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Favourite shot from the final trailer?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Solo, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Addi Ras

    Staff Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    another one is a literal shot as in the x wing attack on the stomtropper at at I think maze castle one of the stormtroopers actually gets shot by an x wing () that's got to be Asty) I mean how unlucky or lucky depending on your point of view can you get
  2. *Definetly Not A Sith Lord*

    Jun 22, 2015
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    It's not easy to pick...Either Rey's line ,,I'm no one" or Kylo Ren's part.
    The whole trailer was awesome :)
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  3. AllHailVader

    AllHailVader Rebel General

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The close-up toward Kylo Ren in the ship with the red background OR Finn's reaction when he sees Kylo Ren approach. Hoping that will be a very intense fight between the both of them.
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  4. Yoda 2

    Yoda 2 Rebel Official

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Every shot is so well done. I pick them all.
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  5. HylianBowcaster

    HylianBowcaster Rebelscum

    Jul 12, 2015
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    I got to go with Kylo vs Finn. I'm pretty sure it's the first time we've seen Kylo without the helmet in a trailer. So far a 6in Black Series Kylo is the only piece of TFA merchandise I've bought and I'm really hoping he's going to be a memorable villain. I want something more like Vader than Maul.
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  6. RuccusRob

    RuccusRob Rebelscum

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Hyperspace and when Kylo gets a close up as he mindscrews Poe.

    No three. Rey spelunking in the star destroyer as light breaks through the cracks in the hull.
    #66 RuccusRob, Oct 21, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
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  7. Perdu

    Perdu Rebel Official

    Jan 16, 2015
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    They did a great job in presenting the new characters.

    The music selected to go with Rey asking if the stories were true is a perfect way to reconnect to the feelings we all get from the OT.

    Favorite shots:

    1. Rey looking at the ship taking off. You can really feel where she is at emotionally (all her clips do a VERY good job at this)
    2. Finn's face when he realizes taking on Kylo Ren may have been a bit over his head (love the body-bob to amp himself up for it)
    3. And not least, I love the side shot we get of the TIEs inbound off of the starboard side of Poe's fighter. BB-8 in the foreground and he turns to see all of them coming. AWESOMENESS!!! Really looking forward to a new take on the dogfights.

    All in all. Each newby really cemented their characters well without telling their stories. Great trailer.
  8. HAL'sgal

    HAL'sgal Force Sensitive

    Sep 5, 2015
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    It's not my favorite scene but that did give me chills. We've had bad guys, but never insane bad guys. Even Sidious was logical and driven by the usual things a power-hungry egomaniac would be. What we've not had in Star Wars is a true ideologue, one who believes his own BS. (Anakin came close, but that didn't last long).

    So I'm quite excited to see how/what Kylo turns out to be, now. He could be the most dangerous and complex villain of all- a true believer.

    Yes. What an homage. For a moment Han takes us out of the current story and reminds us how epic the OT really was. That little bit made me feel that JJ really "gets" Star Wars and will treat it with the respect it deserves.
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  9. RBanks

    RBanks Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's hard to choose a favorite, as there's so much great stuff to see.

    I love this shot of Rey roping down into the Star Destroyer hangar-


    There's so much detail. If you look closely, there's a wrecked Lambda Class Imperial Shuttle laying on it's side and some
    ruined TIE Fighter wings scattered around-


    Great stuff!
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  10. ChrisI

    ChrisI Force Sensitive

    Apr 16, 2015
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    My favorite shot is that "oh blast" look on Finn's face before Kylo raises his saber.
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  11. HansOlo

    HansOlo Rebelscum

    Nov 25, 2014
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    My favorite shot is actually Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle coming in for a landing. The whole scene with the fires blazing, Stormtroopers moving around, the First Order Transporters landed in the background with their search lights activated, it just promises a very tense and very nice opening of the movie. The soundtrack is also spot on for this scene.
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  12. John Boberg

    John Boberg Rebel Commander

    Nov 6, 2014
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    As many have said before, I can't just choose one scene. There's loads of great ones.

    I love the acting from Boyega in the last scene, when Kylo raises his sabre. It felt so good to see such acting.. Made me feel comfortable that the acting is really taken care of.

    My favourite thing from the whole trailer though, is probably the music. It just makes it all so fantastic.
    I think Williams really nailed these rearrangements of the original themes. He gave the throne room theme a completely new vibe, but still kept the main melody, which gives a feeling of both nostalgia but also exitement for this new chapter of the saga!
    #72 John Boberg, Oct 21, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
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  13. Ree Yees

    Ree Yees Rebel Official

    Sep 8, 2014
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    It looks well done. Every shot. Everything looks top notch, every shot bursting with energy, well put together cinematography, it looks like it should.

    It is basically the opposite of Episode I: The Phantom Menace's trailer, where I was scratching my head at what I saw:

    The first shot: I was like, uhm? That's a really underwhelming image to open the trailer for the return of Star Wars with. Is it a hill? Is it a close-up or is it far away? Is it a hill? The droid army comes cresting the rise, slooowly, and doesn't look menacing at all - as the title of the movie would suggest - the rounded shapes of the droid transport things..the design of the approaching vehicles aren't intimidating, nor do they look real. The nice fluffy clouds and bright blue sky don't led this opening any sense of threat either. I'd want to open a trailer like this with some actual menace but of course there isn't much of it in the actual film...

