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How would you rate the Rebels Series Finale?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Rebels' started by Galaxy '77, Mar 6, 2018.


How did you feel about the Rebels Series Finale?

  1. 0-2 (Disappointed/Unsatisfied)

    7 vote(s)
  2. 3-5 (Average)

    5 vote(s)
  3. 6-8 (Content)

    37 vote(s)
  4. 8-10 (Elated)

    44 vote(s)
  1. Devizz

    Devizz Rebel General

    Jul 22, 2016
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    It was a good finale but it wasn't as good as the last 2 episodes, perhaps my expectations were set too high. It had some really, really good things going for it tho (Tharwn's dialogues obviously, Ezra/Palpatine interaction and the latter being sort of a Lucifer-like figure in disguise tempting the hero).
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  2. Leahcim Somar

    Leahcim Somar Rebel Official

    Dec 20, 2015
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    The finale was a good one. Dave Filoni(DF) has stayed true to George Lucas(GL) SW arc, to me. He did right with keeping it within the story of the Rebels vice throwing in characters or planets or other story arcs (Rogue One and the OT). I like how throughout the Rebels series DF has put certain things that was in the films or that was shown in the film through Rebels IE: Tri blade and Kanan flying through space(Basically not shocked to see Leia do it now). The finale was perfect for the Rebels crew.

    Hera kinda throttled back the last few episodes cause of Kanan's Death. You figure of course he had to die cause he is basically the only Jedi fighting before the OT. I would of liked to see Vader do his thing while searching for Kanan or have another Kanan moment in season 4. Back to Hera, you can see her relying on Sabine and Ezra with the plans cause from the beginning she and Kanan were in control and to not worry about it at the end made her rest assure that everything is okay. She had her MOM moment with Ezra telling him to come back but it wasnt like any other demand from past seasons, it as more of a parent asking their child dont go. Now she has a kid and I feel that she has the need to settle back.

    Zeb became more of a protector towards the end. He was so much of the fighter and aggressor from the start. You see him do the right thing to time to time but only to benefit him in the outcome IE saving Kallus, saving the force babies to name 2. the final season Zeb was more of protecting the people around him to further the rebels cause. He picked his fights and provides the assistance to the band of rebels at the end. It is only right for him to go back to his planet and be the protector of his people and provide further cause to the rebellion in the future. I see Zeb showing up time to time in the next animation DF has to come, I hope...

    Sabine took the role of Hera at the end. More of the fighter and demander like Hera posed in the beginning. Shes the one who has the plan of getting the force field up and she knows she and Ezra are the ones who will continue the fight. She could of left Lothal but stays. She has become a Rebel and the prior seasons/episodes she gives up the saber and knows Mandalore is in safe hands. So she goes back to the crew and her and Ezra have this bond like Hera/Kanan does. I think she will be the next animation from DF and we will see Ahsoka as well and maybe she will become a JEDI in the next episode. Ahsoka has gone through it all and put her in a live action film would be so fulfilling for all SW fan.

    Ezra Bridger. I was waiting for DF to finally come back to his story and glad it ended with him. He is learning the ways of the Jedi and with Kanan passing he basically takes over has him. He takes his lessons and continues it through his journey. and to have meeting with Ahsoka, OB1, Maul, Yoda, Vader, Emperor and Kanan he gets both sides of the force but was is interesting is that its more of teaching lessons from them all, mostly from Kanan. and that hes only a padawan, Ezra is not a JEDI. so now hes out there learning about the force kinda like Ahsoka is now but kinda makes me think of Rian Johnson take on a new trilogy. He his out there possibly showing the ways of the force and Jedi to someone or people seeing him in action. I would like to see him help Luke start the whole Jedi academy. that Luke plays a similar parts like Yoda in rebels in the new show with Sabine/Ahsoka. having Snips help train Luke time to time. Ill say this for a prediction, Sabine and Ezra are Rey's parents. HAHA. Hey im just saying but it can fall into the timeline...

