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Rules within the SW universe.

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Sparafucile, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Maybe she is. Luke was. Anakin was. Why can't Rey?
    Who. Cares.
    All Star Wars leads are overpowered and shrouded in ridiculous plot armor.
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  2. Benjamin Lewis

    Benjamin Lewis Rebel Official

    Dec 20, 2015
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    People still arguing semantics, I see.

    That thing that Star Wars films have never been about.

    Good job.
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  3. Sparafucile

    Sparafucile Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sadly, I'm not sure if you're serious or not lol.
  4. Jayson

    Jayson Resident Lucasian

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I want to be clear that I, in no way, intend to sound crass or rude in the following. Every person is perfectly free to approach SW however they need to and react to it in like fashion, just as any person inside of SW is free to approach the Force as they need. (blue)

    I happen to disagree with you, so the following will be from that perspective. I hope that I do not come off too strong or belittling in any way - I do not intend to.

    There's where your conflict is coming from.

    I have two thoughts about this.
    First, the more common one:

    I would not suggest comparing SW films to merchandise "canon". Lucas has always stated that it does not govern his films and he'll be free to do whatever pleases him and if it conflicts with the merchandise; too bad.
    That carried over to Disney when Lucas handed it off to them.

    Back in the day, we had absolutely zero heads up that you could shoot lightning from your fingers or that Palpatine was a super powerful Force user.
    Heck, we had zero heads up that you could lift things up off of the ground using the Force. It just popped into existence in ESB.

    Star Trek, on the other hand, has a very structured set of rules governing its universe.

    Star Wars does not. No writer for Star Wars saga films has ever been required to go read the EU's canonical rules before writing the film, and Lucas never intended it to be that way.
    He intended that the films are one reality and the merchandise another. The Films, basically, do whatever they want and whatever the Film does, the merchandise cannot contradict. However, the films can contradict the merchandise as often as they want.​

    But I'm sure you've heard all of this before, so now on to something I don't usually see people point out.
    Now for the less common one:

    Imagine someone made as much material in games, books, and cartoons about the Old Testament of the Bible (and since they have...let me rephrase that to say, imagine everyone likes it as much as SW), then imagine the New Testament is coming out decades later and when it lands some folks are upset that Jesus doesn't adhere to the rules outlined in the Old Testament (which is an actual complaint inside of that text itself).
    I generally encourage folks to treat every new Star Wars film like it's Jesus to the Old Testament, because that's basically how Star Wars treats them.
    You'll hear echos of things from the old in the new, and even some events will be repeated, but the idea of rules that existed by example of what came before is gone right out the window because there's a new allegorical narrative to convey.

    SW is first and foremost an allegorical epic. It happens to reside in a science fiction setting.
    This isn't the same position as stating that it's fantasy and fantasy doesn't have rules.
    No, there are rules - very elaborate and intricate rules. It's just that the rules which govern Star Wars govern by narrative structural and allegorical requirements and not by concepts like internally consistent physics or aptitude rules.

    Basically just any holy text that you pick up.
    And that's basically because that's what Star Wars is - it's a grand epic modeled after old epics of long ago and stirred up with religious texts of old.
    Those kinds of stories don't move by rationality; they move by moral point almost exclusively.

    It doesn't make any rational sense that Achilles' mother didn't just hold on to the other foot and dip the ankle she previously was holding, that didn't get covered with impervious magical protection, into the water so that he wouldn't be vulnerable at all.
    However, it made absolutely perfect allegorical sense that this happened and that Achilles was subsequently taken out by a lethal blow to his ankle.

    This is how I tend to suggest approaching Star Wars because that is the logic that it is using when it's being written for film. Lucas has discussed this several times over the decades across multiple interviews.

    The whole story is effectively one massive parable.​

    Just a few thoughts from a fellow sitting behind another computer screen. *waves*

    Jayson :)
    #24 Jayson, Jan 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
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  5. Sparafucile

    Sparafucile Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks Jayson, in no way did I find it crass, actually I'd say it's up there with the most well thought out responses I've received. I did not start this thread to get people to agree with me, but to explain how I and my group of friends are struggling with the ST. Your explanation helps, maybe some day I'll be able to look back on the ST and appreciate it for what it is. Right now I feel a lot will depend on Ep9. I've stated before, I'm envious of you people who can enjoy this new trilogy. For me I've been pulled out of my suspension of disbelief, and I'm having a hard time getting back in.

