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TLJ - A great movie but an awful sequel?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by BobRoss, Dec 19, 2017.


TLJ as the second chapter of a trilogy...

  1. is a good sequel to TFA

    28 vote(s)
  2. is a bad sequel to TFA

    11 vote(s)
  3. is a good movie on its own

    35 vote(s)
  4. is a bad movie on its own

    7 vote(s)
  5. sets up IX well

    23 vote(s)
  6. sets up IX badly

    10 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    When I watched the TLJ for the first time I left the cinema positively overwhelmed by the emotional scenes and unexpected twist the movie had to offer but also kinda lost. I have since rewatched the movie and now I can finally say why I'm feeling so "torn apart" (no pun intended) by this movie.

    As weird as this may sound at this point I am more interested in Rian's new trilogy than I am in IX. The reason for this is quite simple. Rian is approaching his new-new trilogy by planning out all three movies as a whole so there's a chance of some overarching story buildup rather than developements that are "shocking" beause they happen so randomly. TLJ was the finale of the sequel trilogy. It resolved all the questions we had (even though not all of them in a satisfying way), killed of the main antagonist and the wise mentor and leaves us almost exactly where we were at the end of TFA. Kylo vs Rey. We've already seen JJ do this scenario and I don't really need to see it again. Kylo might wear the title of Supreme Leader now (whatever that is) ruling over the First Order (whatever that is) to finally achieve the goals of the FO (whatever they are). Rey will be much more powerful even though her way of mastering the force is completely random and doesn't require much training or time or knowledge.

    As someone who generally enjoys watching Star Wars related contend including the prequels and animated series I think I should feel thrilled reading news about IX. But I have the same feeling after watching VIII which I had when Gustavo Fring was killed in season 4 of Breaking Bad. This feeling that I had already seen the real finale, that nothing that would come after season 4 would matter as much as the events that led up to this moment. IX starts as a completely blank canvas since Rian has said he hasn't written any ideas for IX. We don't know what Kylo will do in IX, what Rey will do, what the first order or what little is left of the resistance will do. IX could take place immediately after VIII or 10 years later, there is no pressing issue that needs to be resolved, no event that needs to be avoided or object that needs to be destroyed. And for the finale of a trilogy, this is terrible.

    Fans of the Harry Potter series didn't have to ask themselves what needed to be done in "The Deathly Hallows". Voldemort needed to be defeated, the prophecy had to be fullfilled, Horcruxes needed to be found and destroyed. Those who read the Lord Of the Rings novels knew what to expect when the final book "The return of the King" came out. The ring still had to be destroyed and with it Sauron, Gollum would be even more essential to the plot than what was already foreshadowed in "The Two Towers" and Aragorn would have to claim the throne that was rightfully his. People didn't know how exactly these things would go down but they knew what to expect, they knew that their patience would finally pay off as they got closer and closer to the finale.
    Well we Star Wars fans already had our finale in TLJ. It's not what we wanted but what Rian thought was necessary so he shot a finale instead of part two of a trilogy. A wonderful movie yet a terrible sequel. Get ready for the filler episode "Black Diamond" before the story continues with Rian's new trilogy.

    Is this just the way I think about TLJ or do you fell in a similar way about this? Did TLJ only succeed as a standalone movie or did it set up IX in a meaningful way? Did it answer the questions you had after seeing TFA and upgrade the SW universe as a whole? Or did it fail to do any of this? Given the divise nature of TLJ I can't wait to hear your oppinions.

    PS: If you want to do the poll please answer the questions in pairs of two. Good/bad sequel, good/bad standalone movie, good/bad setup for IX
    #1 BobRoss, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2017
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  2. nightangel

    nightangel Rebel Official

    Jul 12, 2015
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    a bad sequel to TFA and a bad setup to IX, but would be ok as standalone.
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  3. Flyboy

    Flyboy Jedi Commander

    Oct 30, 2017
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    I think this narrative of it's not a good sequel or it feels like the last in a trilogy instead of the middle chapter only exists because TLJ didn't end on a cliffhanger in the way TFA did. There's no obvious trajectory for what happens next, but they set a lot of stuff up. This isn't labeled a spoiler thread so I'll try to remain as spoiler free as possible but no conflict was ended in TLJ. The conflict between Kylo and Rey still exists, it's not resolved. The conflict between The First Order and the resistance still exists, but at the end of the film we do know things that are set up for 9:

    The rebuilding of the resistance/rebellion, a hint at the revival of The Jedi Order under Rey, and Luke Skywalker himself saying, "The war is just beginning".

