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SPECULATION You direct and write the Prequels: where is YOUR beginning?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by MarsPhoenix, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Talon Karrde

    Talon Karrde Rebel Official

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Message acknowledged.
    Well, I would start by saying that the posters on this particular thread are more concerned with constructive criticism of the PT than the 'Youtube style' prequel bashing that is rampant in umoderated forums.
    As for the PT bashing I would just say this:

    The PT will not get a 'fair shake' in general conversation for about another 20 years. The reason for this is because right now the positions of 'cultural authority' within our society are dominated by Late Baby Boomers and Gen X. These are the people who saw the OOT in the theaters. I'm either the ass-end of GenX or one of the first Millenials, and I'm in my early 30s. I saw RotJ as a kid. Watching TPM in the theater was one of my last activities as a minor. I'm not a purist, but I do favor the OT to the PT.

    20 years from now I will be in my early 50s, and the people who are currently at the rudder of pop culture will not be, because they will be "Grampa". At that point Millenials and Wiis will be at the helm with some late Gen X still in the mix. At that point very few of the "culture authorites" will have grown up with only one trilogy. In fact, by this time there will be multiple trilogies (likely 4) and Antholgy films and TV series in Star Wars. At that point you will start to see the PT get a more fair assesment than it does now, and many of the PT bashers simply wont be there and those that are will lack the blessing of the 'cultural authority' they currently have.

    There's a lot more that goes into PT bashing that just this, of course. Money, CGI.. So, you'll never really 'do away' with PT bashing. But 20 years from now it won't be like this.

    And that's all I'm saying on the subject. This isn't really the place for this convo.
    UPDATE: Well @KyloRenFan it's been two-three weeks since TFA dropped and it seems like that 'fair assesment' I was predicting might very well be beginning. I can't tell if this whole 'TFA is worse than Prequels' worldview will grow legs beyond the prequel fans espousing it but I also can't tell how this movie is going to hold up 5 years down the road. Maybe 20 years from now...:rolleyes:
    #21 Talon Karrde, May 15, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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  2. Suicide Samurai

    Suicide Samurai Rebel General

    Nov 29, 2014
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    (Z95s, not z28... my bad.)

    I'll throw into this, but I'll do "The Phantom Menace" only, first. I will keep every character, but juggle them around a little bit, to try to tell a little different story. More would build on this, in part 2 and 3.

    I'll call this a creative writing exercise, so critique it as needed. Remember, it's written for my entertainment and betterment, and your entertainment and critique.

    I would bridge the PT and OT by starting it off more as a memory, thus allowing for a slight "untrustworthy narrator" approach. This being history, it allows for some "slop."

    Perhaps I would start the film with Obi Wan's speech to Luke in ANH (dark times, clone wars, who his father was), right after the crawl, as the camera pans down to a fleeing Naboo cruiser.

    I would skip the first parts of Phantom Menace, and show the ship dropping out of Hyperspace near Tattooine. It their wake, several small droid-looking star-fighters emerge. On board are Padme, Obi Wan, C3PO, and Padme's loyal soldiers. Roughly 20 soldiers, lead by Panaka. A note, the "loyal soldiers" include 4 armed with saber pikes. These are masterless Jedi Padawans, who entered into service as guards of the republic, choosing service, instead of knighthood or being cast out. It is their last chance. There is no Qui-Gon. As the Naboo cruiser makes it's way towards Tattooine--being fired upon aggressively by the droid-ships--another ship enters the fray. This is a Z-28 head-hunter. The Naboo ship tries to make contact, but there is no response. The Z-28 manages to blast the droid ships, then rockets off back towards the planet. As the Naboo cruiser enters Tattooine's atmosphere, another ship appears.

    Padme and crew manage to land in Mos Espa/Mos Eisley/Mos Def (whatever is needed), and begin their search for parts to fix their hyper-drive. Many of the characters here can be the same, but the plot takes a twist. When Watto is met, a young (15 years old or so) pod-racer/pilot spots Queen Amadala/Padme, and offers to help as he is smitten with her. He has a pod-racer, but no power source strong enough and small enough to power it. He is also not a slave, but was an indentured servant of Watto who has stayed planet-side to care for his ill mother, who is a slave, but to Jabba, not Watto.

    Time passes, and the crew are still looking for another possible repair source for the part to fix the Naboo Cruiser. There is an assassination attempt on Padme in an alley by a force-user who stays in the darkness and shadows. Obi Wan is not present. All but a few of her normal guards are killed, and all but one of the 4 padawan guards--they are saved by a young man who uses force powers, but has no light-saber. The evil Jedi escapes. The young force user reveals himself to be the pod-racer from earlier--Anikin Skywalker.

    Meanwhile, Obi Wan has been off on a personal mission--the force pulling him in the direction of something he "hadn't felt in years." Obi Wan finds a lightsaber, hidden out in a desert cave.

