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What if the prequels were good?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Darth Indiana, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Darth Indiana

    Darth Indiana Rebelscum

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Just throwing these videos up here in case some one hasn't seen them.

    I think he has a very interesting take on what the prequels could have been. Not that I personally have anything against the prequels but I do enjoy some of the changes he made.
    For example like making the focus of episode 1 and most of the PT story more on obi wan than anakin. Also the change of making uncle Owen a central character in episode 2 more than just some random sort of step brother.
    What does everyone else think?
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  2. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I like what this guy comes up with. The ideas are great. But I also feel bad for Lucas in all this. Its a lot easier to pick apart someone else's decisions than to make your own from scratch. Would these have been better movies if done as he specifies? Probably. Could he have done a better job if given the reins from the beginning to write the entire trilogy? Doubtful.

    But I do warn anyone who hasn't seen these yet. Its tough to go back. I can't watch TPM anymore without asking myself some of the questions asked in this video. Why isn't Obi-Wan the focus? Why is Anakin a kid?
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  3. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    To me this set everything in motion for the next 2 movies being rushed. Lets just say for the sake argument, Lucas combined elements of Episode 1 & Episode 2 with an older Anakin and the focus on Kenobi? Then he could have stretched out Episode 3 to 2 movies being Episode II & III, and I think the turn scene and alot of other plot points wouldn't have felt so rushed.

    My outline would have been:

    Episode 1: Obiwan finds Anakin (same age as Luke), and they go off on an adventure to save Naboo. We get a whole movie of them yucking it up and showing the great friendship that was talked about, while Anakin meets and falls in love with Queen Padme.

    Episode 2: Anakin/Padme get secretly married but Anakin starts to fall down the dark due to circumstances (his mother is murdered, the Jedi council is frustrating him, the Clone Wars, etc.) The end of the movie he turns to the darkside setting up a huge climax for the next movie.

    Episode 3: Anakin secretly starts hunting down the Jedi for Palpatine, and Kenobi & Yoda finally find out and realize they been played by Palpatine all along. Anakin/Kenobi fight and Palpatine/Yoda fight. After Padme has the twins she is forced to decide which twin to take with her to Alderran as they will be threat if they are all in one place. She has a Sophies Choice scene and decides to take Leia, while she is crying as Luke is taken by Obiwan to Tatooine......
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  4. Prince AWESOM3

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Why does everyone advocate for the sheer bantha poodoo this 'What If' guy is putting up in YouTube. I mean, just look at his stories:

    1) No one wants to see a love triangle in a space epic ... It'll just lead towards a pointless skirmish arisen by both Obi-Wan and Anakin until it constitutes nothing but a hypocrisy against Obi-Wan's wisdom as a Jedi Knight.
    2) EVERYTHING in Episode I was done WRONG. Everything! Nothing can fix it.Best thing to do is scrape all of it off and reiterate a brand new plot.
    3) Politics and Star Wars should NEVER converge. Perhaps a gist of it, but not a whole blast load of it.
    4) Obi-Wan gaining any sort of anger, envy, and act of malice towards Anakin will merely prove him to be a douchey character with a sense of 'Blast you, I should be the strongest' and an abrupt cockiness a Jedi Knight should never deliver. Those characteristics were not at all what Obi-Wan was consisted of in the originals.
    5) The Force being a deflective mysticism that can be bounced off by the robes of another Jedi Knight???!!!! Sidious is a DARK LORD, not some little patty-whack dumb-ass who doesn't know the difference between the mere condolences of another person's feelings.

    1) Lol, more shitty politics?! Is this Steven Spielberg's reiteration of 'Lincoln' or is this just another shitty fan fic video that was posted up on YouTube that was made just to make sweaty fanboys horny?
    2) Okay, so this Owen character is now Anakin's bottom Vhlor out of the bloom (despite how Owen was actually portrayed as an austere character that prefers the condolence of safety rather than excitement)? GREAT STORYTELLING, MAN!
    3) "This should just be an epic space battle" ... and yet over a quarter of this video conveys political contrivances and pointless conversations among poorly characterized characters.
    4) So, let me get this straight ... Dooku's a good guy, but he is trying to gain the trust of a swarm of characters he has little to no reason to trust to, Obi-Wan is slowly descending towards the dark side from the malevolent manslaughter caused towards his former master by the scourge of a Sith Lord, and Padme is running around, barking orders, making sure justice and liberty is prevailing in the Senate ... all while Anakin is sitting on a bed, doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!? Weren't the Prequels supposed to transition Anakin's fall towards the dark side instead of a plethora of storylines that has nothing to do with the main character of the story?

