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Countdown to Ahsoka: Revisiting Season 5 of ‘The Clone Wars’

Discussion in 'SWNN News Feed' started by SWNN Probe, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. SWNN Probe

    SWNN Probe Seeker

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    The countdown to Ahsoka has been a whirlwind at StarWarsNewsNet. The hype is real, and the excitement is rampant.

    Today, we are going to look back at the fifth season of The Clone Wars and the formative episodes for Ahsoka’s character within it. This season contains what I would claim to be the most monumental arc in her story. Ahsoka is heavily involved in the first arc of season five but then takes a backseat through most of the way until the gut-punching four-part closing arc. Season five has everything you want from the show. While I will only be getting into the prominent Ahsoka episodes, I wanted to point out how masterful it is. The emotionally charged attacks deliver each time, some senseless fun and shenanigans take place, and the animation is just beautiful to behold. It’s undoubtedly a favorite season of mine. Now, let’s dive into it.


    Our first arc of the season is the famous Onderon arc. Here, we meet Saw and Steela Gerrera and see Ahsoka reunited with Lux Bonteri. From the opening moments of the first episode, you can see just how much Ahsoka has matured and grown since we first met her. She exudes both the confident demeanor of a Jedi, but also the humble disposition needed. She observes the council meeting silently and actively listens. In earlier seasons, she was prone to some outbursts or untimely interruptions. Even in her tone of voice, a controlled tone exudes a new layer of wisdom that comes with experience. Of course, even as mature as your padawan is, she is still just a kid in many respects. Many of her experiences are fresh and brand new, and we see some of that play out in this arc.

    Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka along with Rex, make their way to Onderon where they are to train the rebels fighting to secure their planet's freedom from the Separatists. Their mission is not to fight the war for them but to simply give them the training and tools needed to survive and thrive. Ahsoka is happy to see Lux when they are reunited. Here, we see her first crush. She certainly has some feelings toward Lux as she furrows her brow or even gets a bit jealous seeing how he and Steela interact together. She even surprises herself that she feels this way at all. Thankfully, she has a master who understands these sorts of things more than she knows. Now, Ahsoka isn’t the only one with a bit of jealousy or feeling left out. Steela feels a bit weary of Ahsoka as well in the beginning. Ultimately the two grow quite fond of each other through shared experience and built-in trust.

    [​IMG] Steela Gerrera

    Saw Gerrera is exactly what you’d expect. A headstrong, fierce soldier with a will to fight and free his people, Saw’s willing to learn and eager to fight. He compliments Ahsoka on her teaching abilities throughout their time training. I hope we get to see Ahsoka teaching come August. She has had some sort of mentorship role with Sabine. I look forward to seeing that play out a bit more.

    When the Jedi and Rex conclude their training, it’s time for them to depart. Obi-Wan assigns Ahsoka to stay and continue to advise the rebels while reporting to the council. Anakin’s parting words to his padawan were to “always put purpose ahead of your feelings.” A haunting line given the Jedi it comes from. He expresses to Ahsoka that she understands what she is going through and how she feels when it comes to the Lux/Steela dynamic. She seems a bit surprised by his understanding. Ahsoka herself is such a deep feeler for the people around her. It makes sense she has perhaps the deepest feeler of all the Jedi as her master.

    As the arc continues, the conflict grows. Saw is captured when trying to rescue the rightful ruler of Onderon. The two are to be executed. Now, Ahsoka knows she cannot interfere in what is about to happen, and this is something she continually wrestles with. When asking Obi-Wan and Anakin for help, she is met with “It’s up to the council” from Kenobi. In season five, there is much more focus on the council’s inability to make swift and decisive calls but shines a light on a growing lack of empathy for the people around them.

    [​IMG] Steela separating Lux and Saw in an argument

    When the time for the execution arrives, it looks like all hope is lost as the rescue attempt fails. It’s at this moment Ahsoka decides she can’t just sit back and watch her friends and the rebels be killed. Ahsoka choosing to do what is right, rather than what she is ordered to do or simply what is easy, is her constant character trait. There is no innocent person she won’t lay down her life for if need be.

    The final fight for Onderon takes a nasty turn. The full might of the Separatists come down on the Rebels. The battle ends in the tragic death of Steela Gerrera. This death is impactful to many characters in the show. For Ahsoka, she was so close to saving her and ultimately failed to do so. It serves as a harsh reminder of how she cannot save everyone. Her ability to retain her sense of care and self throughout her story, even when faced with indescribable loss, is inspiring. Then you have Saw. After the death of his sister, we know he is never the same. OF course, we know how that journey ends. For Lux, this arc ends with him becoming the Senator for Onderon. Following in his mother’s footsteps, he promises Ahsoka a brighter future for his people.

    The Youngling Arc

    The arc centered around the younglings is one of the most underrated arcs in The Clone Wars. The string of episodes centered around a group of younglings collecting their kyber crystals, forging their lightsabers, fighting pirates, and escaping General Grievous. Here, we have an arc where Ahsoka serves as a leader and mentor for a group of young kids. She serves more as a background character in these episodes, but her importance can’t be understated.

