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SPECULATION Luke's look...

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Lord Revanous, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. Lord Revanous

    Lord Revanous Force Sensitive

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Hey guys.

    Was just sitting watching TFA and my girlfriend came home at the point Rey was walking up to Luke, and she made a comment that got me thinking. She said "He really doesn't seem happy to see her, he looks saddened and then seems unnerved"....

    Around the 2:43 mark, he gives a pretty intense look, which doesn't appear to be a look of someone seeing their daughter in 10+ years. But maybe more of a look of confirmation and knowing a big decision ahead!

    It's my thought, Rey literally has minimal to nothing to do with the gravity of this scene.

    Now what I am thinking here is and it is just an out loud thought... Perhaps the last time he saw the lightsaber it was in the hands of his son/ daughter/ apprentice.

    It's my thought that maybe Luke had his son/ daughter/ apprentice take all the surviving force child to random planets, while Luke went into meditation or searched for connection with Yoda/ Obi. Now Luke has been waiting their return and when Rey returns with the saber in hand it confirms their death/ capture.

    Kylo's line: "That lightsaber, it belongs to me" this line always was strange to me, because sure, he might have used this when he first got to the temple (We know from the vision the saber was probably there)! But even the most basic knowledge of Dark Jedi know they dump their light side weapon for their new red saber. BUT, we have seen even in current canon a claim to lightsabers from their fallen foes, I think maybe at some point Kylo has run into Luke's son/ daughter/ apprentice and killed or disarmed them!

    I have thought for sometime Rey is a Palpatine, or a Kenobi! I think that's why in the vision we hear from, is Sidious, Yoda and Kenobi, because they know now Luke is going to need her power more than ever!

    So in conclusion, my thought is in this scene, Luke gets confirmation his son/ daughter/ apprentice is not coming back and a new apprentice has come to help him?

    Thoughts? I feel this would be a cool introduction for Luke's backstory and Rey's lineage, two lost Jedi, the last hope....

    #1 Lord Revanous, Dec 10, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
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  2. RockyRoadHux

    RockyRoadHux Ginger General

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Mirroring Rey's situation- "the belonging you seek is not behind you... it is ahead" ? I really like this idea.
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  3. tm0910196

    tm0910196 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    That's a new take I haven't seen before. I like it.
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  4. Pawek_13

    Pawek_13 Jedi General

    Nov 19, 2016
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    While I find your idea to be interesting, I have anothet theory on that matter. I wouldn't say that Luke's sad. He's moved. While I agree that Luke wanted to be found (if that wasn't the case, then he wouldn't have left pieces of map to Ahch-To with his droid and his trusted friend) and that Anakin's lightsaber was a part of that quest, I don't neccesarily believe that he wanted to be found by his child, since he doesn't have any. My interpretation of that scene is that when Luke sees Rey he's deeply moved because he lost hope that anyone would come and become his Padawan.
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  5. Lord Revanous

    Lord Revanous Force Sensitive

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Yeah for sure, and I agree with that, the last piece of the map could have been left to R2, for when whoever the next "Chosen" apprentice returns with the Graflex in hand, because it's not until Rey returns with it in her possession does R2 reactivate ! I feel like it has more to do with Yoda and Obi Wan than Luke specifically you know? "You dream of an island, yes I see it too".... That's why I think she was guided to the Falcon, to Han, to Maz, to the Saber, to Starkiller base and Ultimately to Luke. I think Luke was 100% waiting, but I think he was waiting for whoever Yoda and Obi Wan sent him, handing the Graflex as maybe the sign of she's the one we have chosen.

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