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Remember this vid?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Bill Brasky, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Bill Brasky

    Bill Brasky Rebel Trooper

    Sep 6, 2014
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    In light of the new title, I remembered this vid from a while back. In many ways I find eerie coincidences.

    Thoughts on The Force Awakens in relation to a story like this?
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  2. Ceruleanlord

    Ceruleanlord Rebel General

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I liked this, very intellectual, we will see if how much the trilogy actually matches this, and see if it sums the saga up by the end of episode IX.
  3. R5-D4

    R5-D4 Rebel Commander

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I actually love the kooky endgame this guy is talking about. Hope it goes in that direction, at least something that isn't a simple "good is better than bad" ending.
  4. TheFettMan

    TheFettMan Rebel Official

    Sep 10, 2014
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    I liked the video. It had interesting art & a few good points:
    SPOILERS :eek:;
    It's neat how he did the clip in 2013 and was spot on about the need for "The Force" to be a more important element or "character" in the 3 film arc. He makes a great point & it sounds like JJ/ILM/Disney might follow that route.
    His bit towards the end about how the Jedi & Sith "merge" or a alien being pushing events to "balance" the force seems a tad odd BUT it could reveal a serious story line where a big reason the Force is returning or growing thru Luke(and maybe his off spring). It's "possible" the Jedi & Sith could convert into a new full being like the final scenes of The Dark Crystal(1982) then draw the Force into every living being in the galaxy but that's a extreme measure.
    Maybe in the climax of EP9 but highly unlikely in The Force Awakens.
    I agree too with the video's point that the new films need characters who are layered or have depth. People fans & film goers will CARE about. The "new Jedi" should be exciting and wear different outfits.
    I don't see TFA having a "force steam" or crack in the universe but I DO see there being a item or power that's fully able to suck out or anialate entire star systems/planets.
    The Sith or the main villains may try to obtain or use the device & as in the ending of Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981) be fully engulfed by its massive power then destroyed. Luke as the "Super Jedi" may be there to act as a conduit or beacon being "restored" to his normal self by the elements(maybe the living force).
  5. Mike

    Mike Rebel General

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Couldn't get past the PT bashing, that crap gets old.....
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  6. Ralok-one

    Ralok-one Rebel Official

    Nov 7, 2014
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    I was listening until about 16:50

    No... this is the kind of awful garbage trancendental childish 2001 a space odyssey bullcrap that ruined ME3s ending.

    ITs not smart, its not clever, its not interesting. It makes the universe stop dead in its tracks and takes away everyones happy endings and goals that they have been working towards.

    You may as well say "and then everyone was happy and became pretty pretty angels and flaoted up to heaven where they lived on ice cream mountains and ate all day"
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  7. Mike

    Mike Rebel General

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I agree, I ended up watching more of it, and I gotta say I thought it was garbage. First of all the premise that the Jedi and Sith need to penetrate a barrier to free the Force, is the same plot used in Star Trek: The Final Frontier. In that movie a Vulcan believes that he is being called to the center of the galaxy that is protected by a great barrier, once through the barrier he will meet God himself. Sound familiar?

    Another thing is this guys silly PT bashing that shows he has no clue what he is talking about. First of all he bashes the PT as nothing but lightsabre battles, than proceeds to say that the ST needs Sith so we can have.... lightsaber battles. Really?

    Then on top of that he makes the comment that the ST needs to be more about the force (like the OT), and less about lightsaber battles (like the PT), especially when it comes to combat. Again I gotta laugh at this guy because in TPM alone we probably see as much use of the Force than we saw in the entire OT, especially when it came to combat. So if you compare the entire PT to the OT, there is a huge difference in the amount of The Force being used in combat where it heavily favors the PT. Seriously take away the Emperor's Force lightning in ROTJ, and Vader's use of the Force in ESB when he is fighting Luke, how much other Force use do you remember in the combat sequences? Then think about the PT, and remember all the Force use going on, with Force pushes, Force speed, Etc etc.

    Did this guy even watch the movies, or is he just puking out all the ridiculous PT bashing he has heard over the years?
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  8. Ralok-one

    Ralok-one Rebel Official

    Nov 7, 2014
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    The big problem with the Force in the PT is that there was ill defined limitations and abilities. A lot of people complain about stuff in the prequels... improperly, they see something is wrong, they know it is wrong... but they cant put it into words.

    So they just say crap like "its like a video game" and "there is too many lightsaber battles" or "the force wasnt used enough"

    You know what is hilarious, is that in that Star Trek movie it was being shown as a fruitless quest and that there are simply some things we need to ask ourselves and come up with our own answers. That ultimately we have to create our own peace and it wont just be handed to us from up high.

    In a sens ethis guy is being serious, and he is basically saying "I dont want this crap to go on forever, I hoep they find god and that god stops all the fights and all the meanieness ever"

    tis so... immature I cant even fathom it...

    and its just rude, imagine if one day your life had to stop and you had to ascend to a higher form of existence... because some jerk on the otehr end of hte known universe found a wall in space and poked a hole in it. Everything our civilization built, everything that we work for together, all of our relationships and futures whiped away...

    This isnt how you end a series, this ending is something someone comes up with in the middle of toking on a doobie (as the cool kids call it)
    • Great Post Great Post x 1

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