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Interview: Author Zoraida Córdova Talks About the Hope She Brings to The High Republic in Convergence

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The High Republic' started by SWNN Probe, Nov 25, 2022.

  1. SWNN Probe

    SWNN Probe Seeker

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    Star Wars: The High Republic: Convergence is the second Star Wars novel from author Zoraida Córdova; it quickly moved to the top of my favorites list as soon as I put it down. There's romance, adventure, political intrigue, mystery, and everything you'd come to expect in a grand, space opera like Star Wars. Her writing is sublime, with passages that stay with you and descriptions that bring this story to life with each turn of the page.

    Zoraida was kind enough to speak with us a couple weeks ago about what brings her back to Star Wars, creating the characters in The High Republic: Convergence, and what it feels like to introduce a new era in the galaxy far, far away.


    If you haven't read The High Republic: Convergence, I highly recommend you wait to read this review until you do. I knew nothing going in and I'm grateful for that because there are so many great surprises. It's available everywhere and you can find our review here.

    One question I always try to ask creators who get to play in the Star Wars storytelling sandbox: What themes do you try to convey through your stories in Star Wars? Zoraida's answer did not disappoint me and is great precursor for Convergence.


    With an answer like that, I couldn't help asking for more about the romance. The High Republic: Convergence has echoes of all the great Star Wars love stories. Anakin and Padmé, Han and Leia, Rey, and Ben... I wanted to know how Zoraida pulled this off while still keeping the romance in the novel very fresh and relatable to the new characters she introduces.

    The biggest strength of The High Republic: Convergence are the stellar characters Zoraida introduces. Sometimes I get wary, especially in Star Wars, when the cast of characters seems to endlessly expand as the chapters go on. Not in Convergence. I marveled at how well these characters are balanced while keeping their mystery and stories in the spotlight without distraction. I asked Zoraida what went into developing each of them and if they came first; or, did she build the story around them? (BEWARE SPOILERS)

    For as many great characters as there are, Convergence could fall into several fiction genres yet still remain a story Star Wars fans will love. While reading, I was curious whether Zoraida leaned more into one genre than another.


    When Star Wars publishers announced this second phase of The High Republic would jump back over a century from the first one, I had a lot of questions. One consideration I have is t when future readers visit this era, they'll likely be starting with this second wave to experience the story chronologically. Just like a whole generation of fans who will experience the trilogies from prequels to sequels now that they're complete. When The High Republic wraps up, Convergence will likely be one of the first books readers enter the era with. I wondered how Zoraida felt about this.

    The story of The High Republic: Convergence revolves around a 'forever war' between the planets Eiram and E'ronoh. Through the characters and the story, Zoraida gives us a rich survey of their cultures and history. Though this is a character-driven story, the histories of both planets loom large over all the events. The world-building of these two planets and their peoples seemed effortless so I asked Zoraida about her process.

    One thing I'm always curious about is what kind of stories and media authors consume in the midst of writing a novel. I wondered if Zoraida had been reading Dune during the process because there are some similarities, but she let me know that wasn't the case. When Zoraida writes Star Wars, she soaks it in.

    As Zoraida brought Convergence to a close, I wondered how she felt about handing all these characters off to another author. What are her hopes for the characters she's placed at the beginning of their journeys?


    Zoraida's first novel, A Crash of Fate, remains one of my favorite Star Wars novels. It's a wonderful story of friendship and love set against the backdrop of the First Order's arrival on Batuu. It's a book that came to me at a very rough time in my life, so it has a special place. I couldn't resist asking Zoraida if we'd ever see more of Izzy and Jules. Sounds like there is hope!

    The last question I'm always asking myself and Star Wars fans around me: What brings you back to Star Wars?

    And we were honored to speak with Zoraida Córdova. Don't even think about skipping The High Republic: Convergence, which is available now where books are sold. Authors like Zoraida are very busy with writing, deadlines, and publicity, so we're very grateful for her time. She's truly raised and set a new bar for writing in The High Republic and Star Wars, so I am very confident we'll see more of her stories in the galaxy far, far away soon. I'm also a huge fan of her other novels (Hollow Crown fans, I see you!) and highly recommend visiting her site for more information.


    Click HERE to check out and comment on this topic on our main site
    #1 SWNN Probe, Nov 25, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022

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