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SPECULATION Esoteric Analysis: Was the Sith Order influenced by Secret Societies?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Robi-Wan, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Robi-Wan

    Robi-Wan Rebel Commander

    Sep 15, 2014
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    * The Sith and the influence of Secret Societies *
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In the Phantom Menace the appropriately named leader of the Sith is Darth Sidious. He is an occultist, a practicer of hidden, forbidden knowledge. He schemes behind the scenes to usurp power and he hides the best way possible, in plain view.

    To gain power he engages in a conspiracy with the Trade Federation and the Bankers Guild causing a trade dispute and blockade of the Planet Naboo, ultimately resulting in the election of his alter ego Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

    Through these new means, he orchestrates The Clone Wars, playing both sides and eventually forming the oppressive dictatorship that was (Is?) The Galactic Empire.

    So what about the other fellow posted above? That man, Johann Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society believed to have gone out of existence by 1785. Weishaupt's Illuminati were in league with many Freemason lodges, the members being among the elite and rich of their respective countries.

    But what the heck does that have to do with Star Wars? Well, there are many who believe the Illuminati, in one way or another, continued on rising in power and now have a strangle hold on much of the western world's governments. The purported theory has been increasingly intriguing for me, but every time I've tried to bring it up I get wacky responses dealing with horned reptilian aliens or something.


    Okay I'm not saying I believe in any of this stuff, but the parallels between the Sith Order and the Order of Illuminati have been consistent enough for me to stat up a thread. Also, before you all roll your eyes, remember the Jedi Masters in The Phantom Menace totally balked at the idea that the Sith were even still around, and even after realizing that they were, pretty much had no power to stop them.

    Care to discuss? Please mention any other theories you have. The allusions the Clone Wars draw to the War on Terror in the United States is a sure one. Was George Lucas trying to say something on the down low?
    #1 Robi-Wan, Sep 16, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
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  2. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Rebel Official

    Jun 6, 2014
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    This is a fantastic thread, one which I'm really shocked to have seen started by someone, other than me. I don't mean that in a condescending manner, but it seems there is so much disdain for the PT and it largely revolves around many things, but one thing I always see for sure is the total mis-understanding of the true story of the PT, which I love because of this cautionary tale. I hesitate to discuss it openly for the negativity it draws, but I will cover some basics.

    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that this is the exact story that George was warning us about -- using the fall of the Galactic Republic as the stand-in for our own American Republic.

    Everything you have posted is accurate and it can be proved, but I will get to that in a second. The Muun were the banking clan. They represent the Rothchild's banking monopoly, they of the infamous "Federal Reserve Banks," which are in fact NOT Federal and are privately owned by them as well as some other baking interests. They manipulate markets as well as our economy, as well as economies of the world. As you stated they fund both sides of wars. They are a part of the Elite (Illuminati) oligarchy that is designing and bringing about a New World Order which is essentially a totalitarian one world government. Sound like a Galactic Empire?

    Darth Sidious, who belongs to an ultra secretive cult (Illuminati) used what is known as the Hegelian Dialectic -- problem, reaction, solution:

    1- PROBLEM = Trade Federation (Separatists) and battle droids - CIVIL WAR
    2- REACTION = Jedi overwhelmed and can't fight a war
    3- SOLUTION = Grand Army of the Republic (Clones)

    All engineered by Darth Sidious and his secret apprentices Maul and Tyranus, with the backing of the Muun Banking Clan.

    Lastly, for the proof, read "Darth Plagueis," which was heavily guided by George Lucas. Therein you will find veiled references to everything I just posted, specifically a very telling reference to Bohemian Grove and others. And it is because of these things that I believe that Plagueis is a very strong candidate for BIG BADDIE in Episode VII.
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  3. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I always thought the PT story was a mirror not of Illuminati/NWO theory, but more of a play on JFK/Vietnam conspiracy theories.

    Its blown up on a larger scale obviously, but if you take Siddious as not a portrayal of any one politician individually and as the whole Military Industrial Complex it can work. The Naboo Blockade as false flag works sort of like the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. They use an an assassination ( in this case attempt) to justify handing previously unheld powers to a single leader. The subsequent empire and galactic civil war then become an analogy for our own political civil war which has been ongoing and escalating since Vietnam.

    Lucas is a liberal child of the 60s. It always struck me that this was his worst case scenario interpretation of post WW2 politics and a comment on what he saw as the collapse of the American political system.

    Although the two theories need not be mutually exclusive. I researched Illuminati theories briefly for a while until I got lost in that same sea of "We're being controlled by aliens"/planet X/Draconians. Its hard to sift through the crazy to find well thought out theories on the subject.

    Great topic!
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  4. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Rebel Official

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Well, I have read and seen a few times here and there that the OT was actually influenced by what was happening in the 60's and early 70's, especially with America and it's Imperialistic desire to dictate how other countries govern themselves. Nixon I think was also a huge factor.

    However, I definitely think the PT was centered around what is to come, as a cautionary tale of warning -- IE the fall of the Republic -- vs what has happened with the political issue of the 60's and 70's.

