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How to make Finn Force Sensitive?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Ammianus Marcellinus, Feb 7, 2016.


If the writers should decide to make Finn force sensitive, how should they proceed?

  1. By giving it a backstory which fits Finn's original quest for a new belonging in TFA

  2. Just give him force powers. No additional story or explanation required

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  1. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I don't think so. Leia didn't learn she was until episode 6 even though it was hinted in 5. It's very possible that TPTB wanted a less convoluted opening act given it ran at 2:16. This allows them time to develop characters in a more proper way.

    I think all the things that are present in Finn the normal guy will be what can make him a great Jedi. Kind of like Steve Rogers the normal guy made Capt. America who he was.

    Even more interesting he wouldn't have trained as a youngling so he'll bring with him his life lessons.

    This is a period in time where the Jedi don't have to be bland and monotoned in their outlook... it's a rebirth.
    • Wise Wise x 2
  2. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thank God, you must have voted the first option. :)
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  3. leopardhk47

    leopardhk47 Rebel Trooper

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I think it would be enough to give Finn Force Powers that he discovers in a moment of crisis. Maybe he's on a mission with Poe for the Resistance that goes sideways. And throughout the mission as it turns into a firefight, he starts displaying small bits of Force Sensitivity. For example, his team is trying to find cover from an RPG and at the last second he gets them to move to a different structure just as the one they were running to explodes. He shows increased accuracy with his blaster, gunning multiple people down with ease, maybe without even looking. Small things that are just enough for the audience to wonder about him. And during the climax at the mission, he comes across Phasma, or maybe she's been stalking him ever since Starkiller Base blew up. They get into a fight and he gradually starts to lose until he's disarmed and Phasma wounds him before mocking him about how because of his mission's failure, the Resistance will die. And just as he's about to be killed, he latches on to his hatred for the First Order and what they did to him, his fellow Stormtroopers, and the Hosnian System, and directs his rage at the symbol for the First Order standing in front of him in the form of Captain Phasma. He blasts her with uncontrolled Force lightning that arcs all around the area, maybe it's so strong that you see her skeleton inside her armor as a call back to Darth Vader and Mace Windu. Phasma collapses seriously injured and Finn passes out from the mental strain and his physical injuries from the fight.

    But for real, as Rey will be the one with the illustrious bloodline and destiny, I think it'd be really cool if Finn, being the everyman character, is the "no one" that Rey claimed she was in the trailer. No great family name, no destiny except for the one he chooses. Just an ordinary kid taken from some nameless family who grows into a powerful Jedi Knight.

    Finn was in the top 1% of the Stormtroopers in the First Order wasn't he? Isn't that mentioned in Rebels as being a hallmark of Force Sensitivity?
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  4. GotTheSilver

    GotTheSilver Rebel Official

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I hope to God they don't make Finn Force sensitive! There is no reason to.
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  5. leopardhk47

    leopardhk47 Rebel Trooper

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Why are you so against Finn being Force Sensitive? Making a character Force Sensitive doesn't suddenly rob them of all characterization or nuance.
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  6. GotTheSilver

    GotTheSilver Rebel Official

    Jan 20, 2016
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    No, making a character force sensitive does not rob them of character, but I have heard people talk about making Finn FS, making Poe FS, Leia should use her force powers, Maz is force sensitive, etc. The OT had very few force sensitive people (Luke, Obi Wan, Vader, Palpatine, Yoda). I don't want the ST to be a rehash of the OT, but I also don't want everyone and their dog running around using the Force like it is nothing. I think it would be too convenient for a stormtrooper to turn against the First Order, accidentally fall in with the Resistance and then just happen to find out he is force sensitive and become a Jedi. Too much coincidence, and completely unnecessary.
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  7. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    You just spit off 5 people who were Force Sensitive in the OT... 6 if you add Leia. If to Luke and Leia, you add, Rey, Finn, Maz, Kylo and Snoke, you haven't drastically changed the landscape. You've increased it by one. If Poe is also FS, then it's been increased by two.

