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Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Use the Falchion, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. C3-Steve-O

    C3-Steve-O Rebel General

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Rey's mastery of the Force was a bit of an illusion. She does have potential, but was actually being assisted by a pair of familiar Force ghosts who decided to interfere while Luke was in hiding.

    This could add some interesting drama. Luke could be irritated by the otherworldly manipulation of his maybe-daughter. And Rey could be forced to overcome new doubts about her Force abilities, especially if she struggles early in her training.
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  2. MarsPhoenix

    MarsPhoenix Sith Psychiatrist

    Sep 19, 2014
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    That is pretty close to my theory of Obi Wan's Force ghost haunting objects during the course of the original Star Wars trilogy (R2, lightsabers, etc.) and making Luke believe he can move things around with his mind.
    Maybe some of these ghosts interfere with the surrounding Midichlorians by hiding in Anakin's old lightsaber.
    But that doesn't explain why Finn gets his ashes kicked by Sgt TR-8R on Takodana.
    Maybe Force ghosts don't like Finn at all.
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  3. Demsa Aztor

    Demsa Aztor Rebel General

    May 23, 2016
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    You do have a point. I think we will still "know" him as Luke, but obviously after 30 years, people do change especially what he may have gone through. I hope they start at least next year after Rogue One to drop hints here and there.
    • Hopeful Hopeful x 1
  4. tm0910196

    tm0910196 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You win for the Newhart GIF. Well done. :D
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  5. Amanaman

    Amanaman Rebel Official

    Sep 22, 2015
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    My crazy theory is that Rey is really Snoke's daughter. Everyone is pointing to either Luke, Han and even Sheev as the possible fathers but if the next movie were to mirror TESB just as TFA did ANH, then what better way to have another ''Bla bla bla never told you who was your father'' moment then by having Snoke dropping the I'm your father bomb on Rey.
    • Hopeful Hopeful x 1
  6. Darth Arthritus

    Darth Arthritus Rebel Commander

    Oct 7, 2014
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    My pets haven't spoken to me in a long time, so I don't know if they have any theories.
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  7. Maximus

    Maximus Reel 2 Dialogue 2

    Sep 10, 2014
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    i had a theory a while back, that when we eventually see Snoke in the flesh... it will be in a large chamber FULL of ancient darkside beings.

    all morning today one name has been dominating my thoughts... no not Donald Trump, someone even more dastardly than that.

    i have to hide the next part, as it contains stuff from Rebels that some may not have seen (highly unlikely mind)..

    so they plucked his character out of legends oblivion, and introduced him pre-ANH working for the empire to destroy the rebels.

    so what happens to him? he won't be killed off in Rebels.. more chance of one of my star wars theories being correct than that ever happening.

    we obviously did not see him during the OT, so where in sam hill is the blue fella?

    ok, hold tight lol...

    at the end of Rebels i think we will see Thrawn meeting with the Emperor. The Emperor will tell Thrawn that he has forseen his own death and the destruction of the empire. He will reveal to Thrawn the location of another Dark Lord in the far reaches of the Outer Rim. Thrawn will leave the Empire to find this Dark Lord and to start building the First Order.

    after the destruction of the empire, Thrawn waits for the perfect moment to swoop in and merge his new FO with the remnants of the empire forces.

    now... if he did all of this then you may well ask "where is he then"?.

    well.. he is on board his mobile command center running the First Order.
    Snoke is real and powerful, but he is under the control of Thrawn.

    Thrawn is using his enemies against themselves... turning Ben Solo to deal with the all powerful Luke Skywalker would be typical Thrawn strategy.
    He would also know that it would be easier to 'rule' from the shadow of a Dark Side user who sends his commands much like Palpatine did.

    Thrawn is running the show. We'll get a glimpse of him at the end of ep8, and he will feature properly in ep9.
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  8. Count...your toes

    Count...your toes Rebel General

    Dec 12, 2014
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    That sounds like a robot chicken sketch
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  9. Bandini

    Bandini Jedi Commander

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I'm still of the spirit of Anakin splitted in two sparks a dark and a light in Kylo Ren and Rey but it could be the Mortis Arc either with Luke becoming the Father.
  10. Overstrike

    Overstrike Rebel Trooper

    Jan 16, 2016
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    OK my crazy theory

    1). I like the idea that Rey is an embodiment of the force, similar to Anakin. Now weather she was conceived naturally through the force or unnaturally though the dark side I don't know. But I feel she is a product of some type of dark side experiment. A Daughter of Darkness who become a beacon of light for all, while Kylo Ren is her mirror opposite, A child of light who succumbs to Darkness.