    From one SW fan to another, sincerely thanks. I guess I just might have a little too much of Star Trek in me lol.
  6. Jayson

    Jayson Resident Lucasian

    Dec 24, 2015
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    HA! LLAP Friend! (fellow Trekkie here)

    I love some good Star Trek. I need both. Star Trek for the brain, Star Wars for the soul. Star Trek is where I go for social philosophy and imagining the future, and Star Wars is where I go for ontology and studying a symbolically abbreviated history of humanity. :p

    This is my phone :D :

    Star Trek is where all the cool technology is - there's no real solid Star Wars contender for LCARS, ha!

    Star Wars computer screens remind me of sewing cutting mats.


    They're planning to sew the seeds of good!
    (oh yeah, I'm a lover of really bad puns as well!)

    Anyway, good stuff; what you wrote back.

    On the off chance that it might help, give my thread a try and see the film from a different perspective. :D
    (shameless plugging *gasp*)

    Jayson :)
  7. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    While I do agree with you to a certain degree I think the gaming analogy is a bad comparison. The core elements of Gamedesign are usually "players want to have fun and face challenges", a system of progression in terms of skills and/or story is built around these core elements. There are games without any level progression at all or games that don't really have a story but are still fun to play. Think of an old sidescroller game like Super Mario. Also keep in mind that characters in games often reset in a multipart franchise. The hero "forgets" all the skills he has mastered in the previous game and "loses" all of his equiment and stats. One example for this would be Kyle Katarn. So the analogy "character progression in games = how it should be in the movies" is flawed imo.

    But you are right in the sense that Rey is overpowered. When I first saw her I thought she felt extremely powerful and gifted in comparison with other forcerusers in canon. This would make sense to me if she was something special. If she had any special to connection to the force then her incredibly fast and efficient learning rate would be acceptable. I am not talking exclusively about her parents here. There are multiple ways that would allow her to bend the rules. But for the time being we are told that Rey is a nobody who behaves like a somebody and this is why I'm not very fond of her character since it goes against everything we've learnt in previous movies, books and comics. When discussing how Rey is OP you will usually hear the argument that she doesn't play by the rules and therefore limitations that apllied to other Jedi don't apply to her but that explaination is deeply flawed.

    Over the course of the canon we have seen multiple different forceusers with many different approaches to mastering the force. We had grey Jedi like Ahsoka Tano, we had Jedi masters constantly flirting with the dark like Mace Windu, we had Jedi masters so powerful they became one with the force (Yoda, Qui Gon, Obi Wan) and we had powerfuls Sith who certainly didn't listen to any rules the Jedi applied to the force. With so many different approaches to the force the argument that Rey doesn't play by the rules which is what makes her so powerful quickly exposed to be a strawman. Ahsoka Tano, a nobody like Rey, departed from the Jedi order and from that point on cared very little for their rules. Asajj Ventress had a similar journey but she started as a Sith. Quinlan Vos turned from Jedi to Sith and back to Jedi. Kanan Jarrus was pretty much left to make up his own mind how the force worked as his master died when he was still an unexperienced Padawan. Savage Opress was initially trained and "enhanced" by the Nightsisters... There is a ton of nobodies in the SW universe, many who didn't play by the rules of the Jedi either because they didn't care about them or were unaware of them (this is the category Rey falls in). If none of them managed to master the force so quickly then why is Rey so powerful. What makes her special compared all the other nobodies who didn't fall any ruls at all.

    And why don't we see masters ofthe force pop up randomly in the galaxy everywhere. Why was Rey the first to uncover uncover how the force truly works and not one of the hundreds of other forceusers we learn of in Canon? If the key to unlocking the power of the force is not caring about any rules then surely there should be countless forcesensitive nobodies all over the galaxy who mastered the force by the grace of "not giving a f*ck".
    #27 BobRoss, Jan 4, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2018
    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  8. techsteveo

    techsteveo Force Sensitive

    Oct 16, 2014
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    I would agree with you if she actually displayed any real skill. It is now canon that Rey and Ben show the most “raw” power Luke Skywalker has ever seen. This from a man who is powerful himself and had Vader as his dad and almost died from Palpatine. But let’s put that aside.

