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Jakku and Luke's Jedi Academy

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Nat, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Nat

    Nat Rebel Commander

    Nov 13, 2015
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    Hello, I'm a forums veteran, but new here, so feel free to comment, delete, or flame as you so wish.......

    Got a thought about Luke and Jakku and Rey and his trailer dialogue.....


    [Kira] Rey has been on Jakku since she was about five.
    Kylo Ren is a little older than Rey.

    In the trailer we (presumably) see Luke and Artoo in front of what we assume to be a bonfire ; for this night-time shot, we know it was a CGI-filled minimal set. The locale possibly looks similar to the village burn on Jakku. Plot rumours suggest the film ends with Luke and Rey, we assume there is no funeral for Han, and certainly not a funeral pyre ; although a pyre would befit a Hero, we've only seen two pyres and they were for Jedi, and a state cortege for a royal politician. This could be Han's funeral, but equally, early rumours suggested that that trailer scene was a flashback to Luke's early Jedi Academy ; a flashback courtesy of Maz Kanata. Personally, I'd hope that there could be a half-second or second long cut-away to Luke at the moment of Han's demise (and likewise, a similar cut-away to Yoda and to Palpatine in the ANH:SE would have been great !!).

    The trailer implies that Jakku is very much a backwater world, and even if it's not more centrally located, it's not - or not now - on any major trade routes.
    On Jakku we see a starship graveyard, and tie-in material is saying it was the site of a great battle after Endor. Further material at Wookieepedia [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jakku] does not really firm up any specific details, other than confirming it's in the Outer Rim Territories.

    What would make such a backwater world a significant site for a major battle ?? I admit I haven't read the new canon material that describes the Battle of Jakku, nor its stated history.

    And we know that Kylo Ren is looking for a relic and goes to Jakku in search of it.

    Initially I had thought it could have been a military facility or storage depot belonging to either side. But then, tying in with TFA, I began wondering if it's the location of Luke's first Jedi Academy ??!

    The name 'Kylo Ren' is tied to the 'Knights of Ren', and it's indicated that the name 'Ren', like 'Darth', is a title associated with that group. What's not fully clear is if Adam Driver forms the group or if the group adopts Adam Driver.

    What if the Solo Twins - Kylo and Kira or Ren and Rey or Kylo Ren and Kira Rey - had been with Luke training at his Academy when Snoke / the Imperials attacked ? There was such devastation and confusion that the twins' whereabouts is not clear - the older boy is taken by Snoke, while the younger girl escapes. It's feasible that the 'Vicar' (Max von Sydow) is a guardian to her. The older boy would be aware of his lineage and history while the girl might not. I've always held to the idea that, on the DS2, Luke used the Dark Side of the Force to *hide* from Vader - who were only a matter of metres away from each other ; akin to Palpatine hiding his real identity from the Jedi in the PT. Both Solo children could have employed this trick, with Rey doing so in fear, and Ren - or Snoke - doing so deliberately.

    Luke and Han and Leia would be heartbroken in losing the Solo children and the Academy. Luke goes into exile, and Han and Leia separate.

    One other point, we know that Luke's words in the first trailer [from ROTJ] were specially recorded for TFA. Why ? Was this for the trailer only, or are they lines in TFA ? I'd like to think these are the closing lines from Luke to Rey on the Skellig island.

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  2. Old Biff from the Future

    Old Biff from the Future Dune Sea Hermit

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Hello @Nat and Welcome to the Cantina

    You bring up some interesting thoughts and aspects.

    Also, Luke' voice-over from the original trailer was actually just pieced together from ROTJ. All the things he say's he actually said in ROTJ. I am a big ROTJ fan so I know. If you listen to when Luke talks with Leia she say's all those things. The trailer however, just uses them in a different order.

    Very good thoughts and Welcome.....
    #2 Old Biff from the Future, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
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  3. Trevor

    Trevor Rebellion Arms Supplier
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    Oct 17, 2014
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    Hi @Nat, Based on your opening line or two, you've seen some forum miles under your feet. Rest assured, that in this place there is no flaming as we are firemen with water cannons...a lot of them! :) Welcome aboard.
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  4. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Hi @Nat
    Great first post! I read Lost Stars, which featured the Battle of Jakku, and they give no reason for being there, which I found odd. Apparently, it was an uninhabited planet "worthless", they fought there because there was a group of Imperial Star Destroyers, and the rebels wanted to capture at least one. Why the Imperials were there was never explained, except to "make a stand". The big destroyer we see in the trailers was probably the one crashed deliberately by Cienna Ree, a disillusioned but still loyal Imperial officer, after rebels boarded her ship.

