imagined they looked like a ball of fire rising out of the darkness. <-- This version is achieved only by cutting 9 words (and re-conjugating one verb), no additions, no re-structuring, no actual re-writing. And, by getting rid of distractions your striking image of the ship blazing like a meteor through the sky, stands stronger and bolder, on its own. (I really struggle with overwritten sentences myself, and this is a good example of why short and specific sentences can be more efficient and dramatic).

    To take the example a little bit further, I’d probably also re-write it slightly, possibly dropping the Kedrin reference completely (although this is more a matter of taste thing), and change the subject to make it more specific.
    Something like:
    To onlookers, their ship resembled a ball of fire rising out of the darkness. <-- This makes it slightly less passive than “Kedrin imagined”, and it also establishes that it is their ship, rather than the more general “they” who looks like a shooting star going up. And finally, I find “resembled” here feels more elegant than “looked like”, but again, that’s really a matter of taste.​

    Now, thirdly, speaking of passive voice. Don’t start/begin actions. Starting/beginning actions are not interesting, DOING actions are. Starting/beginning are unnecessary qualifiers that only succeed in stalling the upcoming action.

    Passive: The knight began to draw his sword and Arthur ran for his life.
    Active: The knight drew his sword and Arthur ran for his life.
    The latter is more immediate, more exciting and dramatic. Nothing is gained by slowing the action down.​

    Ok, this was a quick and, to be honest, rather random edit note, but I hope you find it helpful at least. And remember, it is always a hundred times easier to critique and edit a text than it is to actually write the damn things, so don’t get discouraged, here. Similarily, it is a hundred times easier to spot faults in another writer's text than in one's own :)

    As I noted, you’re doing a lot better than most, ESPECIALLY considering this is an amateur fan-fic work with no benefit of professional editing and all that. Good work, mate :)

    Also, I've entirely glossed over the fact that your language is very strong. I didn't spot any typoes, punctuation weirdness, or other mistakes on my quick read, and it really shows that you're conscious of your craft. :D
    #13 Angelman, Aug 1, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
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  14. KesselRunner

    KesselRunner Rebel Official

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Thank you very much for your feedback! These are exactly the kinds of things I need to hear. I had been over it and over it, trying to edit the thing but it takes another set of eyes to really make something better. :D Also, thank you for your encouragement. It really means a lot. I've been writing recreationally for about twenty years now, but this is the first time I've had other fans read my stuff. :)
    #14 KesselRunner, Aug 1, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  15. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    You are very welcome, sir. Writing is hard, really hard, and I know well how important both encouragement and meaningful feedback is.

    I'm lucky enough to have a handful of friends who like reading the absolute soil that I "write" as first drafts, and they give great advice, making editing and 2nd drafting fun :)

    But yeah, getting eyes on one's work is important. Also, hiring professional proof readers & editors is very helpful.
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