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SPOILER Marvel's Star Wars Darth Vader #21

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Kyle, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Kyle

    Kyle Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Howdy! In case you didn’t hear the news, the Darth Vader series is on it’s way out. I was bummed when I heard this. This series has by no means been perfect, but it’s been very good. Anything with Vader usually gets Star Wars fans eager to consume. On the one hand of disappointment, the other hand is that Vader’s always been a mysterious kind of character. Between this series, Lords of the Sith, and his cameos this past season of Rebels; maybe the Story Group decided to pull back. Darth Vader #21 starts the countdown to the finale. SPOILERS AHEAD.


    When we last left Vader, he was eager to get hot on the trail of Cylo and the other cyborgs. In an interesting opening to the issue, Vader is talking with one of the engineers who helped build the Death Star, as well helped out with Cylo in his cyborg construction. Vader suspects the lowly engineer is aware of where Cylo might be hiding. His intuitions are correct and Vader sets out for the Crushank Nebulae.


    The Cylo hideout is located and Vader calls for reinforcements. He’s clearly had enough of Cylo and puts out that the cat and mouse game is over. Vader is very well aware he has become the cat in the game, especially since the Executor is on it’s way to back him up.


    Triple Zero and Bee Tee have caught up with Doctor Aphra, who is doing her best to get lost in the Outer Rim. She’s taken a liking to a certain tavern, where she downs shots of some nefarious liquor to pass the time. It’s a different, somewhat desperate version of the character we are seeing here. Aphra is lost in a galaxy torn into two sides, the Empire or the Rebellion, and she has made enemies of them both. Artists Salvador Larroca and Edgar Delgado did a great job in showing how run down Aphra feels while she tries to barter spare droid parts for a drink.


    Triple Zero and Bee Tee have little patience and manage to put holes in the little watering hole that has become Aphra’s haven of self-medicating. They capture Aphra and set off to deliver her to Vader. Personally, I’m kind of getting sick of these droids. In my opinion, too many pages have been handed to these droids, and with the Vader series winding down, I would like a lot less of these two droids. I’m just done with cyborgs and droids. Had to say it, now let’s move on.


    Well, well…turns out Vader wasn’t the only one scheming to overthrow the Emperor and take control of the Empire himself. Cylo just got a lot more interesting to me with this small frame. Here goes my crazy theory: Cylo knows Snoke. That’s right, I went there. If you follow Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter, you will no doubt see he is sent every wild theory about Snoke on a daily basis. We all have our Snoke theories, but this is a new one for me. I’m not saying Snoke is a cyborg or that Cylo is Snoke, but I have a sense the two know each other. This would be very cool if the Lucasfilm Story Group is setting the stage for who might have known Snoke back in the Original Trilogy-era. The biggest detail that raised my eyebrow was the nebula Cylo hid in. From canon literature, we know the First Order was born out of the last remnants of the Empire hiding in a nebula and quietly rebuilding their forces. I don’t know, but something just tells me Snoke has something to do with Cylo. Okay, I’ll stop now, but let’s keep our eyes out for clues that may connect the two. I’m not saying they are going to reveal Snoke’s story here in the comics, but maybe by the time Episode VIII is over we will be able to see some connections. Just sayin’.



    Big props to Salvador Larocca and Edgar Delgado on the artwork in this issue. The arrival of Vader and his forces starts off a pretty cool skirmish. I had forgotten that Cylo’s ship was a cyborg itself. As you can see, Cylo had little trouble dealing with a Star Destroyer. Unfortunately for him, one of the best pilots in the galaxy managed to blast his way on board the ship, and his lightsaber managed to make it with him. When Darth Vader boards a ship it never ends well.


    Looks like Vader has another admirer, only this one wants a shot at taking the Dark Lord out. Cylo has an answer for everything and I got a feeling this might be the one to give Vader a run for his money.


    Cyborgs come in all sizes. Turns out our blue-goggled friend had a “pet” she thought might be worth watching go toe to toe with Vader. You are seeing that right…it’s a cyborg rancor. Friends, we are very close to jumping the shark here. Despite how awesome this looks on paper, I feel like these elaborate, James Bond villain-esque battles Vader ends up in really slow down the story. Yes, I know it wouldn’t be much fun to see Vader casually stroll to the bridge of the ship and put Cylo down, but I imagine a bulk of the next issue is going to deal with Vader dispensing of this monster, which takes up valuable space that could be devoted to the story. We’ll see, but I want more story, less explosions.

