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Prequel Trilogy: Redux

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Ooobly Jooblies, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Ooobly Jooblies

    Ooobly Jooblies Rebel General

    Mar 18, 2015
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    So I understand that there is a 'Fanmade Content' forum with a 'Fanfiction' sub-forum, but I feel this belongs here a) due to its ultimate similarity to another thread already in this forum and b) because it isn't set-in-stone, actual fanfiction yet. Also, invisible option c. because this forum is 99% more likely to be visited :p

    With that out of the way, onto business.

    I have three days worth of free time during the week (I only work Sunday-Wednesday), and any social time with my friends occurs at night. A portion of that free time that isn't taken up with University, a second job or a girlfriend is now going to go towards a little project of mine-revamping the Prequel Trilogy. Maligned by much of the fandom, I am not nearly as hateful of it as others (I'm a Prequel baby-1996 represent!) but I definitely see much issue with its construction and would love to see it done differently. In addition, I have a very creative mind and need to channel that into something. And I'm not good at art.

    I have a lot of ideas set in stone already, but I want to use this thread as a spitballing opportunity. I want to know what you wanted or expected to see, and try to work it in. I want to know what ideas of mine you like and think work well, so I can craft the best story possible ( *ahem Mr. Lucas*). Ultimately, this will amount to nothing other than a dreamlike alternative to think about when sitting through The Phantom Menace and the 'romance' scenes of Attack of the Clones-in the end it's just something to focus creative juices into.

    Here are some tidbits I just want to throw out there:
    • The names of the films will stay as they are because I LIKE THEM DAMMIT-Episode I is still The Phantom Menace, Episode II is still Attack of the Clones and Episode III is still Revenge of the Sith.
    • Obi-Wan, Padme and Anakin are still the central three characters and start the trilogy at roughly 35, 24-25 and 23 respectively.
    • This trilogy covers the entire 5-year period of the SECOND Clone War (yes, there are two-and hereafter it is simply referred to as the 'Clone War')-Episode I will show how it starts, Episode II will show the turning point and Episode III will show how it ends.
    • The Clone War is still between the Separatists and the Republic. The titular clones are on the opposite side this time though.
    • Darth Maul will be the Vader of the Prequel Trilogy and appear in all three films.
    • I was contemplating introducing Asajj Ventress as Maul's 'apprentice' in Episode II, due to her importance to the lore, but the more I thought about it the more it didn't fit. She would have been introduced and died in the same film.
    • "Count Jinn Dooku, former Jedi Master to Obi-Wan Kenobi and current Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems..." Yeah, that's happening.
    • Alderaan in place of Naboo. Padme Amidala and Bail Organa are from Alderaan.
    • I really want to include a lot of references or events from the EU-for example, the Battle of Saleucami (near the end of the war in the canon...or maybe not so canon anymore...) would open Episode III and the Morgukai clones would feature in it; Jan Dodonna would appear briefly a few times as a ship captain; etc.
    • Speaking of characters, Tarkin and Bail get buffed-up roles-the former so we understand the 'intended main villain' of Episode IV better and the latter so we know who the hell raised Leia. I think he was handled well in Episode III but needed to be more prominent in the trilogy.
    • Speaking of Bail, he is Padme's cousin and of another Alderaanian 'noble house', however they are similar in age, grew up around each other and act like brother and sister. Ironically, Owen Lars is not related to Anakin at all-he was his best childhood friend on Tatooine. Basically Kitster but with story relevance.
    So yeah. Do what you guys do.
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  2. John Crichton

    John Crichton Rebel Official

    Sep 12, 2014
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    So this is an intended fan-edit, correct?

    I would love to have seen more Tarkin in RotS. I'm not sure if there are any outtakes or anything to be used, so I'm unsure of how you would do that. But Wayne Pygram not only had the look but I've no doubt he could pull off a Tarkin, having spent years playing a similar character on Farscape. Shame he only got about 5 seconds in Star Wars.
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