    When the groups meet back up, the surviving padawan/guards introduces Anakin to Obi Wan, who is in his early 30's. Obi Wan is skeptical, and asks the boy where he learned his power from. The boy says he can't quite remember, but remembers the first time using them. 6 years prior, he had awoken bruise and beaten, with rocks on his legs--the corpse of a man by his side. He laid there for two days, before "willing" the rocks off of his body.

    Anakin invites the survivors to his house to stay. Obi-wan and Padme accept, but Obi Wan says he has something to attend to and will be there later. Shmi is young, but appears to suffer from dementia. In the house, R2 is met for the first time, and insults Threepio. Panaka questions Anakin as to why he has an astro-mech--Anakin only smiles. Talk is of the Republic, the trade negotiations, and so forth, setting up the exposition left out by starting the movie in space above Tattooine. Shmi mostly just comments on how sweet her son is, and how lucky he is to have met such a nice woman as Padme. Their children will be beautiful.

    Anakin goes outside, embarrassed. Padme follows. She touches Anakin's arm, and asks if he is alright. He speaks of wanting to leave--how he dreams of what the stars might hold for him. Padme remarks on how sweet it is that he cares for his mother, and asks where his father is. Anakin remarks--he never knew his father, and his mother never spoke of him, and he doesn't remember her any other way than she is now--confused. It was only by luck that he found her after the cave incident, as she had recognized him, and he's not even really sure if she's his real mother, or if she just "remembers" him in her dementia. The only other "family" he has is a man named Owen, who lets him borrow his ship for training in trade for repairing his farming equipment. As they talk, there is an outburst from inside. Shmi is yelling "you have returned," and other such things. As Padme and Anakin re-enter the house, they see Obi Wan, whom Shmi is hugging, whispering, "Jinn, Jinn... you have returned."

    Flash to the dark Jedi, whom is talking to his master. This is Maul and Sidious. He says that there are Jedi on the planet--Sidious says, "Remember your mission, and kill those who get in the way."

    Back at Skywalkers', Shmi is calmed down and asleep. Obi wan is sitting at the table with Padme, Panaka, the Jedi guard, and Skywalker. He asks Anakin if he has ever met this "Jinn," and Skywalker says "no." Obi Wan then unwraps a lightsaber, and Anakin seems to recognize it. He even says so, then tenses up as if he is remembering something. Obi Wan says, "this belonged to my Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He disappeared shortly after I became a Jedi Knight. I Believe that you knew him, and this is how you came to learn of the Force."

    Conversation continues to Anakin again wanting to help, but only needing a power source for his Pod-racer. Obi-wan says it is only right that Anakin use the power source to Qui Gon's Saber.

    Within a couple days, Anakin has made his pod-racer ready, and Obi-wan has secured a two-fold wager with Jabba the Hutt--for cash and Shmi's freedom. Watto offers to cover the betting fee, to be held against Anakin, once again making him an indentured servant if he loses.

    Anakin wins, people are free, yadda-yadda. Anakin says, "This is the third time I've saved you, My princess."

    "Third," Questions Obi-wan.

    They are all near the ship (Obi, Padme, Shmi, Anakin, guards) finalizing repairs and celebrating when two dozen droids and the Dark Jedi attack the hanger. More guards killed--only the main people, three guards, and the Padawan survive. They flee defeated. Obi Wan tells Anakin that he must return the the Temple with him, to train as he could make a great Jedi Knight. The Padawan seems hurt by this.

    Anakin agrees, but they must make a stop, first.

    They go to a moisture farm, where a Z-28 headhunter is moored. Obiwan and Padme give questioning looks, at this.

    They are greeted by a young-ish man, who approaches Anakin and smacks him on the back of the head. "What damn fool adventure are you involved in now, boy? Don't pretend that you didn't steal my ship again. I won't. I see the carbon scarring on the hull."

    Anakin looks meek, and humbled. He introduces Padme, Obi-wan, and so forth. They all tell their stories, so far. Anakin tells Owen that with the money he could make selling his prize-winning pod-racer, and maybe selling Owen's Z-28, he could "afford to buy his property, instead of leasing it." Owen looks bright-eyed at this. Then Anakin says, "could you take care of my mother, as you took care of me before she found me again?"

    The crew set off, heading to Coruscant.

    This all takes 45 or so minutes of screen time.

    On the ship, the three "Jedi" are shown training, as they drop out of hyper-space to Coruscant.

    Here, Padme and company split.

    Shots of the jedi-council and the senate roll back and forth. Obi Wan explains most of what has gone on, while Padme explains to the senate what has gone on. Chancelor Valorum seeks to sue for peace, while Palpatine wants to send soldiers to save his home planet (remember, Valorum, Palpatine, and Padme are all from Naboo). At the Jedi council, there is doubt that a Dark Jedi could exist. Obi Wan relays that he has found a student of Qui Gon Jinn... and wishes to train his old Masters lost student. The council says "not now," and that Obi Wan is not ready to train a Padawan. Also, there are others in need of a Master.

