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The Last Jedi Reactions Thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Julius Fett, Dec 14, 2017.


If I had to score The Last Jedi right now, I would give it a...

  1. 1/10

    13 vote(s)
  2. 2/10

    7 vote(s)
  3. 3/10

    11 vote(s)
  4. 4/10

    23 vote(s)
  5. 5/10

    19 vote(s)
  6. 6/10

    16 vote(s)
  7. 7/10

    40 vote(s)
  8. 8/10

    57 vote(s)
  9. 9/10

    83 vote(s)
  10. 10/10

    35 vote(s)
  1. Lord Denton

    Lord Denton Rebel Commander

    Dec 17, 2015
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    I personally love that final scene between Luke and Leia too much, I wouldn't want to see it gone from the film.
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  2. Silver Spirit

    Silver Spirit Rebel Trooper

    Dec 18, 2017
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    This is a movie you have to see twice. The first viewing experience is a complete barrage on your senses. It continuously exploits your expectations and preys on what ever Star Wars baggage you bring with you. Then in the end it’s emotionally deviating. At least it was for me. Honestly it’s magnificent & flawed.

    My Backstory:
    My heart lies with the classic trilogy. I’m no big fan of the prequels. I like them and watch them once a year but I prefer the Clone Wars animated series if I want to watch stuff pre episode 4. I do however love TFA. It captured my nostalgic love of Star Wars, brought to life new characters that were great, was the best looking Star Wars film to date and had a pretty bad ass ending. So my anticipation for TLJ has been through the roof.
    My first viewing was an exhilaration, but I was so devastated by seeing my childhood hero go, I walked out immediately conflicted about the whole thing.
    I saw it first a day prior to seeing it with my wife and son, (Both huge fans). Leading up to their showtime they each tried to squeeze spoilers out of me, but I could barely talk about the movie and had trouble hiding my reservations. I spent the next 24 hours reading a thousand different opinions good and bad just to try and wrap my head around it.
    Upon the 2nd viewing my entire outlook on the film changed and my appreciation magnified. Partly just witnessing my 7 yr old son watch the movie was so amazing. He is a super fan. The Clone Wars animated series is his favorite. We purposely waited until he was 5 to show him Star Wars. Hoping he would understand the moment in Empire when Vader tells Luke he’s his father. Needless to say, enjoying & sharing Star Wars with my son has been one of the great joys of my life. The 1st time he saw Star Wars he actually cheered out loud “Yes!” when the Death Star blew up. He cried when Vader died. Anyway, he loved every moment of the Last Jedi.
    That’s the thing though, he only has 2 years of Star Wars baggage he’s bringing with him. I’ve decided his point of view on TLJ is the right one. He didn’t care about Snoke getting cut in half, he loved it.

    My Review:
    After seeing it twice, reading a lot of other opinions and giving my self time to digest the thing, I think it’s great. In a lot of ways I feel like it may be the first new Star Wars movie since ROTJ.
    Essentially, the Last Jedi was in a very unique position for a Star Wars movie in that it didn’t have the benefit of doing a time jump and allowing a completely crafted story to take place. You either had to tell a story that was a continuation of events of TFA, or possibly done a small jump ahead with flashbacks back to the island with Rey & Luke. Given those constraints I have trouble arguing with many of the decisions Rian Johnson made. More on that later.
    Contrary to a lot of positive reviews, the movie isn’t overly inventive, it is however unapologetically honest and raw. The movie manipulates you constantly, it is both unexpected and a revisiting of elements from all the Star Wars movies before it. It is a film that is drenched with themes and motifs all artfully composed. It is written beautifully and scored beautifully as well. Both of which take multiple screenings to realize. It examines and explores morality in a way unlike any Star Wars movie before it. It’s funny, shocking, brave, challenging, thrilling and emotionally complex. It also has a very tense feel throughout that I can only describe as claustrophobic.
    Regardless of your misguided assumptions from TFA or misplaced hope for more classic Star Wars. Realize this movie is 100% in service of this trilogy’s main characters. Sorry but that does not include Snoke or Captian Phasma. Anyone upset about their deaths needs to let it go. Snoke is a rehash of the emperor and is better served as a parallel to Vader’s dilemma and a way of developing Kylo Ren. It was a great idea to kill him off at the hands. Captain Phasma is an over marketed semi-boring character. Star Wars is full of characters that meet their demise without much backstory. Great ones like Jabba the Hut and Bobo Fett. Also, don’t be fooled by complaints about questionable story lines either. Is Finn’s mission essentially a waste of time? Absolutely, but so what? Like ESB, the Last Jedi is a struggle. It’s a film about the trials for each of the main characters, and like Yoda points out most importantly their failures. That’s the beauty of TLJ. Each character has a major trial and failure in this movie. Ones that should shape their characters forever. Unlike TFA, the Last Jedi hands the story back to J.J. Abrams in a much more flexible place. Hopefully, with that creative opening & now being freed from the chains of the past, Abrams can craft something epic. Sadly to appreciate this new trilogy you must get over that it is not about Luke, Han or Leia anymore. In the end getting past how the new trilogy has closed the book on these characters is the hardest hurdle to get over. Especially if you have a lot of baggage. There may be some flaws in the execution at some points, and the film fails to continue the feel of TFA. However, the greatest failure of the new trilogy has been the implementation and story arcs for all Luke, Han & Leia. This is not something TLJ could have saved. There was one opportunity to achieve a truly great sequel with those characters and pass the baton and is was wasted. Unlike TFA, I do believe TLJ does give Luke a great, honorable & legendary send off. While it is hard for me to accept, I’m very grateful for the final 10 minutes of TLJ and the feelings I experienced watching my hero one last time. My son could barely sit in his seat when Luke showed up. In my world that’s powerful and lasting.
    • Great Post Great Post x 4
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  3. FiReFTW

