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SPECULATION A prophecy, misread, could have been...

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Duck Duck Goose, Sep 10, 2014.


Was the prophecy misread?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe (please elaborate with a post)

  1. Paul Dameron

    Paul Dameron Rebel General

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Except that even Yoda said...Luke was the last of the Jedi...so they werent wiped out.
  2. Get In Gear

    Get In Gear Force Sensitive

    Oct 23, 2014
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    The prophecy was not misread, per se. The problem was, the Jedi took their eyes off the ball while they were preoccupied with all the chosen one/prophecy shenanigans.
    Imagine I give you some kind of good luck charm, and guarantee it will bring you good luck. The next day you lose your job, your wife and all your money - but the bus that careers out of control right outside your house misses you by inches. Maybe then my guarantee was justified, despite all of the other things that happened. You may not agree, because it is a point of view thing.

    That's how I look at the deal with Anakin. When he was wiping out the Jedi, that was him most definitely not fulfilling the prophecy. Same as he wasn't fulfilling the prophecy when he was taking a dump, watching TV, Pod Racing - or whatever else he might be doing in the course of his life.
    He killed Palpatine, and he restored order - it's as simple as that.
    Balance is harmony. Peace. The Jedi work with the Force and use it for knowledge and understanding. The Sith abuse the Force for oppression and personal gain. It's like throwing stones into an otherwise perfectly calm lake. Palpatine was being bad on a cosmic scale. He was stopped. Ewoks danced.

    I've never understood the whole "equal number of Sith and Jedi thing". It doesn't work. They are just people. The Force is the Force - an energy field created by all living things. Maybe the Jedi getting wiped out did need to happen, from a certain point of view, in some convoluted "they kind of helped enable Palpatine through their ineptness" way. But it wasn't because they were Jedi, and it is not because the force is sat there with a little notebook and a pen keeping tally "Keep going Anakin... leave two, just leave two, then there will be an equal number and I'll be balanced...".
    Does the force itself know when someone is trained as a Jedi or a Sith, and how many of each there are? It's just a name, a title, a rank. It makes no sense that this could matter to an energy field.
    If the Jedi had to go, it was simply because they were more people messing up the galaxy through their ineffectiveness and stupidity.
    And then we get into a whole morality issue - should all living things who contributed to the Empire go too? They are contributing to the energy field too, right? What next, get rid of all the bad tempered Banthas and just keep the nice ones?
    It just doesn't work. At the end of ROTJ we are left with one Jedi. Simple. There could be a thousand - it wouldn't matter. They are peaceful and in harmony with the cosmos. There could even be Sith (except there are only ever two, right) it doesn't matter, because if there are, they are away somewhere plotting - they are not corrupting the power of the Force to control the whole galaxy and inflict pain and suffering on a cosmic scale.
    That was the imbalance. Vader sorted it. Prophecy fulfilled.

    Anyway - Episode VII.
    Jeez. Another prophecy?
    "When the Force at its most balanced is, a child will be born of the Force to upset that balance soonafter, and for another three movies, spin this saga out we shall..."

    I kind of hope not.
    As in, another prophecy that conveniently no-one has mentioned onscreen thus far yet, right?

    QUI-GON: "A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."
    MACE WINDU: "You're referring to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force... you believe it's this boy?"
    QUI-GON: "Yeah. Might be that one. Could be that other prophecy about wiping out all the Jedi though."
    MACE WINDU: "... "
    QUI-GON: "Or was it the one about digging up Darth Vader's mask...? Hang on, it would be easier if we actually kept the big book of vague-but-important prophecies here in this room really - I'll go and get it..."
    MACE WINDU: "Darth who...?"
    #22 Get In Gear, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
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  3. emphram

    emphram Rebel General

    Nov 6, 2014
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    As mentioned earlier in the thread, there are several virgin birth beliefs across religions, and I never felt that Lucas was trying to include Christianism in Star Wars, it's not such a bad idea really, but it just didn't match with the OT. Pre-PT we all thought Anakin was just an usually strong Jedi gone wrong, but not abnormally strong nor prophetic, and when these elements were introduced in the PT, we sort of felt that it was detracting from the story, forcing an eventual good outcome due to prophecy which is a terrible way to kill suspense and tell a story. What we will see in the ST might include the prophecy if only to acknoledge it, but it might change it or modify it, giving a new understanding and hopefully done in such a way that it makes us doubt whether our heroes will succeed or not. As long as we are unsure, we will watch.

    EDIT: Maybe the true chosen one comes forth, and attempts to destroy all force users, he has been asleep for millenia, but has now awaken to fufill his destiny, and must be stopped before he causes galactic genocide, or maybe he has gone crazy or been corrupted by the dark side... lots of ways this could play out.
  4. Darth Zloi

    Darth Zloi Dark Moogle of the Sith

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Some enjoy the mysticism of prophecy and the Force. Others would prefer that GL had never gone the "Chosen One" route. Some fans would like to delve more into explanations of the mysteries of the Force, others woukd precer to keep it mysterious. I personally fine myself somewhere in between and I think it's a fine line between gaining some insight into the Force and not leaving enough to the imagination.