    Conclusion of all matters--Obi Wan, Padme, her people, and 10,000 republic soldiers will go to Naboo. Obi Wan and the Padawan are to set up a beach-head for the soldiers to land--only a small naval force will be sent, only to go through the blockade, but not to break it.

    Obi Wan tells Anakin the news, but says that he should still come, and observe all that he can.

    They arrive at Naboo and blast through the blockade--Padme's plan is to make it to the wetlands and submerge her ship, knowing that the Gungans who live under the water might be able to help. They are a nuetral/isolationist party to the Naboo people, and she wishes to make allies of them, and bring them into the Galactic Republic.

    The Gungans are met, and Boss Nash places his son--the Royal Prince on the Gungans--in charge of the Gungan forces. This is Jar Jar. There is no slap-stick. Jar Jar is naive, but not quite an idiot. He has never fought in battle, but has trained to be a general. Obi-wan places the Padawan with him. Obi-wan, Anakin, Padme, Panaka, and the last surviving guards set off to breech Theed, while Jar Jar and the Padawan are in charge of creating a distraction.

    A ship is shown going to Naboo--This is the ship seen following the Naboo Cruiser at the start.

    As the battle begins, the Naboo Starfighters are launched. Obi Wan tells Anakin that he and R2 need to go--they can be of the best use, there.

    While Anakin goes into space, there is a running gun-fight through the palace, and shots of the "Battle of Naboo Plains." Obi-wan keeps in contact with the Padawan and Anakin through all of this. The Battle of Naboo Plains is going poorly, as is the assault on Theed Palace. Anakin, however, has destroyed many ships, and is focusing on the "control ship." He is about to destroy this ship right as Jar Jar and the Padawan say they have to surrender, and as Obi Wan reports that the Dark Jedi has made an appearance at Theed Palace. Both sides are cut off, and Anakin veers off from the space-battle back to Naboo.

    The Republic forces start to arrive, and seeing the damage to the Trade Federation, start picking off targets on their way to the planet--a change of tactic, from Captain Antilles.

    Anakin arrives back to the planet and lands as he sees Obi Wan pushed back by the Dark Jedi--Maul. The fight is obviously lopsided. He leaps out of his ****-pit as the Dark Jedi force chokes and shoves Padme against a wall. Anakin ignites the lightsaber Obi Wan gave him (Qui-Gon's), and begins fighting along-side Obi Wan.

    "You can't help here, Anakin. Protect the Princess," says Obi Wan.

    "Obi Wan Kenobi, I'm your only hope."

    Most of the fight goes the same. Kenobi seems to be no match for Maul. By the end, instead, it is Anakin who is locked inside with Maul.

    On the Battle of Naboo Plains, the Padawan is deftly defending Jar Jar, and the remaining forces. Things look grim, until the Droids all stop working.

    The Space Battle is shown--victory to the Republic, and the Trade Federation in retreat.

    Obi Wan is trying to get through to Anakin--Maul is toying with him, and scarring him with slight blows, when Anakin snaps and starts using the force to throw Maul around like a rag-doll. The door opens, and Obi Wan engages in the fight, but is cast aside by Maul. Maul, refocused, strikes Anakin, taking his arm, and casts his arm and saber into the pit. Maul stands with Kenobi to his back, and Anakin before him. "Kneel, Jedi. Show respect to your masters." Anakin kneels, but says, "I am not a Jedi. Yet," as he puts his remaining arm out, calling Kenobi's saber. The saber flies to Anakin, and cuts maul in half, as the saber goes to Anakin's hand. Anakin stands, and whisks Maul into the pit.

    Naboo celebration happens, and Obi wan tells Jar Jar and Padme that they have been summoned. "Including you, Anakin."

    Film ends at the Jedi Temple--Obi Wan relaying that he believes that the Dark Jedi was a Sith--that they have returned. Conversation goes to the Padawan, who showed true Jedi Knight skills, thought the council feels he needs more time, and a proper master. Also, to Anakin, who the Council feels may have been Qui Gon's Padawan, after all. "Two, you must teach," says Mace Windu, "For two, the Force has given you."

    "Yes," Yoda Says. "Anakin Skywalker, and Elrich Vader, you must train. Much trouble comes, and the Dark Side Clouds all."