    She takes the younglings to Ilum, where they are to find their kyber crystals. She tells them there “is no place more sacred to the Jedi.” It is such a haunting line given what becomes of the planet. In the video game Jedi: Fallen Order, we see how the Empire is ravaging the planet of its resources and kyber. In The Force Awakens, Ilum becomes Star Killer Base. What a twisted fate for the land once revered by the guardians of peace and justice to become the host of the greatest weapon of mass destruction ever built.

    When the younglings retrieve their crystals, we are introduced to the droid Huyang. Huyang has been around for tens of thousands of years. Having the data of every lightsaber forged residing in his databanks makes it the galaxy’s ever-most expert on all things lightsaber related. I am curious about what its role is going to be in the upcoming series. How does Huyang fit in with the overall narrative? Add it to the list of things I am most curious about starting August 23rd.

    [​IMG] Huyang assisting the younglings with their lightsabers

    The younglings admire Ahsoka. The way they talk both to her and about her is just like how I would have felt around someone of her stature as a child. She has been off on daring missions and fighting battles these kids have probably heard whispers or rumors about. She embodies who they hope to become someday and has taken an active interest in them and their development. It’s no surprise to anyone the younglings risk their lives to save her when she is taken captive by Hondo and his pirate gang.

    I want to point out some interesting tidbits from Hondo. He’s a selfish pirate who pretty much only cares about himself, and how to maximize his profit. However, there are a few moments at the end of the episode where he does take a bit of a chance by rescuing Ahsoka and helping some of the younglings. In the end, he shares a nod with Katoonie almost signifying that yes, somewhere deep deep down he does care. If you recall, Hondo and Ezra share a unique bond in Rebels. When Hera is recruiting the pirate to assist in a mission for Ezra in the last episode he is even quoted as saying “For that boy, there is nothing I would not do”. Curious to think about if we might see a live-action Hondo in the Ahsoka series.

    [​IMG] Hondo raiding the Jedi ship

    Ahsoka Leaves

    Finally, the arc of arcs. The gut punch of gut punches. The ultimate edge-of-your-seat, rip-your-heart-out Ahsoka arc in all of the Clone Wars. Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order and forging a new path for herself was a brilliant idea by Dave Filoni. Who she is for years to come is largely defined by that decision. These four episodes are a masterclass in Star Wars storytelling.

    The arc begins with her and Anakin leading an assault against the Separatists on Cato Neimoidia. Anakin refers to her as “Snips” a few times during the flight. While she rarely, if ever, calls him “Skyguy” anymore, this was just a subtle reminder of the big brother/little sister dynamic they share as Master and Apprentice. The audience is hit with a full-throttle version of the “Force Theme” in the background as the music supercharges the exhilarating beginning of this episode. It feels like two epic heroes entering the fray and almost presents itself as a triumphant entry; a clear separation in tone for how the season will end. Throughout the Clone Wars, we are used to Anakin swooping in to save the day. However, in this one, he is on the receiving end of a daring rescue. Having Ahsoka save her master here is a stark reminder of how much they rely and trust on one another, but also just how formidable Ahsoka has become.

    The two are quickly recalled to Coruscant as there has been an attack on the Jedi Temple. Someone successfully set off a bomb, and since anyone could theoretically be a suspect, the council asks Skywalker and Tano to lead the investigation since they were off planet at the time of the bombing. As the two begin their preliminary investigation, Ahsoka finds it hard to believe a Jedi could’ve been behind this.

    While the investigation continues, protests are raging outside the Temple. This arc shows just how much public opinion has turned against the Jedi. While the Jedi’s turn from peacekeepers into “warmongers” in the eyes of the public seemed gradual at first, the avalanche of negativity towards them hits you in full force in these episodes. The people feel as if the Jedi have lost their way, and after watching the rest of this season, you begin to feel the same way.

    Ultimately, Anakin and Ahsoka find the one responsible for making sure the bomb was set off. Anakin’s flirtations with the dark side are ever apparent in parts of these episodes, and his anger at the woman responsible, Letta, is startling to see.

    Of course, these episodes give us the return of Barriss Offee; one of Ahsoka’s closest friends in the Order. Of course, being the one responsible for the chain of events occurring, you could tell she has something to hide from the beginning. During a meeting, Ahsoka was summoned by Admiral Tarkin to the prison where Letta is being held. Letts will only speak to Ahsoka about what happened. During Ahsoka’s visit, Letta is strangled to death by way of the force. Ahsoka is imprisoned and accused of murder to cover up her role in the bombing.

    [​IMG] Barriss Offee when she is eventually confronted by Anakin

    The following scene is incredible. First, Tarkin is walking down the prison hallway to hints of the Imperial theme in the background on his way to confront Ahsoka about the murder. Next, we are delivered to an anguished Anakin; furious over what has happened and the clones electing to deny him access to Ahsoka’s cell on Tarkin’s orders.

