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SPECULATION Timeline of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy destruction

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Disciple of Plagueis, Dec 30, 2017.


Which timeline is correct by cannon

  1. Scenario 1. Academy is destroyed after 28 ABY

    2 vote(s)
  2. Scenario 2. Academy is destroyed before 28 ABY

    3 vote(s)
  1. Disciple of Plagueis

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy was destroyed. It is at an unknown time that this happens. There are bits of information in cannon that lead me to conclude there are two possible time frames. First is after 28 ABY , second is before 28 ABY. For reference TFA/TLJ is 34 ABY in Star Wars time.

    1. Luke has a Jedi training academy. Around the age of 23-24 Ben Solo finds out his mother and father have never told him he is a descendant of Darth Vader. It is established in cannon (Bloodlines novel) no one in the galaxy besides Luke, Han, and Leia know this. This information was discovered in 28 ABY and released to the public by Leia's political opponents causing a political scandal. These same political opponents make a speech in the Senate about how Luke is training new Jedi and gives rise to concerns they could use there powers for evil. Sometimes afterwards news of this political scandal reaches Luke's Jedi Academy. An unknown time afterwards Ben Solo is having dark thoughts about something, thinks some bad things. Luke thinks about killing him, gets a house dropped on him, becomes jaded, and goes off to die. Ben joins the first order. He converses with the helmet of his grandfather that he never knew was grandfather until the age of 23-24. Luke had at least 1 adult, presumably more turn against his teachings whatever they were. Leia pins a letter to her son apologizing for never telling him the truth about his heritage.

    2. Luke has a Jedi Academy and the Republic Senate knows where they are, what they are doing, that Ben Solo some unknown time before the age of 23 finds out from someone that he is a descendant of Vadar, gets corrupted, thinks some bad things. Luke thinks about killing him, gets a house dropped on him, becomes jaded, and goes off to die. Ben Solo turns a group of kids, presumably younger than 23, against Luke and burns down the Jedi Academy. In this scenario no one has regular communication with Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Academy, and what they are doing as referenced in scenario 1. In this scenario Luke takes young people at an unknown age off to his Jedi Academy and there is no information released to the public afterwards. It is not established in cannon that anyone outside Luke and his students have any information about if this Academy is functioning. But in fact it was destroyed by Ben Solo at some unknown time before 28 ABY.
    #1 Disciple of Plagueis, Dec 30, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
  2. LadyMusashi

    LadyMusashi Archwizard Woo-Woo-in-Chief
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    May 12, 2015
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    I voted one because , while true that general public didn't know much about Luke's temple and how or where it was functioning, they knew it existed. Lady Carise in Bloodline mocks Luke and 'his acolytes'. The novel also states that the contact with Luke was sporadic at the time of novel events - because he was traveling with his students. There is no reason to believe that Leia didn't have a regular contact with them when they were at the temple.

    I think that after finding out about Vader, Ben, who was already influenced by Snoke, made a sharper turn towards the Dark, sharp enough to motivate Luke to examine him and... the rest is history.
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  3. Disciple of Plagueis

    Dec 19, 2015
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    I agree.

    Scenario 2 seems that basically Luke is riding around the galaxy in a white creeper van....but this timeline sort of fits by what is shown in TLJ.

    Scenario 1 implies Snoke was influencing Ben Solo some kind of unknown way. Luke should have been able to pick up the conflict whatever the conflict was before. Maybe not train him if he is so mixed up. Not let him sleep with a lightsaber. But the major push seems to be him finding out Vadar was Gramps. I just cannot fathom how this would make you feel the need to turn evil and kill your father. Unless your father just was that horrible. I mean he has never seen him as a grown man....Or Ben Solo really just is a complete psychopath and completely irredeemable. And how is this Luke's fault? Why would Luke view this is his fault. Why is the new Jedi Academy basically a sort of secret society?

    Just seems rather strange. The basis for all these Galatic altering events seem rather trivial.
  4. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Luke's guilt is complicated, but the primary reason for it seems to be that he had the one split second of thinking he should kill Ben and stop the horrible things Luke sees in Ben's future--and that split second, though Luke never follows through (and in fact the thought that he even could have makes him ashamed), is what opens the floodgates of Kylo Ren, because Ben misunderstands what he sees that night. IMO Luke is beating himself up for "creating" Kylo Ren, which is what Rey accuses him of doing. And not sensing Snoke's influence earlier, letting Han and Leia's kid entrusted to him fall to the Dark Side--those are eating at him too. Mixed in with that is his bitterness at his own hubris for thinking he is a legend...which, ironically, he truly becomes when he rises above these "poor me" feelings. It's up to Yoda to point out that failing doesn't necessarily make Luke a failure. (As Yoda would know!) It's wallowing in the failure and refusing to learn from it that does it.