    This sets up a much deeper web of the dark-side, with Attack of the Clone Wars delving deeper into the Sith conspiracy, and a "brothers at war with each other," vibe for future films.
    #22 Suicide Samurai, May 18, 2015
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
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  3. Sithwalker

    Sithwalker Rebel General

    Sep 26, 2014
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    1. Anakin would be the lead character, in his late teen (EP II Anakin) we would learn that he knows the ways of the force (Not much just little things)
    2. Later on he would meet Obi Wan because he is on some Jedi mission (Anakin would help him somehow when Obi Wan notices that the force is strong with Anakin and takes him with him to train him).. I think it would show that Obi Wan is a good person and sees a potential in him. Anakin wants to learn, but is little bit arrogant and not patient at all. We would see the training, and character development from both of them, which was really missing in PT.

    Characters in my PT
    Anakin Skywalker
    Obi Wan Kenobi
    Padme Amidalla
    Qui Gon

    I would put Qui Gon in a Jedi Council to be some kind of opposition to Yoda. He has respect and all, but he has a "Grey Jedi" tone, and is of course Obi Wan's master. At the end of 1st movie, Qui Gon lives, and Anakin becomes Obi Wan's padawan.
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  4. Rift Chasm

    Rift Chasm Rebelscum

    Mar 29, 2015
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    I'm taking the book "Darth Plagueis" and using that as the basis for the Phantom Menace.
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  5. DarthWarEagle

    DarthWarEagle Rebel General

    Apr 16, 2015
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    I do like the inclusion of Alderaan in these posts. It is surprising that GL did not include Alderaan in any of the prequels (other than the scenic sweep at the end of ROTS). Then again almost every decision he made was rather perplexing to me.
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  6. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    -I would started Episode I with a 20 year old (same age as Luke in Episode IV), for the simple reason that you could use the same actor for 3 movies and it wouldn't be as jarring when Episode II starts.

    -QuiGon would have never been a character, even though I liked him alot. I would have started Episode I during the backdrop of The Clone Wars. Obiwan is defending the Queen of the Planet of Naboo (Padme) and finds this 20 year old kid who he senses has great powers with the force (Anakin). He befriends him and asks for his help in fighting the Clone Wars, which Anakin's brother Owen is none too pleased (hence why he hates Obiwan in Episode IV). Episode I is all about the adventures of Obiwan/Anakin and establishes their friendship while protecting Padme. By the end of the movie, Obiwan proposes to the council that Anakin become a Jedi and he will train him, but Yoda and the council are very weary of him for obvious reasons. Also, Anakin and Padme start falling for each other, so everything is set up for Episode II the same way everything was set up for The Empire Strikes Back.
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  7. LadyMusashi

    LadyMusashi Archwizard Woo-Woo-in-Chief
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    May 12, 2015
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    Let me play:

    Episode I - Obi Wan, a newly minted Jedi, gets a padawan - teenage Anakin. He is inexperienced, struggles with teaching, has to find new methods as he is closer in age with his pupil than his masters were with him. They are co-leads in the movie. Through their relationship and adventures together you get the wider picture of the galaxy - the state of Senate, Jedi Order, etc. - there are no countless discussions in the circle. Anakin's behavior can be explained simply by his age - he is a teenager, it is expected for his emotions to get better of him occasionally. One of the adventures is their first meeting with Darth Maul (he is the main villain, future Emperor is deep in the shadows). Anakin meets Padme, there is some sympathy there, but difference in station, lifestyles, etc. keep them apart. The end of the movie is the beginning of the Clone Wars.

    Episode II - The Clone Wars - this is the entire movie. You see how Anakin matures, how he earns the title of Jedi, etc. In between the missions, he and Padme steal the moments together, the relationship grows. At the same time, he enters Palpatine's sphere of influence. His manipulation, the trauma of war, frustration because he cannot love Padme publicly, start to erode his Jedi lessons. You see that he and Obi Wan are now brothers in arms, no longer teacher and pupil. You show their friendship through actions. At the end of the movie, after a close call on the mission (maybe a new clash with Darth Maul), faced with everything he can lose, Anakin proposes Padme, they get married.

    Episode III - Now you can do anything - friendhip with Obi Wan is thoroughly established and so is his love for Padme. Jedi are no fools but tragic figures - they didn't change fast enough with the times. The fall to the dark side is more believable and therefor more tragic. Padme is killed by the Emperor to fuel Darth Vader's rage and didn't die from a broken heart. Obi Wan kills Maul and then faces Anakin. You can use Yoda's storyline from CW season 6 to explain the Force ghosts, etc. and why he Yoda goes into exile once the Order 66 is executed.The movie ends with the knowledge that there is another Skywalker - a new hope.