    Whatever your stance is on this, the Prohecy of the "Chosen One" is canon. While JJ and crew might steer relatively clear of this ... one thing's for sure, he's a real SW fan. So, I'm sure Anakin's legacy will be a part of the saga in many (likely subtle) ways.

    We know that the Jedi misinterpreted at least some aspects of the prophecy. With Anakin destroying the Sith without and within, he seemed to have brought balance to the Force. However, (while not certain) it seems 30 years after this fulfillment the Sith have returned.

    How, if at all do you think they will weave/explain the "Chosen One" prophecy or perhaps a new one into the plot (keeping in mind balancing nods to older fans, while not going over the heads of new ones)?

    I'm curious to hear your thoughts ...
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  5. sbs87

    sbs87 Lord of The Dark Arts

    Dec 19, 2014
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    I think for them it was probably meetings early on where they sat down and asked themselves..."How many parts PT trilogy and how many parts OT are we going to influence the ST with?". The OT makes no reference to "The Chosen One" only "The Hope" of one of the Skywalker children really just making Anakins wrong a right.
    It is possible that the ST will introduce its own "theme" or drive for what the galaxy needs. I could see reference being made to the prophecy but I really don't see them getting into it much. I think where the galaxy is at now will be an entirely new challenge for what needs to be overcome.
    #25 sbs87, Jan 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
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  6. Darth Zloi

    Darth Zloi Dark Moogle of the Sith

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Yoda definitely felt that the Jedi had missynterpreted the prophecy. Perhaps a key part of Anakin bringing "balance" to the force was by ensuring that the Jedi didn't go instinct. (GL has said that the Sith disturb balance because of how they use the Force or something along those lines.) It would make for a bit of a boring story (at least Force-wise) if dark - side users were permanently banished. The dark side is the easy path. Perhaps the Force had to protect the light-side when it felt imminent danger to the Jedi's very existence. Or that the Force was sending a message to both sides that changes were needed.

    Okay, now I'm ranting. I do like the idea that we will get a new driving Force theme in this trilogy. The dialogue in the teaser trailer makes it seem likr a safe bet.
  7. sbs87

    sbs87 Lord of The Dark Arts

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Yes, I think in terms of the need for Jedi we will not be short on that type of dialogue. I'm just not so sure The Prophecy gets a lot of direct mention. If they are moving on story wise from Anakin I could easily see that being likely. It might be mentioned as being misread or something like that due to this awakening. Perhaps the awakening completely changes the game in a way that The Prophecy looks feeble in comparison to this unexpected event within the force.
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  8. DarthDwight

    DarthDwight Force Sensitive

    Sep 30, 2014
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    Already a thread on this.
  9. Darth Zloi

    Darth Zloi Dark Moogle of the Sith

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Okay, sorry about that. Coming in later im the game, I didn't want to go through a hundred threads. I tend to stick to the first few pages.
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  10. DarthDwight

    DarthDwight Force Sensitive

    Sep 30, 2014
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    It's cool. Just do a quick search next time.
  11. Darth Zloi

    Darth Zloi Dark Moogle of the Sith

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Roger, roger :)
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  12. NoahOutlaw

    NoahOutlaw Clone Commander

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Anakin ultimately fulfilled the prophecy, He destroyed evil (The Emperor) and brought balance to the force.
    • Wise Wise x 2
  13. Darth Zloi

    Darth Zloi Dark Moogle of the Sith

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I completely agree. I was thinking that it even ties into his children's role of continuing to uphold this balance.
  14. D1474

    D1474 Rebel Official

    Nov 7, 2014
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    It makes me nervous wondering if the Story Group sits down and even thinks about any of this. I mean, I know GL gave them treatments of the ST when he sold Disney, but wasn’t really the BEST at tying up loose ends or staying with a continuity sometimes. I think they should have sat down, watched all six movies in one day while taking notes. Had another small team read over forums and see “speculations” about things and questions people had, and determined what they could do with it all. Im sure it was more along the lines of. Ok. Here is A story. Lets see what we can weave into this that stays true to the universe, has elements of both trilogies, and has something for young and old.

    The prophecy is important, balance being brought to the force and all, but if a Sith returns in this movie they are going to have some explaining to do on why this DOESN’T diminish what Anakin did. I think they can do that pretty easy. The Force Awakens could be an all new force. Like a reset. Ok, the force was set to balance nearly thirty years ago, but something happened, prophecy is out the window because just like the VERY FIRST force user must have discovered it at one point…now that it has laid in balance and been unused (maybe) the Force says “Uhh, yeah Luke you can go into hiding and contain the powers of the Force if you want, but if you do that the Force is going to open up and spread on its own.”

    This allows for the Force to awaken in others and start its cycle completely over. New people learning to use it in the ways that they choose. Its almost like the Terrigen Bomb in Marvel’s InHumans. People just get exposed to Mists and suddenly have powers…how they choose to use them is up to them, but there will likely be good, grey, and bad people come of the Awakening. Luke’s only option at that point is to train the good ones he can and hope the dark side doesn’t cloud many. It will though, and once one person feels the dark side working to make them strong…then they research the dark side…by any means…artifact/holocron/knowledge…things they used to think were a hokey religion now become important and we have a new universe to move forward.
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