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Non-star wars fans anticipation

Discussion in 'General Movie Discussion' started by Deanishes, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Deanishes

    Deanishes Rebel Trooper

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Hi All,

    I've been watching Jedi Council and reading the forums on and off for quite some time, and it's so easy for us to forget about the people who aren't in the know about star wars. It's crazy to think there are people that didn't know a new movie was coming out, because they are not into the movie experiences whatsoever.

    I recently started a YouTube channel. For one of my first collaborations I decided to find some other YouTubers and ask them simple star wars questions, however I made sure they weren't star wars fans before hand. By just asking if they liked or not, and if I got a "eh, not really" response, I would send them the list of questions.

    It's crazy to think of some of them not knowing certain things, but it's also amazing to see how many things they knew just due to the iconic status. Darth Vader for example, in the video they didn't know exactly who Darth Vader was, but all they resorted too mimicking his lines/voice to show that they knew him. As for Jedi... yeah, they were pretty clueless. "Jedi are.. the guys with blue or green swords? I'm not sure which colour".

    Anyway, here is the video if you want to check it out. Please, you don't need to watch it. I'm not posting it for the views, I just wanted to discuss that outside our world of love for star wars there are people who don't even know a new movie is coming out, haha. Posting for discussion, not the video views.

  2. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Rebel Official

    Oct 26, 2015
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    My colleague from work watched TFA yesterday and told me it felt a lot like Deja-Vu (stuff she remembers from the OT). Yet she wondered why Yoda wasn't in TFA, having obviously forgotten that he died in ROJ. She likes Harrison Ford a lot and felt he delivered.

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