    Or something like that. :)
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  8. Ooobly Jooblies

    Ooobly Jooblies Rebel General

    Mar 18, 2015
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    From my reworkings The Phantom Menace is pretty much sorted, Attack of the Clones has a basic skeleton and Revenge of the Sith is currently being fleshed out. Here are the tidbits for TPM:

    • Alderaan = Naboo. Nuff said.
    • There are two separate Clone Wars, occurring 39-35 BBY and 25-20 BBY. We only see the second Clone War in the Prequels. Obi-Wan fought in both.
    • The first Clone War was very similar to the American Civil War-two sides fighting over the use of slaves/clones as opposed to clones actively being used to fight. The Republic is anti-clone, viewing it as a violation of civil rights etc., while several intergalactic corporations support clone usage as a workforce over employing 'actual people'.
    • The Republic wins and cloning is outlawed within the Republic.
    • Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn and Count Dooku are one character named Mace Windu and played by Liam Neeson. He functionally fills the same role as Obi-Wan in ANH.
    • Mace was Obi-Wan's master during the first Clone War. A maverick willing to skirt on the edges of being a grey Jedi, he found himself deeply connected to the Force and interested in more...unconventional legends and teachings. He was frustrated by the inaction and bureaucracy present within the Senate.
    • At the conclusion of the first Clone War, Mace left the Jedi Order having felt a tremendous surge in the Dark Side within the Senate (read-Palpatine enters the Senate as Senator to Alderaan). He secludes himself and reaches out to the Force...but Palpatine (as Sidious) reaches out to him in an attempt to convert him. Returning to his home planet of Serenno, Mace uses his inherited funds to slowly create the Confederacy of Independent Systems-he believes that convincing systems (even those he fought against in the Clone War) to leave the Republic will depower Sidious.
    • The Phantom Menace begins at the height of the 'Separatist Crisis', with several of Windu's underlings using more violent methods to convert planets to the Confederacy WITHOUT his knowledge. Nute Gunray, having allied with the mysterious Darth Maul, and his Trade Federation have blockaded Alderaan to force its conversion.
    • Alderaan has many noble/royal houses. Padme Amidala (20-21 years old) is the current queen. Bail Organa is her cousin, though due to their similar age and having grown up together they are much more like brother and sister.
    • Anakin is 17-18 by the time of TPM. I haven't fully figured out if I still want him to be a slave. He and Shmi would have the moisture farm from ANH. Owen Lars is his best friend but 'more like Anakin's brother'.
    • TPM will basically follow the same original plot structure as before (Alderaan-Tatooine-Coruscant-Alderaan) but will end with the start of the second Clone War.
    I have to stop now because Revenge of the Sith is getting to the really good bit. But yeah. That is how it begins.
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  9. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    No doubt.
  10. Ooobly Jooblies

    Ooobly Jooblies Rebel General

    Mar 18, 2015
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    It's been ten days since someone posted here, so I'm going to.