    Who would her mother be then? I don't think it will be anyone we know, but I can speculate that she is from the core worlds possibly connected to the Empire/FO. I think Rey's accent is a hint at her origins. So why abandon her on some unknown planet, with someone like Unkar Plutt? I don't think it was for any type of love but fear. Fear of what her child is, or possibly what she will become. She probably couldn't bring herself to kill Rey outright so she chooses to abandon her in the hands of some thug in the hopes that she wont survive in his care on such a harsh world.

    I believe that will be her ultimate test, she will have to confront the mother that hates her, that doesn't want her and wishes she had died on jakku. When she is faced with that, her temptation to give into anger and the darkside will be at its height, like how luke was tempted to kill his father on the death star before he chooses to spare him. I think Rey will ultimately forgive her mother but knows she will never have a life with her, and the family she thought she was looking for all this time never existed, but she found one all the same in Luke. I believe that Luke will adopt her and she will take the Skywalker name.

    2). Snoke. I don't know what snoke is but I have a feeling that he is unnatural, possibly an entity that predates the Sith. My theory is that Snoke is some ancient Dark Lord that is similar to a force ghost, and that he is currently possessing a physical host. But I think that his current body is unable to contain his power, or is unable to weld it effectively, which is why he seems deformed and weak. I think Snoke seeks kill Luke before he can raise a new generation of Jedi that will be a threat to his power. Luke who is unable to face such an ancient evil seeks out the first jedi temple as a way to shield himself and possible learn of a way to defeat snoke for good, and prevent him from finding another temporary host if his current body is destroyed.

    I think Snoke, who saw the potential for Darkness inside Ben Solo, slowly begins to turn him to the Darkside so that he will make the perfect host to contain his power. The reason that he hasn't already possessed Kylo is maybe he hasn't fully given into the darkside yet. Killing his father was the first step, and once he has fully cut all ties to the light will snoke be able to fully take control of him. At that point Kylo will be the personification of the Darkside of the Force, with Rey being the Light.
    • Wise Wise x 1
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  11. Protocol Droid

    Protocol Droid Rebel General

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Great thread. Here's my contribution:

    1. It's casually revealed that Poe is gay (but not Finn)
    2. Rey is a Kenobi (I've argued elsewhere about this )
    3. Rey is not a Kenobi but has a darkside lineage (this makes her struggle with the darkside more realistic, as if it's her "destiny")
    3. Reylo is suggested but not consumated, i.e. it plays out as an attraction/repulsion kind of thing rather than an actual romance
    4. We will visit the Sith homeworld as part of Kylo's training
    5. Benicio will be a character mentioned in TFA but not seen (e.g. leader of guavian death gang)
  12. Ziggy13

    Ziggy13 Clone

    Oct 23, 2016
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    I have an idea that I want to run pass you guys.
    First is that I think Ezra is snoke. The time line works and he has played with the dark side. He has learned from both holocrons. Snoke is not a sith. Being part of the rebellion put him place to know the sky walkers. He has a fascination with stomtrooper armor. In the last episode he realized that droid and clones were the same.
    Second he creates the Knights of ren after his mando wife.
    This is an idea I would like to know what people think.
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  13. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    @Ziggy13 Welcome to the Cantina! As for your theories, you're not the only one who have postulated the same things; stick around and I'm sure you'll find like-minded individuals here.
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  14. DarthPilkington

    DarthPilkington Rebel Official

    Sep 9, 2014
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    i'd totes be down for some Thrawn action moving forward. what if Snoke is Thrawn?? :eek:

    after being commanded by Sheevio to head out of town, Thrawn amasses power blah blah blah, gets hit in the face one or twice, gets old and moldy (something Chiss do?), and then comes back with a vengeance. he's not only after power (like Shveey), but after all Force users. he manipulates little Kylo Ben and uses him to fulfill his evil machinations.

    not really a pet theory of mine, just a spin off i was inspired with after reading yours :p
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 25, 2016, Original Post Date: Oct 25, 2016 ---
    personally, i'm hoping for a Rey going dark side and Ben having to sacrifice something (himself?) to save her and bring her back before it's too late.
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  15. MarsPhoenix

    MarsPhoenix Sith Psychiatrist

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Yeah, that's what I thought too. Ezra Bagger could be Smoke. But each time I put this hypothesis on the table, someone replies: "Well, Snake is not human, he's an alien...etc." I would love to see Ezra linked somehow to the Knights of Ren.... or dies protecting the secret of children of Darth Vader being alive.
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  16. Ziggy13

    Ziggy13 Clone

    Oct 23, 2016
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    He is a hologram for one thing. Snoke is humanoid with damage. I think the Knights of ren is for or led by his mandalor girl friend/wife.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. daffy72

    daffy72 Force Sensitive

    Dec 22, 2014
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    Just a FYI

    Snoke says right in the movie that Kylo Ren is the leader:
    "Even you, master of the Knights of Ren, have never faced such a test."
    ―Supreme Leader Snoke, to Kylo Ren
    they are a dark side organization. It's never been hinted at that Sabine has any force abilities.
    • Wise Wise x 1
  18. egkenobi

    egkenobi Rebel Commander

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Okie dokie, I'm not sure if my theories are any good but here goes...

