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I refuse to show my 5 year old the PT

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by BaronSoontirFel, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. ZebroGodilla

    ZebroGodilla Darklighter Ace

    Nov 26, 2014
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    Yes, I do agree AOTC was fairly weak, and it was at times numbing, not even including the romance scenes. I just want to make clear that by missing out on the best of the Prequels, ROTS and TCW, a larger understanding of a SAGA, not just a story can be lost. The Prequels had the potential to be darker and more gray than the OT, but it failed, and nobody denies that. It failed with a variety of reasons, but overall, I just wanted to voice out that by not even showing her the two best parts of the Prequels, her understanding and appreciation of the OT, and new medias and interests of Star Wars that have come since the OT and are coming out now could probably not be the same.
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  2. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Agreed, my sisters don't watch star wars because they state it's a male only franchise every year it's change the channel moment but hey I agree you do what you gotta do.
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  3. Grand Admiral Kraum

    Grand Admiral Kraum Force Sensitive

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Once you get to Attack Of The Clones, any sense of quality goes out the window. You sit there stunned, just waiting for it all to be over. The prequels ruined the entire saga for some people, lets hope the new trilogy can get them back.
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  4. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    No doubt the wait is long but it's worth it.
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  5. Darth Lexor Kai

    Darth Lexor Kai General of the Future Folk

    Dec 21, 2014
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    for me, when they came out i was at the right age. i loved the prequels. i think its a generational thing.
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  6. Grand Admiral Kraum

    Grand Admiral Kraum Force Sensitive

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I was 8 when The Phantom Odour came out.. I enjoyed it due to being the right age, but felt that Episode II was just ridiculous. For example the intro, some people walk down a fake looking ramp while some guy goes "Looks like there was no danger at all" then the lamest looking CGI explosion happens, with the cheesiest digital camera shake they could have picked.. Even at 11 I let out a groan of disappointment at that, and started skipping through the film before getting to some cringeworthy scene of Hayden meeting Padme. The chase through Coruscant was very cool however, I liked that. Then we got a really boring middle act with one short fight between Obi Wan and Not-Boba-Fett-But-Looks-Like-Boba-Fett Guy.. Then more emotionless battle sequences with a bunch of robots, and the most laughable lightsaber duel of all time. Yoda was leaping around sounding more like Miss Piggy than the wise old sage we came to know.

    The most insulting part though, was how they FORCED Artoo and Threepio into the story, their involvement in the final act was just unnecessary and pandered hard to fans of the originals.. Who by that point would have already felt let down. There was no point even including the droids in the prequels.

    Attack Of The CGI was an absolute disaster.

    Pussification Of The Sith was alright and maybe even decent, the final act was worthy of Star Wars.. but that's only because it was full of OT references. I do like the Yoda/Sidious duel (outside the lightsaber part) though and the Anakin/Obi Wan duel was good but a bit over the top.

    There are aspects of the prequels (picture quality, sound and special effects) which are better than the OT due to the fact they were made decades later.. and this is why I consider them HARMFUL to the original trilogy, the difference between their production will become more and more obvious as time passes; especially when the new trilogy comes out.

    This is why I implore to any cinema fan.. DO NOT watch the prequels first, please. Miss them completely and just view them as comedies or fan films later on.

    I'm by no means calling them terrible films, but they don't even compare to the MASTERPIECE of science fiction which is the original trilogy. The prequels are a perversion of that greatness in my opinion.

    I'm done making excuses for the prequels.. Lucas must have sniffed a mound of space dust after Return Of The Jedi.

    JJ is our only hope.
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  7. Darth Plagueis and Revan

    Darth Plagueis and Revan Clone Commander

    Dec 3, 2014
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    I had no problem NOT having seen the PT when I was a kid (granted they didn't exist yet, but I was fine)

    I walked into my unkles room, and the first time I saw star wars was projected onto his big screen with surround sound, I was just agasp and sat down.

    C-3PO was shuffling through the desert and I just thought it was so pleasant and mysterious, so ended up watching the whole thing, it was great.

    I didn't need the PT.