    I firmly believe that when you are that force sensitive you FEEL. You don’t think, you use your instincts. Where have we heard that before? Once the force calls to Rey via her awakening, she begins to feel it. This is a girl with knowledge of the Jedi. “The Jedi were real!” Han tells her the force the Jedi, it’s all true. She thinks the force is a power people have to help control people and make things float. That’s what she tells Luke. That is probably what she’s heard on Jakku and thinks a Jedi does.

    All Rey has done is let the force guide her like Maz tells her. She did a mind trick on a Stormtrooper after her third attempt. Why? Because she’s probably heard about this trick that controls people. Considering Watto and Jabba knew what a Jedi mind trick was, I’m sure it’s something very well known in a GFFA.

    She made the lightsaber float to her (lets face it, the lightsaber was going to her because it’s being used by the force) in her battle with Kylo. But she doesn’t start to actually win the fight until she lets the light in. Then it helps control her actions (which is canon that the force does that, ask Ben Kenobi) and she defeats Ren. She did feel the dark side a little AND Kylo wasn’t trying to kill her, he still needed to bring her to Snoke to find Luke.

    Finally, her rock lifting, while a spectacle, isn’t that impressive. Luke even minimizes lifting rocks. She doesn’t pull this feat off until after she’s learned some about the force and connecting to it from Luke in the most powerful force Temple in the galaxy.

    I’m sorry you don’t like the canon that has been presented in the movies, but she’s not out of place. Many of the Jedi and Sith you mention, had they been in the same circumstances as Rey, could do everything she’s done so far.
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  9. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I would argue that the simple fact, that this is the 4th thread or so discussing her incredible power, shows that many peopel take issue with it. After TFA it was similar which makes me think that I am not the only one having a problem with her incredibly fast progression in the ways of the force. I understand your "acting from instincts argument" but these instincts aren't exclusive to her. In fact instincts are one of the most common and most basic traits among living organisms. Therefore if instincts are what cause her immense power we should see powerful displays of the force all over the place. Think of Leia in the OT. We know she is a forcesensitive unaware of any rules, free of any expectations what the force is and what it looks like. I would assume that she was highly motivated to not be chained to a disgusting alien wearing nothing but a metal bikini so why didn't her instincts kick in and forcechoke everyone in Jabba's throne to death? I don't doubt that Luke has never seen such raw strenght before meeting Rey and Kylo and I can understand it given Kylo's early training and his powerful heritage, But so far TFA and TLJ has failed to properly adress Rey's power. If her powers are rooted in a lack of knowledge and expectations combined with insticts and no special heritage than I would imagine there are countless sentient beings in the galaxy with identical qualifications. Therefore the question remains. What makes her so special?

    /edit: As for Watto and Jabba. Both lived during the peak of the Jedi order. Of course they would know about the Jedi. This doesn't add anything to answer the question why Rey is so powerful though. On Coruscant most people were aware of the Jedi. However the simple knowledge that something like the force exists did not enable them to use the force themselves. So if anything this is an argument against your theory that merely hearing of the force is enough to actively use it.
    #29 BobRoss, Jan 4, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2018
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  10. techsteveo