    I was watching TFA last night, and something leaped out at me, which is the basis of my theory...

    During Rey's vision, she's on the battlefield of the Jedi Temple, and the guy with a club is stabbed with a red lightsaber. To me it looked like he was going to club Rey, but Kylo saved her! Yup, that's right, I think Kylo had a hand in hiding Rey, or protecting her from Snoke. But by the time TFA happens, he's forgotten her somehow or doesn't recognize her. More on that shortly....

    Also the speech he gives to Han Solo, "I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." What if Han was somehow in on the plan, and he knew somehow that he had to die? (Probably not, but even so....) Kylo as a double agent, could be interesting. I think Kylo and Rey are related, they are siblings!

    So why does nobody recognize Rey? What if they knew what was coming, and put a plan in place that involved Ben as a double agent, and hiding Rey until the First Order was defeated? Luke could have easily wiped their minds to make them forget everything. (way far out I know...) Which could explain his facial expression when he saw Rey at the end of TFA. That does lead to some difficult questions like the Jedi students being slaughtered and how could Luke allow that to happen? Or maybe he didn't expect that to happen and it was hidden from him somehow?

    As for Jakku...I reckon that there's some sort of weapon that's reminiscent of the Rakata (spelling?) empire. It can strip life itself, and I'm wondering if that's somehow responsible for the fact Luke couldn't forsee the destruction of the Jedi?

    I can't wait for Episode 8, neither can I wait for Chuck Wendig's next book in the Aftermath series!!
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  19. GotTheSilver

    GotTheSilver Rebel Official

    Jan 20, 2016
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    What if Rey kills Luke? Maybe on purpose, maybe on accident. Maybe Luke wants her to. Dunno, just an idea.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 2, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 2, 2016 ---
    My biggest theory is that BDT is a new bad guy, not light side or dark side, but just someone else who is extremely powerful and wants to take over. Rey and Kylo are forced together somehow, maybe they are both prisoners of BDT. They have to fight together against BDT, making them unlikely allies, at least for a time.
    • Hopeful Hopeful x 1
  20. 19TilDawn

    19TilDawn Clone

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I am glad someone else is thinking somewhere along these lines. I cannot find many theories about this. My theory is similar but slightly different. Sabine left her family and was not a part of Death Watch when she was with the Rebellion. However, her clan still was. Also, Darth Maul took over Death Watch for a time during the Clone Wars. I think Darth Maul formed the Knights of Ren out of Death Watch members who were clan Wren. With as many name changing and cloaking the true identities of people in the galaxy, dropping the "w" off of the name is not that far fetched. Also, in the last season of Rebels, when Ezra first met Maul, Ezra found the strange hilted light sabor design eventually used by Kylo Ren. I am not saying Maul is Snoke, although I am not ruling that out. But Snoke could just be a last remanence of Death Watch, maybe just a high ranking Mandalorian who was force sensitive enough to complete Ezra's training, and Ezra ends up being the character played by Benecio Del Toro. (probably not likely, but I would love it) So Del Toro is the actual eldest member of the Knights of Ren under Snoke, but Ben Solo was given the title to boost his ego and entice him to the dark side. (Why not, it sounds like something dark side users would do)

    In my opinion, this would be awesome. Del Toro (as Ezra) would be stronger in the force than Kylo Ren, but Kylo Ren is being led to believe he is the strongest in order to help his transition to the Dark Side. In other words, he is nothing but a puppet. Which would also explain why, though he may be powerful in the force, he isn't as strong as he thinks he is. And Rey was able to get the better of him (yes, I know Kylo Ren was injured, but that only added to Rey's success, it wasn't the only factor) because Kylo Ren isn't really as strong as he thinks he is, and Rey is stronger than she knows. Up until the events of episode 7, Kylo Ren got to be the big fish in the small pond, but now that the force has awakened the pond just got a lot bigger. And Snoke and the evil Ezra Bridger need to up their game.
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