    FiReFTW Clone

    Dec 16, 2017
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  4. Darth Cylon

    Darth Cylon Rebel General

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'm pretty sure BB-8's beeps at the start of the film to Poe are supposed to be the "I have a bad feeling about this".
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Lobot

    Lobot Rebel Official

    Jan 5, 2015
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    I thought it was a beautiful film that took a lot of chances, broke new ground, cleared a lot of the clutter that JJ added in TFA, had great humor, had great action, and treated its characters with respect and care.

    That said.

    The appearance of Maz was pointless
    Several topics were ignored that should have been:
    How the lightsaber was acquired by Maz
    Knights of Ren (where are they? Were they Luke’s students? Were they Snokes guards? WTF was that forceback scene about?)
    The map...why did that exist?
    Why did Luke have on his Sunday Best when Rey got there only to immediately change clothes?
    Fuel? Really?

    There’s a lot of plot holes in TLJ, and some of that crap better get explained in EIX.

    The Maz thing is awful. The lightsaber and KOR omissions are worse.

    I still loved the movie.
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  6. impy&timpy

    impy&timpy Rebelscum

    Aug 4, 2015
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    The Last Jedi took me on an unexpected journey of twists and turns, edge of your seat tension, and tears.
    It was emotional. It was fun. It was exciting.

    My enjoyment was probably helped by the fact that I didn't have any set preconceived idea of post ROTJ Luke.

    And I feel sorry for people who did. What did you want Luke to be? Kick ass? A bad ass? Jesus?
    A boring self righteous monk ass? What?

    In TLJ he tossed away his lightsaber just as he did in ROTJ. He was complicated. He wasn't a He-Man. He wasn't Chuck Norris.

    The thing I'm most worried about from this ridiculous backlash from a handful of very vocal Luke loving nerds is that they'll make the next one very safe and very boring,

    Anyway 9/10 from me.

    Cheers Rian!
    • Like Like x 4
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  7. r70

    r70 Rebel Commander

    Jan 9, 2015
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    I liked it even more, even the Leia scene didn't felt so awkward ... Still don't like to see Luke throwing the saber though... But it was a more pleasant experience in the overall. I'm going again to the cinema in the end of the next week, and I usually never go to the cinema more then once to see a film no matter what, usually I wait for the blue ray... not this time :D
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 22, 2017 ---
    Thank you for sharing your story... I went through a very similar experience with my oldest daughter (the smallest one is just now starting to understand what SW is), and you have put it better then I ever could express it.
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  8. Lord Neasham

    Lord Neasham Rebel Official

    Aug 2, 2017
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    I've seen TLJ three times and I find myself loving it more and more. Its the first time I've thoroughly enjoyed a Star Wars film since ROTS (I'm a filthy PT fan). Its the film where everything in this trilogy 'clicked' for me. I suddenly like the new characters and I'm invested in where the story goes next, particularly with Rey and Kylo.

