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Review: The High Republic Adventures #4 Puts the Pieces Into Motion

Discussion in 'SWNN News Feed' started by SWNN Probe, May 1, 2023.

  1. SWNN Probe

    SWNN Probe Seeker

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    Happy May the 4th week everyone! Star Wars comics is taking the occasion seriously with a total of seven releases this coming Wednesday. We're kicking things off early with a look at the latest from Dark Horse's The High Republic Adventures flagship series. Issue #4 is hitting shelves this week, and I am happy to confirm that business has finally picked up.

    Daniel José Older, up to this point, has spent the first three issues building out the characters and their various quirks, while obscuring the full scope of the series. If you've been following solicits, all roads are leading to Jedha, but the series itself hasn't even hinted at that. Instead, we've been journeying with Padawan Sav Malagán and Maz Kanata's crew as they take on the Dank Graks in some wacky misadventures. Ultimately, this issue ends the lax nature of things and puts these various pieces into motion toward that end game.

    Mild spoilers ahead...


    The High Republic Adventures left off with the Dank Graks reclaiming their ship and kidnapping Maz in the process. Sav went off alone to pick up the trail and bring the pirate queen home before things get worse. Issue #4 begins with Sav going under the alias of Bazrap Ratht to try and work her way aboard the Dank Graks' ship to 'join' them.

    The villains of this series get a lot of page-time in this issue, and it mainly serves to show their softer side. When Arkik Von agrees to let Sav on the ship, he makes up the 'trial of the Graks' on the spot to allow Sav to prove her metal. I'm not sure if I'm meant to take Arkik seriously as a villain or not based on this bad comedy sketch of a scene, but it falls in line with the tone of the series. Between the last issue and this one, Dark Horse put out two Adventures issues (Quest of the Jedi and The Nameless Terror #2) that felt nothing like the all-ages distinction they are classified under, so it was a bit of an adjustment going back to this style of lighter storytelling.


    However, this issue does a good job of highlighting why Sav is questioning her place in the Jedi Order to begin with. There's a simple, but charming flashback with a younger Tera Sinube, which sees Sav internally describe him as the only Master she ever cared to listen to. She has been craving a sense of belonging compounded by not feeling valued by her own Master.

    As Sav now gets comfortable with this new group, there is a vibe that she might have more in common with the Graks beyond their connection to the Force. And now that Older has shown the villains in a new light, is there more than meets the eye? It continues to be an interesting arc to take her on, given we know where she ends up during the events of phase 1 High Republic publishing.


    The High Republic Adventures #4 delivers on the series' penchant for being a fun and harmless read. This series continues to be very bare-bones in its execution, but Older has found a way to craft a cast of characters that are vibrant and distinct. Toni Bruno's art once again gets the job done too. I love the facial expressions and cartoony body language that several of the characters possess, especially in folk like Arkik Von.

    Heading into the back half of the series though, Older will have to sell me a bit more. Laying the foundation for a good story is essential, but to have nothing of real consequence happen through four issues bothers me. Older has earned the benefit of the doubt and the Battle of Jedha is finally here, so here's to the action ramping up.

    <p style='text-align: center;']RATING: 6.5/10</p>

    Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #4 is available Wednesday, May 3, wherever comics are sold. Special thanks to Dark Horse Comics for the ARC used in this review.

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    #1 SWNN Probe, May 1, 2023
    Last edited: May 1, 2023

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