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Your feelings now/then with 1 year to go?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Jedi77-83, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    Since the teaser came out last month, alot of my friends are starting to getting hyped about TFA. Whereas a year ago, they were all pretty much indifferent towards the movie (or the ST altogether), and weren't on the bandwagon yet.

    How have you changed in the past year? Or how have you changed since the original announcement in October 2012? Has there been one piece of news that really changed your mind that got you jazzed for the movie? Or have you stayed the same in your expectations?
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  2. Grand Admiral Kraum

    Grand Admiral Kraum Force Sensitive

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I'm filled with an emotion which morphs to and from anxiety/excitement with each piece of news.

    I've been optimistic since the start, and i'm getting more optimistic as time goes on.. The practical BB-8 has me very hyped. I don't mind about the visuals as long as they're consistent.
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  3. John Crichton

    John Crichton Rebel Official

    Sep 12, 2014
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    I've always had an interest, at least since announcements were made. A year ago I was very excited, but everything was speculation and it seemed so daunting to keep up with everything. Come more recent times, particularly with the opening of The Cantina, my excitement got higher but then ebbed around October/November, in which I kind of stayed off the site and didn't think so much about Star Wars. I blame the rampant speculation with nothing to work with on this.

    Come the teaser, and my interest in the film has ramped up higher than it ever has been. It's good to at least have something tangible to go off of, rather than just concept art and drone-photos.
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  4. A Good friend

    A Good friend Rebel General

    Nov 29, 2014
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    My excitement has been going up and down. The most exciting day for me so far was the morning I woke up to find tons of leaked concept art waiting for me on StarWars7News.com! I swear that seeing Vader's burnt mask got me running around like a madman... My interest has always remained the same, I can't help it: I love Star Wars.
    #4 A Good friend, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
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  5. Jedi MD

    Jedi MD Jedi Commander

    Nov 8, 2014
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    When the news first came out that there was going to be a ST I was excited. As time has gotten closer my excitement level has grown. This summer I introduced the Star Wars movies to my daughters and they fell in love with Star Wars. That is the one event that really escalated my excitement for the movie as now I can share that with them. They loved hearing the name when I picked them up in carline the day it was announced. It was great logging online and watching the teaser trailer with them when it was first released. Every time new information is released it is cool being able for the three of us to share in the excitement together.
  6. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    Being a lifelong SW fan since 1977, I was not excited when I heard the news in October 2012. There were so many factors (which have been discussed a zillion times) that fed into my negativity towards more movies, but I was really done with SW.

    Then in mid 2013, I started to read some rumors about Episode 7 (Lawrence Kasden was writing, Abrams was directing, Ford, Fisher and Hamill were coming back), so I definetly started to become intrigued. But there was still a cynical side of me that wasn't letting me get too hyped.

    As we stand here almost 365 days til opening night, I am on board for roller coaster ride! The weekend of the teaser really changed me, and it hit me then how much SW means to so many people. The talk of the teaser by everyone that weekend, the record amount of hits on the internet kind of put the SE & PT cynicism away for good, and I was only looking forward. I haven't read many spoilers, just basic interviews from the cast, and dare I say they seem to be on the right track? In the end, there is no movie franchise that moves the radar like SW does for me, so I'm in for the next year no matter what!
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  7. Luke's beard

    Luke's beard Force Sensitive

    Nov 4, 2014
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    After the OT cast was announced, I started to get extra extra extra excited ;) I wanted them in TFA and i got what I wanted and I'm 200% satisfied. ;)
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  8. Old Fossil

    Old Fossil Rebel General

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'm glad this thread was started. I love Star Wars, but I think hitting this site every day and night is giving me Star Wars fatigue. I want to be somewhat surprised in the theater. I think the recently released trading cards revealing the names did it. They look cool, but it just left me flat. The trailer looks great and everything seems on track, and so glad Kasdan is on board, but figuring out every little detail is somehow simultaneously exciting and depressing. I don't mean to say "I have a bad feeling about this," because I don't. I am, however, cautiously optimistic. Anybody else feel this way? I will say that I don't have nightmares anymore with Jar Jar and that terrible looking Yoda puppet from Episode I. Is there a therapy section on this site?
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  9. Pastor Barndog

    Pastor Barndog Force Attuned

    Dec 6, 2014
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    I was very upset to hear that Lucas was no longer considering a ST. When the rights went with Lucasfilm to Disney and they announced right away the ST was on I was happy that my son and daughter would grow up with Star Wars. Still it was with some trepidation, who was going to direct, would any of the OT cast return to pass the torch. I was praying that Joss Whedon would get the job. Recently I was looking at movie news and was grabbed by a Star Wars story and I started following and pouring over the rumors of the last year. Then after the trailer I began to get really excited that there was going to be a great Star Wars movie made. It looks like similar to Marvel they have a strong team with a great deal of collaboration by real fans.
  10. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    I have sort of found a happy median when it comes to spoilers for TFA. Its so hard to go cold turkey in this age of social media, as its just too easy to find something about TFA when you log onto the internet. What I have done is stay away from specific plot point spoilers, as they are always listed on this site. Lately, there have been alot of plot rumors that have leaked, and I have not clicked one of those links.

