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SPECULATION TCW Was Going to Make the Yuuzhan Vong Canon, Should That Still Happen?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Books & Comics + Legends' started by Admiral Petty, Jul 2, 2015.


Should the Yuuzhan Vong ever be adapted into canon?

  1. Yes!

    10 vote(s)
  2. Nooooo!!!

    30 vote(s)
  3. Yes(with some changes)

    24 vote(s)
  4. Yuuzhan Who?

    6 vote(s)
  1. GingerByte

    GingerByte Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think that if the Vong are reintroduced, they will not be outside the force, but a naturally resistant species. Perhaps an unnaturally low midi-chlorian count helps them gain resistance to it or something?
  2. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    I'm glad some of you enjoyed the vong.

    Reading the vong stories made me very sad. Primarily in mourning all of the countless trees that were needlessly cut down to give us these stories. But also because for a number of years it actually pushed me completely away from star wars. I didn't come back until the lead up to ep7.

    As much as i loved the thrawn trilogy, dark empire, shadows of the empire and so much more, i was more than willing to sacrifice all of that to know that the vong NEVER happened.

    All that to say: i voted no.

    P.s. if you liked the vong stories, good for you. I don't love you any less for it.
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  3. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I really hated the Vong. The product of unimaginative story telling.
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  4. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I think the Yuuzhan Vong are excellent and they should indeed be included in SW canon. I know some fans disliked them because they were so different from what we are used to seeing in SW but isn't that their charm? Lucas began a story in SW with ANH but that galaxy has expanded even beyond Lucas's dreams. Such a big galaxy and so many worlds, individuals and conflicts so why does EVERYTHING have to be related to the Jedi vs Sith - Rebelion vs Empire conflict? Some fans are against this but when will it get too old to bear? How many more times are we going to see another incarnation of the Empire just pop out of nowhere to threaten the galaxy? The Vong are awesome as they are a menace to everything we know and love in the SW galaxy and it would be so cool to see them be it in upcoming movies. Seeing as there are not many Jedi left it would be so cool to see Rey and any new Jedi, Sith or Force/Dark Side users who survive after episode 9 have to team up in order to take on the Vong.
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  5. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    With all due respect, i could hardly call any aspect of the yuuzhan vong "charming." the problem i had with the vong story was that the only thing that made it vaguely original was that it was a story trope that hadn't been done in star wars- in any other science fiction it would have been a mediocre at the very best invasion story.

    I'll be the first one to side with you and say new types of conflicts and galactic threats will benefit the star wars galaxy. Just not the vong. They were a boring cliche take on invaders any sci fi enthusiast has seen a million times, except these ones got to kill Chewbacca by dropping a moon on him. Ugh.

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  6. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    That's your opinion and I respect that my friend yet do you truly think we got served better with the New Order? Just apply a new name on the same regular Empire and all of a sudden it's awesome? That's the problem with many fans these days. They always want to see the same old rehash over and over again and argue every time something new comes along. The Vong were indeed interesting as they changed everything our heroes knew and it made them struggle to stay on top. The Yuuzhan Vong were a greater menace than the Empire ever was and they affected the galaxy on an even wider scale. War had new meaning with the Yuuzhan Vong as these beings were religious fanatics and they were not just the tipical bad guys we have always seen in SW.

    Every time something new comes along I have seen many fans complain. They hated Thrawn, they hated the Ssi-Ruuk and then they hated the Vong. They gave us Darth Maul and people hated him because he was nowhere like Vader, they gave us Grievous and fans hated him because he was a cyborg and not a Sith, they gave us Durge in the comics and the cartoons and fans hated him because he was extremely powerful and nearly impossible to kill. Fans hated the creatures in Jabba's Palace to the point that they bashed ROTJ of being a latex puppet fest and then they bashed the prequels for being a CGI fest and not using latex and puppets.

    Whatever new thing comes along fans bash it and sometimes I wonder if they would be content to see every single SW movie be about the Jedi vs Sith conflict. They want Han Solo, Boba Fett and Obi Wan prequels and they are super happy seeing SW movies that are a complete rehash of what we have already seen. To each his own and I respect that everyone is free to like whatever strikes their fancy but I for one would rather have a new trilogy with the Nikto Morgukai or even Trandoshan hunters as the main threat than having the very same thing served to me over and over again.
    • Great Post Great Post x 3
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  7. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    The irony of this post being that 1. The vong were literally nothing new in sci fi. Recent examples done better: the Borg in star trek next gen and (gasp) independence day. And 2. You spend nearly every post on this forum missing the point of the new things in ep7, decrying surface similarities and missing the deep wealth of new story telling potential given to us in it l.