    Attack of the Clones:
    • Kinda basic skeleton, don't have all the details figured out yet.
    • 4 years after TPM, Obi-Wan is ~35, Anakin is 22-23, Padme is 25.
    • We start with Padme arriving on Felucia with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Republic troopers as escorts. Padme and Bail (if you haven't read my TPM-based post, he's her brother-like cousin) are funding a relief/refugee effort on the planet (much like Bail's on Christophsis in the TCW movie) and so...yeah. There is some banter between Anakin and Padme, but nothing SEEMS serious...yet.
    • They are attacked by Darth Maul and a legion of clones, and the Battle of Felucia starts. Padme manages to hold her own in the fight fyi. I want this to be like the battles in the TCW series, big and bombastic. The battle ultimately ends when the Republic uses some sort of weapon (still figuring out the details)-Anakin sttongly protests due to the innocent Felucian lives that will be lost, but the order is given anyway (can't decide if it should be Obi-Wan or someone else). Anakin feels the strong loss of life in the Force and is deeply unsettled (ala Obi-Wan sensing Alderaan in ANH) while they escape on a ship, and Padme comforts him (still all innocent, all seems normal). Darth Maul also managed to escape on a ship, and urges Durge to make his move on Utapau.
    • Upon return to Coruscant, Obi-Wan tries to console Anakin a bit. He suggests Anakin seek counsel from Yoda and leaves him, having been ordered to go to Utapau. Alone now, the truth of Padme and Anakin is revealed when they kiss-they are together and in love (a lot happens in 4 years), but do not see each other regularly due to the war. She also suggests he go to Yoda with his feelings. Yoda yells him that loss and death, like Shmi (killed in TPM) and and the Felucians, are natural parts of life-he warns against Anakin's anger over the weapon's use, acknowledging that the Dark Side surrounds the Jedi and both it and the war cloud their minds.
    • Obi-Wan arrives on Utapau and the situation is basically right outta ROTS-he meets with Tion Medon, hides there and eventually the troops also come down.
    • Anakin goes to Palpatine, who has (outside of Padme) become his confidante. He voices his dissatisfaction with the Jedi, and believes they may have become lost in the war. Palpatine references Shmi's death and spins the Plagueis tale, telling Anakin that other, darker aspects of the Force hold the key to preserving and saving life. He talks about his master teaching him such things...and Anakin clicks. He realises Palpatine is a user of the Dark Side but not necessarily that he is Sidious/Maul's master/behind everything. He becomes conflicted about what to do and leaves Palpatine, going to Padme's apartment in solitude.
    • The battle on Utapau begins, with Obi-Wan and the Republic troops going up against Durge and the clone troopers. This should be fun, fairly exciting.
    • Padme senses something is wrong with Anakin and they embrace, but Anakin doesn't tell her about Palpatine. Suddenly their building is bombarded with blasterfire, as several Confederate ships come out of hyperspace above Coruscant. Anakin gets in his Jedi starfighter and goes to join the battle (this basically becomes Chapter the last few chapters of Clone Wars Volume 2). He destroys some clone fighters while on the ground Yoda (using the FORCE, not a lightsaber), a few Jedi (almost ALL the Jedi are scattered across the galaxy fighting on other worlds) and Republic troopers make short work of the clone troopers.
    • Partway through Anakin senses a disturbance/Darth Maul further away and goes to see if Palpatine is in trouble. He makes it to Palpatine's office to find that the guards have been slaughtered and Palpatine is being captured by Maul. Anakin and Maul fight and while Anakin is strong in the Force he is proven outmatched by Maul, who doesn't hold back and cuts off Anakin's right hand. Anakin is hurting and in shock while Maul leaves in a ship with Palpatine and jumps to hyperspace, with the other Confederate ships quickly following suit.
    • Back to the Battle of Utapau, the clones are being slaughtered. Obi-Wan goes one on one with Durge, who merely appears to be toying with him. The battle seemingly lost, Durge beats Obi-Wan down and then quickly departs-he receives a holomessage from Maul ordering him to rendevous with the rest of the fleet. Obi-Wan believes the battle was won too quickly, and Commander Cody rushes to him with urgent news from Yoda-Coruscant was attacked and the Chancellor was taken.
    • Obi-Wan and his forces return to Coruscant and he finds Anakin being tended to in a medbay with Padme, C-3PO and R2 by his side. A cybernetic right hand has been attached do him, and he is still getting used to it. Anakin is angry that he wasn't strong enough to stop Maul, and Obi reassures him while maintaining his own anger towards Maul.
    • Maul, Durge and several other Confederate ships converge on Korriban (or some other Sith planet like Dathomir...or some totally other planet...haven't decided yet!).
    • Ultimately the Jedi discover that Palpatine has been taken to that planet (not sure how yet-as I said, details need to be figured out) and Obi-Wan, Anakin and a tonne of other Republic forces are sent to rescue him. They arrive and the battle comnences as Anakin and Obi-Wan track Palpatine's signal. They are met first by Durge and he isn't playing around this time-he almost kills them both, but they stab him with their lightsabers. This doesn't stop him though as he regenerates and continues attacking them. Finally he is blown apart, beyond the point of regeneration, by a bomb.
    • They then discover Maul with Palpatine in some kind of Sith throne room (yes, really). They fight him together but Obi-Wan makes the wrong move and is flung back unconscious by Maul-it's now just Anakin vs. Maul. Anakin digs into his rage, egged on by Palpatine, and begins to overcome Maul. Palpatine frees himself of his restraints and further supports Anakin without interfering-finally, Anakin cuts Maul's hilt in half and brings Maul to his knees, with Anakin ready to behead him with his own blade (or half of it) ala Dooku at the start of RotS. Palpatine urges Anakin to kill Maul, which visibly shocks and further aggravates Maul-he says he and his master, Plagueis, manipulated the Force to create the perfect weapon of the Sith, and now that weapon, Anakin, has come home to him. Anakin is like his son. Before Anakin can move on Maul, Maul leaps into the air and pulls the other half of his weapon to him, but Anakin cuts him in half at the waist on his way back down, and Maul's remains fall into some kind of pit.
    • Palpatine congratulates his new apprentice and urges that they must leave soon. Anakin goes to wake up Obi-Wan and Palpatine tells Anakin to leave him, but he doesn't oblige. The three make it to a transport and leave.
    • Not sure exactly how I want the film to end but that's where I'm at.
    I'll bring you kids Revenge of the Sith tomorrow.
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  11. henryj2112

    henryj2112 Clone

    Aug 14, 2015
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    This is the thread I was looking for, especially after a heated debate with some of my students who are very much of the PT generation.

    As with many of you, I would start in the middle of the Clone Wars with an older Anakin (16) that Obi-Wan, who has just been made a Jedi Knight, takes on as a Padawan. Many of the council are against his training as he is too old, but Qui-Gon allows him to be trained. He very much holds the alternative view on the council.

    I would then have Anakin's fall happen at the end of Episode 2 after his impulsively and arrogantly going alone to defeat the Sith Lord. He is captured, tortured and turned.

