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SPECULATION You direct and write the Prequels: where is YOUR beginning?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by MarsPhoenix, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Darth Arthritus

    Darth Arthritus Rebel Commander

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Please elaborate, I don't know what in the world any of that means.:confused: (gamorrean) (ewok) (bb-8) (r2-d2 2)
  2. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    She is someone everyone will know eventually!
  3. Darth Arthritus

    Darth Arthritus Rebel Commander

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Oh, I get it, you're being vague and not making sense. Got it.
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  4. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    I said the same thing to my dad when he told me about ''Carny Talk''
  5. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Here are the changes I would make:

    1-Let the movies start with an older Anakin. We can learn about his conflicts as a child and him having to leave his mom behind by the dialogue of the film. Having Obi Wan or Qui Gon consult Plo Koon or Shaak Ti about Anakins feelings would be enough info so that we can understand him without having to see a whole movie about his childhood.

    2-Have Jango Fett's son be Jodo Kast and not Boba Fett. If this were done, we could still enjoy seeing a Mandalorian on screen but it wouldn't ruin the mystery behind Boba Fett. This could lead to interesting stories in the future as well cause Fett could be the one who took Jodo in when Mace Windu killed his father.

    3-Have Darth Maul survive till AOTC. It would be awesome if instead of killing him in the first film, Maul would survive till the second. I would eliminate Dooku from AOTC all together and the story would be better for both Maul and Grievous. In the final battle in TPM, Maul would kill Qui Gon and then Obi Wan would wound him badly yet Darth Maul would escape. Having trained better under Sidious now that he new the Jedi, Maul would totally own both Obi Wan and Anakin in their duel on Geonosis. When he finishes taunting them and is about to kill them, Yoda steps in and it is he who finally defeats Maul and kills him. The movie ends with a powerful scene where Sidious calls for Grievous and tells him he's in command now. We hear footsteps but we don't see well who is there till the camera pans to Grievous's face without letting us see anything more and it shows us Grievous's reptilian eyes as he answers ''Yes my master.'' We then have Grievous fight Anakin and Obi Wan at the start of ROTS and he manages to take down Kenobi due to some help from his Magna Guards. Anakin then hurts Grievous but he escapes as Anakin goes to help Kenobi. This way we can see Grievous as a better fighter and not just a loser who is always running away. He would then meet his end at the hands of Obi Wan on Utapau.

    4-Have the Jedi be more gallant and knightly and less like a bunch of self absorbed dweebs. This would make Ben Kenobi's description of them to Luke seem more truthful. Having Qui Gon say he wasn't there to free slaves right to the face of slave people like he cared for nothing, Obi Wan say that they had picked up another pathetic life form and the Jedi whole view as unemotional zombies without attachments or compassion for one another made the Jedi look very messed up in my eyes and this was nowhere close to what I thought the Jedi would be like when Ben talked to Luke. Having the Jedi act as true knights would have had an even deeper impact when they fell as we would really feel for them intead of thinking that the Jedi Order got what they deserved for their incredible lack of vision.

    5-Make Jar Jar a cool character instead of being a Goofy clone. My problem is not with the Gungan race as they were really cool and it isn't with Jar Jar's looks or anything but just in the way he acts and speaks. Having him with a different voice and removing all the poop, fart, tongue and clumsy jokes would make him a cool sidekick character and not the hated abomination he is today.

    6-Make the night club in AOTC and the opera house in ROTS way better. The nightclub from the second movie was really weird and it looked more like a simple casino than a nightclub. I would add music, more creatures, dancing ladies and more props to make it look more like a nightclub. The opera house could have a few scenes added in which we can actually see what the Mon Calls are doing apart from letting us hear different tunes to the singing instead of just humming. Why on earth did Lucas even call this place an opera house when it looks more like some sort of circus? The Mon Cals which are hardly seem are swimming from one sphere to another doing acrobatics and the only sound is that low humming that can hardly be considered opera. True that I don't want somebody screaming their lungs out while Sheev tempts Anakin but at least let the fans see a little of what is going on in that place and have Sheev's dialogue extended so that we could know more about Plagueis. Let him tell Anakin in that scene that the secret of life was lost with Plagueis death but that someone powerful like him could be the one to rediscover it. That way, Anakin won't look like a dork that betrayed everything he believed in because Sheev told him he could have this power, just to have him tell him ''oops sorry dude but that power was lost but who knows, maybe we can find it together'' the next few scenes.
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  6. Fooled Trooper

    Fooled Trooper Rebel Official

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I liked that aspect of the PT. The Jedi are an integral part of the corrupt Republic. Like the system it corrupted them too.