    Stuff like the trading cards are enough to wet my appetite, but not too spoilerish. We still don't know who these characters are, as we are only speculating their true identity. The teaser didn't reveal anything other then a few images, as I assume the full trailer will do the same only showing Luke, Leia and Han next time. I can honestly say I have NO IDEA what this movie is about, or where it is going. Think about how different that is from the PT, where essentially knew how everything was going to play out?

    In a sense, the PT mistakes will help the ST be a better trilogy, because they won't repeat things like Jar Jar again. I think if the ST were being made without the PT ever being made, I think this would be a whole different ballgame. They kind of wouldn't know what the fans wanted, but now they seem to keep stressing practical effects, real worlds, etc. But there are no guarantees as this could be a turkey. I kind of put that idea in the back of my mind for now, and will cross that bridge in 2016 if the movie truly does stink, and I may walk away from SW and be content with the OOT.

    I'm proposing to the mods a 'Therapy thread' where we can just post random thoughts of the day about our 'worries' or 'expectations' of TFA!
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  11. JayBiggS

    JayBiggS Rebel Official

    Nov 20, 2014
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    I was the same then as I always was and still find myself that way today!
  12. Paulo Henrique

    Paulo Henrique Rebel General

    Sep 22, 2014
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    2 years has passed since the announcement and it's JUST ONE year to go. Hell yeah, I can't wait. I only know that I will cry like a baby watching the movie.
  13. Darth Qaidous

    Darth Qaidous Rebel Official

    Sep 8, 2014
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    I have always had a level of excitement/anticipation for Episode VII specifically and the ST in general. The recent teaser has only heightened that feeling. I trust in KK, JJA, GL and the rest of TPTB to do a great job with TFA. Their respective resumes speak for themselves and I expect TFA to usher in a tremendous rebirth of the Star Wars franchise. I was a fan of the old-EU (Del Rey, not Bantam), but I have mourned that loss, and now want to read the new "canon" EU. If there is one thing I truly don't like it is all of the false rumors/spoilers and not knowing which is accurate or not. I just want to know the truth, and if I did it would not ruin my experience of, nor stop me from seeing the film(s) many times over. Beyond that I am very excited for the ST and have been since it was announced.
  14. Rebo

    Rebo Nearsighted Whill Guardian
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    Sep 7, 2014
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    I was happy when the announcement was made. But at the time, I was skeptical that the movies would live up to the excitement and dedication that helped me form my fandom in the first place. Nothing against Disney, as I think they have done a bang up job with the MCU, but I was disappointed that Lucasfilm would no longer be this independent behemoth that can just drop in and push the studios around to get these weird giant movies made.

    I have many issues with the prequels, but I’ve always been fascinated with the freedom that allowed George to make those movies in an environment where no one else in the world could have done something similar.

    I was excited however, mostly for the production cycle. I found myself in the years without Star Wars not having a franchise I could cling to and look for spoilers and updates the way I do with SW. I like other movies, but none fill that need fro me to dice into the depths of the internet and track every little detail. That mission, that community of fans was missing, so I was excited to have it back and why I joined this site. I was more excited to talk about the movies being made than to really see them.

    But that all changed with the BAD report on the flying lightsaber hurtling through space. Say what you want about the quality of the opening shot, but just thinking about what that opening shot is going to be and that it will be a real shot, with real content, to be added to the other 6 opening shots, made me view the movies with new perspective.

    After that we had the cybor, then the concept art, then the trailer. It all got real, and suddenly I realized. In just one year there’s going to be a new Star Wars movie. Its clicked for me now, in a way it hadn’t before. Before I didn’t concern myself with how the movies would turn out. I assumed their quality to be unpredictable, so I chose to assume the worst and hope for the best. But no more. Now, I’m frightened it won’t live up to the hype, but I’m more excited to see it now than ever.
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  15. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    For some reason, the news that there would be a SW7 didn't reach me straight away... actually I think it took a couple of months beforeit registered with me, but initially I wasn't particularly hyped about it. The PT and CW had left me rather jaded about Star Wars - for the most part they were alright, but nowhere near as magical as the OT was for the child-me. I had come to terms with my SW being a thing of the past, a dinosaur that was revered mostly by dinosaurs. Then casual interest turned to optimism turned to obsession turned to greater optimism turned to a reawakening of my inner SW fan, that little kid who ran around quoting the entire cassette/booklet thingies to teachers and peers at school, and who had no time to do homework because there were Star Wars to be explored instead. Now I am scared shiteless that my hopes for SW7 are WAY too high, and I am going to have my heart broken by this thing. In other words, it is quite unlikely that SW7 is going to be as good as I have convinced myself it will be... So yeah, life is fantastic right now, but my inner child (and possibly also the outer man) might just have himself a little cry next Christmas, or thereabouts.
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  16. Jedi77-83

    Jedi77-83 Force Sensitive

    Sep 9, 2014
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    I'm enjoying reading everyone's journey from the announcement 2 years to how we feel today. It would be interesting to revisit this thread around January 2016 and see where we 'all are' as a SW fan after seeing TFA.
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  17. Syfelix

    Syfelix Rebelscum

    Nov 27, 2014
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    I have to admitt the Disney thing turned me off a bit at first, just for a few days. Then I realized I was an idiot. My fiance thought i had problems Before, now she's given up on me. She actually admitted the trailer was Amazing, though. That's from a woman who first saw Star Wars a year ago! :)

    I just get more and more pumped for this Movie, and all the ones coming after it, the closer we get!
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