    After TFA, I mistook this new trilogy for a boring re-tread of the OT. I'm so glad to be proven wrong! Rian saved this new trilogy for me and I now can't get enough of it. Cannot wait for IX!
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  9. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Filthy mudblood. But seriously...

    TFA was set up to mirror and repeat the OT so we could be firmly re-adapted to the world. It was done to make us comfortable and remind us why we loved Star Wars. It was familiar and calming after the Prequels for many.
    Then The Last Jedi was the carpet being pulled out.
    You thought this, now here's this.

    And I couldn't be happier.
    • Like Like x 5
  10. Copy_Gold_Leader

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Hey, I felt I had to register to add my voice to the discussion about TLJ.

    Quick backstory: I was born after the OT was made but grew up loving the movies and engaged with some of the expanded universe stuff. I hated the prequels and still do, but I loved both TFA and rogue one.

    That out of the way, I've just been to see TLJ for the second time today and sadly the second viewing did not change my opinion, I am seriously disappointed.

    A lot has been written regarding what various parts of the fandom don't like about TLJ, and I understand where many of the complaints are coming from. Personally I would have loved to get more backstory on Snoke, Rey's parentage or the knights of ren, and like some fans I also dislike the direction they took with Luke's character.

    However none of this is what caused me to be disappointed with TLJ, I just simply did not enjoy it as a movie.

    From the very bloated run time, to the poor judgement shown on the infamous Leia scene, it just felt like there was no real oversight to rein in some of the more questionable decisions made by the creative team. I don't have any problem with the direction that Rian Johnson chose to take the story in, but I feel the end product was poorly executed.

    I rewatched TFA a few days before seeing TLJ and even watching at home I felt the emotional power of Han's death and again in the final confrontation between Rey and Kylo Ren, yet I felt nothing throughout this movie, aside from a hint of emotion in the final scene with Luke.

    The entire canto bight sequence was just awful. It added nothing to the plot for me, other than to give the sadly underused John Boyega something to do. Honestly if someone had used CGI to change the two actor's heads in the fathier chase sequence with Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, shown it to me out of context and told me it was an unused sequence from Attack of the Clones I would not have questioned it.

    The force vision sequences in TFA and ESB are two of my favourite scenes in the entire series, so I was naturally excited when it became obvious that Rey was going to experience another one in connection to the place of dark side power, however the end result was thoroughly underwhelming.
    For a dark side vision it does nothing to unnerve the viewer, and is visually unimaginative compared to the intense trip that Rey experiences in TFA.

    For me pacing is a critical aspect of any movie and it just feels off in TLJ.
    The confrontation in Snoke's throne room, the most successful part of the movie IMO, felt like the right time for the climax, yet we get a whole other planet's worth of content after that.

    On the Leia flying sequence, I really can't believe that no one within the production spoke up to say that it looks awkward and borderline ridiculous. In most instances this could be forgiven, but now that Carrie Fisher is sadly dead, and we know this will be her last movie, that is how she will ultimately be remembered by some people. Tho I did not experience this I have heard stories of audible groans and stifled laughter during that sequence in some theaters, and I felt the production team could have been more sensitive to how Leia was portrayed.

    I'm aware I am rambling but I felt I needed to add my voice to the discussion as there seems to be a growing view that anyone who dislikes TLJ is either a sequel trilogy hater, Snoke fanboy or disgruntled theorizer. I am none of these things, I'm just passionate about star wars and despite approaching TLJ with an open mind I feel thoroughly disappointed.

    Some of my dislike is just personal taste, I can't stand Yoda anymore after the prequels and the terrible vodaphone commercials that featured him in the UK for example, but I feel most of my criticism is valid.

    That said, the positives I did find: Adam Driver's performance is amazing, as is Mark Hamill's. Snoke's throne room is perhaps the most visually impressive set I've seen in a star wars movie to date and the visual effect of the rebel cruiser slicing thru Snoke's ship at lightspeed is simply beautiful.

    But when I'm struggling to find the positives in a star wars movie, that speaks volumes for the overall quality.

    I will continue to approach all future star wars films with an open mind, but unlike with TFA I will not pay to see TLJ for the third time theatrically.
  11. Bendak Starkiller

    Bendak Starkiller Force Sensitive

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Finally saw it today and thought it was great!