    Episode 3 is then about a new and powerful Sith Lord murdering Jedi that Obi Wan is tasked with stopping, discovering to his horror that it is his old apprentice.

    This a very basic outline that does need flesh, but the core of it revolves stripping back the politics and have a focus on Anakin and Obi-Wan. I'd cut Jango Fett, have the Jedi as a smaller group and attempt to make Anakin's fall something that you really feel.
    • Great Post Great Post x 2
  12. AmeddaBoomBoom

    +0 / 0 / -0
    The PT started exactly where it should have: Anakin as an undiscovered child prodigy -- though I would subtract the chosen one prophecy from this story. But my PT would have 4 episodes (a tetralogy), so for those who say our 1st glimpse of Anakin ought to have been in his teens, I'd say, consider the addition of another episode to the prequels, and then tell me that starting with a preadolescent Anakin wouldn't work.
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  13. Fooled Trooper

    Fooled Trooper Rebel Official

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I like little Ani...but not in his current Prequels state. But an extra Episode just for that?

    I would have made a game or even a series with enough Jedi Training and Adventures in it to fill that 10 years gap....or books even....
    The thing is....What Episode I-III showed us of Anakin and his Fall is not enough...Because next to The Clone Wars there are just the movies...And they are very limited in running time and scenes of Anakin....
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  14. henryj2112

    henryj2112 Clone

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Adding another episode - us fanboys would not deal well with that! You could well start with a child and do 3, but just need to strip everything else back for it to work. Cut the rubbish Trade storyline and focus on Anakin's rise and fall!

    I would agree with taking out the chosen one prophecy - it was far too contrived.
  15. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    I don't think I make a great director, but if I was chosen I would tell George ,that your direction and where your going with this is fine. Hi everyone!
  16. Vader_the_White

    Vader_the_White Rebel General

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I've been working on ideas for a better prequel trilogy for a while and here's what I've gotten:

    Episode I:
    The basic idea for the plot isn't terrible, it just needs a lot of reworking.
    For starters, Obi-Wan needs to do what Qui-Gon did. All Qui-Gon did was to push Obi-Wan into the background, preventing him from being able to establish the friendship we know he had with Anakin. Obi-Wan should be the one to discover Anakin and should be the one who decides to train him without needing death bed guilt.
    Anakin should also be around Luke's age. He doesn't need to be a kid to show that he's a good natured person. And this would allow for him to be on more equal ground with Obi-Wan and Padmé so that both of those relationships have room to develop over the course of the trilogy and so we care more when the tragic end to those relationships occur in III. Also, this would eliminate the problem of BRINGING A 9-YEAR-OLD TO A KRIFFING WAR ZONE!
    We also need explanation to why the villains and their motivation. As is, there is no easy to understand motivation for Nute Gunray and co. to be doing what they are doing other than being vaguely afraid of Sidious.
    My basic idea is that this crisis, instead of being a prologue to what would happen a decade later actually STARTS the Clone Wars, with the villains being seemingly led by Darth Maul. Over the course of the film, Anakin becomes both good friends with Obi-Wan and Padmé (with seeds of possible romance for the latter) and becomes a hero for his actions during the battle. Obi-Wan says that he will train Anakin. Maul escapes to continue leading the villains. Boom, time for Episode II.
    On a side note, I do like the idea of turning Naboo into Alderaan, giving it's destruction more oomph in A New Hope.

    Episode II:
    Admittingly, I don't have a fully developed idea for this one. I do know some basics when it comes to developing Anakin's fall. By this point, the Clone Wars have been going on for a few years. Anakin has just be promoted to full Jedi Knight. Also, things aren't going so well for the Republic. And we actually see it. The basic idea I have is that the destruction and chaos that occurs pushes the Republic into wanting peace and order, so they start giving their freedom up to get security. And Anakin, who also wants peace for the galaxy, is thinking along the same lines. Something tragic happens in the climax, which causes Anakin to swear that he will be order to the galaxy, whatever it takes.

    Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (I'm keeping the title):
    The film will open similarly to the version we have, with Palpatine being seemingly kidnapped. By this point, Anakin is on the threshold of being Vader. We actually learn that Palpatine is Sidious a little bit ahead of Anakin with us seeing a conversation between Palpy and Maul. Anakin and Maul duel (Obi will either not be there or, more likely, similarly be incapacitated as the final film), leading to Anakin winning, leaving a crippled, injured Maul at his mercy (his throat gets slashed, not killing him, but costs him the ability to speak). Palpatine then reveals to Anakin that he is Maul's master, but the tells an elaborate cover story. Maul, according to Palpy, went rogue and started the Clone Wars himself. Palpatine then offers to train Anakin in the ways of the Dark Side, giving him the power he needs to end this destructive conflict and finally being peace and order to the galaxy. All he has to do is kill Maul. Anakin does, ending Act 1. Act 2 is Anakin and Palpatine moving the final pieces into place, including the destruction of the Jedi. How does Palpatine convince Anakin to destroy the Jedi? Simple: the Jedi would never agree to the tactics of the Sith and would fight their Empire tooth and nail. They are dangerous to the New Order and disrupt the peace. Thus, they must be destroyed. And Act 2 ends with Order 66, wiping out the vast majority of the Jedi and with Palpatine declaring that the Republic is now the Empire. Act 3 has Anakin going out to hunt down the remaining Jedi. During his hunt, he encounters Obi-Wan. This is where their duel happens. In the initial stages, both try to reason with their friend, trying to convince the other that they should be on their side. Though in the end, they both realize it is useless and the real fight begins. Of course, the duels ends similarly with Anakin burned and maimed.
    Due to the fact that I'm still working on it, I'm still not sure how to end most of it. I'm still trying to incorporate Owen and/or Beru (who ever said that the relationship to Luke needed to be through Owen?), both how the romance with Padmé and her ultimate fate will be done (she will survive the events of the film, but I want something to explain why she died in between the PT and OT), etc. The main thing I have done is figure out Anakin's arc and where he is left at the end. His desire for power was for a noble cause, but the road to Hell is often paved with good intentions and Anakin becomes an extremist. In the end, he loses the most important relationships he had as well as his humanity. The only thing he has left is his service to the Emperor and his goal of galactic peace and order, even if it means blowing up planets.

    I actually came up with this motivation for Anakin's fall for two reasons. The first was that this kind of motivation works a little better. Yeah, people can do extreme things for the people they love, but it was too extreme for this story. Secondly, it works with the character of Vader we see in the OT. Vader's not a psychotic killer. He's cold and methodical. He doesn't tolerate failure. And he is a big fan of order. Don't forget what he offered Luke in Empire: "We can end this destructive conflict." It also has inspirations from other sources. The first is in an episode of The Clone Wars, where he and Tarkin agree about how the Jedi Code sometimes causes them to fall short of victory. It also was inspired by his Legends continuity grandson, Jacen Solo. His fall to the Dark Side was fueled by a similar motivation and even felt himself to be superior to his grandfather for this exact reason.

    Look at the right and you'll see adjusted for inflation. The OT wins. Also, Citizen Kane didn't do well in theaters, but it is widely considered to be one of the greatest motion pictures of all time. Financial success doesn't always equal high quality.
    Also, they are bad films. They really are. I'm not the kind of guy to troll people or to just say what everyone else is saying. The level of flaws in those films, even basic storytelling and filmmaking flaws, are so great, that they just fail at being good.
    They fail at being the tragic tale of a noble hero who turned into a dark perversion of what he used to represent. And they fail HARD.
    Also, this:
    I. hate. this. I should not have to automatically love something I don't like just because it is part of a series that I love. You do not get to be the judge of if I'm a fan or not. You know how many hours I've spent reading Wookieepedia? You know how many times I've seen all of the films? You know how many LEGO sets I've put together? You know how much I've listened to the soundtracks? You know how often I make references to them? You know how many books I have on my shelf? How many hours I've put into various Star Wars video games?
    My fandom of Star Wars hasn't waned once in the two decades that have passed since I first saw the original trilogy as a small child. And it will not be put into question just because I think the prequels are terrible films.
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  17. Bandini

    Bandini Jedi Commander

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I'm good with the prequels. I'm not pretending I'm a better writer than Lucas.

    I take what is given.
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  18. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    Nobody can do Star Wars than the creator himself, PT bashers are a minority so I don't care.
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  19. Darth Arthritus

    Darth Arthritus Rebel Commander

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Vague, minimizing generalities don't really prove much. I suppose TFA, which was, whether right or wrong, produced in a manner which reflects people's complaints of the prequels, making a boat full of money (more than any prequel by far even when adjusted for inflation) proves nothing despite prequel defender's main source of evidence for the quality of the PT being derived from box office sales. Using PT defender logic, TFA box office proves the vast majority dislike the PT considering the fans and the general public were promised and given a movie which is the antithesis of the PT ie competent writing, believable dialog, focus on story and characters over visuals, quality actors with strong chemistry and engaging portrayals etc.

    I like how "minority" is often used to describe critical voices of the PT, which would of course include many of those who worked on the prequels, casting directors who wouldn't touch PT actors with a ten foot pole, and apparently everyone who went to school with Jake Lloyd, not to mention the millions of star wars fans that manipulated the direction of TFA based on their prequel "hate".

    Us silly PT bashers with our evidence and logic. Why can't we just stick to unsubstantiated statements and name calling??
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  20. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    Not you amigo, everyone who went and seen TFA either liked all movies, hated the OT, hated the PT, or they didn't care, etc etc. They say you can only get away with it for so long, before she appears?????
    • Clouded Clouded x 2

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