    The title of the last movie was The Force Awakens and many speculate that Luke will be instrumental in the reestablishment of the Jedi Order. Maz is not going to become a Jedi and I'd guess the same holds for Leia.

    I for one do not think the new Jedi Order in 8,9, or 10 should consist of just Luke, Rey, and Jedi extra 1, 2, 3, and 4. The first few members should be people that we know and care about. If we don't care about Jedi extra 1,2, and 3, then there's no drama when they are faced with danger.
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
    • Wise Wise x 1
  8. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'd rather have two jedi. I just want Finn to kick ass without the force. I just want him to shoot people and make epic killstreaks like he did on Takodana :) But my vote is not represented in the poll :(
  9. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I hear you. I know there are a lot of people who dig Finn, but would rather him be more of a 'good' Boba Fett.

    This is just my belief, but I don't see Luke being a major player in the trilogy beyond Ep.8. In order for the next generation of cast members to have credibility, they will need to confront the new villains in much the same way Luke did (without Obi-Wan and Yoda's direct help).

    If the Star Wars saga was an epic novel we would have 3 major chapters. Anakin, Luke, and Rey. I know most want to see Luke and Rey fighting it all the way to the end of Episode 9, but I suspect he will either die (in an epic battle I hope), or be injured to the extent he must remain behind. Luke's chapter has ended, he is now existing in Rey's chapter. This is necessary to keep the focus on the new main protagonist Rey.

    If I'm right about this, then there will need to be more to the future of the Jed because only the Sith follow the rule of two. The Jedi are destined to repopulate their order. The many were hunted to near extinction. The last surviving Jedi was tasked to pass on what he learned to a new generation of Jedi. I'm hoping Finn along with Rey is one of those people. The Hosnian premonition gives me hope that this will happen.
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  10. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well I'm not a fan of Finn becoming a Jedi, but if they choose to do it, I hope they accompany it with a narrative and in story explanation like you do. His hosnian premonition is indeed the best lead for it to work. Perhaps Abrams made that scene intentionally ambiguous for Ryan Johnson to fill in later.
  11. SKB

    SKB Force Sensitive

    Dec 21, 2015
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    How to make Finn Force Sensitive:
    Accidental midichlorian transfusion while he's recovering from his injuries in a bacta tank. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I hear you but they haven't really explained Rey's FS specifically her apparent strength in the Force either. It probably isn't a coincidence neither came into the ST with last names or knowledge of their family/past.

    It's possible that Finn's can be explained away by a possible abduction, but I'm thinking there could be more too it.
  13. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well I actually think Rey is a Skywalker and the force is traditionally used as an inherited trait in combination with mechanical skills and piloting abilities. But that's another discussion. I think Rey's name is intentionally left obscure for a later reveal, but I think Finn's true name we will never know. He will always be Finn to us which is his new identity as opposed to him being just a number in the First Order. I do think he will return to his place of origins and see what the First Order did to his original home. I also think his refusal to fire on the civilians mirrors the circumstances in which he lost his own family and was kidnapped by the First Order. But you have been right to point out the "Hosnian screams" is a scene which is rather ambiguous and I do think that it is very much in line with what Obi Wan heard when the Empire destroyed Alderaan.There is authorial intention behind that moment. But what they meant by it I don't really know. It might be an allusion to A New Hope only meant for the audience, it might be the cantina critters or people outside the castle, or it may be Finn hearing something in the Force. It could swing either way, but it is by far the best and only real argument I've heard for Finn being force sensitive, the only one that works and is argued in reference to things about him we've already seen. So if they do make him Force sensitive, the hosnian scream is the place to start.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 16, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 16, 2016 ---
    No No he takes a bath in the fountain of the force just like the Reborn of Dessan in Jedi Outcast :p
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  14. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I have difficulty understanding why people who believe that Rey is a Skywalker have problems considering the possibility of Finn's FS. This is not directed at you because you've clearly left the door open (preferences aside). The only 'new' Skywalker confirmed so far is Ben. There are certainly things that happen in the movie which reasonably lead people to speculate about Rey being a Skywalker--but I would say the movie has done the same thing towards Finn's FS. Of course some hints are stronger than others, but they are there none-the-less. It could be argued there are more hints/clues pointing to Finn's FS than there are pointing to Rey's true lineage.

