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SPOILER Marvel's Star Wars Lando #4

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Kyle, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Kyle

    Kyle Guest

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    Lando 01.png

    Well, it would seem that today's theme in the Star Wars comic universe is one of antiquity. Since we already know where Lando and his cohorts ended up a couple weeks ago, we can start there.

    Lando 02.png

    This issue jumps back a few seconds before the last one ended. The two androgynous, assassin partners have made their way into the Sith artifact chamber, following Lando and his toothy, little friend. On the ledge of last issue's cruel cliffhanger, a Sith helmet seemed to come to life, with the visor glowing an ominous red hue. Where we are in issue #4 sees, Aleskin (one half of the duo), catching a glimpse of this red glow. That's about the only explanation we get before the panther-esque creature gets their hand on a Sith lightsaber and attacks Pavol. Lando and his little Ugnaught friend are able to duck out just in time, resealing the Sith mausoleum behind them.

    Lando 03.png

    Here's where it get's a little more interesting. The unhooded Imperial Royal Guard looks like it walked straight out of the Walking Dead. That's a successful comic and television show about zombies, in case you live under a rock. The warthog fellow speculates their decrepit appearance has something to do with standing close guard to the many Sith artifacts transformed them for the worse. For an unsightly little fella, this guy sure knows his stuff about Sith Lords. Later in the book, the tiny man mentions how disturbing it is the Emperor would have a collection of Sith artifacts. This might not sound like a lot, but I'm happy this establishes that Palpatine kept his Darth Sidious-cover under wraps to the rest of the galaxy aside from his close advisors. I assumed as much, but it's nice to have it spelled out.

    Lando 04.png

    Remember Chanath Cha? The bounty hunter old Sheev contracted to get his stolen ship back. Turns out Chanath Cha is a former female companion of Lando, after she takes her helmet off to let him know. I guess she was a little less formally dressed the last time their paths crossed. Old smoothy picks up her hand and kisses it, which kind of bothered me. I know they are trying to establish that Lando is the "smoothest of smooth" in a galaxy far, far away; but, I found it a little degrading to the character. Up until this point, Cha has been ready to blast anyone that would stand in her way and I don't for a second buy she would allow Lando, with whom she is already acquainted, to giver her a little hand-kiss greeting. I did enjoy her calling him a moron, though.

    Lando 05.png

    By the end of this issue, our androgynous twins seem to have reconciled and may have plans of their own for Palpatine's ship. It should be an interesting conclusion and I hope we get more information on the Imperial Royal Guards, not to mention how Palpatine accrued all of these Sith artifacts.

    Another solid issue in the series. The next issue concludes the arc, but I hope the Lando series returns with a new one. I'm enjoying these books very much, despite their momentary lapses in misogyny.

    Keep them coming, I say! And in case you couldn't tell, I don't like Ugnaughts.

    Lando 06.png
    #1 Kyle, Sep 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2015
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  2. LadyMusashi

    LadyMusashi Archwizard Woo-Woo-in-Chief
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    May 12, 2015
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    Little Ugnaught, antiquity expert, is actually female. Lando says Korin is fascinating lady. But, since you don't like Ugnaughts, you are in denial. :D

    I called it! That Cha was a woman. Yes, I didn't like that he can smooth talk anyone, especially because it was established in previous issues that Chanath couldn't be bought. Although it may turn out that she cannot, especially with Palpatine as the client.

    But, I am presuming the two Sith-corrupted brothers/lovers/cat people will attack them and they will have to work together to fight them off, considering how skilled they are.

    And Lando planning to buy a moon? It's space station over Bespin, but who is complaining? XD

    This was a slower issue, I am presuming before the big bang at the end.
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  3. Kyle

    Kyle Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I forgot to mention that. I'm surprised Lando's not smooth talking Korin :)
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  4. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    While I liked the issue, I wasn't impressed by it sadly(and Lando has impressed me a lot up until this point). I think it's more of me than the comics, as I've felt the same way about Leia and Kanan to varying degrees. I totally called (in my mind) Chanath Cha being a woman, and while I don't know exactly how the series is going to end up on Bespin without feeling too forced, I'm excited to see where the rest of the comic goes. I just hope the ending isn't too predicable. Either way, @Kyle, I loved the review and I can't wait for more Lando!
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  5. Thutar

    Thutar Clone Commander

    Aug 27, 2015
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    I really enjoyed the Dark side corrupting aspect of the story-line. This has come up in the novel Tarkin too (Sith Temple under the Jedi Temple/Imperial Palace) and of course in the cave in ESB. I'm getting the feeling its going to be explained to us and play an important role in TFA.