    The battle of Jakku took place one year after the Battle of Endor, though. SO there was no time for Han and Leia to have kids and Luke to set up his academy in order for your idea to come to pass exactly as you've written it. But, there isn't any reason why Luke couldn't have done it later- for one thing, he would know about this backwater place, and so would Han & Leia.
    #4 HAL'sgal, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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  5. Nat

    Nat Rebel Commander

    Nov 13, 2015
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    To Hal's Gal, thanks for the input re: the canonical novel, I didn't realise that it was set only one year after Endor...... but still, as you say, Luke could have set up an Academy after this event, especially if the location was now regarded as a post-battle wasteland, i.e, dismissed and overlooked.

    To Old Biff, I was pretty certain - tho don't currently have ANY evidence ! LOL ! - that Mark Hamill had said he had re-recorded his lines for Trailer *1..... and to me this begs the question "why ?". Even for a few lines, that's a lot of effort to expend when they could have lifted the ROTJ audio tracks. So assuming he HAD re-recorded them, and they WERE for TFA, surely it seems reasonable that he could be saying these - deliberately so to mirror ROTJ [both in character, as well as to follow the Lucasian narrative structure of repeating symphonic patterns] - to Rey in the final scenes of the movie.... ? :)

    Oh, and thankyou for the warm welcome ! It gets a bit lonely on the ol' virtual edition forum, set up by Fr. Roderick Vonhogen, that dates back to the PT !!!

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  6. Lord Phanatic

    Lord Phanatic Luminous Being
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Hello Nat. I also welcome you to The Cantina. The fastest growing hunk of forum in the star wars galaxy! I remember reading somewhere recently that Ren joined the Knight's of Ren who gave him his title. Great first thread and way to enter with a bang. :)
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  7. Derth Nadir

    Derth Nadir Rebel General

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Abrams confirmed during the EW interview in August that Kylo got his name when he joined the Knights of Ren. “He is a character who came to the name Kylo Ren when he joined a group called the Knights of Ren,” Abrams says.
  8. Nat

    Nat Rebel Commander

    Nov 13, 2015
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    To Nadir....... yeah, I knew of that quote :) I was just hoping we could play on the semantics and timing of the naming !! I mean, does he join a group called X and he re-names it Y ?? Conceptually and in-production, it seemed such a 'tease' that we have such alliterative names being rumoured, 'Kylo', 'Kira', 'Rey', 'Ren'.... ah well, good try !

    ..... I'd still hold to the idea that Luke's Academy might have been on Jakku.......
  9. Emperor Abrams

    Emperor Abrams Rebel General

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Why would Luke make the academy on a shithole like Jakku? Especially when it's so much like Tattooine, and Skywalkers hate Tattooine (or at least Luke didn't like it very much, IIRC, he never bitched about it like Anakin though, and even seemed to reflect on it without animosity in ROTJ, so who knows, maybe he didn't have a huge problem with it after all....idk...)....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I really like this part of the theory. I think that in TFA, Han & Leia come to know that on the one hand Kylo has become evil, but on the other hand, Rey has survived. I do agree those words of Luke's are the closing lines of TFA, and what terrific lines they are!

    This sets up the main relationship in TFA to be Kylo and Rey's. They are brother and sister, first-degree relatives like Luke and Vader. That will make for a compelling story going forward. Your theory also explains why Luke went into exile, who the Vicar is and how Rey has survived on Jakku. Luke would be so distraught, because he'd feel responsible for the loss of both Skywalker/Solo children, not to mention the other padawans who died at the Academy. Meanwhile, Leia throws herself into her work and Han endlessly searches the galaxy for Rey.

    It's also possible that Luke hides in the shadows, checking up on Rey, while Han hides in plain sight doing the same thing.

    I don't think Rey & Kylo are twins, but that doesn't matter much. Kylo is turned to the dark side, and his very existence threatens Rey. He's looking for her, and since he's Anakin's grandson, his Force powers are very strong. Leia and Han of course, know this. SO they send Rey off into hiding to save her life.
    #10 HAL'sgal, Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
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  11. yellowsix

    yellowsix Rebel Trooper

    Oct 23, 2015
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    You're my favorite user on this site because and we are both Star Wars nuts, I want to curse, I'll say "stuff" instead I'll talk, I'm cool if they are solo twins, they aren't, kylo is a force sensitive , Ren is a solo/sky walker , Finn is maybe force sensitive who knows how to use a lightsaber
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  12. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Thank you!
    You know, I just love the franchise. That's all there is to it. I have my pet theories, but if I'm wrong it's okay because it's still a wonderful fictional universe and I'm grateful it, and its fans, exist. They make me happy.
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  13. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    I had similar thoughts in regard to the 'funeral pyre' and it being linked with Jakku.
    I have also deliberated over whether Luke is seen throughout the movie 'following' Rey etc but never revealing himself (for some unknown reason) and this could be him mourning the death of his friend MVS? If you look at the behind the scenes shot of Luke and r2 at the funeral pyre you can see the spiky roofed huts that match the Jakku village in the background. So it is odd.
    It could just be a flashback/flashforward to a previous event but again, like so much stuff we have discussed, it's open for interpretation.
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  14. Lord Phanatic

    Lord Phanatic Luminous Being
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Finn is more than just a maybe. I keep trying to tell people that but hey. What's 30 day's?

