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SPOILER Marvel's Star Wars Chewbacca #3

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Kyle, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Kyle

    Kyle Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Gerry Duggan, this series' writer, is really doing the best he can. I'm not going to guess whether or he came up with the story or someone else at Lucasfilm already had it in mind. Either way, I'm starting to warm up to the overall approach of what they are doing. Not every planet in the galaxy is a megalopolis or home to key Imperial installations. There are some planets, like Andelm IV, that feel the ripples of Imperial life without anyone to look out for them. They are not part of the Rebel Alliance, but also not part of the Imperial infrastructure; they are normal people, just trying to live out their lives, but end up under the cruel thumb of those who would exploit anything of value on their world. Phil Noto's artwork shines especially bright in this book, depicting the watercolors and pastels of Andelm IV.

    With my best foot forward, I am sorry to say my enjoyment of this series did not grow in this issue. I have nothing against Chewbacca, but he should not be the central character in a story. I hate to say it, but your titular character should be able to speak, and the '60's era "Batman" titles indicating the tone of his growls make his vocal means of communication seem silly. This is my favorite of the Chewbacca series, but I won't lie that after its next and final issue, I will not mourn the loss of Chwbacca in my queue.

    Well, that jerk Jaum is really putting his eggs (literally, they are mining beetle larvae) in one Imperial basket. I'm thinking for a guy who has such an elaborate appearance, he's not too bright. I don't want to ruin the end for any of you, and I don't know what it is, but I'm going to guess the Empire won't be dealing with Jaum anymore than they need to.

    Chewbacca and friends survived that big, explosive ending of the last issue. These folks can't catch a break, though. Turns out when the beetle larvae hatch, the beetles themselves are deadly. Luckily, Chewbacca helps them escape, but it's just another dead end in tunnel deep underground. Never fear, Chewbacca is here.

    This is just one of the many moments where Chewbacca is loud and in charge, letting everyone on Andelm IV know there's a Wookie here, and he means business. Once Zarro, the young girl, and her father are up, they must set about repairing Chewbacca's ship. There is a nice exchange between Zarro and her father. Zarro's youth calls her to join the Rebellion, but her father just wishes she could be a kid on her home world and not have to worry about such things.

    Chewbacca and Zarro make their way into a spaceport, to her friend Sevox's junk shop. They mean to build a droid, and if we know one thing about Chewbacca, assembling droids is not his strength.

    Meanwhile, Jaum has placed a long distance call to his potential employers. Looks like things are going to get ugly in the next issue.

    Once again, there is nothing canonically pressing about the events of this issue. There are going to be some pretty heavy hitters in the Star Wars comic universe coming out over the next few weeks. You would do well to save your money for those. However, if you need your Star Wars fix, they are not as awful as my first review made them out to be. Just set the bar accordingly.

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  2. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    @Kyle, nice review! This is my favorite issue of the Chewbacca series, but honestly, that's not saying much. I really can't say much about it because I don't think there is anything to say about it. Either way, let's stick to it until the end and try to keep our hopes up!
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  3. Thutar

    Thutar Clone Commander

    Aug 27, 2015
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    By now since the story has not really changed from being a child's view of life (Zarro telling her helpless father what to do) all I can assume is Zarro will somehow be involved in Rebellion and maybe even TFA and this is her character introduction series in which Chewbacca is the co-star.
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  4. NienNunbsFace

    NienNunbsFace Clone Trooper

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I love Chewbacca. I mean who doesn't. But this series STOINKS!!!

    Ok. Maybe that's a little too harsh, but I have been trying to enjoy the titular book of everyone's favorite walking carpet but it just has NOT been easy. This issue is no exception.

    Yes the artwork is great, but that's about all that does it for me. With last issue having a good bit of action and excitement, I was optimistic about where the story was heading, but this issue has 5 pages of Chewy digging his way out of the mine. ...digging... not extremely exciting.

    Let's just be happy to have other Star Wars titles with solid stories. (If you're not reading Kanan you're missing out! )

    While I liked last issue a tad better than this one, I too will not be sad about this series ending.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Nov 12, 2015 ---
    I don't think we'll ever see Zarro again after this. But, anything is possible! :)
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  5. Hard Case

    Hard Case Porg Whisperer
    Staff Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    I think there are actually two more issues of this one on the way. Sorry @Kyle. :)
  6. Kyle

    Kyle Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Awww man! Oh well, it will just make the others seem that much better. At least this last one was a bit better than the rest. Chewie versus Stormtroopers and AT-ST walkers in a shoot 'em up can't be too bad. I'll keep my positivity jar close by.
  7. Admiral Petty

    Admiral Petty Force Sensitive

    Jun 6, 2015
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    I can't help but feel that this story would have been great as a single issue, either a one shot or a one off on the main Star Wars title at some point down the road. Everything important could have been covered in a single issue easily, rather than unnecessarily stretching it out over four issues. Something like this could also work as a one off in an anthology series if they were to ever resurrect the Star Wars Tales concept.
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  8. ZebroGodilla

    ZebroGodilla Darklighter Ace

    Nov 26, 2014
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    @Kyle, I agree, the comic is really old-school. However, it has improved a great deal within it's limited range, so I do like the story well enough. It is lower than the Leia miniseries for sure, however.

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