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Review: Tension on Jedha Reaches Breaking Point in Marvels The High Republic #4

Discussion in 'SWNN News Feed' started by SWNN Probe, Jan 15, 2023.

  1. SWNN Probe

    SWNN Probe Seeker

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    Cavan Scott keeps the momentum churning in issue #4 of the titular comic series Star Wars: The High Republic. The previous installment left us catching our breath as an explosion blew a hole into the side of the Temple of Kyber. Tey Sirrek, with whom we spent most of the previous issue, found the detonator moments before it exploded. It was just bad for him that he was already in question by the Guardians of the Whills for his checkered past.

    Vildar Mac continues to perplex me as a reader. How is he going to react in any given situation? I still can’t be sure. In addition to hanging out with our characters, we know this comic jam packs several new little-seen characters our way. Matty’s master gets brought into the fold, and Jedi Oliviah Zeveron returns after her brief intro in the first issue. Those who have read The High Republic: Path of Deceit will be especially interested in this one. There is so much to unpack in this issue, and it was a joy to read.


    Spoilers ahead...

    We begin with Vildar Mac getting unorthodox treatment for his wounds. A member of the delegation for the Lonto is treating his injuries using Tragia leaves. The Lonto believe in using the Force for the good of the natural world and their ability to work with nature is renowned. They believe when someone dies, they become a part of what they call the Garden Beyond. While the representative is currently putting the leaves to work for healing, they have other purposes. The first issue saw the Lonto using the leaves as a form of defense from an attack by another group of Force users.

    [​IMG] Vildar Mac being healed with Tragia leaves.

    Vildar, as you can probably guess, doesn’t take to his treatment without a few choice remarks. He almost immediately begins asking questions as to what happened. His heroic actions saved all but one of the group. The loss of the soul he was unable to save weighs Mac down. He is such a curious Jedi. So many Jedi would have taken a moment to reflect, but ultimately would’ve celebrated them becoming one with the Force. While Vildar doesn’t appear to hold this burden throughout the comic, his response is still indicative of the Jedi’s curious disposition. He can be impulsive. His quick and fiery temper can sometimes burn too brightly. Wrapped up in all if this is still a man who cares deeply for those around him.

    When looking at this image below, I am not sure there is a soul alive who has seen the show Rebels who wasn’t instantly reminded of Kanan’s final moments. One of the most heart-churning Star Wars scenes ever, I wonder if this was in any way inspired by it. Regardless it is a stunning work of art. The flames encompass the entire picture around them, Vildar standing his ground to use Force to save a life. While his methods and personality may not be traditional for a Jedi, he does have every ounce of selflessness that accompanies them.

    [​IMG] Vildar Mac putting his life on the line.

    There’s little seen of Tey Sirrek in this one. After spending so much time fleshing out more of his character in the previous issue, this was a smart move. His droid is in the hands of the Jedi, and Sirrek planted a listening device so he could listen in on what’s happening while being held captive. What I would assume to be his surprise, he heard Vildar Mac questioning whether or not Sirrek was responsible for the explosion. Despite being seen with the device in hand moments before detonating, Mac’s convinced the evidence is simply conjecture at this point. Given the two’s rocky relationship so far, it was nice to see the Jedi go with an innocent until-proven-guilty approach and even go to bat for Sirrek later.

    Sorrel’s plan of listening in on everything doesn't last long before the guards pry the device from his ears. There’s no love lost between the Guardians of the Whills and Tey Sirrek, and our last image of him is alone in his cell, wondering if anyone will ever truly listen to him.

    Sirrek has been a pleasant surprise for me so far. I wasn’t fully invested in his character from the beginning, and the way he comes across didn’t leave an impression in the first couple of comics. Sitting four issues deep, we are still relatively early in our journey in this phase, and I must say it hasn't taken long for him to grow on me. His misunderstood desire to care for those in need is a trait drawing me in.

    [​IMG] Tey Sirrek alone in his cell.

    Finally, the comic returns to the council chambers of the Force Convocation. Here we see a table set with representatives from the various groups represented. Having gathered to discuss the recent theft and attack on the Temple of Kyber, it’s a much calmer setting (at the moment) than the last time we entered these chambers.

    In case you are unfamiliar with the various sects of Force groups, I will give a brief description of each...

    [​IMG] Kilan T'Dara of the Church of the Force.

    Pictured above is the Church of the Force Representative: Kilan T'Dara. Think of the Church of the Force as essentially the non-Force sensitive equivalency of the Jedi. They share many, if not all of the Jedi Order’s beliefs and principles, but can’t wield the Force themselves.