    Maybe have some good, knightly Jedi, Obi-Wan and friends, in the mix that stand out in one or two scenes or dialogues/debates that would confirm that 99% of the Order now stagnated/ is passiv in their endevor to actually help. Maybe the Jedi re-awaken during the Clone Wars but the way the Order taught them isn´t practical anymore to the reality that they have to face now. True, the Jedi were once beacons of Hope but Ben descripes something out from the Books, something he was striving for but failed to do by himself. He lies...like always...He has to in order to speed-train Luke...
  7. General_Tarkin

    General_Tarkin Rebel General

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Imo they should've stretched out the ,,corrupt Repulic" part a lot better aswell. It was only barely hinted in dialogues, and never really shown on screen.
    They should've also focued on the confilct of the Separatists and the Republic too. Why are they fighting, or even who they are actually. Plus the fall of the democracy in ep III was also terribly underdone imo.
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  8. Vader_the_White

    Vader_the_White Rebel General

    Oct 20, 2015
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    While that element isn't bad by itself, I do feel it does make people care less about the Jedi. The only time we see the Jedi at their height and they are shown as blind, ineffectual, and criminally negligent to the needs of others. Why would we want to see them return?
    I also have a similar feeling about the Republic. It should be shown as mostly good in the first film only to be corrupted by Palpatine over the next two. Otherwise, again, why would we care if it returns?
    And before some of you start pointing out the evils of the Empire, I know, but it just feels like the lesser of two evils.
    Motivation is probably the biggest problem in the prequels, especially will the villains.
    We don't know why Nute Gunray is working with Sidious.
    We don't know why the Separatists exist.
    We don't know anything about the Sith other than "Grr, bad guys, hates Jedi, thought to be destroyed".
    We don't know what Dooku thinks will happen by the end of the Clone Wars.
    This lack of motivation really, really hurts.
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  9. General_Tarkin

    General_Tarkin Rebel General

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Yup, pretty much. And most importantly, we dont even know why the Separatists are trying to separate from the Republic in the first place, so we dont even know what the whole point of the war is. It was never told expressis verbis, some PT fans say its because the Republic was corrput, but I really doubt anyone would go into a galaxy sized war just beacue of corruption, that wold make absoultely no sense. The whole conflict and politics were terribly executed, there is no build up to anything, no real tension. Things just happen out of place (Oh, Obi-wan just happen to find an army on a planet we never even knew existed? Hmmm lets just use it for no reason at all and ask no questions, whatsoever).
    #49 General_Tarkin, May 24, 2016
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
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  10. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    1. That makes no sense if you actually seen the movies, you would know already what his conflicts are.

    2.Boba Fett is a overrated character, if you liked that character then that's your own faults for his backstory.

    3.Didn't George do that with Clone Wars, anyway that makes no sense he got cut in half, I don't care if he's not human, I don't think he would survive that.

    4. Again you're not making sense, the Jedi are kinda like zen masters, and I laughed when you said "Obi wan believable" since he lied to Luke that Vader was his Father.

    5. They said the same about people who don't smoke cigarettes, saying someone should change their voice and the way he acts is ridiculous, I really like him he's done more useful things than Chewy and C3PO.

    6. I'm guessing you need some help after this!
    --- Double Post Merged, May 24, 2016, Original Post Date: May 24, 2016 ---
    In TPM I believe taxation might be your answer since they were having disputes with the republic,. And a little revenge against Padme!
    Yeah it's not it was said that the Separatist, believe the Republic to be corrupt. Politics man!
    Real funny it's been shown or said in the that the Sith were the sworn enemy of the Jedi, and that they were defeated because of their greed, hatred, anything related to the dark side, hence the rule of two shown in Episode 1
    He thinks what other Sith thinks power, control.
    The lack of not needing to know is disturbing!
    • Trolling Trolling x 1
  11. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Well your post is a ton of fun mister know it all so let's see if we can shed some light on your......lack of knowledge.