    In all SWR is a great series. It started and end in Lothal and it gave us the rebel view and held high with Kanan the JEDI and Ezra continuing the Jedi way. Im glad to see that DF didnt add alot from all SW canon. I thought we would see Jyn or somebody from the R1 crew. Im glad they didnt go far into TCW and Saw only had his moments. alot of people wanted more OB1 but it was only fitting for the one episode. I think its only more fitting to put Vader in. I wanted Kanan to meet Yoda or OB1 prior to dying but it was his plan to save the crew and have him go that route was right for his character and the show. I cant wait for DF to further the SW story and add to the way of the force that GL invision. Now I hope we see that continue in a show. May the force be with Rebels...
    #42 Leahcim Somar, Mar 8, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
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  3. Jedi General

    Jedi General Force Attuned

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Dude... Star Wars is FANTASY. Don’t try to scientifically explain everything you see or you’re going to have a really bad time. xD Besides, it’s been confirmed that Humans and Twi’leks can have kids. It’s canon. So yeah. Apparently it does work.
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  4. stephied

    stephied Rebel General

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I am going through Rebels withdrawal. I really enjoyed watching this show with my son. There are not many T.V. shows that I can watch with my 11-year-old kid that we both enjoy. I really fell in love with the Ghost Crew. As a mom myself, I could relate to Hera as a character. I hope that Dave Filoni will give us more animated delights, such as Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Clone Wars. My favorite Star Wars female characters are Ahsoka Tano and Hera Syndulla. I look forward to more characters to get excited about when the next animated series comes. I am curious and hopeful for the live action series too.
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  5. Trev

    Trev Rebel Official

    Jul 7, 2017
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    I was content with it. There were a few things I would change, but overall, I was pretty happy with the end result because the ending made me pretty sure we’ll get answers in a follow-up series. I think it kind of challenged everyone’s expectations because a lot of people assumed everyone but Hera, Chopper, and Rex would die. I think, for what it’s worth, at the end of the day, Rebels is a kids show and I’m sure Dave Filoni was probably limited in what he could accomplish because of that. But he still accomplished a tremendous deal. I was pretty satisfied with the end result.

    There were some characters where, I do think, it would’ve been easier to just kill them off and move on because of the continuity with the Original Trilogy, but like I said, I’m very confident we’re getting a follow-up series, so I’m not too concerned.
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  6. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    A fantastic finale that was more emotional than any of the ST saga movie so far. Give Filoni the new trilogy, he deserves it. He knows George better than most people out there and he deserves something better than "just" an animated series for children. I can only wonder what Filoni would be able to do with a bigger budget and 2 hours of screentime rather than 20 to 40 minutes.
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  7. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    • Funny Funny x 3
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  8. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Moar and better looking spacewhales! But don't tell Rian about them. He would use the spacewhales to crash them into FO ships at lightspeed.
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  9. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    is that any different than having them tow ships at lightspeed given their extra mass?
    Or different than having beings exist in the vacuum of space without an atmosphere?
    I mean, the reaction to Leia by the general fanbase should indicate Space Whales would be a colossal misfire for film.
    Seems odd the reactions to space Leia but the general acceptance of Ezra and Thrawn surviving space in a ship with no windows or shields....
    • Like Like x 4
  10. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    I find myself in a weird place with this finale.

    I thought it was a fine finale and I'm glad it ended the way it did. My only real gripe is more of a catch-22. While I feel like Sabine's ending monologue was necessary and I'm undeniably grateful for it, it takes away some of the mystery of Star Wars for me.

    Let me try to explain...as a thought experiment, I always try to imagine watching each new "entrance point" (ANH, TPM, TFA, TCW, and now Rebels) through the eyes of whatever kids I might have in the future as well as kids today. I imagine what it's like for that to be their FIRST Star Wars experience.

    Rebels is a great entry point in a lot of ways, but I always loved this idea that the show closes and from their standpoint we don't know how the war will go. I like that mystery, and the fact that the series finale takes it away isn't a good thing to me.

    On the other hand, those "where are they now?" finales are my favorite in all of fiction. Rebels did that so right. Explaining where these characters went post-finale felt necessary and Filoni made it all feel natural. I loved it.

    And yet...I still liked The Clone Wars ending more. Yes, the show wasn't finished, but Yoda walking back into the Jedi Temple, having gone on some crazy mystical adventure, attaining some serious Force knowledge, and in the end assuring us about the future through his calm nature was PERFECT. Even if TCW was finished, that's still how I wish it would end (even though that would be impossible).