    Will be seeing it a few more times in theaters for sure.
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  12. Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn

    Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn Clone Trooper

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I disliked the movie. I rewatched The Force Awakens right before this movie and I feel like that took away from my experience. There were definitely inconsistencies. For example, the ending scene in The Force Awakens between Luke and Rey was redone for this new movie. Luke's reaction and facial expressions are completely different in the two movies. Rey and Luke aren't even standing close to where they were in The Force Awakens.
    Also, the two movies do not flow well together (unlike the end of Rogue One and the beginning of Episode 4). Main plots were dropped between the two movies such as Kylo Ren praying to "grandfather" Darth Vader's melted mask for strength in The Force Awakens; whereas The Last Jedi never shows Darth Vader's mask. The Kights of Ren vanished as did their role destroying Luke's students.

    After seeing LOTR: The Two Towers I went home and read the book because I excited to know how the story ended. I had some of that excitement after The Force Awakens. I will definitely see Episode 9, but I did not leave with any excitement to see the next movie.
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  13. Old Jedi

    Old Jedi Rebel General

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I got around to seeing TLJ for a second time today and unfortunately the film did not grow on me at all. I was really hopeful that maybe I’d missed something, but I just don’t see it. I’m genuinely glad so many on this board and elsewhere love the movie, but I am definitely on the other side of the fence.

    I won’t rehash many of the items that are being discussed here, but there are two things that really crush this movie for me:

    1. Poor special effects - I am astounded more people were not aghast at the TERRIBLE CGI in both the Leia “flying”scene and almost all of the Canto scenes (the faltier horse chase being the worst) - at no time in either TFA or RO was there a scene that made me roll my eyes at how fake it looked and how obvious the green screen backgrounds were. What happened in TLJ? Did they run out of money? Did they not care? It was astoundingly bad.

    2. Misplaced / bad humor - Humor is a huge part of SW...clever, well written dialogue and character moments - even occasional downright silliness. I accept and love that part of the movies. But TLJ seems more inspired by the Saturday Night Live Undercover Boss skit with Kylo Ren. That sketch was genuinely funny. The “phone call”, the plant tickling while Rey was training, the milk drinking, Finn in the leaking suit, slot machine BB-8...my goodness it was all so stupid and not funny. Even my 10 year old daughter groaned. I was astonished at how poor the writing was. More power to those that found this movie funny, but I thought the jokes were awful and out of place for Star Wars.

    I certainly give the movie credit for some gorgeous visuals (Crait,wide angle shots of Anch-to) and I did like the Rey/Kylo dynamic and throne room showdown. Unfortunately these were FAR outweighed by the poor side stories, dumb characters and awful attempts at humor. Just a major disappointment of a movie for me. It’s a bummer. This is the first SW movie ever that I’m not sure I ever feel the need to see again.

    I have no idea what IX will bring, but I can’t wait for it to hopefully wash the bad taste of TLJ away.
  14. srg

    srg Force Attuned

    Jul 15, 2016
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    OK, I guess it's time for me to post some of my thoughts (yup, it took over a week)...

    Let me preface this by saying that I feel totally worn out by the negative buzz in the fanbase right now (both TLJ fans and TLJ haters contribute to it). I've spent too much time following the heated conversation around the film instead of kicking back and digesting it on my own. Not saying that any of it influenced my opinion, not at all, but this stuff gets depressing sometimes. Now I feel like tuning out and working on getting used to this film as what it is just from my own perspective.

    As I've expressed before, I didn't know what to think after the first viewing. It was way too overwhelming. The second time - much better. Knowing how it all plays out I was able to focus on details. Walking into it for the first time, I was confident I would fall in mad love with this film instantly. That's what all the information and trailers made me think - that it will be perfectly in tune with what I wanted/imagined/expected (of course I'm talking about it as a film in general, not saying I had the story mapped out in my head and expected it to play out this way). So that didn't happen. I was challenged instead, which is what a lot of us feel. When I think about it now, this experience was perhaps as worthwhile as being blown away from the word go. I needed a lot of time to wrap my head around this, understand stuff... And now, as it all sinks in, I can say TLJ really is remarkable, I love it. It's not flawless, no film is. Nonetheless, Rian did an outstanding job both writing and directing. He excelled at what's the best about Star Wars to me: big, epic themes and moments that'll keep us talking for years to come.