    "We’ve been able to use what came before in a very organic way, because we didn’t have to reboot anything. We didn’t have to come up with a backstory that would make sense; it’s all there. But these new characters, which the force is very much about, find themselves in new situations—so even if you don’t know anything about Star Wars,you’re right there with them. If you are a fan of Star Wars, what they experience will have added meaning."

    JJ Abrams

    WIRED magazine.
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  15. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Yes, the shooting script describes a scene just like this in the flashback, but the actual appearance of this scene is so close to the shots of the FO pillaging the village. I wonder, where else have we seen R2 so far? Maybe that's a clue. But, that droid gets around, so knowing where he is might not settle it, either!
  16. Jedi MD

    Jedi MD Jedi Commander

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I don't think Jakku was ever a home to any Jedi Academy. In Aftermath Jakku was a back world planet where war was never thought to reach. As @HAL'sgal has stated the battle of Jakku occurs only 1 year after Endor. I don't see any reason why Luke would go there for an Academy later. If he stated an a academy anywhere it would be to Daveron which is in Weapon of a Jedi. 3Pio even mentions at the end of the story that Luke went back to the temple there.
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  17. Darth Lindb

    Darth Lindb Rebel General

    Jul 10, 2015
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    I have a thought now. What if the reason the battle was on Jakku is because the Empire was trying to flee the galaxy. It is canon that all these new planets were on the outskirts of the galaxy. There would be no reason a bunch of imperials would just be chilling on a planet that has no benefit to them. My guess is The Empire was trying to flee the galaxy and they almost made it out but met their demise when they were confronted trying to pass over Jakku.
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  18. walnut the wise

    walnut the wise Rebel General

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Got to agree with @Jedi MD here. His initial Jedi academy that is supposedly slaughtered in the flashback was most likely built on the ruins of the Temple of Eidit on Devaron. In Weapon of a Jedi, before leaving the Temple of Eedit, Luke makes a proclamation, “I will become a Jedi. I will rebuild the Order. And one day I will come here again. I swear it on the memory of Obi-Wan Kenobi. And my Father. And all the jedi who walked these halls”. Then, at the end of that book (in the TFA era portion), C-3PO definitely mentions him returning.
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  19. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Very cool. Thanks for the info, I have not read that book yet.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 18, 2015, Original Post Date: Nov 18, 2015 ---
    In Lost Stars, the battle is told from the Rebel and Empire point of view through the eyes of Thane Kyrell (Rebel) and Ciena Ree (Empire). The Empire is not fleeing. They just say they are taking a stand right there at Jakku, even though it seems to be a worthless planet. The Rebels fight them because they want bigger ships, they feel they ultimately can't win without Empire firepower, which is probably true. No one knows why the Empire picks Jakku to fight over, but they are fighting, not running away. So you are right, there's no reason they should be chilling over a planet that has no benefit to them, but they are. That's what's so weird about it. It does seem kind of random.
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  20. DarthPilkington

    DarthPilkington Rebel Official

    Sep 9, 2014
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    first off, solid OP, although you seem torn as to whether Kylo is older than Rey or if they're twins ;)

    the Luke on Jakku shot(s) are difficult to fit into the narrative given the conflicting rumors/evidence we have. on one hand Luke is said to only be in the final scene(s) of the movie, whereas in the teaser trailer we see a robotic right hand resting on R2: if this isn't Luke i would be mighty surprised! the only other image we've seen is a behind-the-scenes shot featuring R2 with someone behind him: we can't be 100% sure this is Luke as it could just as easily be MVS; with that being said, we know that Luke is on Jakku via the trailer, so why wouldn't it be Luke in the behind-the-scenes shot as well? if we include both shots as being Luke and being in the final cut of the film then we're looking at two different time settings: the trailer features a night time scene whereas the bts shot is during the day. this complicates things further.

    in my opinion, i think @master_shaitan is on to something: i think that Luke shows up late to the action on Jakku. he may be trying to track down Rey himself (she mentions in the trailer that she's waiting for someone, so maybe this is the time?), only to find her gone and MVS dead. so, like in ANH, he gathers the dead and starts a fire before peacing out to kick some more ass. the problem with this train of thought is why would Luke seemingly wait for Rey at the end of the movie if he was on her trail the whole time?

    a month from today we will all be a lot wiser, and probably full of even more questions. can't wait!!

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