    I eventually saw the PT, and it was ok as a set of movies, but it wasn't anything like what I felt with the OT.
    I think, showing your kids the OT first and not pushing them on the PT is perfectly valid.
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  8. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Here's all I have to say to the PT haters/bashers, which are by the way really in the minority (as I'm about to prove) but have the loudest mouths spewing nonsensical and irrational stamements as they troll throughout the Internet making others fell bad for liking the PT due to their miguided feelings of nostalgia. One cannot carry an intelligent conversation with them because they act like conservative Republican who are afraid of change and are out out of touch with society. One can't take these PT haters/bashers seriously as the Star Wars fans they claim to be; I'll even go as far as calling their fandom into question:



    Note that I'm not stating that one shouldn't point out flaws in the PT, nor am I'm stating that people shouldn't have the right to form opinions. I'm referring to those that are just downright hating, stating that the PT are bad/horrible/terrible films, stating that they don't consider the PT as part of SW or pretend that they didn't happen, or any combination of these things

    By the way, only PT haters/bashers are considered trolls, NOT the other way around.

    Come at me PT haters/bashers! I'll destroy any argument that you throw at me.
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  9. Fallon_Parr

    Fallon_Parr Rebelscum

    Feb 5, 2015
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    This is rather topical to me, as well.
    We showed my daughter Ep4 right around her 5th birthday last fall. She absolutely loved it, full range of emotions - exemplified in the DS attack. Balled up with nerves & tension up to the end, explosively leaping off the couch in cheer as it blew. It was perfect!! Prior to watching each one, we read the old Story Books so she'd know roughly what was coming. It didn't diminish the # of "What's happening" questions.

    She absolutely loved 5 & 6, even really enjoyed 1. She was desperate to race through the series, but I wanted to give her a little time in between each one, teasing her with how long we had to wait. Then we got to 2. She thought the middle was boring, but she liked some of it. I wanted to prepare her a bit for 3, and I think I scared her off. Without a story book, we talked about the story a bit. She started having nightmares of people burning. Having seen some of Clone Wars (I figured she'd like Ahsoka & was correct), she started asking if key Jedi died in 3. As of now, she doesn't want to see that one yet and wants to move on to Rebels. I'm ok waiting on 3, until she's ready.

    I have promised that she will see TFA in the theater on the 2nd day. My wife & I want to see it & enjoy it first!
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  10. alex

    alex Rebel Official

    Oct 10, 2014
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    woah, calm down bud. Plenty are on your side.
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  11. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm not a prequel "hater" by any means, but box office totals do not a good movie make. And when you look at how rotten tomatoes scores are determined, low 60's is pretty horrific.

    The best thing about the Cantina is that we can have discussion involving multiple points of views and varied opinions. Unlike some other corners of the internet, I have not seen any opinion censorship here. Calling the fandom of people who dislike the prequels into question is just doing exactly what you are accusing the haters of. Trying to shame people for their opinions. I'm glad you like the PT. Probably a happier existence to love all of Star Wars rather than having to pick and choose. But that doesn't mean that people can't legitimately dislike the films and still be a Star Wars fan. It just means they are being honest with themselves about their own subjective opinions on the films. Neither yours or theirs being right or wrong.
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  12. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I don't quite agree with this. Box office numbers do mean a lot to executives, producers, and filmmakers as far as financial success goes and are pretty indicative to how positive the population feels about it. A person tells someone, that they were satisfied by it, thus giving reassurance that it'll be good, and it just spreads around like that. As for rotten tomatoes scores, I think it's more like 50 or less where you can deem something being horrific (halfway in the middle; that's why you see mixed to positive reviews). In any case, this is ultimately all subjective as everyone is going to have a different interpretation of things and we can agree to disagree on this.

    And I agree with you your "Probably a happier existence to love all of Star Wars rather than having to pick and choose" statement.

    My post was primary meant for PT haters/bashers, particularly those that try to force their negative opinions about the PT onto others in trying to pass their opinions off like if they're absolute facts.
    #32 KyloRenFan, May 14, 2015
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
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  13. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    Box office does mean a lot to executives, but marketability is a separate conversation from quality. Box office CAN indicate quality, but it can also indicate being released in the correct environment. Very few will defend the artistic quality of the Transformers franchise, but it makes crap loads of money because in summer people like to watch stuff blow up. People will see whatever the film of the moment is. Because its something to do. Repeat viewings usually means quality. But even then people can be sucked into the moment. (I'll admit to seeing Titanic multiple times to suck up to a girl I was dating even though I hated the movie).