    1-First point you didn't get. Having him be an adult you WOULDN'T have seen these things that happened to him as a child so they need to be explained. Did you even read my post?

    2-Second mistake. Know your adversary before you try to spout mindless comments at him. Dude I hate Fett and I have no idea how many times I have said how overrated he is on many posts here in the Cantina. The reason I posted my comment was because unlike you, instead of thinking of my needs and bashing the rest, I know that many fans dig Fett so I know they would be happy to see his character fixed.

    3-Third mistake. You obviously don't read. Did you even bother reading what the OP said? He said to RE-IMAGINE the story YOUR WAY. You didn't even bother reading my post as well cause I clearly stated that he should survive TPM by having Obi Wan WOUND HIM BADLY. Does ''wound him badly'' mean ''cut him in half'' where you come from?

    4-Fourth Mistake. And now I ask you mister makes no sense, have you even seen the SW movies? Do you understand them? If Luke was the last hope for the Jedi, do you really think he could have handled the truth? Sure, Ben could have told him that Vader was his father but even then he would have still HAVE TO LIE TO HIM on alot of things. Luke would have asked Ben about his father and Ben would have told him that Vader was his dad. Luke would then ask about him and about the lightsaber and Ben would happily tell Luke ''Oh yes, that lightsaber belonged to your father. I took it from him as he screamed in pain and spouted hate towards me after I dismembered him and let him burn on a fire planet. Oh but don't worry Luke, I did it because just moments before he had betrayed us all and killed alot of Jedi, murdered a bunch of kids in cold blood and choked your pregnant mother which was the main reason why she died and he did all this just because he was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. Yup! Good luck having Luke want to be a Jedi after that!

    5-Mistake number five and on this one you must really be having the same thing Lucas had when he created Jar Jar in the first place. He's done more useful things than C3PO and Chewie you say. Wow that's a hoot. I'm not even going to bother with Chewie so I'll just use 3PO. Let's see, Jar Jar served as a guide and was the one who guided the meeting between the Gungans and the Naboo. 3PO lied on the Death Star in order for him to keep guarding our heroes. Had he not done that, trash compactor equals dead heroes equals end of saga. 3PO discovered that the hyperdrive on the Falcon was busted. Had Han listened to him in the first place he could have avoided much trouble. 3PO was the reason the Ewoks made the heroes members of their tribe apart from the fact that had he not have been there, our heroes would have not been able to talk to the Ewoks. Have you ever seen how 3PO functions as a translator droid and can talk to aliens, computers and space ships? Watch the movies cause I'm sure you will like them.

    6-Mistake number six. Smug, senseless comments are no way to get around here on the Cantina. If you want to debate SW then that's fine as many of us here have done this and it's really fun but there is a fine line between debating with your fellow members and trolling my good friend and I think you have to learn how to tell those two apart.
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  12. DarthWalker

    DarthWalker Force Sensitive

    May 18, 2015
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    To keep it short,
    1. Start Anakin off much older, like about 17-18.
    2. Have a closer relationship with Owen, and have them originate on a separate planet than Tatooine. Doesn't make sense to later hide Luke there by OB1
    3. Jedi should not be the Navy Seals who answer to the Republic. More of guardians of the galaxy who are ambassadors of peace.
    4. Yoda should never have a lightsaber, he should be above using weapons
    5. Have Anakin become Darth Vader in middle of Episode 2, that way we see him doing things as Vader
    6. When OB1 meets Anakin as a teenager, Anakin has already been trained by a Master Jedi who has died unexpectedly, and he is already a great pilot.
    7. There is no "phantom Menace" that hides in front of the Jedi, rather an ominous figure they all sense but never see until Episode 3.
    8. The clone wars have been raging for years at the beginning of Ep 1, between the Jedi and the Mandalorians who make clones to fight for the Empire.
    9. OB1 convinces Anakin's bride to leave him before he knows she is pregnant. She returns to Alderaan and maintains her queenship. Which is why Leia is a princess. She has Owen take Luke so he doesn't become a Jedi like his father. This is why Anakin hates OB1, because he made him lose his bride.
    10. Also, starting at the beginning of Ep. 2, have Anakin start wearing the Vader armor, the shoulder pieces and such, so he really is Vader before he becomes a cyborg.
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  13. Fooled Trooper

    Fooled Trooper Rebel Official

    Sep 6, 2014
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    At least in an age which makes falling in love or romance possible and plausible...