    Are we served better with the first order than the vong? Damn right. The first order represents quite well the sorts of extremist factions we see develop here when a power vacuum emerges- from the nazis to isis. So why wouldn't the foes of the gffa model themselves after the empire? How does that limit their story potential? From where i sit, it's a logical, realistic and suitable for plenty of new and interesting stories.

    Nobody hated Darth maul. They hated everything else. He also had the least dialogue.

    Nobody hated the creatures in jabbas palace. It was classic star wars. People hated the crap song and dance number Lucas put in the special edition.

    Thinking people didn't hate grievous or for that matter doku, they hated that they were throw away characters that were given next to nothing to do except get killed. The clone wars cartoon remedied that and the fans cheered.

    With the first order its not "apply a new name and suddenly it's awesome." it's almost the opposite. It's apply an old look, distort an already established evil force to the point that they are capable of greater atrocity- not because of star killer base but because of an off-kilter philosophy and the fact that up until the events of ep7, this evil force was the under dog. we saw the first order rise from a small faction to essentially destabilizing the entire galaxy- and THAT is awesome and THAT opens up some incredible story telling opportunities.

    So the next time you write an essay here pinning for the prequel trilogy and the old EU, consider those possibilities, and consider that maybe you've become the old fan you seem so frustrated with.

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  8. Bligh

    Bligh Rebel Official

    Apr 14, 2016
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    No. No. No.

    I found that the Yuuzhan Vong was a tacky, cheap, and un-imaginative solution to a story. Just because it can be done, it doesn't mean it should be done.

    The Vong look like cheap creatures from Star Trek or some other random Sci-Fi franchise - not Star Wars.

    By all means we can have a new threat other than the First Order or the Empire but the Vong is not the answer.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 29, 2016 ---
    Excellent Post.
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  9. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    "The vong is not the answer" should be the next "your snoke theory sucks" sticker

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  10. Bligh

    Bligh Rebel Official

    Apr 14, 2016
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    ahahahahaha should I make that happen? :p
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  11. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    In a word: yes
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. TrooperTK-421

    TrooperTK-421 Rebel Commander

    Sep 9, 2014
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    SW is about the adventures of the Skywalker family, not the Force. There is always room for something that represents a departure from the Force - e.g. Rogue One. When "May The Force Be With You" is spoken by non-Jedi it is an acknowledgement to the times when they were the guardians of peace in the galaxy. It is not the be-all and end-all of Star Wars.

    Yuhzan Vong were always a favourite enemy of mine because they represented a common threat to both Resistance/Rebels and the Empire. They were a good, darker addition to the EU which demonstrated a willing of GL not to just retread the Empire vs Rebels conflict over and over - although I stopped reading after Chewie tried to headbutt a crashing moon.
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  13. Admiral Petty

    Admiral Petty Force Sensitive

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Speaking as a fan who loves both TFA and the EU(while recognising the flaws in both), I feel that there is indeed room for the Vong at some point in the new canon, however in a much retooled fashion. For one, I don't think it is necessary to present them as the galaxy shaking threat that they were in the EU. Also, get rid of all of the philosophying about the force and the whole thing with the Vong being cut off from it, as that stuff doesn't really fit with our understanding of the force in canon material these days.

    For those of you who watched the portion of the video where Dave Filoni is talking about how he wanted to handle the Vong in his proposed episode, I think it would have worked great. More than anything though, I find it encouraging that guys in positions like Dave Filoni would even consider adapting such thoroughly EU elements like the Vong in the first place. Thinking like that is what got us Thrawn people ;).

    While the Vong are pretty low on my list of EU elements that I would like to see added to the canon, the very fact that they were considered in the first place gives me hope for other aspects of the EU being adapted at later times(fingers crossed for more KOTOR related stuff).