    We don't know exactly where we go from here but it's not like there was any resolution in anything. Rian picked up JJ's story and continued down the road with it, and now he hands it back to JJ with a few miles left to go.
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  4. atreides602

    atreides602 Rebelscum

    Apr 7, 2017
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    It's funny no one seems to hate TFA anymore :eek:
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  5. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    TLJ has improved TFA for me. Heck, it has saved the entire franchise from obscurity.
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  6. Zyloren

    Zyloren Clone Commander

    Dec 15, 2017
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    A bad sequel to TFA - he never intended it to be a follow up to TFA, he was given far too much creative freedom and completely did his own thing, which would be fine as a spin-off but not as a sequel to TFA and not as part 8 of a 9 part epic.

    There is absolutely zero set up to IX - he didn't care about VII and he didn't care about IX. This was meant to be the penultimate chapter of the saga films, but it does not set up the finale in any meaningful way. I truly don't get this. The movie suffers badly from spin-off syndrome.

    On it's own, yes, it could be palatable. The lessons and overarching themes are totally fine, and I would've liked them to enter the franchise at some point, but this is not the right point. And actually, even if this was a stand-alone film, it suffers from plot-holes galore. I can imagine if he had his own characters he wouldn't mishandle them and treat them so badly, but the entire story line is flawed from start to finish, the characterisation is incredibly poor. Both the Resistance and the First Order come off as hugely incompetent, entirely breaking immersion. This film doesn't even work as a good stand-alone film, but again, he may have been able to do so much more with a proper spin-off where he didn't have to bend the pre-existing plot and characters to fit his vision.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  7. Maximus

    Maximus Reel 2 Dialogue 2

    Sep 10, 2014
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    i actually couldn't pick an option as to whether it sets up for ep9 well or not... i'm honestly not sure yet.

    i do think that this thread should probably be marked as 'spoiler' though, as there are a couple in the OT :)
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  8. The Last Jorgny

    The Last Jorgny Rebel Official

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Worked well as a sequel and in it's own right for me. I don't mind the saga movies being different to eachother, but i can see where some of the fans are coming from. Where I see something fresh and exciting, others see something inconsistent and too diffeent. And that's cool i guess.
  9. Imbrie

    Imbrie Rebel General

    Oct 8, 2014
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    It's a good film but it, unfortunately, negates the entire plot of TFA which was the search for the map to Luke. TLJ tells us that Luke did not want to be found and went to Ach-To to die. Who, then, made the map? Who placed the missing piece in R2? The questions are endless. I doubt JJ will have time to address any of this in IX as the 'story' is too far along now and will, no doubt, be much more so come IX.
    #9 Imbrie, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
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  10. Bimboo

    Bimboo Clone Commander

    May 14, 2016
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    I believe that EPIX should not be seen as the last episode of the sequels but rather as the last episode of the saga. As such the next episode could even not be numbered. Maybe it will be named 'Epilogue', 'Outro' or something like that. And as such I like that TLJ makes everything possible for the next one.
  11. Ammianus Marcellinus

    +0 / 0 / -0
    In fact those people who hated TFA, now seem to love it and hate TLJ. I should do call outs, but shaming and naming is not my thing :p

    I think its a good sequel and an awesome movie that is able to stand on its own. But look at what its doing. All our heroes are back together. The next movie will be set ca. 2 or 3 years after The Last Jedi. There will be books and tv series (animated) bridging VIII and IX. We now get to spend even more time with the main protagonists in between. And, perhaps more importantly, we get a satisfying resolution to Leia's arc.
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  12. atreides602

    atreides602 Rebelscum

    Apr 7, 2017
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    I have the same feeling :D
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  13. Loire

    Loire Rebelscum

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Forget Star Wars for a minute....it was a very bad film. It was a Batman vs Superman type of film. Watchable if you have got nothing else to do.
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
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  14. lealt

    lealt Rebel Official

    Feb 8, 2016
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    To me felt partially an inconsistent sequel and partially a reboot of TFA.
    In a strange way is both too much (for one movie) and too little (for 2 movies)
    Therefore a missed opportunity and a waste of time in the context of a trilogy.. that doesn't feel a trilogy to me anymore.
    That's what I said in my first comment after seeing the movie.

