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Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Corey Caudle, Feb 5, 2015.

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  1. Corey Caudle

    Corey Caudle Rebelscum

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Max Von Sydow is playing Kanan Jarrus in The Force Awakens. Sometime between ROTJ and TFA, Luke Skywalker an Kanan Jarrus became aligned with one another on a plot to bring down the Empire. Luke has tasked Han and Chewie with leading the Rebel Alliance against the Empire while his son(Domhall Gleeson) has secretly infiltrated and joined imperial ranks. Kanan Jarrus is tasked with looking after Lukes niece Kira Solo and she possesses the weapon that can unlock grand evil inside a sith tomb. Luke is guarding a sith tomb because he knows a evil force is trying to draw someone to it to unlock its secrets. The person seeking to open the tomb is none other than Lukes nephew Kylo Ren Solo. Princess Leia is in charge of the political agenda trying to align with the Hutts to gain more control of the outer rim from the empires grip. The Rebel Alliance has created a new and improved sleek death star that Leia will have to decide to use or not at the end of the film. The Empires super weapon is on a planet called Ryoome, this planet is not a snow planet but in fact a planet covered in ash. There is a large amount of volcanoes here. BB-8 holds Kiras lightsaber inside it. Gwendoline Christies Chrome Trooper character will die in episode 7. Han Solo will be killed in a confrontation between Luke, Kylo and himself. The Rebel Alliance will seem in a desperate position at one point in the film but lukes son will turn the tables after they reveal their elaborate ruse but then things will shift as the tomb is unlocked. Leia will have the choice of ending all turmoil at the end by destroying the planet with the castle but knows innocent people will die including her family so she chooses to hold off and in turn opens the doors for evil in episode 8 and 9. Andy Serkis is the ANCIENT SITH LORD....THE ANCIENT FEAR
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  2. Voxx

    Voxx Jedi Hero of Legend

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You have already posted this theory in another thread. You don't need another one.
    #2 Voxx, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  3. Darth Ameeran

    Darth Ameeran Rebelscum

    Dec 16, 2014
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    How about no
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