    This is a long post so I'm hiding it in a spoiler tag:

    I think there's nothing I hated about it. Nothing annoyed me more than Starkiller Base and overall lack of originality in TFA (to be clear, I still love TFA). I could name some minor stuff that bothered me a bit, but no dealbreakers. (Will discuss negatives later in this post.)

    I like virtually all the plotlines. I guess subpar moments don't bother me too much at the worst. It all seems logical, makes sense to me. The whole space chase is a nice plot device. It's interesting how it lasts from the opening to the very end and we can see how the resistance gradually fades away. I see a lot of negativity regarding Canto Bight, but I dig it. I appreciate getting a glimpse at a new corner of the galaxy. Love the space horses - the sole idea of incorporating a horse racing culture and turning it into a cool action set piece is very creative (however, some of the CGI in that sequence was a bit iffy - perhaps too many horses to animate).

    Moving on to the more important stuff: I love everything about Luke in this film. After seeing trailers I had a little concern in the back of my head: I was afraid that the performance will be one-note - a mixture of grumpy and highbrow. I was so happy to see it's the complete opposite. It's truly rich, I appreciate all the moments of levity he brings. Mark did an unbelievably good job. He was fantastic, this must be the best acting he's ever done. If he really isn't into this version of Luke - mad props for putting it aside and giving 100% of himself anyway.

    It sounds kind of bad, but I love the way he died. It wasn't overly dramatic, it wasn't something you could see from a mile off (like Han's death) and it didn't feel like the film just wants us to curl up and cry. He disappears and only then you realise: "Oh. He's gone." After the fact. The words "peace and purpose" capture it perfectly. I used to think it's a bad idea to kill Luke even in IX, but now I accept it.

    Kylo keeps being my favourite character of this trilogy. His first scene is pure gold. Snoke's bullying, Kylo losing it and getting Force-shocked... Brilliant. The flashbacks do a great job at explaining what was the final straw to push him to the dark side, which was extremely difficult to pull. There's a lot of humanising going on, so if it all goes down the drain and he's not going to be redeemed, I'm gonna be mad. I can't emphasize enough - if Kylo dies a villain, I may consider this trilogy ruined, since tons of stuff won't make sense to me that way. TLJ still leaves it open IMO. It's 50/50.

    As for Luke "wanting" to kill Kylo... Well, first off, there's too much fuss about him "wanting" to do it. He wouldn't kill him, what he says after we see the final version of the flashback makes it clear to me. Also, we don't know what he saw in his mind, but I can imagine his reaction being adequate. It must have been this scary.

    Crait: great visuals, nice battle (ski speeder charge is already iconic) but I'd like to see the Resistance doing more damage (shooting down some machines, stormtroopers).

    Luke's final stand is the big stuff. This is the epic, "mythological" moment. I don't even know what to say about it other than that it was a breathtaking sequence both visually and psychologically. I think that theoretically Luke's Force projection could be taken as something over-the-top, but, rather than that, it just had me in pure awe of his power. It's a nice twist when we realise Luke is doing it from Ahch-To. I obviously knew something is not right about him as soon as he appeared, but I was so into the moment that I wasn't overthinking it. Because of that the twist still got me. Did I feel kind of bummed Luke didn't get a proper fight scene? Did expect him to throw around the AT-M6s or destroy them by deflecting the fire? Yup. But I'll repeat what I keep repeating all the time: everything makes sense the way it is, so I can't be mad.

    Sorry for randomly jumping back, but the battle over D'Qar - so good! Top-notch directing in this whole sequence. There's action, there's tension. Oh, and the opening shot. I was so curious what's Rian's "response" to J.J's creative opening of TFA (the Finalizer's silhouette slowly covering the planet). And he delivered! That zoom is marvellous.

    Acting is magnificent across the board. Adam and Mark were incredible. Also, I loved Carrie's performance. Watching her in TFA made me think her acting must be very rusty these days, but, oh boy, she did sooo well in TLJ. It's sad that we were supposed to see more of her...

    Snoke's death: totally cool with it. Storywise, he ultimately served the purpose of developing Kylo as a character which is good. However, it would be great if we got at least a tiny bit of info about him (Rey asking Luke who Snoke is - simple as that). I don't need details, but I don't buy the Emperor argument ("back then fans didn't know about him either"). IMO the current state of the universe makes a difference. As a fan, I would like to know in what way Snoke is different than Palpatine so I wouldn't treat him as essentially the same character over again. Speaking of the way he died itself, I've seen people complaining about how Snoke didn't notice what was coming. But when you think about it - it's really fascinating. It is a nice insight into how Snoke's mind works, how he understands what he reads with the Force and what he fails to comprehend. Ironic.