    [​IMG] Sorcerer of Tund Tarna Miak.

    Next, are the Sorcerers of Tund. Represented above is Tarna Miak. While little’s known about the Sorcerers of Tund, we do know that various artifacts relating to them, are later stored in a banned area in the Jedi Temple called the Bogan Collection. There is some association with the Dark Side, but too little is known to say more.

    [​IMG] Disciple of the Whills Elris Florent.

    Next, we have the Disciples of the Whills. Pictured above is Elris Florent. I love the simple red robes of this group. Simplicity is the nature of the Disciples. They simply seek to understand and listen to the will of the Force.

    [​IMG] Waran Val of the Matukai.

    Here, we have the Matukai and The Lonto. We have already discussed the Lonto, but above is representative Waran Val of the Matukai. I must confess I know next to nothing about this group, but they seem to be avid defenders of “The Light.” We saw them nearly come to blows with another group of Force users they thought were channeling the Dark Side in the first issue of The High Republic. It’s also hard not to love their look, honestly.

    [​IMG] Jedi Master Leebon and Jedi Knight Oliviah Zeveron.

    Lastly, I want to introduce Jedi Master Leebon and reintroduce Oliviah Zeveron. Leebon insists the Jedi stay out of the way as they have no jurisdiction or ultimate authority here. Oliviah, on the other hand, thinks the Jedi could afford to take a firmer stance.

    As the Convocation of this melting pot of Force groups convenes, a new arrival to the party stirs things up. Path of Deceit readers, hold onto your butts because it’s about to get wild. Entering the chambers is Werth Plouth: Herald of the Path of the Open Hand. For those unfamiliar, The Path is a group of people who believe the Force should be “set free.” They contrive to the belief that the use of the Force in any way simultaneously takes away the Force from another part of the galaxy, hence causing irreparable damage somewhere else.

    Of course, readers of the novels for Phase II will know The Path is not this benevolent group they portray themselves to be. The image below is where Path of Deceit readers will get excited. Pictured behind Plouth is none other than Yana Ro herself.

    For those who haven’t read The High Republic: Path of Deceit yet, there will be a few spoilers in the coming paragraphs.

    For those continuing, but not aware of who Yana Ro is, I am sure your curiosity peaked when you saw the name “Ro.” Yes, this is an ancestor of the notorious Marchion Ro from Phase I of the High Republic publishing initiative, and her story is just beginning.

    [​IMG] Herald Werth Plouth makes his entrance.

    Plouth addresses the Convocation and makes demands that all use of the Force be stopped immediately and the council disbanded. His request, of course, is denied by the Council, and things don’t end amicably. He turns around and takes his fiery words to the people on the streets of Jedha.

    The Herald uses his powerful words to begin to turn the people against the Convocation. He brings up the recent explosion and informs the crowd it was a bomb and not the gas leak story they planned to use to cover it up. He works them into such a frenzy they summon guards to silence him, and members of the various Force groups begin to step in.

    While all this is happening, Yana Ro sneaks away for the most impactful moment of the comic. This image is a bridge between the world of the High Republic novels and that of the comics. Yana’s holding a glowing rod: the Rod of Seasons. With it comes the power to control the fearsome creatures known as the Nameless. Remember, these are the creatures who prey upon Force users. Yana Came into possession of the rod at the end of the Path of Deceit novel. She holds some control over the Nameless. Once we see this image, we know what is coming next.

    [​IMG] Yana Ro holding the Rod of Seasons.

    Lurking in the shadows, ready to strike, is the fearsome creature. I love this look from behind, as it’s truly the stuff of nightmares. Having fallen in love with the design of this creature, I can’t get enough of them. I will let you see for yourself how this one ends! Chaos is churning -- and fear is rising quickly on Jedha.

    [​IMG] The Nameless stalks its prey.

    This issue of The High Republic was spectacular and ambitious. Woven in the pages are not only interconnected stories across a variety of works of the High Republic initiative, but also several brand-new characters. Working in the personalities and ideals of each various group belonging to the Convocation of the Force is no easy task. There is a brief part in this comic for each of them along with opportunities for the reader to learn more and begin to care a bit deeper about each of them. Cavan Scott is doing amazing things with this arc of The High Republic, and I can’t wait to see where he continues to take this story.

    <p style='text-align: center;']Rating: 10/10</p>

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    #1 SWNN Probe, Jan 15, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023

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