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Discussion in 'General Movie Discussion' started by Kyber, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Kyber

    Kyber Rebelscum

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Sith or Dark Side users are well known for their red/yellow eyes. This is the obvious result of Dark Side corruption, but when do they appear? Anakin's appeared as he slaughtered the C.I.S leaders and when he was burning. After being placed in the suit, I imagine Anakin's eyes remained that way. Palpatine and Maul's Sith eyes are always present.

    My questions for you are:

    1.) When do they appear?
    2.) When do they become permanent?
    3.) I believe in the novelization it says Kylo was weakened, not strengthened by his father's death, but I was surprised not to see his eyes become corrupted after killing Han or during his fight with Rey/Fin. This could obviously be because of prequel hate, but it is a well established feature for a user of the Dark Side in the prequel and original trilogy. Why didn't Kylo get those eyes?
    4.) A curious thing is, for a master of the Dark Side, Snoke appears to have blue eyes. Actually, looking upon Snoke's eyes, he looks blind. Why doesn't Snoke, a master of the Dark Side, have corrupted Dark Side eyes?

    Hope you have fun speculating!
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  2. tm0910196

    tm0910196 Guest

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    I don't have a good answer to the main question, but Dooku rarely had them, if I recall correctly. Yet as far as I'm aware, he was cemented in the Dark Side. So they may not be a necessary feature. But I'm not sure.
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  3. Lord Revanous

    Lord Revanous Force Sensitive

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Awesome thread man!
    1) Most apperances of these eyes are in extreme emotion, hate, anger and revenge.
    2) From all notes I have read they really shouldn't be, but say in the case of Maul etc, it could be due to his species or the fact he was raised to harbour the darkness so they might be his only emotions.
    3) To be honest I think there is more to it, this scene in general. I think first off, he hasn't accepted the darkness fully, he's still toying with the light and you know people theorize Kylo is doing this to get close enough to kill snoke. But that aside, I truly believe Han helped Kylo kill him, rather than an emotional murder!
    4) Like said before, I don't think it's constant and it might not affect everyone, eg, Dooku, he is arguably the most controled when it comes to emotions and force balance, hence why we don't see this from him, even at the momet Anakin kills him.

    So yeah this is my take on it man, hope it helps a little bit :)
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  4. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    The thing that has always puzzled me is why didn't Dooku get Dark Side eyes. And before anyone comes with the whole ''He wasn't a true Sith'' argument, I remind you that in order to be able to use it, a person must have fully embraced the Dark Side. That, and the fact that knowing how sly Sheev was, he would not have trusted Dooku with said knowledge if he wasn't 100% sure that he had fully become a Sith.
  5. AstromechRecords

    AstromechRecords Jedi General

    Oct 10, 2015
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    1/2.) they appear only after a truly horrible act has happened (sort of like a horcrux) which is why Dooku never had those eyes since, as far as we know, didnt kill a bunch of defenseless kids.

    3.) That makes me think that, what if, Kylo Ren is a secret plant in the first order.

    4.) That might be because he's blind?

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