    No wonder this asshat has not released a 'Part 3' towards his pathetic brand of 'What If' Storylines. Thanks for wasting the thirty minutes I will never get back, you front-running Rebelscum.
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  5. Darth Indiana

    Darth Indiana Rebelscum

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Obviously you don't understand the intent of the videos. It's to shed new light on the PT and maybe things that could have been done to better to correlate with the OT. I enjoy the prequel trilogy and I also enjoy these what If videos. Not because I'm looking to change the PT but because I enjoy everything star wars and that's what these videos are about.
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  6. Prince AWESOM3

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The intent of these videos is just to dream up a fantasy, develop a story that is just as poorly written as the Prequels were, and then label them 'better than George Lucas' prequels just because this crusty, faggoty Andy says so. I'd guarantee you that if we went back in time, implemented the Prequels' with the same 'storyline' this son of a Vhlor has developed, and made a trilogy out of it, everyone would still be getting their panties piled up in a bunch, say how horrendous the Prequels were, and then come up with an evens shittier storyline and label it 'better than the Prequels, just because we said so'. As I have said, the reason why this ****** hasn't released 'Part 3' to his 'What If' installment is because he knows that the stories he came up with transcends into a mere pile of bantha poodoo ... And this is all coming from a guy who resents Episode I and II.

    Thank God that people like him aren't at all associated with anything related towards LucasFilm or Star Wars.
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  7. Kibble

    Kibble Rebelscum

    Sep 14, 2014
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    All of that you said is definitely true. But if you want to get people to take your comment seriously, I wouldn't like just start saying curse words and junk. Also I disagree that these videos were bad, at least the plot this guy outlined could be made into a movie, instead of...whatever the Prequels were. A series of visual imagery and sound effects, but definitely not a movie.

    Also who is voting everybody "Pathetic" on this thread? That sucks.
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  8. Darth Indiana

    Darth Indiana Rebelscum

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Pretty sure that "Pathetic" voting would be coming from Prince AWESOM3
  9. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Rebelscum

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If they were only good then it'd be a step done from where they are which is great.
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  10. Prince AWESOM3

    Sep 6, 2014
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    There were indeed stories conveyed in the Prequels. They were just not on par with the glory of the Classics.
  11. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm guessing the reason he hasn't done Ep3 is because it wasn't all that bad. There may be aesthetic issues to clean up here and there and tightening of the script, but its flaws weren't as egregious as the first 2 so there isn't as much a demand for it. I don't have the violent disdain for these videos that you do apparently, but I do think its a bit of a cop out that he didn't finish the trilogy. I mean, its easy to find ways to improve 1 and 2. Improving 3 is possible, but it would take real talent to do so.
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  12. Kibble

    Kibble Rebelscum

    Sep 14, 2014
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    He said that he is making Revenge of the Sith, its just not done yet.

    But don't make the mistake that Sith is any good just because it was dark. Like the other two Prequels, nothing any character does or says makes any sense and its a bunch of crappy un-Star Wars-like CGI images flashing past the screen. However Sith goes out of its way to not just be stupid, but also be boring! There is an obvious divide between the "talking scenes" and the "action scenes", and both are boring, but for different reasons. The talking scenes in Sith are two, or occasionally three people sitting on a couch and talking, or walking down a hall and talking, or standing in a room and talking, usually in soap opera-like shot-reverse-shot format. The action scenes, on the other hand, are exceedingly long, visually tiring, cartoonish, no-stakes, unexciting, and nonsensical. Sith also reveals that Anakin wasn't "seduced by the dark side of the Force", he was just tricked into it! He believed the Emperor's obvious lies like an idiot, and the Emperor's plan was stupid too. I thought it was clever when I was a little kid, like it was paralleling the political situation of the United States, but now that I'm older its so painfully obvious. The allegory is painfully obvious, and the fact that the Emperor is behind it all should of been equally painfully obvious to the cast of stupid, flat, boring, cardboard cut-out "characters".

    But Sith is still not quite as bad as Attack of the Clones.
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  13. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    And don't make the mistake that I think Sith is better just because it is dark. :) Its not even that dark. And I have a more refined taste than that. I’m just not all that dogmatic about my thoughts on the PT or OT.

    I think Sith is a better movie than the other two for various reasons. Yes there are a number of problems some of which you point out. The turn to the dark side and order 66 sections were poorly executed as was Anakin’s final confrontation with Padme and Obi-Wan. These are critical points but they don’t necessarily render all the other improvements negligible.