    In a perfect set-up, Ahsoka awakes to a key card near her cell. Thinking this is from Anakin, she uses the force to open the door and attempt an escape. She soon realizes the trap she has fallen into. Clones lay scattered all around the halls. Her lightsabers lay in the middle of the room simply waiting for her. It doesn’t take long for the alarm to sound and for the entirety of the clone army on Coruscant to begin hunting for her.

    The chase scenes that follow are top-tier. Leaping and gliding from rooftops, balconies, and one bridge to another I was on the edge of my seat. Deflecting blaster bolts at will she ultimately makes her way to the sewage system where she has a final moment with Anakin. He believes in her innocence and tells her as much, but she is adamant that no one else will believe her. This moment reminded me of the movie The Fugitive when Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones are facing each other down before Ford takes a dive. Ahsoka, like Ford knows only she can prove her innocence and takes the plunge into the lower levels of the galaxy’s capital.

    When she reaches the lower levels, it’s not long before she is stopped by a familiar face looking to cash in on the bounty on her head. None other than Asajj Ventress has entered the chat. Rather than turn her in, the two form an unlikely partnership. Ventress will help Ahsoka attempt to clear her name, and Ahsoka will speak to the Jedi Council on her behalf. It was a brilliant move by Filoni to have the two pair up. At the moment, the two bear similar burdens of being abandoned by the people they once trusted and put their faith in.

    [​IMG] Ahsoka and Asajj Ventress team up

    On the other side of things, the Council has sent out two teams to search for the runaway padawan. One team is led by Plo Koon, and the other by Anakin. Assigning Anakin as a team leader was not a unanimous choice by the council, and I’ll give you one guess which Master had a hard time with it. Fortunately, after some support from Obi-Wan, the council agreed and let Anakin attempt to bring his pupil in.

    In an attempt to gain information, Ahsoka reaches out to one of the few people she thinks she can trust: Barriss. Her friend tells her to go to an abandoned warehouse nearby where she will find an important clue. When Ahsoka and Ventress reach the warehouse, the two feel as if they have reached the end of their partnership. Once separated, it doesn’t take long for a hooded figure (Barriss) to sneak up on Ventress, disable her, and steal her lightsabers. Then, disguised as Ventress, she attacks Ahsoka and ensures she is captured by the clones with evidence tying her to the bombing all around her.

    The tension in the Jedi Temple is mounting as Tarkin reveals that the Senate is requesting Ahsoka be expelled from the Jedi Order and stand trial before the Senate rather than an internal trial within the Order. As you’d expect, this sends quite a shiver down the spines of the council. However, what was incredibly sad to see was just how quickly nearly all of them consented to this. Obi-Wan adamantly rejected the idea. After all, he has referred to Ahsoka as “our padawan” to Anakin in the past. Yoda appears to be hesitant and holds some silent reservations about it. The rest of the council seemingly shows no hesitation, and Anakin calls them out on this. When they summon him and Ahsoka, he screams how they “cannot do this” and how “this is just a formality”. Watching it, you are tempted to join him in his declarations. However, it’s of no use. Ahsoka Tano is expelled from the Jedi Order.

    [​IMG] Ahsoka stands trial

    As far as her representation for her trial, Ahsoka couldn’t be in better hands. Padme offers to be her council. You just have to admire Padme. I hate how little she is used and how she is portrayed oftentimes in stories, but in little snippets, like this episode, we see just how wonderful she is. Being willing to represent someone accused of treason against the Republic is no small task. Anakin, meanwhile, is on the hunt for Ventress. When he finds her he unleashes the full might of his anger upon her. A force choke here and a force throw there, he doesn’t hold back. Finally, she tells him about the call Ahsoka made to Barriss, and suddenly the pieces begin to come together. He confronts Barriss and the two engage in one of the better lightsaber duels in the series. The emotional weight behind the duel and the messaging behind it adds to one of the most intense sequences. After apprehending her, he brings her to the Senate chambers for her to make a public confession.

    He arrives just in the nick of time as Ahsoka was moments away from being pronounced guilty and likely on her way to being executed. Barriss delivers a frightening confession layered with bits of truth. She speaks about how the Jedi have lost their way and are now the perpetrators of this war. Her message concludes with a statement about how the Republic is failing and will soon fall. She isn’t far from the truth there…

    Back in the council chambers, the Jedi fumble their way through a horrible apology. They try and welcome Ahsoka back in the fold telling her this was her “great trial” and hinting at how she should almost be thankful this happened because it’s going to make her such a better Jedi in the end. The messaging is so sad to see from a once great order. While it breaks your heart to see Anakin’s face after she tells him she can’t come back, you are almost rooting for her to deny their request. She thought she was a part of that order, and for them to turn their back on her when she needed them most is not something can simply shrug off. The final exchange between Anakin and Ahsoka is everything. Kiner kills it with a hauntingly beautiful score as there is disappointment yet understanding from both sides as she walks away into an unknown future.

    [​IMG] Ahsoka walks away from the Jedi, and Anakin.

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    #1 SWNN Probe, Aug 10, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2023
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