    TBH, I don't see that Bloodline or the Vader reveal has impacted the TLJ story at all. Maybe it will come into play in IX, but it doesn't seem to matter in TLJ.
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  5. Mosley909

    Mosley909 Rebel Official

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I think its clearly after Bloodline. Bloodline very clearly implies Ben is with Luke at the time. You would also think Leia would sense something like Ben destroying the academy.
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  6. Morgan Joylighter

    Morgan Joylighter Rebel Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Honestly, this is the best explanation of Luke's TLJ status that I have ever heard of. I found it impossible to believe that the man who would consider Darth Vader worthy of redemption (even after being dehanded by Vader!) would just suddenly feel like killing his nephew just for being "dark" and not even having done anything evil yet! It makes him feel like a completely different character than OT Luke. But, between the ideas in your post and the idea that his "split second' of temptation was created by manipulative Force telepathy from Snoke and/or Palpatine...I can accept that. Thank you for your post.
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  7. Choose Light

    Choose Light Mando Maven and Brown Eyes Backer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    You're welcome! And thank you for keeping an open mind--it's not easy to do.
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  8. Martoto

    Martoto Force Sensitive

    Jul 14, 2019
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    Considering he might kill his nephew is not really what happened though. Luke was in the midst of a vision of future horror, pain, death, catastrophe. For an instant he felt he could stop "it". He doesn't say that he felt the need to stop "him".

    Luke is not even really conscious of his physical surroundings at that moment. Remember Rey's vision in TFA? It was like a VR experience with her having to navigate heaving landscapes, dodge falling obstacles and flee from strange pursuers. I wouldn't say she was considering flying backwards out the door of Maz's storage room on her backside. But that is what she wound up doing while reacting to her hallucinatory waking nightmare. I can imagine if the sabre was in Rey's hand the whole time, she might have eventually been compelled to use it against those pursuing her while experiencing that vision. But that doesn't mean she was willing to use it on Maz, who in reality was standing a few foot away at the time. Because Rey wasn't conscious of her presence until she came back to her senses.

    Rather than reeling out the room backwards on his butt in response to his nightmarish vision. Luke turned his saber on for one second. Then immediately switched it off again once he'd come to his senses and "back in the room" as they say.

    I like the circular nature of comparing those two moments:

    - Rey's vision is initiated by her touching the saber. The things she's confronted with compel her to flee in terror until it ends.

    - Luke goes to confront what he fears most about Ben, and the vision he initiates prompts him to take up his saber. At which point the vision ends.

    Taken a bit further, we're comparing Rey's introduction to the realm of the Force with the event that prompts Luke to cut himself off from the Force in its aftermath.

    You have to consider also that the destruction of Luke's academy came about because Luke envisioned it. The reason he envisioned it is because he went into the hut to try and put his fears about Ben to rest. I think it can be inferred that none of it might have happened if Luke hadn't been insecure about Ben's feelings of jealousy, which were actually Ben's fears, nurtured by Palpatine, about Luke's jealously, and not gone to search Ben's feelings. So it's not like it was already destined that Ben would destroy Luke's academy for anyone with the vision to see. The whole thing was a trap for Luke and Ben.

    It's for similar reasons that Anakin's closest friends and colleagues could not foresee the terrible things that he had visions of.

    Rey never accused Luke of creating Kylo Ren. She asked if what Ben said was true. And it was not. But from Luke's perspective he's guilty. And the only result possible from his continued pursuit of his nephew is further guilt for the one who winds up destroying the other.

    Luke's despair comes from his sense of guilt of course. But also from the sense of inevitability of how things happened and how they will turn out.

    As for squaring the Luke who believed in Vader's redemption with Luke being trapped in ANY situation where he's set against his nephew. It wasn't just a matter of blind faith in his father that Luke was following in ROTJ. He "saw" his father's goodness. He felt the conflict. The reason for that was Luke was the one who would play an active role and his father belatedly embracing that goodness and settling that conflict.

    But in the case of his nephew, Luke does not possess that vision. He has seen the terrible things that will happen. (and those things come about partly because Luke envisions them so he has an indirect role in them happening). So for Luke, the only outcome he can anticipate if he intervenes further, is one of them destroying the other. I don't think Luke's role in his father coming back is necessarily and indication of how he can be expected to behave in ANY similar scenario. There were specific reasons why Luke insisted, beyond reason, that he must try and save Darth Vader. And why he must not fight him.
    #8 Martoto, Feb 4, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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