    I dont know about that. Wanna explain?

    Yeah, but this is the coflict of having the Guardian Order being integrated into the corrupt system.

    Yes. Maybe using it once in Episode 3 or in some random first year Clone Wars Battle would have been enough. The Count Dooku Fight and the Palpatine one was a bit too much jumping. Yoda is Buda.
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  14. DarthWalker

    DarthWalker Force Sensitive

    May 18, 2015
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    I've just always thought the story of why Lars is raising his nephew needed to be better told in the prequels. Maybe Owen was a force sensitive that chose not to be a Jedi. Or he was neutral, and didn't want to fight for the Imperials or the Rebellion. Maybe he resented Luke for having to escape it all and hide out on Tatooine. I think there was an opportunity to show some family drama there, and when Anakin becomes Vader, to him Anakin Skywalker died, and he is a new person with no family. In ANH, when Beru says "he's just like his father" and Owen replies "that's what I'm afraid of", I think they could have told that story of Owen watching his brother become the monster Vader.
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  15. Background Character

    Background Character Rebel Official

    Oct 20, 2015
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    A 35-year-old Jedi knight named Obi Wan Kenobi and his 17-year-old alien apprentice have been dispatched by the Jedi Order (located on the planet Tython) on a mission to investigate reports that an unknown figure has been creating a race of cloned creatures and training them to be fierce warriors in a remote system in the router rim. Kenobi and his apprentice are able to approach the planet in their ship, piloted by a wise talking, no-nonsense pilot named Mace Windu. But their cover is blown, resulting in a space battle as defensive ships chase Windu's ship, badly damaging it. Windu says their only option is to find a nearby planet to recover and repair the ship if they have any hope of returning safely.

    We then cut to a boy of about 12 struggling to haul moisture farm equipment across a hot desert plain of the planet Tatooine. The boy is Anakin Skywalker. His two step brothers, Owen Lars, aged 18, and Taran Lars, aged 14, are then seen following behind. Anakin's mother has recently married the moisture farmer, Cleigg Lars and has moved into his homestead with her son. Owen is a dutiful son who works hard on his father's farm and has tried to be helpful and kind to Anakin. Taran is the exact opposite, constantly teasing and belittling Anakin and making his life miserable. Cliegg is a strict task master, constantly expecting his sons and new stepson to work hard on the farm and shuns any fooling around or leisure activities. Anakin's mother has agreed to marry this man out of the need for provision for herself and her son, more than anything else. Anakin is good-natured boy but he hates this new arrangement and the cruel treatment that he has to deal with. He often sneaks away to go watch the community of local pod racers who race through Beggar's Canyon and who occasionally let him race. This only angers his stepfather, who drags him home and punishes him severely.

    Suddenly, a loud noise is heard as a ship comes barreling across the desert, crash landing on the Lars moisture farm. The three passengers emerge as the ship is destroyed. Lars invites the survivors to take shelter inside the homestead. Anakin is enthralled by these new guests the stories they tell of their escape from the cloning planet and the fact that two of them are Jedi - the warriors that he had only heard about in stories. Anakin talks to Obi Wan and tells of his aspirations to one day become a pilot and fly away from his unsatisfactory life on Tatooine. Obi Wan begins to sense that there is something special about this boy.

    We then cut to a hooded figure on the cloning planet who has the appearance of Palpatine. He walks through the cloning facility reviewing an endless sea of horrific, massive warriors being trained in combat and weaponry. He enters a chamber to which another hooded figure is waiting. The hooded figure reveals himself to be his apprentice, the red faced, horned, and fearsome-looking Darth Maul. Palpatine reports that the Jedi have caught wind of their cloning plans, and reveals the greater plan for the resurrection of the Sith Order with the might of a clone army to dominate the galaxy and vengefully wipe out the Jedi. He sends Maul on a mission to track down the escapees and destroy them before they can find a way back to Tython. Maul departs in his ship, tracking the last know whereabouts of the ship that escaped.