    Did anyone else feel both Lando #4 and SW #9 both dropped a fair share of 'canon hints' (for lack of a better word) this week? My mind is still processing a lot of these.
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  6. Hard Case

    Hard Case Porg Whisperer
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    Nov 4, 2014
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    I love that Star Wars is adding a lot more females to the new canon. And although I found it comical that Korin the Ugnaught / side-burn warthog lady was female, I was a little disappointed by the Chanath Cha reveal. I feel like with what we've seen lately from the new comics that it was kind of predictable that this awesome new bounty hunter would turn out to be female. Which is why I hoped Cha was a guy.

    I mean, yeah, SW has some awesome male characters already, but why can't we get some awesome new male characters of importance (who are not villains) in the comics as well as the female additions? I'm sure Finn and Poe have this front covered, and it's no biggie, I was just disappointed. It was like...Oh another woman...surprise... At least she didn't look dolled up like the rest of 'em though. :)

    I'm enjoying this series and can't wait to read the conclusion. A lot of cool stuff that has been commented on already, but there is one thing that throws me a little: The Cat people... I mean, c'mon...they're a little weird, right? They're clones...they're brothers...and oh yeah...they're lovers...and they look like man-cats. It's a little off to me, but hey...what do I know? It's is a big galaxy, but still...

    han solo.jpg

    "I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen ANYTHING like these giant clone cat lovers with lightsabers..."
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  7. Darth Daigo

    Darth Daigo Rebel Official

    Jul 10, 2015
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    The cloned cat brother-lovers are indeed weird. Whereas I did not mind that Chanath Cha was female, it was disappointing that she knew Lando and quickly changed from a bad-ass to a former lover.

    The ending of the series seems predictable: Chanath Cha, Lando and Korin will fight the cloned cat brothers-lovers, they will narrowly win, possibly with the help of Lobot (although Chanath or Korin might die during the fight), Lando, Lobot and Korin (if she survives) will escape with some or all of the treasure in an escape pod, and Palpatine's yacht will get blown up. Cha Chanath (if she survives) will tell Palpatine that she could not save the vessel or its contents.
  8. Viral Hide

    Viral Hide Elite Guard from Yinchorr
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    Jun 5, 2014
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    My favorite series so far from the new comics.
  9. Darth Daigo

    Darth Daigo Rebel Official

    Jul 10, 2015
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    By the way: Does anybody know whether that is Maul's double-bladed light sabre?
  10. Hard Case

    Hard Case Porg Whisperer
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    Nov 4, 2014
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    I seriously doubt it. For one, Maul's lightsaber was cleaved in two by Obi-Wan on Naboo. After surviving his fall and using the dark side to preserve his own life, Maul was still able to use the working half of the saber. He uses the single blade throughout his stint in the Clone Wars series, wielding it against Obi-Wan, Pre Vizsla, and eventually Sidious.

    After Maul defeats Pre Vizsla (leader of the Mandolorian Death Watch), Maul takes his weapon (darksaber) and is later seen dual-wielding it against Sidious with his own red lightsaber.

    sidious vs. maul.png

    After Maul is defeated by Sidious and sent to the prison on Stygeon Prime, we never see him with his red lightsaber again, only with his darksaber. So it's safe to assume that Sidious possesses his former blade. However, it is still only half a blade and as you can see, even whole, the design is much different from the one Aleskin wields in this comic.

    Maul Saber.jpg
    Aleskin Lightsaber.JPG
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  11. Darth Daigo

    Darth Daigo Rebel Official

    Jul 10, 2015
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    @Hard Case Thank you for your quick and comprehensive reply. While I had watched The Clone Wars, I could not recall what happened to Maul's double-bladed light saber.
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  12. Chairman Kaga

    Chairman Kaga Rebel Official

    Nov 12, 2014
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    So far, the comics I was totally expecting to NOT be interested in have been the best: Kanan & Lando. The stories are engaging, the art is interesting, and they really capture the characters' voices. I still prefer Kanan because the characters seem more complex, the art is a bit better, and overall it's a more emotional ride, but I'm more interested in the story and plot of the Lando series.

    I'd declare Kanan the best, with Lando following and Darth Vader close behind. Still don't have enough of a read on Shattered Empire to make a call.
  13. ZebroGodilla

    ZebroGodilla Darklighter Ace

    Nov 26, 2014
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    I like this issue, namely because it had all the weird zaniness of Star Wars from the 70's with today's outlook, and though it may bother some, Chanath Cha as his one-night-Imperial-stand-he-convinced-not-to-kill-him, was a good choice for the bounty hunter. I was actually a bit surprised, but seeing how she relaxed when she saw Lando, and Lando's mannerisms captured perfectly, even the kiss on the hand, I do like this issue. And really, nothing much happened either other than Chanath Cha's scenes! That's when you know you have strong enough characters and settings to pull off a slower issue :) Great review as always @Kyle.

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