    I'm cool with the parents revelation. I've never found the whole mystery particularly interesting or crucial... The thing is, they have to address that Rey's special anyway. Don't make her power the new standard Force potential... Well, OK. Luke says he has seen this raw strength only once before, so maybe I shouldn't worry about this. I'm cool with her being something like the emissary of the light side sent out to face Kylo. Which actually is something TLJ seems to suggest ("darkness rises and light to meet it").

    New characters are OK. Neither DJ nor Holdo made a huge impact on me, but they were serviceable and well performed. IMO having top class actors play them makes up for the characters not being particularly fascinating - that way it's nice to see them on-screen anyway. DJ was more random than I expected, but he wasn't significant enough to bother me. I like Rose. She's there mainly to complete Finn and that's fine. KMT is super likeable in this role, so nothing about her took me out of the film the way some of Finn's antics in TFA did.

    Speaking of Finn, I like him more in TLJ. In TFA John was overacting a lot IMO and his comedic moments often didn't land. Toned-down Finn is much better. I dig his story arc, it definitely is not a worthless filler as some people claim. I'm glad he didn't die, but it was a powerful moment nonetheless. Seriously, seeing it for the second and third time I was getting choked up even though I knew he's going to be fine. His intended sacrifice added some depth to the character. I like Poe's development too. Solid setup for making him the leader.

    The Yoda scene is one the best in the whole film. I knew he appears in TLJ (walked into a spoiler like an idiot) so I was thinking: now that Luke is the ultimate Jedi Master and has access to the ancient Jedi texts, what could Yoda bring to the table? Well. He once again turned out to be the wisest. Beautiful lesson for Luke.

    I will probably discuss the score in detail in the dedicated thread, but let me share a general impression. It's the same tier as TFA. Far from the greatness of PT music, but still solid. To me the overall score is better than TFA, but it lacks in the theme department (nothing nearly as strong as Rey's theme this time). I'm very surprised JW didn't establish a FO theme. It's a missed opportunity, because there are moments which call for it. Rose's theme is fine, but it isn't up there with the best. I feel like some themes were underdeveloped. For example the Ahch-To one - it sounds like JW was riffing on a part of it all the time and it never properly sweeps. One of my favourite moments in the whole score (or perhaps the favourite moment) is the cue that starts at 3:32 in "Main Title and Escape." It's wonderful, sounds heroic and epic.

    As for missed opportunities and unfulfilled expectations, I wish we got more Ahch-To. I've come to peace with not getting Knights of Ren long before seeing TLJ, so I'm not upset about this. At least they weren't wasted and J.J. can develop them the way he wants. Other than that, as I've said: it's a bummer that we didn't get a proper Luke fight scene, but I just can't hold it against the film, since it all makes total sense the way it played out.

    Stuff I didn't like:

    I don't like the epilogue, to be honest. The scene alone is very nice and poetic, but I would much prefer if the film ended with our main heroes. The epilogue drastically pulls ours attention away from the climax, which ends the film on an emotionally confusing note. Moreover, I think the boy using the Force on the broom is too much. The message is way too direct this way. I could really do without the whole scene.

    As for the humour/levity, it doesn't bother me too much, but I agree that there's too much of it. "Rebel scum" was cheesy. Topless Kylo seemed out of place and Rey's remark made it worse. That moment when Hux repeats Kylo's orders was funny but misplaced. The opening joke with Poe and Hux was OK but it dragged a bit too long. So yeah... Stuff like this. I wouldn't say it ruins the tone. It just feels like the film tries to be more funny than it wants to be.

    Rose's moral about Canto Bight seemed really juvenile to me. Really, all those rich guys are evil and all of them are warmongers? OK, this is the point of view of the character and not the revealed truth, but it still comes across as making a naive point. "Hurray, we destroyed their filthy casino!" Meh. DJ kind of saves it later by showing that the FO and the Resistance buy from the same sources.

    Leia in space - I'm cool with what that scene entails, but the execution is over-the-top. I think it would be better if she didn't drift so far into space but, for example, the Force let her hold on to the ship somehow.

