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SPECULATION My theory on for and against Rey Solo

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Klai Kenobi, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Klai Kenobi

    Klai Kenobi Rebel General

    Jun 14, 2016
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    There are prob more people that are against Rey being a Solo/Skywalker rather than there are whom like the idea and it's simple as this. Those who have read and enjoyed the Extended Universe get that the original saga is about the Skywalker family and surrounding friends. EU fans also understand how interesting and fun it is to see/read about our favorite characters from the original trilogy pass the baton onto the next generation of Jedi. We ALSO understand that this doesn't shrink the universe because AGAIN the original saga is about the Skywalkers and friends.

    This is why Anakin was the only one that had a character arch in the PT. (Not Obi-Wan, Not Padme, Not Yoda)
    This is why the OT focused on Luke's 'Hero's Journey'.
    And this is why Rey and Ben will be the focus of the ST. Because they are siblings and Skywalkers.

    I'm counting out Luke as Rey's father. At this point I am convinced that Rey and Ben are brother and Sister and it was nearly written out for us in TFA.

    Rey with the force
    Rey seeing Han as the father she 'Never had'
    Rey being able to reverse force mind read and get into Ben's mind so easily.
    And most of all - The emphasis JJ Abrams placed on Leia and Rey's embrace as she returned to the Resistance base. (Focused so heavily on it that JJ forgot to include Chewbacca) Now that's an important hug. :)

    Not to mention it's the least convoluted theory out there and any true SW fan knows the films do not like to complicate things much..Ehemmm well... maybe the prequels did a bit. But the OT steered away from exposition as much as possible and that's where Disney is aiming as well.

    Whether or not Han knew that was his daughter is something I'm not sure of, but Leia, as she is strong with the force, knew as soon as she saw Rey and gave her that very motherly like hug. F you, Chewy! lol

    This is my final prediction and if I'm right I will be so so satisfied because I am a fan of the EU and I want the original Saga to be about the Skywalkers. Leave the stand alone and other projects to steer away from the Skywalker family and just enjoy REY SOLO and BEN SOLO and all that is bad ass about them! hehe
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  2. Zombie_Werewolf1984

    Jan 10, 2017
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    You make some good arguments, and I'm really anticipating for a reveal that Rey is a Skywalker/Solo too. I really hope that the main Saga stays a Skywalker story and that we get to see either a brother/sister confrontation between Ben and Rey or maybe even Ben coming back too the light side because of Rey.
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    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  3. AO98

    AO98 Force Attuned

    Jul 18, 2016
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    While I completely support the Rey Skywalker theory, I do also like Rey Solo. It creates a nice epic sibling matchup, it pays tribute to the Solo twins storyline of the Expanded Universe and it still keeps Rey biologically connected to the Skywalkers (Han and Leia her parents, Luke her uncle, Darth Vader her grandfather and of course Kylo Ren her brother). I mostly support Rey Kenobi-Skywalker (the granddaughter of both Vader and Obi-Wan), but a stand-alone Kenobi? I'm not sure. I haven't really thought too much about that. I'm more in favor of Rey being a descendant of Vader (i.e. Skywalker, Solo). But I don't want her to be a reincarnation of him or a Palpatine or a Bridger/Wren or the child of two dark-siders or whatever that theory was about. And I especially, especially do not want her to be some random new character!

    ...So yes, Skywalker, Skywalker/Kenobi and Solo will do. ;)
    #3 AO98, Jan 11, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
    • Great Post Great Post x 1

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