    Obi Wan sends his apprentice with Mace Windu into Mos Eisley to inquire about finding a way off the planet by finding a transport. While they do this, Obi Wan follows Anakin to the Pod Racing gang. Obi Wan watches as the pod racers allow Anakin to race through the canyon in an exciting action scene, to which he excels at, defeating the local pod racer thug to Obi Wan's amazement. This gives Obi Wan the impression that Anakin could be strong in the force. Obi Wan then tests Anakin in a series of Jedi potential tests to determine if he does, indeed, posses force sensitivity. Anakin passes the tests with flying colors.

    Cliegg Lars then angrily approaches, once again chiding Anakin for shirking his duties on the farm and smacks him across the face, sending him to the ground. Obi Wan quickly comes to the defense of Anakin, to which Cliegg walks away from, knowing that a Jedi knight is no one to mess with. That evening Obi Wan talks with Lars and Anakin's mother about the possibility of taking Anakin to Tython to be trained as a Jedi Knight. Cliegg says he has reached the end of his patience with Anakin and agrees. Anakin's mother concurs, believing that training with the Jedi would lead to a noble and structured upbringing that would benefit Anakin as opposed to staying on the farm.

    Mace and the apprentice return to report that a transport ship will be leaving for Coruscant in the morning. Obi Wan tells Anakin that he will be coming with them, and that his dreams of leaving the dreary life on Tatooine will be fulfilled. Anakin is overjoyed, but sad to be leaving his mother. He tearfully bids her goodbye and the four board the transport, leaving Tatooine and speeding into space. Suddenly, the ship comes under attack in a blaze of laser fire. Darth Maul has found his prey.

    END ACT I.
    #55 Background Character, May 25, 2016
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
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  16. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    Well that was interesting, except for the fact that it's unoriginal at what you guys are doing , people at other forums already did this. I'm just trying to point out that this is unneeded, and this is a Prequel forum where apparently, people who don't like them are taking cheap shots.

    1. You see him as a child, teenager, then a young adult, you can understand him if you wanted too. If the movies went the direction you wanted it, it will fail.

    2. Same thing to you did I say anything insulting?, all I said was if anyone hated his backstory, that's their problem.

    3. As I explained this is nothing new, every other site has done this already, you are not trying to tell anything, you're just taking shots at the PT.

    4. He didn't tell any of that now did he, he only started coming forward after the ESB, my complaint was that you guys, thought he was always being honest.

    5. I'm guessing you never seen the PT or OT, it's mostly between Jar Jar and Chewy, C3PO is someone I'll get to in the future.

    6. And you think you have the right to tell me that, when I got to these forums there were a bunch of, people taking shots at the PT even if they make some excuse for it. So don't put that on me, you need to learn that yourself, oh by the way regarding the matter between the PT and OT, someone I know, and people I don't know, are about to do something about it. And the person I know is already working on it, something about taking Redlettermedia, to town so to say, even if he hates Star Wars. I hope you guys enjoy your time doing this, until he shows up with his video!

    Note: Mike Stoklasa will recognize him, since they met a long time ago!
    • Trolling Trolling x 3
  17. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    My dear friend first of all you have to chill out for a moment cause I really don't think you know who you are talking to. First of all I will invite you to read my other posts. You think I'm taking cheap shots at the PT? Dude! I think I'm one of the few people here who loves the PT as much as the OT and is always defending it from haters. Read a few of my comments reguarding the PT on other forums and then we can talk.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 26, 2016, Original Post Date: May 26, 2016 ---
    My dear friend first of all you have to chill out for a moment cause I really don't think you know who you are talking to. First of all I will invite you to read my other posts. You think I'm taking cheap shots at the PT? Dude! I think I'm one of the few people here who loves the PT as much as the OT and is always defending it from haters. Read a few of my comments reguarding the PT on other forums and then we can talk.
  18. CTrent29

    CTrent29 Rebel Official

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I wonder how the OT movies and "TFA" can be re-written.
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  19. Make It Up Man

    May 21, 2016
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    If I was directing the Prequels, it would just be about Women, so it's a good thing I'm not going to direct it.
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  20. Vader_the_White

    Vader_the_White Rebel General

    Oct 20, 2015
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    This is officially the biggest waste of a post I've ever seen.
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