    techsteveo Force Sensitive

    Oct 16, 2014
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    I would argue that there were 40 threads of fans swearing Plaguesis is Snoke. Guess what, the majority of the fans on here don't actually listen to what the film makers or the movies they are making are telling them. They take one image or one line and blow it out of proportion.
    Did you read my post where I said that Rey hasn't done anything that those other force users couldn't have done? Her use of the force was no different than Anakin at a young age or Luke during ANH. Any one of those force users could do what she did in the same circumstances.
    1. That's an unfair argument because that isn't the story. 2. We know Leia rejects using the force. 3. Her force instincts did kick in when she was at deaths door and floating in space. BUT HOW DID SHE KNOW HOW TO DO THAT IF SHE DIDN'T TRAIN HOW TO DO SPACE VACUUM FORCE PULL??? Not sure if you would ask that, but some overly literal SW fans have.
    You just aren't seeing what they are telling you. Just like how the Snoke fans somehow see he's not dead and the Plagueis fans somehow think he's alive. Just like the Rey Skywalker people wouldn't listen to all the clues in TFA that this story is about someone from most unlikely place with no special background will become a Jedi Hero.
    Gee, it's like Rey is the first of these folks that may just be feeling the force for the first time and begin to rise up. Hmm, there might just be a boy in a stable that has force sensitivity and might not know why or what to do with it.
    Ask the force. The force chose to speak to her and give her the call to begin her Heros Journey. Considering the Jedi believe that in order to be a successful Jedi you need no attachments (they leave their families as young children/babies), maybe the fact that Rey doesn't have attachments and has survived living on Jakku without falling into the wrong crowd. The fact that she has a compassionate heart and is smart, focused, and disciplined may also have help her be chosen by the force.
    I guess you missed the part that even Rey knew who Luke Skywalker was and that he fought to redeem Darth Vader. You missed when she said to Han "the Jedi were real". You missed all the dialog that shows Rey has heard of the force and thinks it's there to "control people and make things...float". You missed that right? So she would never know about the Jedi Mind trick right? I'm sure the traders and pilots that came through Jakku never spoke of the legends and stories of the Jedi. Nah, they just introduced a book about the Legends of Luke Skywalker that show how people through out the galaxy have been talking and gossiping about his heroics. Talk of powerful people with crazy abilities would never happen around the junk yard water cooler.
    But she knew the force exists AND began FEELING it. She's like, "holy crap I might be able to do the stuff I've heard people say the Jedi did". Maz freaking tells her the force calls to her and she should let the light in to guide her and it's always been there, blah blah blah. So yes, if you hear the force speaking to you, I'll bet if you concentrate you can pull a broom to you or float rocks or trick an idiot Stormtrooper. Some will be more powerful than others, more gifted than others. Some will feel it and focus on it like Rey. Some won't believe it can be done like Luke. But eventually, yes with guidance and training, they will be able to hone their power and use it for the right reasons.

    I'd love to sit in a room with the "Rey is too powerful" folks and show you the Star Wars movies and point out all of the examples of where you missed the point.
    #30 techsteveo, Jan 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
    • Great Post Great Post x 3
  11. Bendak Starkiller

    Bendak Starkiller Force Sensitive

    Sep 4, 2016
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    While I appreciate the mention of KOTOR, I really don't think it works like that in the movies.

    Is Rey moving some rocks really that big of a deal?

    Ani blew up Nute's blockade ship at 9 and no one seems upset about that.
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  12. TheTruTru

    TheTruTru Rebelscum

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Nobody was upset at TPM? I must have missed that
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  13. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Missing the point, he is.
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  14. TheTruTru

    TheTruTru Rebelscum

    Dec 18, 2017
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    The point being? I know people personally & have seen plenty of people on here that have an issue with 9 year old Anakin blowing up the droid control ship (among many other issues they had with prequel Anakin)
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  15. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    The point is, no one was saying THAT is why the movie sucked. People didn't like Lloyd's performance (it was bad, but that's on George).

    TPM hate was never about the power Anakin had because everyone accepted he was just that good, for the most part.
    Most of the hate on the powers of Anakin have come recently in light of the absurd hate on Rey for having powers.
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  16. TheTruTru

    TheTruTru Rebelscum

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I recall people having an issue with the Force Jesus concept (me included). But a lot of those same people have no issue with Rey being powerful because "darkness rises & light to meet it"
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  17. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Force Jesus yes, immaculate conception, virgin birth....but his powers? Not really because they knew he'd be Darth Vader.
    Because it isn't as on the nose and quite frankly as lazy as going the biblical route.

    There are so many Jesus metaphors in popular media, even "way back" in 1998, that using one felt dull all ready.
    The force choosing a vessel of an already force sensitive person is different than the force knocking up a woman.
  18. TheTruTru

    TheTruTru Rebelscum

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I don't see how it's different, in fact, it's basically the exact same. The force created Anakin in order to bring balance. The force chose Rey in order to bring balance. I don't see how someone could have an issue with one & not the other
  19. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Because one wasn't based on the premise that the force didn't wear a rubber?

    You really think the force turning it to 11 in a force user is the same as creating life inside of a woman?
  20. TheTruTru

    TheTruTru Rebelscum

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Yes. They're equally ridiculous. And I would argue that Anakin's path after the fact is made slightly less ridiculous due to the fact that he still required years of training and experienced defeat
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