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Why I like the lightsaber toss.

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by cassidy, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. Porco Azzurro

    Porco Azzurro Jedi General

    Jul 12, 2019
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    I don’t know that I’d go that far, but it is a great one :)
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  2. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    I absolutely disdain this scene as it ranks up there with Jar Jar and some of the SE changes by Lucas to the OT.

    Before anyone jumps on me for being extreme with my answer, I feel the execution is bad (but I understand the symbolism). I think the scene could have worked if it was done in a different way by Rian Johnson. It honestly feels like Spaceballs 2 and sort of comedic when it should have been the opposite to the viewer.

    Trust me, I’ve watched this scene MANY times hoping things would change (much like Anakin’s awful turn to the Darkside in ROTS), but it still never works. I’ve grown to like other elements of TLJ over 2 years so it isn’t my bias that makes me disdain this scene. I simply don’t like the way it’s executed.
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  3. Jayson

    Jayson Resident Lucasian

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Just quoting my post here because I found one of the rating responses rather odd because it chose "Disagree".

    You can't really "disagree" with me stating that a bunch of folks like something, and that I like something.

    "Folks like it, and so do I."



    We can disagree if it's a good scene or not, but I can't find any sense in disagreeing whether there are people who like it.

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  4. Iotatheta

    Iotatheta Rebel Official

    Dec 26, 2018
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    I’m late to this discussion, but I wanted to add my thoughts. I did, and still do, appreciate this moment in the film, even if I still have a chuckle about it here and there.

    When I first saw it, I did laugh, as it was such an unexpected moment without the context of the rest of the film. But in the theatre, I think it helped me a lot. I went in having read a lot of the same theories and questions others had from TFA. “Why is Luke there?” “Why was his plan a map?”

    Then this moment happened...and those questions and theories..shattered and made room for what Luke’s role in the story really was. I saw what got him there, understood some of his views, and it made me look back on TFA with that understanding, and those questions and theories.. suddenly didn’t line up as well as I had thought going in.

    To me, it was a great example just of how he rejected the Jedi Order, but was also torn as there was a moment of thought before the toss. The broken part of him wanted to let it die, the young idealistic Skywalker in him, the one that also came to the surface on seeing R2-D2 and stuck a bit longer when seeing Leia’s message again, wanted to take it up again.

    And I think he saw a lot of himself in Rey in that moment, and the saber toss was his way of breaking that legend of him to her, to try to get her to leave, telling her “that’s not me, and you won’t find anything here.”
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  5. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Jedi Commander

    May 28, 2019
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    Luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder actually seemed less like a joke and more like his serious disillusionment. It was saying without words, “I don’t want to train another gen of Jedi, nor do I need s Lightsaber, It’s time for the Jedi to end.”

    On a inferred funny note Luke was saying, “I don’t want the saber used to slaughter younglings during Order 66, nor to be reminded my Dad cut off my hand.”
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  6. Obi5Kenobi

    Obi5Kenobi Rebel Official

    Feb 26, 2019
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    At first I thought it was done for laughs and it was definitely shocking. After hearing what he said about the Jedi later, how they let Sidious come to power at the height of their own power and also that the Jedi should die, I get the feeling that he's totally disgusted with the Jedi. We also learn that he had cut himself off from the force. You have to be seriously in a bad place regarding the Jedi and even the force to do those things. So in that context, tossing the saber nonchalantly does make sense. I can hear him saying, after the initial shock of seeing the saber again, "This? I am so sick of this." and throwing it. We don't see his green saber in the movie. Maybe it's not just in a drawer in is hut; maybe he tossed it in the ocean next to his X-wing. Maybe he was all in on being against the Jedi and even the force. I think the novelization hints that his green saber was in his hut, but it's not definitive. It just mentions that the Ach-To caretakers packed his things, including "his weapon".
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  7. The Last Jorgny

    The Last Jorgny Rebel Official

    Oct 17, 2017
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    I agree that it totally makes sense in the movie that he tosses it, especially when you consider that they had to explain why Luke hadn't returned to help his friends in TFA (hence the whole "shut himself off from the force" thing).

    I think a part of what makes it sit wrong with some viewers is that TFA's ending kind of read like a promise for Luke to return to the battle (if you ignore the sad look on Luke's face). The cliffhanger ending in TFA made everyone extremely excited to see Luke Skywalker again, just to hear him talk and have more scenes. And I think it made it easy to forget that they had to come up with a reason for Luke being there in the first place. I was one of the people who where anxiously waiting to see what would happen next, so I kind of get that some viewers where dissapointed with it. But I thought it was great.
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  8. Veronica

    Veronica Rebel General

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Sums up my views exactly. I just saw it as a burnt out 50 something man who has had enough of his former profession and life and just wants to be left to retire in peace. i also saw the scene as saying 'this is a different Luke'. Not an idealistic 20 something and Rey's job is going to be harder than she thought. Is she up to it? Will either of them change as a result?
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  9. Porco Azzurro

    Porco Azzurro Jedi General

    Jul 12, 2019
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    I was just thinking about this again in the context of TRoS... and it underscores and adds even more meaning/significance to the saber toss in TLJ (and the one in ROTJ), I think...

    Firstly, I think it's beautiful that we get a very definitive saber toss in TRoS, from Ben in the scene where he's just been healed by Rey and spoken to 'Han'.

    Ironic too, that Rey did what Luke thought about doing for only a moment (running Kylo through with a saber). That wasn't what ended Kylo though IMHO, it was the healing that brought back Ben I think.

    Finally, Rey and Ben are forced to 'toss' their sabers by Palpatine when he draws life Force energy from them (sidenote quote: "This weapon is your life" geddit?! geddit?! :)). Rey defeats Palpatine by defensively crossing Luke and Leia's sabers to repel his own lightning, and she uses the Force to draw the sabers to her in what is essentially reverse/backwards tosses, also recalling times where Luke used the Force to draw his saber to him (the ice cave on Hoth for example) :)
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  10. Phil J

    Phil J Guest

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