    As for Rotten tomatoes, remember that a fresh rating doesn't actually mean it was rated a quality movie. You can get a fresh rating with a 6/10. Basically a D grade. This is why it takes so much for a RT score to fall below 50%. The movie really needs to be universally hated to fall that low.
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  14. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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    A lot of people did see the PT multiple times if I recall. You make some good points in your first paragraph.

    Speaking of Titanic, I saw it on Netflix with my gf a few days ago for the umpteenth time lol
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  15. alex

    alex Rebel Official

    Oct 10, 2014
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    A 6/10 is better than average. These aren't grades in school. On a 1-10 scale a 5.5 is average, not abysmal. The RT score is the percent of reviewers that liked the movie. If you want a better indicator of who good the movie is, see the average rating.

    For example, a movie with 10 6/10s would get a 100% on RT with an average score of 6.0
    and a movie with 10 10/10s would get the same 100% on RT but have an average score of 10.0

    Two perfect scores on RT, one where everyone likes it better than average, and another where everyone thinks its the pinnacle of film making.
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  16. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    It really depends on the individual reviewer (which is why review aggregators are misleading). You may review things as relative to other films. Saying this 6/10 means it is above average in relation to other films. That 6/10 to me might mean that 4 out of every 10 aspects of the film were a failure. That would indicate below average performance more in line with school grading. Each reviewer is unique in their grading system, so lumping them into a summary reading only clouds the actual review of the work.

    But I think we are basically in agreement here. Rotten tomatoes fresh ratings are not a great indicator of quality. Average ratings can be slightly more revealing, but still not a perfect indicator of quality. Rotten tomatoes best use is for casual audiences to avoid real stinkers. If you see something really low rated across the board and you don't really know much about it, you can know not to waste your money on it. For more dedicated consumers of film, its best to find a varied group of critics who share your sensibilities and read them in full so you can get a proper understanding of their views.
  17. alex

    alex Rebel Official

    Oct 10, 2014
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    This I super agree with. When a film gets a high score, I don't always like it, but when it gets less than 30% or so, I almost always hate the film.
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  18. Sith Lord

    Sith Lord Rebel General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Wow PT hate is ridiculous. You're denying your daughter half of the Star Wars saga because of your nostalgia. I grew up with the OT and I'm glad that nostalgia didn't blind me like a lot of OT fanboys. The only people that really hate the prequels are the few OT fanboys that continue to persist that the SW sega should have been done their way. You should really allow you 5 year old to watch the PT. I'm sure she would love them!
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  19. Grand Admiral Kraum

    Grand Admiral Kraum Force Sensitive

    Nov 17, 2014
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    As i've mentioned before, the prequels HARM people's enjoyment of the original films.

    The lightning fast lightsaber battles make the original duels seem slow. The ADHD editing of the action sequences makes the trench run look monotonous to a child. George put these things in to trick people into believing the prequels were on par with the originals, and HARMED the original films in the process.

    Lightsabers are supposed to be heavy, not light as a feather. This is an aspect which arguably makes the prequels into fan films rather than official canon, because Lucas f***ed with the DNA of the original.

    If you show your children the prequels first, you are endangering their imagination. They will most likely enjoy the prequels more because they're 15 or so years newer.

    Not one of the characters is as relatable as Luke or Han, I can't remember any prequel battle scenes either. Some soulless clones vs soulless robots.. Neither side having any sort of emotional weight for the viewer. In the original films, the stormtroopers were not clones bred for battle.. They were people with souls, people who willingly signed up because they needed the money or agreed with the Empire. Lives were on the line.

    The prequels suck COMPARED to the originals, and they make the originals look worse to uneducated minds.

    May the prequels burn in fires of Mustafar.
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  20. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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    1. The misguided feelings of nostalgia is ridiculous.

    2. How about we expose our children to all Star Wars movies and let them decide on their own which ones they like the best? They should have the freedom to decide for themselves and by not letting them see all 6, you're depriving them of letting them see the entire saga thereby doing a disservice to them. And if they change their opinions on them as they get older, well then that's their choice.
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