    And I also said, that I perfectly understand why LF chose RJ for his own trilogy.
    Just because of that.

    Because he has a vision, an approach.
    I may not like it, but sure I acknowledge he has it and a full trilogy (not one movie in the middle of a story he had to share
    with other people) is the best way to let him develop something that has an inner "narrative" start ot finish,
    with much more time to build acrs and plots in a compelling way and I may add... since he also has a very personal aesthetical touch
    without interrupting even that from one movie to the next one.
    Again, I may like it or not his aesthetic, but I feel it's better having the same approach along the same trilogy.
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  15. DarthWarEagle

    DarthWarEagle Rebel General

    Apr 16, 2015
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    OK my response won't have too much to do with Star Wars, but I can totally feel you on the Breaking Bad thing. I never watched that show while it was in production. I just binged watched it a few years ago on Netflix. I can remember having the flu, and literally not being able to lift my head off the pillow and I watched about 8 straight episodes. When the Gus 'face off' scene happened I got off the sofa for like 5 minutes jumping up and down and screaming. My kids thought I was nuts. Laid back down and slept for like 10 hours.

    And so yeah, I can remember starting to watch season 5, and it was so different. It took me a good 6 or 7 episodes to buy into the new story line. And really season 5 is its own beast - but a fantastic one. And I think Episode 9 is in many ways going to have to emulate that. Personally, I think it frees up things story wise. Snoke was a weak villain, and I could really care less whether he was still around or not (Plus one for Rian, but I don't think it was ever their plan to keep Snoke around for all 3). I like the idea of having Kylo Ren as the ultimate baddie - it is his opportunity to 'be' Darth Vader just like he wants. And we get it for a full movie. We don't have to sit here and debate for two years whether Luke will save the day and the Jedi will live happily ever after - It is Rey vs. the First Order. I personally can't wait.
  16. deadmanwalkin009

    deadmanwalkin009 Force Sensitive

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Theatrical release of BvS or Extended Cut of BvS? Because Extended cut made that movie little more tolerable but this movie is no where near as bad as BvS. This isn't not ESB replacement but I personally like this better than Ep. 7
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 19, 2017 ---
    I also binged watched BB but also don't forget Rian also directed Ozymandias (which is 14th episode of season 5) which is considered one of greatest episodes of BB among the BB community.
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  17. JTerry

    JTerry Rebelscum

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I thought it was a good stand alone film. I’ve read majority of critics aren’t Star Wars fans so it doesn’t surprise me to see the critics rated it. Not like it will win an Oscar though.

    It was not a Star Wars film for me. It was the antithesis of Star Wars NEVER have I ever been more dissapointed in a film.
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  18. Sal

    Sal Clone Trooper

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I think I agree. As a standalone I freaking love it- as a sequel I'm like 'mmm ok', and as the middle of trilogy (assuming IX takes a similar tone, structure and feel as TFA) kinda out of place.

    Weird comparison- but its like the game fallout 4. Good open world shooter, awful RPG, abysmal Fallout game.
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  19. BobRoss

    BobRoss Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    What kinda bothers me is how the two movies contradict each other at times in terms of story and character developement. In TFA Snoke can feel Luke but in TLJ there's this emotional scene where Luke reconnects to the force. Did Luke casually log into his force account and Snoke saw he was online or what was this reconnecting thing all about when Snoke could feel his presence all along.

    In TFA Hux was a menacing spacenazi in charge of Starkillerbase and now he is the laughing stock of everyone. It's like his character has completely changed in between movies. His speech on Starkillerbase will never have the same impact again.

    The emotional ending of TFA sems pretty cheesy, now that I know how Luke casually tosses the lightsaber aside, that has gone through all these SW movies. It's moments like these when TLJ fails to connect with TFA and this makes me kind of sad. It could have been perfect if some Canto Bight scenes or spacescenes had been dropped for some short explainations.
    #19 BobRoss, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2017
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  20. RoyleRancor

    RoyleRancor Car'a'Carn

    Dec 9, 2016
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    tenor (7).gif
    • Funny Funny x 2

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