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SPECULATION Who are the Storm Troopers fighting on Supremacy?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by thehiredgun, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. LarsSkywalker

    LarsSkywalker Rebel Official

    Apr 11, 2016
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    A year and a half ago, we got a leak/rumor, that BB-8 would hack and control an AT-ST.

    Since that time, we've found out that BB-8 will go with Finn and Rose, instead of staying with Poe.

    Since Finn vs Phasma fight, looks like it's the only point in the movie where BB-8 has the opputunity to do this......

    I'm going the simplest explanation route and say that's BB-8 controlling the AT-ST after Rose detonates the bombs.
    #21 LarsSkywalker, Oct 24, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
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  2. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    There was another tidbit I read the other day saying that we would see BB-8 and BB-9E would be rolling around together. Does BB-8 draft some other BB droids into service? It would be interesting to see BB driving a walker - but that doesn't account for the stormtroopers shooting in multiple directions unless there are more than one.
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