    Overall, this issue was pretty good. I certainly enjoyed the first half of the issue. My complaints are minor in the scheme of things and I still have faith that Kieron Gillen will deliver a satisfying pay-off from all the twists and turns this series has taken. If you’ve been reading up to this point there’s no reason to skip this issue. Marvel’s Darth Vader is winding down, so you might as well enjoy the ride while you still can.

    • Great Post Great Post x 3
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  2. PrincessLeiaCB3

    PrincessLeiaCB3 The Princess that was Promised
    1030th Commander *** (Mod)

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Great review @Kyle ! I was feeling bummed too when I heard the news about this comic series. Aside the flaws you've mentioned, I have truly enjoyed this one and it is one of the ways the Story Group is threading back the loose ends for the new canon. Needless to say, I don't like the cyborgs and droids too much myself but this development is way better than "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" from the Legends - I mean, regarding what happens with Vader et al between Yavin and Hoth.

    I wonder how much impact had on her the last conversation with Princess Leia in Sunspot Prison:

    "This is no game, Doctor. I hope you realize just how dangerous Darth Vader really is. No matter how useful you are to him now, sooner or later he will get around to kill you. And when that day comes, if you should happen to somehow survive I suggest you look me up."

    I would not be surprised if later on, we look back at the comics and find this kind of interesting connections.

    Just ask the crew of the Tantive IV, Princess Leia and Alderaan lol.

    Was I the only one who thought of Return of the Jedi and another Skywalker dressed in black facing a rancor?
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  3. Hard Case

    Hard Case Porg Whisperer
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    Nov 4, 2014
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    It would be cool for a twist in expectations to see Vader at the very beginning of the issue just kill the Rancor all Starkiller style on a splash page and move on with the narrative as if it was but a minor obstacle in his path. I'm with you on this one. It looks awesome, but I hope the action doesn't linger to much with the monster.
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  4. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    @Kyle great review! The cover made me go "not Aphra! Don't kill my Aphra!" in my head until I finally sat down and read the issue. Thank goodness she's still alive! Other than that, while I'm sad to see the comic finish it's run, I'm also happy Cylo and the other androids are on their way out. There arc has been going on too long! This issue was pretty good, and while I'm not particularly excited for the next issue, I'm excited to see how the story eventually ends.
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  5. LadyMusashi

    LadyMusashi Archwizard Woo-Woo-in-Chief
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    May 12, 2015
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    Hear, hear. But mostly cyborgs.

    Still, I enjoyed the visuals of this issue. They were spectacular, especially with Crushank Nebulae and cyborg ships. I would really like if Vader manages to destroy that rancor cyborg in a heartbeat. But, I suspect that we will spend the rest of the series with these cyborgs.

    I am much more interested in Aphra's destiny. I agree with @PrincessLeiaCB3 and her spoiler - that might come into play. I also want to see her and Vader face to face again.

    Anyway, @Kyle, great review as always. Looking forward the next issue.
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  6. PrincessLeiaCB3

    PrincessLeiaCB3 The Princess that was Promised
    1030th Commander *** (Mod)

    Dec 3, 2015
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  7. Darby

    Darby Rebel Official

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Despite the events in this issue, I'm still holding out for an Aphra w/ 000 and BT ongoing series.
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  8. Darth Daigo

    Darth Daigo Rebel Official

    Jul 10, 2015
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    The issue felt short and somewhat perfunctory. Vader interrogated an engineer, found Cylo's ship in a nebula, and boarded Cylo's ship. Triple Zero and Bee Tee (and Krrsantan) found Dr Aphra at a bar and, after a shootout, took her into custody. The story moved from A to B. I guess that we will not see much of Dr Aphra until Vader has first dispensed with Voidgazer, then with Morit, and finally with Cylo himself.
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  9. ZebroGodilla

    ZebroGodilla Darklighter Ace

    Nov 26, 2014
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    @Kyle, great review. I for one, think that the Snoke connection, if at least mention, is possible. If Cylo intends to destroy the Emperor, he needs some massive help, and Snoke would fit it nicely. I have to admit, seeing the Imperial battle droids under Aphra's "former" droids is always a treat. Still not over Tanhoth's death :(
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  10. Rogues1138

    Rogues1138 Jedi Sentinel - Army of Light
    1030th Captain ** (Mod)

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Am I the only one that noticed, Artist Salvador Larroca has immortalized himself with Cylo. LOL, any who, am I also the only one who thinks that the comic books, animated series, and novels follow the films and not the other way around?
    • Wise Wise x 1
  11. Shork

    Shork Rebel Official

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Finally I see a Rancor in StarWars again!
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