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Kylo Ren: Sith State

Discussion in 'General Movie Discussion' started by Abishai100, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. Abishai100

    Abishai100 Rebelscum

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I want to take a special look at the enemy of the Jedi, Kylo Ren, who is something like a half-Jedi/half-Sith.

    Kylo Ren was Luke Skywalker's Jedi apprentice and the son of Han Solo and Leia Skywalker but betrayed the Jedi and joined the First Order to fulfill the Sith 'dreams' of his grandfather Darth Vader.

    Kylo Ren really shines in The Force Awakens and is an embodiment of the creepiness and lingering evil of the Sith.

    Kylo Ren is a lot like Darth Maul and Darth Vader but is unique in his sense of political sneakiness.

    If Darth Maul represents the emergence of the Empire, and Darth Vader represents the evil of the Sith, then Kylo Ren represents the vulnerability of the Force, which is why he is a symbol of pure corruption and should be the main subject of any discussion regarding 'Sith dementia.'

    IMO, Kylo Ren makes Episode VII nicely fit into the pantheon of the Sith-controversial Star Wars films and illuminates some of the 'grassroots fascism' qualities of Sith politics, which is why we can use this character to evaluate the social ramifications of Sith leadership.

    Who is therefore a more effective diplomat of Sith politics, Kylo Ren or Darth Maul? IMO, it's surprisingly Kylo Ren.

    Kylo Ren

  2. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    i'm curious as to why you think Kylo Ren is politically sneaky.
    he seems pretty up front about most everything, even when he bends the rules a little here and there.
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  3. Use the Falchion

    Use the Falchion Jedi Contrarian

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Interesting ideas. I'm probably reading it wrong, but here are my thoughts on some of what you said.

    I kinda disagree with this here on principal, that since we don't know if the Knights of Ren are related in any way to the Sith. To say that he is like a Sith because he is a dark side Force User doesn't seem to fit with all of the canon we have (although you do say "something like," which does leave a good bit of wiggle room lol).

    That, is actually really accurate and well said!

    I can get behind this.

    I think Maul wins because he was an actual Sith, but that's neither here nor there lol. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Sith Politics, but I think they're on pretty even footing. Both follow a leader that has or will betray them; both wholeheartedly believe in their cause; and both are more of destructive forces of nature than political manipulators. In terms of Canon as a whole, Maul has had FAR more screen-time than Kylo Ren, so I'd say he's the winner. Look at his actions throughout The Clone Wars, and we only have to see the Season 2 finale of Rebels to know he hasn't left his ways behind. Everywhere he goes he builds up to break things down - he sows chaos so he can gain control. Seduction, corruption, and chaos - I think that's the real power of Sith politics, and Maul shows that in spades.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Abishai100

    Abishai100 Rebelscum

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Maul/Ren Dissection

    Yes, I agree Ren is not completely Sith, but the fact that he beckons the spirit of his grandfather (Darth Vader) while brooding about his schemes suggests that like in Episode I, Episode VII examines the 'peripheral influences' of a 'pervasive darkness' that is not necessarily Sith-related but certainly Sith-reminiscent.

    Maul has a greater screen presence and is considered more symbolic of the Sith for obvious reasons (and heck, he looks like the Devil), but Kylo Ren manages to keep that creepy pendulum swinging back-and-forth between the Force and the dark side (even if mostly in a very general context). Maul is still presented as a 'complementary evil-doer' in Episode I, while Kylo Ren is presented as the primary 'agent of evil' in Episode VII. I actually compare Kylo Ren to Timothy Dalton's character in The Lion in Winter.

    There's a special 'rebellious aesthetic' celebrated by the new youth generation, which it seems is nicely reflected in the defiance-rich persona of Kylo Ren. Who does Darth Maul represent?

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  5. SegNerd

    SegNerd Rebel Official

    Dec 30, 2015
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    While your post is very thoughtful, I'm going to have to disagree.

    As has been mentioned in several places, Kylo Ren is not a Sith. The Sith ended when Anakin fulfilled the prophecy, and bringing them back would negate the achievements of Anakin and Luke. (I'm not suggesting that everything Anakin did was an "achievement," but he did do some good things.)

    I'm not sure I believe in the idea of a "half Jedi" - if you are still in training, then you are not a Jedi. Even if you become a Jedi, if, at any time, you turn evil, you lose the Jedi title.

    I don't understand why you think Darth Maul represents the emergence of the Empire. He gets cut in half about ten years before the Empire emerges. If any Sith represents the emergence of the Empire, wouldn't it be... the Emperor? If anything, Darth Maul just represents pure senseless violence and evil. Although he does have the ability to speak, he is never shown in the movies as having any real capacity to reason, form opinions, or make decisions.
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