    Compare this to The Force Awakens trailer with its opening - it is a serene opening, but intentionally so, and it works wonders; first a close-up of a goggled character, then a little farther away climbing (doing something), then a shot even farther away showing the location she's in. It is an excellent opening, showing so much of Rey's character with so little.

    In TPM's trailer, we got cartoon tanks. Great. The hill looks like its fake, too, actually. It looks like a miniature hill from a Warhammer game table. It's probably real but it doesn't seem very real to my (three) eyes.

    The next shot, I admit, is a good composition - the palace of Theed - but again, it looks fake and even more so now, so many years later. It really doesn't age well. However this shot is incredibly boring. It's just a view of a late medieval/Renaissance city on Earth done digitally. Nothing exciting or interesting happens. (Na)boo!

    Then we get Amidala's voice-over and it is so lifeless and long-winded. "I.will.not.condone.a.course.of.action.that.will.lead.our.people.to.war." ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ!!!
    Compare this to the short, to the point - and emotionally engaging "Who are you?" / "I'm no one."

    0:18 seconds into the TPM trailer and it has already been crushed into oblivion by TFA. Also, Amidala's hair-do. "You overdid it!"

    Another shot of cartoon tanks, this time from a slightly progressive angle (though the camera is still static), and we see some cartoon bubbles in the distance. Shields that can protect an entire army? That flies in the face of the original trilogy where it was made clear that shields were for big ships and vehicles. In a galaxy torn by war in Empire, why wouldn't they continue to develop shields for their armies for protection? I remember seeing this trailer and thinking, "Whoops, that's an inconsistency". It wasn't the last time I'd think of inconsistencies in the prequel trilogy, to put it mildly.
    At least the grass gets bent to make it look as if there's actually something hovering above it.

    A shot of two boring guys in boring chairs talking boring stuff.

    A TIE Fighter with a ridiculously long nose moves towards a planet. That was the first shot I was mildly intrigued by, although I thought the ship looked weird. "Off," even. (One of my worries about TFA is that Doug Chiang is part of the design team, I don't think he designed anything cool in the prequels).

    Biiig cartoon ship landing in the forest. The fakest looking shot so far. Mildly interesting because it suggests we'll see an invasion of sorts. Though I'd suggest showing some action, not just ships arriving. You know, to grab the audience.

    Darth Maul arriving. Cool shot, cool character, so this shot gets a pass. But the trailer suggest we'll see a movie about arrivals, not wars in the stars.

    Cut to Maul in a completely different situation, talking to Sidious. Intriguing, because we know who Sidious is (hey look it's the Emperor!!1) but awkwardly placed in the sequence of the trailer - better to "distribute" Maul across the trailer instead of two separate shots right after one another. The shot also looks peculiarly fake, with the actors obviously standing in front of a green screen - the lighting, the lack of wind or whatever to make the shot come alive, is flawed.

    Another arrival shot. Looks fine, but again, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. We're 00:35 into the trailer. Compare how much coolness you've witnessed in the same time watching the new TFA trailer.

    Battledroids...walking...somewhere...really didn't like the design, still don't. Thought they looked awkward, like they came marching out of a different scifi/fantasy movie.

    Another shot of Maul; a closer look. I liked it, this character intrigued me, but again, he's just standing there, the camera is static...it's lifeless. But he looks cold. The greatest irony will remain that the best thing TPM did was painting an actor's face with real paint.

    00:39 - Droids in hangar. Confusing shot; no contrast. I had to rewatch just to see what was going on in this shot. Turns out it was droids turning around. Exciting. Probably turning around to see someone arrive.

    00:40 - Hologram Sith Lord. Not bad.

    00:41 - Cartoon droids flying cartoon thingamagogs. Cartoon tanks. Cartoon animals.

    00:44 - And finally some action! The camera is even wobbly as Qui-Gon Jinn looks serious. Completely static camera when Obi-Wan speaks, though, sounding as if he's bored in class, not aboard a spacecraft being fired upon. It just didn't give me any good feels at all. I'm also still not used to that weird Jedi hair cut. Who thought *that* was a great design? So again, no shots here that grab me.

    00:48 - Distinctively non-Star Wars looking starship flying in a straight trajectory while everybody misses it. Compare to the ships in the TFA trailer, movement is key.

    00:49 - Static shot of two suitably Star Wars-like aliens talking to static monotone Amidala..Zzz

    Battle droids rising.. probably meant as a menace..panoramic shot of office...old guy turning around....amidala again..new costume though..more amidala...different costume...people sitting in an empty room aboard a ship listening...standing by a door talking....
    finally lightsabers! cartoon droids flying...qui gon jinn with one of the few lines of dialogue that sounds good and is well performed...in an empty room...people walking slowly...old guy again...more walking people...droidekas, ok again not very Star Warsy but cool...captain pancakes with his stupid hat...people talking....cannons in space, finally some action...unknown pilot explodes with the intensity of looking for a book at the library...Jar Jar Binks...his voice is still as grating and unfortunate as ever, in addition to how unrealistic he is/looks...definitely the moment when I began to doubt that Episode I would be the second coming...some talking....BOSS NASS...shudder...I was like, "WTF is this?!"