    As for the whole argument about The First Order, I agree with @Mcbee that they have wonderful potential, however I can also see why other fans like @Amanaman might feel somewhat disappointed from a design perspective. While I will take the more likeable characters of TFA over those of the PT any day, I also would like to see a more adventurous spirit in the design department as well. I don't see why we can't have our cake and eat it too ;). Hopefully VIII will be a bit more adventurous in that department.
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  14. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Dude the irony of your words know no bounds. Just how old are you? Did you grow up with the OT and see it in the theatres? Did you already have grown friends that talked about SW and were you up to date with what went on in those times? Aparently not cause if you did you would clearly know that ROTJ was hated by many fans due to both Jabba's Palace and the Ewoks and it is because of this that Jedi was rated the least liked of the OT. You just think people hated Jedi Rocks? Surly you don't have any idea then how many people hated Lapti Nek right? Just wake up my friend and google it. Write ''Return of the Jedi sucks'' and you will be bombarded with posts of MANY people that hated the movie. For me ROTJ is my favorite of the SW movies yet having grown up with the OT I was really surprised at how much the movie was disliked by many fans.

    Another thing that seems odd is that while you argue about the Vong, you don't seem to know what you are talking about. Are you just one of those fans that hate things because others tell you to hate them? How in the world can you even compare the Yuuzhan Vong to the Borg or to the aliens from Independence Day? If you had any idea what you were talking about you could at least have compared the Vong to Species 8472 from ST or to the Vorlons from Babylon 5.

    Finally you say things like that people didn't hate Grievous or Dooku and that makes it cristal clear that you know not what you are talking about. You love TFA? Good for you! And if you really want to think that it's the coolest thing ever to see a rehash of the Empire from a movie that was a rehash of ANH then by all means knock your socks off! Everyone has the right to love the things they like and that's cool but at least next time if you want to badmouth something others like at least do your homework before debating with others.
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  15. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Not only did you completely miss my point, you choose to be insulting. Nice work.

    My age has literally nothing to do with my points. Considering "not knowing what I'm talking about" it seems like a pretty even split here as to whether or not the vong was a great idea or not. To the points beyond that I'm not going to retype what I've already said as i feel i was pretty clear and you just essentially side stepped them to go on the attack.

    #55 Mcbee, Jul 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
  16. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    So I'm the attacker now? Dude for real? Are you in denial? Go back to your original post and take some time to read it so that you can see who attacked who. I sim ply stated my opinion and you came to me with guns blazing. Then look at how you ended your post:

    ''So the next time you write an essay here pinning for the prequel trilogy and the old EU, consider those possibilities, and consider that maybe you've become the old fan you seem so frustrated with.''

    If there was somebody who attacked the other it was you and I simply defended myself and that still doesn't change the fact that you attacked blindly in defense of TFA without knowing what you were talking about. It was in no way my intention to insult you and if this was the case then I beg you to forgive me but keep in mind that if you enter a fire fight with blasters blazing, you always have to remember that there is always a chance that you might get hit.
  17. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Not agreeing with you doesn't mean i don't know what I'm talking about, man. Nor does it mean I'm attacking you.

    I've seen you do this in a lot of threads- you talk down to anyone who disagrees with you and act like saying "my friend" makes it cool. You unnecessarily use every chance you have to bash the force awakens yet you seem to have a problem with people doing that with the prequels. It's passive aggressive hypocrisy.

    I tried to peacefully implore you to reconsider slamming ep7 at every turn, because 1. It wasn't particularly pertinent to this thread and 2. You write such long posts you're clearly a dedicated fan- it was my honest hope that it might give you some cause for pause.

    I try very hard not to judge people based upon "tone" in forum posts, but fairly often i see you come off this way and this happens to be the first time we've butted heads.

    I didn't attack. I stated an opposing view. Nor did i go in blind. I offered fairly thoughtful viewpoints you happened to disagree with. And this "do your homework" and "not knowing what I'm talking about" BS is just that: BS. do i have to prove my fan credentials to you, my friend? I think not. But here you go: i read about 3/4 of the vong material which is more than most people i know could stomach. It was an absolute exercise in self torture. It was a lazy pastiche of recycled sci fi chiches. Throwing a star wars label on it neither made it good or original..but that's just my opinion and as i said in my original post, if others enjoyed it, good for them. I'm sure we can find other things to enjoy together. Us for example, we both liked ROTJ best growing up.