    RotS is the only PT movie that begins to recapture some of the fun of the OT. The banter between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and R2 in the initial action scenes are a bit forced, but the pacing and feel is there. The Anakin/Obi/Dooku battle is also a vast improvement over the previous incarnation in AotC

    There are many poorly written scenes in RotS (most occurring when Padme is on screen) but there are some real gems in the movie as well. The Opera is an expertly written exposition scene, it manages to set the stage for why Anakin is being tempted while also subtly advancing our knowledge of Palpatine as a character and maintaining our interest at the same time. The last scene before Obi-Wan leaves for Utapau had more genuine emotion in it than all of the previous Obi-Wan/Anakin scenes combined. These scenes felt real, as if there were actual human relationships occurring in the PT. Go figure.

    Grievous was a bit cartoony, but a better villain than Dooku. Utapau was a well developed idea for a planet, complete with caste systems and wildlife. Generally the art direction, costume design, and CG of RotS had more of a lived in feel than the other two.

    Even though I thought order 66 missed the mark for full emotional impact in its execution, I thought the concept was great. That these precursors to storm troopers would be the ones to turn on the Jedi was a great plan from Palpatine’s standpoint and a good thematic development to lead into the mistrust of the storm troopers in the OT.

    Obi-Wan vs. Anakin was overly long and not nearly as well constructed from a saber tactics standpoint as the Ep1 final battle, but I though McGregor played the final scene well with Obi-Wan still trying to teach Anakin into his final moments. The high ground lesson was a final, subtle cry from Obi to Ani to come back to his teachings and listen to his master. Again, a good human scene, even if Christiansen was overacting it.

    Point being. RotS is not a perfect movie. But its flaws are more subtle than those of Ep 1 and 2. The pacing is better, the design is better, the writing is better. I liken it to RotJ. There are a couple of huge errors, and a bunch of small ones, but there’s enough there to like.
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  14. Kibble

    Kibble Rebelscum

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Woah wait, I was totally with you (Except Order 66, I thought it was extremely dumb - Ben Kenobi said Darth Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi knights, but all he did in Sith was murder a few children, ultimately making the entire character of Darth Vader worthless. It was pretty much told to the audience in the Original Trilogy that the Emperor seduced Anakin to the dark side of the Force so that he could destroy the last of the Jedi knights, who were one of the two things standing in the way of him gaining total control of the Galactic Empire, the other being the Imperial Senate, dissolved at the beginning of Star Wars.)

    Hold on I got side tracked. I was totally with you until this last bit. What huge errors in Return of the Jedi are you referring to? Sure there were a couple tiny ones, like the few errors in internal consistency and continuity, but nothing that could match the scale of the many enormous errors in Sith. In my opinion, Jedi does not get enough credit for being an amazing movie. It is just as fun as exciting as the other two, and has real stakes, real mythology, and powerful emotional scenes, as well as not one, but three awesome villains - the Emperor, Darth Vader, and Jabba the Hutt. Not to mention the second most super awesome space battle ever (after the attack on the Death Star in Star Wars). The final scene where Luke sees Darth Vader defeated and helpless, used and cast aside by the Emperor, and realizes that hate and anger don't make you stronger ties the Original Trilogy together in a tight, ironclad thematic bow.
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  15. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    Regarding Order 66 and Vader hunting the Jedi: I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. Order 66 was the opening salvo of a long and drawn out extermination of an entire religion. Order 66 took out some generals, the Jedi council and a bunch of kids, but there were thousands of Jedi. In my mind, Vader still had years of work hunting Jedi ahead of him. But I admit, it could be a rationalization on my part.

    Regarding Jedi: I agree with most of what you said as positives. I find small issues in the execution of Ewoks, the wasting of a great villain in Boba Fett, some small flaws in the writing or acting, and the lack of stakes brought by the lack of death of any named character. (I mean, come one at least Biggs bought it in ANH and that was a much smaller battle).

    My main complaints for Jedi are these (and bear in mind, it’s still a favorite movie of mine, just not equal to IV or V):
    The dumbing down of the franchise’s best character in Han Solo, and the boring and meandering middle act.

    Solo: It’s pretty widely accepted even by Ford himself, that the character’s arc was done when he said “I know” at Bespin. He was allowed to fall by the wayside in Jedi and did little except make goofy one-liners and play action hero on Endor. I would have accepted it from most any other character, but Ford had set the bar so high previously, it cheapened the whole by giving him nothing to do in the last movie.