    Those boring tanks again...Amidala zzzzz new hairdo...zz...Gungans with personal shields. Personal shields in addition to the army shield. Is this STAR WARS? Was someone playing a sick joke on me?

    The Senate. Well what can I say, it isn't really interesting. Just a clusterblast of CGI seats. Was I supposed to be impressed? They make a trailer for the most anticipated movie in history and they decide that showing SEATS IN A SENATE (that look empty, to boot) is a kickass way of ensuring the masses will come to watch the final film?

    At 01:34 we have the first shot of the trailer where I actually felt excitement - Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon moving fluidly, sabers out, in battle. Cool, we were goin to see the Jedi in action, and here it was. I did feel that the shot lacked gravity, though. Maybe it's the fact they are mowing down cartoon robots. No feels. Just a, "Mmm, could be cool" sense.

    It at this point that the trailer finally gets some punch, as the shots come a little more rapidly, and the content is generally more action-oriented. Movement. Artoo pulled up in a Naboob spacecraft looks odd. That's the word - it all looked so odd.

    Whereas TFA really sells it as being a Star Wars movie, promising emotion, action, dogfights and all the other small things that made the original trilogy so appealing.

    Yet still, even in the last minute of its life, the TPM trailer kept showing me stuff that made me wonder. Is this real? Is this it? Padmé suddenly speaking a line with Amidala-voice; what was that about? How could they miss such a glaring mistake? What's the deal with those goofy yellow starfighters? What kind of intriguing story is behind Threepio not having outer plating? And what the bloody Piffer, is that supposed to be ... YODA?! Yoda on meth?

    It was and remains such a confusing and confounding thing, the TPM trailer. I wanted to like it, and I think I mentally tricked myself into it, praising it at first, even as I found every shot in the trailer underwhelming, or "off", or weird, or whatever. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in the Coruscant sunset was one of the few shots where I got the feels the good way. Obi-Wan and Darth Maul dueling another. The rest...nope.

    With The Force Awakens, I have an almost exactly opposite experience. Almost all shots look just perfect, as in there isn't anything I'd bother to change if I could; the voices sound good, the dialogue sharp, the acting looks to be top notch, and each shot has either interesting camerawork, interesting or cool designs, contrasts, eye-catching movement etc. The more I think about it, the more of an absolute failure the TPM trailer seems to be in comparison. TFA's trailer and teasers pack a punch, they bring the feels and I will not be surprised if, in the end, the sequels will totally overshadow the PT (though seeing pod racing flags makes me skeptical..)
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  14. Ricky Spanish

    Ricky Spanish Rebel Official

    May 19, 2015
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    It has to be the beginning of the fight at the end. Every other lightsaber fight the characters have been quite focused and calm looking at the start. I just love how Finn is hopping up and down, you can see he's angry and psyching himself up but at the same time completely sh!t scared, it's so epic!

    Him losing would be like the equivalent of after Qui Gon get's taken out, and the audience is pissed Obi Wan faces Maul then also get's delimbed or something. I mean we really don't want our new antagonist beaten by an untrained soldier in the first film, but at the same time it would have been cool to see Finn win. I just so can't wait to see how it plays out
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  15. henryj2112

    henryj2112 Clone

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Has to be Kylo with the other Knights of Ren. The shot that had me most intrigued about the character and yearning for more!!
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  16. Darth Garth

    Darth Garth Rebel General

    Oct 3, 2015
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    This reminds me of a Medieval pillage; JJ knows what Star Wars is about. I whole heartedly know that this movie will be fantastic.
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  17. Old Biff from the Future

    Old Biff from the Future Dune Sea Hermit

    Oct 5, 2015
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  18. JinnStari

    JinnStari Clone Commander

    Aug 18, 2015
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    The second shot of Rey in the destroyer... Got my heart going pretty fast!

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  19. BamBoosle-8

    BamBoosle-8 Force Sensitive

    Oct 24, 2015
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    My top 3 shots in the trailer (not in particular order).

    1) Poe getting tortured by Kylo Ren. That look on Poe's face, his eyes, his scream. Really good.
    2) The Knights of Ren! I wish we could get an even more clear shot on the Knights. It is that on Skelig there had to be as few people on the Island but otherwise with the rain and the terrain one could argue it is Skelig. (I got another theory about the knights and episode VIII but that is not for here)
    3) Kylo Ren and Finn lightsaber fight. It looks good and you can see the fear on Finn's face and Kylo Ren not wearing his helmet.
  20. HansOle

    HansOle Rebel Commander

    Sep 6, 2014
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    fave shot in the trailer

    easy this one.

    rey 3.png

    Now that's a Solo like smile.

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