    Also, I agree with you assessment of the theories and trying to research them. At times, they diverge and other times they converge. But something I forgot to mention in my initial post on this subject is that even during The Clone Wars series I noticed not so veiled references to the Illuminati. One such reference to snakes I found curious in TCW was the race of corrupt snake-like aliens called the Moogan, complete with Egyptian style headdress:


    Whether this is just a coincidence (and I don't believe in coincidences) or not is unknowable. But I found it interesting nonetheless.
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  5. Robi-Wan

    Robi-Wan Rebel Commander

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Happy to see in depth replies - I thought this thread was lost and forgotten.

    The Banking Guild potentially representing the Rothchilds is interesting. Didn't Lucas specifically ask James Luceno to make Darth Plagueis a Muun?

    I think each trilogy represents a different political/societal scheme of our own world, and done in a brilliant way. Though some old school fans hate the prequels, millions more grew up with them and were subliminally influenced by their hidden curriculum. George was sending a strong story relating to Anakin's fall to the Sith and the message that everything runs in cycles - what you do now shall affect your descendants and the world they're inheriting.

    I'd now like to note a very important aspect of the Sith Order, something Lucas has mentioned as being their greatest goal, the search for immortality. This is very important because it's also what the Elite want for themselves. Doing so would essentially make them Gods, and it's the ultimate mission of certain men to ascend as higher beings. Of course it's what Palpatine uses to seduce Anakin over to the Dark side.
    • Great Post Great Post x 5
  6. Deadeye

    Deadeye Clone Commander

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Ok, if you really wanna get weird and esoteric, read Joseph P. Farrell. Just Google him and you'll find dozens of books about secret societies, Nazi technology, the Great Pyramid, alchemy, international bankers, and many other strange and wonderful topics. Is it related to Star Wars? Watch this video and tell me what wonder weapon the opening image reminds you of:

    P.S. - Alchemy is, and always has been, the search for immortality.
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  7. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Rebel Official

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Brilliant! Yes! I learmed in school that alchemy -- the first chemistry -- was a foolhardy attempt to turn base metals into gold. BUT when I grew up and opened my eyes I learned that it was the endeavor to turn men into Gods. As you've said the goal of all of these secret societies.

    Thanks for sharing that video. I'll have to watch it when I have time.

    BTW- I never saw Season 6 of TCW at least yet. I plan to. I find it particularly interesting that one of the last shows was entitled "Conspiracy."

    #7 Echo-07, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
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  8. Vegeta Fett

    Vegeta Fett Rebelscum

    Sep 8, 2014
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    All of this is very interesting and I have heard a great deal of historical comparisons to the SW story arcs. I too think that there is some sort of connection with everything, but it might just be a mirror of real world politics. Palpatine always reminded me of Hitler or Stalin myself, just how he was very charismatic and fooled a whole group of individuals to give power out of fear and safety. I do believe in the one world order theories, I just don't think that there is as much info as most people do. If there was a plan for anything to change the general public won't be aware till decades later if ever. I see this connection in SW when the senate is not disbanded until Episode IV. Everyone continues to blindly follow until mass amounts of Slaughter and human death have occurred in the public's knowledge. I don't think everything is always parallel and that is good so that most people won't immediately catch themes such as the banking clan.

    In my opinion all of the control started in the Industrial revolution. Which in a weird way Star Wars shows a nod to as well through story connections to JRR Tolkens Lord of the Rings. "He's more machine now then man twisted and evil" trying not to loss ones self in a world full of continuing technological advancements is the key to everything. As we press further into an age were everything can be automated quickly it is a strong message. I know I am getting a little off topic but the empire building war machines such as the death star or the AT-AT walkers show how easily things can change.

    But I do believe that there are very strong messages and themes in SW, paralleling real world events and situations. Some of my favorite fictional stories deal with these sorts of discussions. Just remember the truth is out there
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  9. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Rebel Official

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Actually, not really off-topic in here. The sociopolitical machinations are SW are fair game in here.

    Also, keep your eyes peeled for my latest article on the Blog which kind of delves into some this a little bit. Not so much the conspiracy parallels though.
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  10. thetophus

    thetophus Rebelscum

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I love this analysis so hard. I am 100% behind this!
  11. CTrent29

    CTrent29 Rebel Official

    Dec 25, 2015
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  12. Admiral Petty

    Admiral Petty Force Sensitive

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Awesome thread! I have my issues with the PT(as many fans do), but one thing that I always thought that it handled masterfully was Palpatine and his rise to power. Conspiracies make for interesting storytelling.
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  13. Bandini

    Bandini Jedi Commander

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I'm an alchemist and it's not the quest of immortality, it's the quest of the light. It's cleaning yourself to let the light flow through you.

    But well, it's a little bit hard for me to talk about it in english, it's not my maternal language.

    BTW, I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

    The one thing you understand with alchemy is that the outside world is the reflect of your inner world. If you are in a internal conflict, your life will be full of conflicts, if you lie to yourself, your life will be full of lies. If you find inner peace, you'll leave in an eternal present moment full of peace.

    We are all eternal beings. Death is not that big, you learn that in alchemy, it's just a transition to a state in another.

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