    Ergo, weird place.

    Overall, I really, REALLY liked this finale. It answered a good amount of questions and raised even more. It closed out Rebels in the way it should be closed out.

    As for Filoni's future...let him do what he wants to do. If that's a live action show, let him have a try. If it's a movie, why not? I think Filoni's storytelling works best over seasons and series, but giving the man a trilogy of movies would be pretty cool to see too. BUT ONLY IF HE WANTS TO. If he wants to make another animated series or five or do some other crazy off-the-wall idea, let him go for it.
    • Wise Wise x 1
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  11. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    We have no ideas about the properties of hyperspace. It isn't even a realm where you are physically tangible so why should wer assume that the properties of space can be applied to it? I also don't know why it should be impossible to hyperspace from athmosphere when you can hyperspace from a hangar (TFA) that is clearly filled with breathable air and thus particles as well. One of the frequent flaws of people analyzing plotholes based on a technological level in SW is that they assume to know how the technology works and what it can and can't do.

    How did Solo track down the Falcon so conveniently in TFA? - Well maybe the Falcon only emits signals when it's powered up. As soon as Rey started it Solo could track it.
    Why don't they use waponized spaceships at lightspeed like Holdo did all the time? - Maybe this is only possible if you use a Mon Cala ships because they have thicker hulls (they are repurposed Mon Cala skyscrapers) and maybe you need to hit thew traget at exactly the rigth time which makes it more gambling than a viable strategy.
    How can Ezra and Thrawn survie hyperspace? - Well how do you know what the porperties of hyperspace are?

    If there was a case in Canon when someone leaving a ship at hyperspace was torn to pieces then sure, you would have a point. But I am not aware of any situation that would allow us to draw conclusions about what should or shouldn't happen in Hyperspace.
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  12. GotTheSilver

    GotTheSilver Rebel Official

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I was disappointed. I wanted a more definitive ending to the story. To leave it open like they did feels like a cop out. Were they just not brave enough to kill Ezra and the others, or complete their stories in some other way.

    I thought the Season 2 finale was much, much better.
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  13. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Yep that was a impressive back up plan on Ezra's part to see his save his home.
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  14. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Impressive. Wildly convenient. Often coinciding things
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  15. Chise

    Chise Rebel Official

    Feb 1, 2018
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    My outsiders take on it.
    It looked like a lot of it was fanservicing.
    To make up to lack of it in tlj.

    Otherwise it was alright. But where the hell was Ahsoka during OT?
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  16. Darth Ordeius

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I liked it
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  17. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Agreed on all three there.
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  18. StarWarsGaming

    StarWarsGaming Rebel Commander

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I would give it an 8/10. I found it very entertaining and very very action packed, which is what I love. My only problem is now I have more questions I need answered like what happened to Trawn and Ezra. What are Ahsoka and Sabine up to. What did Hera’s son become to be? What’s Hera doing after all of this? Lmao I have loads more questions. I suppose most of these will get answered over time. If any I have stated have been answered already reply to my comment please. I liked how it got confirmed that Rex was that old man on Endor fighting outside the bunker. I thought this was a nice Random tie-in into the films. The things I didn’t like are space whales. Like just no. I also was not a fan of Zeb taking Kallus to meet other Lasat species on a new planet. The Lasat species making him welcome as one of them was a bit too much considering he thought he had wiped out the species. I mean how did they forgive him and then make him ‘one of them’.
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  19. Askia

    Askia Clone Commander

    May 17, 2017
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    I finally caught up and finished Rebels and it was really good. I thought there was going to be a season 5 so it caught me a bit off guard.

    They did a really good job of completing these characters story arcs, without having to kill them off to fit them in the cannon.

    I'm really excited for the next series. They should have a lot more freedom in terms of what they can do; seeing as there is a huge gap in time, and it's not nearly as defined as 3-4.
  20. Rodney-2187

    Rodney-2187 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    The series finale of Rebels was one of my favorite series finale of all time. It checked all th boxes. I especially love the short montage about what happened with sme of the characters but also the possibility of others showing up somewhere else. Great job Filoni!
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