    The middle Act: ANH had the rescue of Leia from the Death Star. ESB had Luke’s training with Yoda and the Falcon’s chase through the asteroid field. What did Jedi have? Yoda’s death is a nice scene, but it doesn’t stand on its own and sort of just acts as a misplaced epilogue to ESB. And then you have the long drawn out wandering on Endor, meeting the Ewoks, “Leia you’re my sister” and a nice little speeder bike chase. It’s not horrible, but it doesn’t equal the epic nature of the final movie of the series. I get the need for a deep breath before the final confrontation, but these scenes feel more like they are just waiting to get to the action than really moving the story or the character forward.
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  16. Kibble

    Kibble Rebelscum

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Oh well I agree with that. Like everyone on here has probably read by now, Ford apparently said he wanted Han to be killed in the movie, but I just think it might of been too sad. Like if you had him die when he's being rescued from Jabba, the whole intro was like a big waste of time, and makes it all sad and cynical and sets the wrong tone for the rest of the movie. And if he doesn't die, he did have to like be around for the rest of the movie so they might as well have included some kind of little character arc, or have him do something thematically relevant. Anyway good point, not something I've really considered before now. (I was just happy seeing more Han Solo<3)

    In my opinion, I think they gave the characters enough to say and do to make it at least interesting. I loved the scene on Dagobah, with Ben Kenobi's explanation of point-of-view offering thematic insight into what Star Wars is really about. And Luke learning Leia was his sister, so that there could be something to drive him toward using the dark side of the Force and set up Luke's final growth as a character. The bit on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor started out really tense, and got exciting with the chase, and then the funny scene where they are going to be cooked by the Ewoks but I agree they did dilute that mood when they are just sitting at the Ewok village. But I think that's okay because Return of the Jedi didn't have to be epic - that would of been what the Prequels did, letting the outside world seep into the work.

    The problem is that the Original Trilogy didn't really make it seem like there was this entire religion to exterminate. At least to me, its pretty strongly implied that the Jedi knights were dying out before the Emperor became leader of the Galactic Empire, and got Darth Vader to destroy the last of them. And "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire." that stuff happened a long time ago. Otherwise explaining that to Luke would be like explaining to somebody in America "For over a hundred years the British monarchs ruled this country. Before the revolution. Before America." Like Luke should of known about all that if it was so recent. And if there were thousands of Jedi knights running around twenty years ago, it shouldn't be commonplace to not believe in the Force.
    #16 Kibble, Sep 23, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
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  17. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I honestly never interpreted it that way. My thought was always that the Jedi had an abrupt end. The fact that Obi Wan and Anakin were said to be Jedi Knights, made it seem recent to me. Like the empire had brought an abrupt and violent end to these protectors of the galaxy. My one issue of continuity was in the references to it as an ancient religion. In my mind, I had always played that off as people looking at it in the same way we might a magician or a shaman. Does anyone have any proof that Ben has special powers when he fights Vader or does the mind trick on a storm trooper? Those could easily be explained away by the cynical secularists (as a cynical secularist myself I mean that in the nicest way possible) who make up the majority of the galaxy. So to me, the flaw in continuity came in making the Jedi of the PT do crazy flips, and speed runs, and jump 3 stories into an arena without even stumbling. The PT made the force seem common place, where as it could be doubted in the OT.
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  18. Kibble

    Kibble Rebelscum

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Huh I didn't ever considered that to be a realistic possibility as to the intents of the artists. Just the "ancient religion" comments, the various implications that the Galactic Empire has existed for a long time and the Jedi knights being the protectors of the old republic "Before the Empire.", but I guess it could be interpreted the other way. I prefer the already-dying-out-Jedi, old-Empire way, because it distances the Original Trilogy from the Prequels (and makes higher stakes for the Rebel Alliance), but in the context of the Original Trilogy it really doesn't matter. The backstory is backstory for a reason, and it probably shouldn't of been explored by prequels at all, good OR sucky. Sequels on the other hand...
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  19. Grand Admiral Kraum

    Grand Admiral Kraum Force Sensitive

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I really wish the prequels weren't designed for 10 year olds, and that the direction was better. I really do. It's a shame Lucas lost his touch in the eighties.

    It's also a massive shame that so many children of the 90s (and shockingly even the 80s!) have been brainwashed into putting the prequels on-par with the original trilogy. They're so easily dazzled by the crisp HD, 3D, 60fps gimmicks that it's impossible for them to see through to the artistry of the original trilogy.. The hard work put into it. The brilliance of Lucas' imagination for A New Hope and the genius of Ralph Mcquarrie's work on the world. Very upsetting that they'd rather have the puppet Yoda replaced with a CGI one, the lightsabers changed to match the prequels. Hayden Christensen force ghosts etc..

    I hope JJ can bring back the magic that ignited our imaginations, and make us feel young and free again.. Free of Jar Jar's foul stench.
    #19 Grand Admiral Kraum, May 30, 2015
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
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  20. Grand Master Galen Marek

    Jan 8, 2015
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    I think right now he would agree with you.
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