    The lesson I've learned from your rebuttal is that anyone who is younger than you has an opinion which doesn't matter, anyone who disagrees with you doesn't know what they are talking about, and you don't bother considering other opinions when it's much more satisfying to write your own.

    #57 Mcbee, Jul 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
  18. Trevor

    Trevor Rebellion Arms Supplier
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    Oct 17, 2014
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    I hear ya'. Not only is SW the story of the Skywalker family, but it is the story of the family and it's relationship with the Force.

    The Vong were such a departure from the ground floor that I found it hard to sometimes remember that it was about Star Wars because it was SO different. It seemed like the story accidentally got overlapped with an alien invasion sci-fi flick and you didn't really know if the author was remembering that he was writing SW. I read it all, but...I don't know...it just wasn't for me. Can you kind of see where I'm at here?
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  19. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    My friend just look at what you're saying. You are acusing me of the very things that you are doing. Just read my first post and see that I mearly gave my opinion which somehow seemed to offend you just because you love TFA. The OP asked us what we though about the Vong being canon and I simply spoke like everyone else on this post. Go back and reread it if you must. Look at all the different opinions here about the Yuuzhan Vong (including negative ones) and see if I argued with anybody here. The OP wanted to know what we each though of his idea and it wasn't meant for any of us to attack the other because we didn't like his/her opinion. You started it all as the only thing you had to do was answer the OP and not argue against my opinion.

    If somebody writes a post asking if Boba Fett is the greatest Bounty Hunter that ever was, you just can't get angry and throw a fit if somebody else says that he/she thinks that Cad Bane, Bossk or Zuckuss are better. You even keep on attacking with your words as you try to accuse me of trating wrongly anyone younger than I am which is kind of funny since 1-I don't know your age 2-I don't know the age of anyone else here. But you fail to see the truth in my argument. When I asked if you were young it was because as I stated before, you didn't really know what you were talking about when you argued with me and that's why I told you to do your homework. You were so mad that I disliked TFA that you quickly argued saying that nobody hated Darth Maul, Grievous, Dooku or the creatures from Jabba's palace when this is just not true. Many fans saw Dooku as an unnecessary character and they consider him the weakest Sith Lord there is. Same happens with Maul, Grievous, Durge and the creatures from Jabba's. Minus Dooku, I loved all these creatures and characters but through the years I have been in debates with many fans that hated these characters.

    Again my reason for telling you that you didn't know what you were talking about was because of you comparing the Vong with the Borg and the aliens from Independence Day. The Borg are highly mechanical beings that absorb others cultures and tech into their collective. They leave world dead and barren and move on to other worlds seeking perfection. The ID aliens are a bit similar to the Borg in that they go to worlds and strip them of the materials they use to further their goals. While they do have bio suits, everything else about them is mechanical. Both of these species also rely on a hive mind to lead their troops. The Vong on the other hand are totally different from these two species in many ways. They hate anything technological and all their technology is some form of living organism, they are capable of independent thought and they take worlds and terraform them into worlds filled with living things and not anything technological which is totally opposite with what the Borg and ID aliens do.

    You accuse me by saying you have seen me do this and that on other threads but then I ask you, if this were the case then why did you start debating with me in the first place? If by your standards I am a person that tries to force my way of thinking on others then why not simply ignore my comments? As I mentioned before, you should have stuck to answering the OP and should have not debated with me if I'm just a crummy person.

    PS: Sure you're not the one attacking but it's cool to give me all those trolling quotes just because you don't agree with what I say right?
    #59 Amanaman, Jul 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
  20. Mcbee

    Mcbee Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    I've thought it through and removed the ratings. As i said before you're clearly a dedicated fan and dedicated fans are bound to disagree. At times vehemently. I'm going to try not to assume intent on your part. The comments about age and "not knowing what I'm talking about" really rubbed me the wrong way.

    And finally i don't think you are some sort of horrible person or something. This has just been quite an aggravating exchange.

    For my part i didn't mean to come off as attacking you. I apologize if that's the way it appeared. I try to contribute to this forum in a primarily positive fashion to avoid misunderstandings and arguments like this and this time i just got caught up in it.

    There's more we agree on than disagree. Afterall, it's star wars that brought us both here.

    #60 Mcbee, Jul 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016

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