    Rey appears to have quickly grasped the Force in a big way, but we yet to really know how strong she is with it on the grand scale. She could be a Skywalker descendant, but her lineage could also lead to one of the many other possibilities discussed in the forums.

    I agree that it's very possible Finn is a random whose origins could remain unknown, but I think I remember John hinting that he was told who Finn's parents were and that a family member got warm when they tried to guess it. In addition to that they set up Finn and Rey in their opening sequences in very similar ways:
    • Both are masked in their intro.
    • Finn's scene played out then Rey's without a transition between the scenes.
    • Neither knows their name last name, or remembers their family... and both are essentially the same age.
    • Their synergy in taking out the last TIE and their conversation after escaping Jakku make them appear to be synced.
    There could be something to the symmetry JJ/LK created in this screenplay and it could have been built into the overall architecture of the ST. The easy observation is yes, Finn's story is straightforward, but I still think there could be more.
    #54 FN NewGuy, Feb 16, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
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  15. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It is quite the discussion. Rey being a Skywalker or not. Finn being Force Sensitive or not? I don't wish to reiterate the entire discussion about those two:p But I think you are absolutely right that their opening shots are synced in terms of staging etc.
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  16. SKB

    SKB Force Sensitive

    Dec 21, 2015
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    A mullet might help. ;)
  17. FN NewGuy

    FN NewGuy Rebel Commander

    Oct 12, 2015
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    There are plenty of hints already given--whether people accept them as potential hints or not will reflect how 'out of nowhere' the revelation will be... if it actually comes to pass.
    • His name FN2187. 2187 was the movie that inspired GL to the concept of the Force. It is also where another FS character (Princess Leia) was imprisoned in the OT's first episode. Hmmm, both Finn and Leia imprisoned with 2187 in the first episodes... hint
    • When Slip touches Finn with his bloody hand, he reacts as if he's awakened to find himself in the middle of a firefight (if you don't remember this part, watch it again). I thought it was fear the first time I watched it, but it's clearly disorientation--as if he's trying to catch up to what is going on around him. With new eyes he makes his choice when they slaughter the civilians.
    • His synergy with both Poe and Rey and an affinity for weaponry. Using weapons he's never touched before Finn knocks out a missile aimed for his TIE fighter. Add to that the synced shot on the MF, and his quick grasp of the lightsaber (which Maz encourages him to use, not just hold).
    • He picks up Luke's training remote in the MF (the place it all started for Luke).
    • In a call back to Alderaan, he has a premonition of the Hosinan system's destruction.
    Each of these things can be explained away if you look hard enough no doubt. That's what make them hints, not facts. Just because it's possible to pose another possibility to these hints doesn't negate the hint. This is not real life, it's a scripted sequence of events told in a way to bring entertainment. People who write the script and create the scenes use hints and foreshadowing to enhance their stories.

    It shouldn't be a big surprise if Finn is FS and this is revealed in 8 or 9. It would be great to learn more about how it was passed to him, but it's not really necessary given all of the material they presented us in Ep. 7.
    #57 FN NewGuy, Feb 18, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
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    • Unoriginal Unoriginal x 1
  18. wilyen

    wilyen Rebelscum

    Jan 11, 2016
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    i would rather he not be related to any force sensitives. never been a fan of force sensitivity only being tied to linage.
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  19. Just Passing Through

    Just Passing Through Rebel General

    Jan 8, 2016
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    I agree. The only force sensitive lineage that is concentrated on in the saga films is the Skywalker lineage. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Mace Windu etc. we didn't focus on the lineage of any of these FS characters and we didn't need to. In fact the Jedi practise of chastity would suggest that they themselves were confident that FS wasn't dependent on lineage otherwise they would be running out of recruits after a period of time.
    #59 Just Passing Through, Feb 18, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  20. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    If he was related we would have seen him use the force in TFA.

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