    A huge chunk of the film takes place in spaceship interiors. This is not a downside per se, because, again, it makes sense. However, it makes this part quite dull in terms of vibe and atmosphere. I had this idea that it could be cool if there were e.g. some colourful nebulas in the area of space they were in. You could see it in the space shots and behind the windows. I think even such detail would make it quite unique visually.

    At first I wasn't sure about going back to the Rebellion, but just like a lot of other controversial stuff in this film - it makes sense. The FO won, they're taking over. We're left with a handful of the Resistance fighters and them fighting back is essentially a rebellion. From the out-of-the-universe perspective, I have an impression that Rian is just making it honest, he's not pretending the Resistance is something totally different like TFA did (tie-ins did a better job at differentiating it from the Rebels).

    There's probably more small things I didn't like, but I can't remember now. Nothing more major than what I listed, for sure.

    So yeah. Overall, the longer I think about all the details, the more I appreciate TLJ. I've seen it 3 times so far and I'm definitely going to see it again.
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  15. Unseen

    Unseen Rebel Official

    Oct 10, 2014
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    A lot of issues made this film surprisingly awful, but I am honestly surprised at how many people are calling it “original”

    The overall plot is literally ESB with dashes of ROTJ thrown in. Oh and the casino thing.

    Just because rian took the same beats and scenes from the OT and put twists on them doesn’t make it original or fresh.

    More original than TFA? Sure, but that isn’t saying much.

    I really don’t understand why Disney made a sequel trilogy at all to be honest. For one, it clearly wasn’t planned out which is crazy to me.

    Also, this desire to essentially « kill the past » and move on from the saga and the Skywalker sis super weird to me.

    Okay Disney, just start a new saga then.

    I know rian is going to do that, which makes the choices in this sequel trilogy all the more confusing.

    What we are getting is essentially a poorly thought out reboot trilogy.

    I mean, TFA set it up so poorly but there were still two movies to be truly original, etc.

    This not only was an unoriginal mess, but it really hammered you over the head that it is « time to move on » which is an odd thing to do to a)à paying audience and b) when you have numerous other Star Wars stories in the works that are doing, or will do, just that.

    From a creative aspect, why did they do a sequel trilogy at all?

    This is just a clever way to hook old fans in to a poorly planned reboot.
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  16. Violet Gekko

    Violet Gekko Clone

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Rewatching TFA and still feel very emotional with Han's Death say it all for me.

    Meanwhile, Superman Leia and Grumpy old man Luke lol...
  17. Vincent Van Gundark

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Lots to say at this point. First off, there a way too many moments when I wish I could have slapped Rian Johnson upside the head. Almost amateurish writing, too many cutesy moments for the sole purpose of selling toys- Maclunkey Porgs. Too much ill-timed humour, too much BAD humour and not enough gravity and maturity in the really key points of the movie. The respect for Carrie Fisher is evident throughout, but I think they could have let her die in the explosion and have her exit make sense. It would have been an incredibly powerful scene for all concerned. It seems like they tried to pack way too much into it and didn't have enough screen time to execute it respectfully. There are shining moments, such as the interaction between Ben and Rey, the conflict with Luke and those sweeping space battles which I will always love Star Wars for, but it just seems like they could have had someone more capable write the story and execute the filmmaking. Needed Lawrence Kasdan here.
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  18. Hunin

    Hunin Rebel General

    Dec 15, 2015
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    How is this outrage permissible! (emperor)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    I’m so happy with this film. I haven’t had a reaction to a film like this since...well, anything. I was so dispondant after TFA, so underwhelmed. This has finally given me the SW experience I’ve wanted - but thought impossible.

    So many great scenes: ReyBen vs Snoke’s guards, Luke/Yoda, Luke vs Ren...

    Viewing #4 next week.
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  20. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Why have the people who dislike TLJ quarantined themselves in their own "thread for people who hated TLJ". That's my real question for you all before Christmas. Come on boys and girls in he h8 TLJ thread, join those who love it and lets have conversation.

    I have seen it 6 times now and am having my 7th viewing tomorrow. I can't get enough of it and I'm in love with this movie. Its like a classic piece of literature on your book shelf. The first time you read it you think. "It was very good but wtf". But then on your second reading, and see with lurking behind the narrative and why its a piece of genius. I hope that many of you would come to see this as well. But always be true to yourself, and shape your own opinion. That's the most honest one.
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