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TFA Monopoly

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Video/Tabletop Games' started by Darth Lexor Kai, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Darth Lexor Kai

    Darth Lexor Kai General of the Future Folk

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I got my TFA monopoly a few weeks ago and I finally had a chance to play it with some friends last night. Its completly different then regular monopoly...I would even say its like a new game entirely. sure you still land on spots, buy, and pay rent...but no one goes bankrupt. we were able to play 2 full games with 4 players in 1 hour, so its way shorter too.

    I guess you would have to try it to understand. I recommend it, but I wanted to ask what yall think.

    I would rate this game 6/10
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  2. BamBoosle-8

    BamBoosle-8 Force Sensitive

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Could you explain more, what is different, what makes it enjoyable? What makes it so fast? I'm curious :3
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  3. Darth Lexor Kai

    Darth Lexor Kai General of the Future Folk

    Dec 21, 2014
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    the first 2 major changes from the original monopoloy and TFA Monopoly is:
    1. no one goes bankrupt
    2. there are no property cards.

    the game is played out by teams instead of individuals.

    to mark your territory each of the 3-4 players has a unique symbol. such as first order, rebel alliance, etc.

    The game is over when all territories have been purchased.

    The player with the most territories wins.

    the game is played out in a circle with the same number of properties as the original game. to purchase a tile, you pay the amount shown on the board and if someone lands on it then they pay the amount of rent, also shown on the board... pretty standard stuff so far right?

    instead of Chance, or Community Chest, you have Red, or Blue. red obviously sith cards, and blue has jedi abilities. you can get cards like ":destroy all basses in the star system". that would remove your opponents pieces from a block. for instance if they had Boardwalk and Park place, then the player pieces would be removed and then they would be back up for auction again. great for destroying monopoly that charge double rent... and give you more time to win the game.

    then you have spaces like warp drive. when you land on those then you can travel to the first property available for purchase.

    also on the board there is a space called Bounty Hunter. This is my favorite. You can destroy or replace a players piece with your own.

    If you run out of money then you sell off your property for the purchase price until you are completely broke... then you don't pay anything at all and pray you get your Passing Go money.

    well I think thats everything. let me know if that helped.

    the game is faster paced because no one goes bankrupt and the game is over as soon as all the properties have been purchased.
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  4. BamBoosle-8

    BamBoosle-8 Force Sensitive

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Thanks for your quick response! Very interesting and with the stuff you bring up, it really sounds like a different game. Thank you!
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