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SPECULATION The Official Rey's Parents in Ep. IX Thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' started by master_shaitan, Jan 3, 2018.


Who are Rey's parents?

  1. A couple of drunkards lying dead in a Jakku grave.

    60 vote(s)
  2. Nobodies...but not dead drunkards.

    16 vote(s)
  3. People with/from a Force sensitive background.

    13 vote(s)
  4. The Kenobi's...duh!

    6 vote(s)
  5. Luke Skywalker and his child bride Aya.

    12 vote(s)
  6. Mr & Mrs Sheev Palpatine.

    8 vote(s)
  7. The Force!

    5 vote(s)
  8. The So...the Sol...I can't say it..ok ok...The Solo's! *scoffs*

    12 vote(s)
  9. Plagueis/The Prime Jedi/Snoke

    3 vote(s)
  10. Other

    18 vote(s)
  1. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    all things must grow and change if they are to live and thrive.
    it's not about Force babies, it's about Star Wars continuing to be viable, relevant, and able to speak to each new generation.
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  2. DailyPlunge

    DailyPlunge Coramoor

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I don't disagree with that. That's why there are going to be other Star Wars series. This 9 episode series isn't going to end by throwing Lucas' rule out the window.

    That would be some cold blooded stuff though.
  3. SuperBenKenobi1992

    SuperBenKenobi1992 Rebel General

    Jun 6, 2015
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    To your point neither should Luke have.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 8, 2018, Original Post Date: Aug 8, 2018 ---
    This is also what Luke could have done... Luke wasn;t a traditional Jedi as he was only trained very Mildly by actual Jedi. granted he recieved more that Rey did.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 8, 2018 ---
    Grow yes, change is not always growth. And as the series need to grow and expand that is what the point of the spin off films and books and comics and games are fore. the saga numbered films to to act as one story. That means the same conflict that has been plaguing the family since Anakin needs to be defeated in the ninth film. changing the rules isn't necessary for growth... at least not in every circumstance. I think that part of the issue that the fan base has had is that we aren't all looking at the films in the same way. we all have our own idea of what the films are supposed to do that our predictions and desires for them are shaped around that rather than what the story is ultimately supposed to be about.

    Johnny says that the story is ever-changing and we the audience should change with it and not be stuck in the past. Anything old or fan service is sloppy writing and shouldn't be integrated. Kill of all of the old characters and make all of the new characters the primary focus. all new only new hahaaahh

    Karen says the story is good vs evil and that all of old characters should be in them as much as possible and we should never change, never expand, never explore the boundaries of creativity. All fan service all the time.... connect everything even the random droid in episode II the anakin shoved passed have him be created by Yoda hahahaah.

    both of these opinions are polar extremes and people feel they have to fall into one category or the other. I submit this why don;t we balance it a bit... don't shy away from fan service because you want to be new, but don't sacrifice a potentially good story because its not old stuff. Why don't we realize that the story of EP I-IX follows the Skywalkers and there challenge with the dark side. I'm not sayig Rey has to be a skywalker for this story to be a thing. But I will say it would fit better as she is the primary focus. I've said it many times Rey's story doesn't need the skywalker's to function as a great story. in fact if anything I think it would have been better if this was a spin off story later down the road or at an earlier time in the jedi's history. My point being that Rey being a skywalker is not a matter of doing something new or different or a matter of fan service. It simply a matter of the line of narrative.

    PT - Anakin OT - Luke and Leia ST - Ben and Rey

    Ben being the primary villain to me is a bad place to leave the skywalkers current generation. This is only my opinion until I see the conclusion in Episode iX. I;m not sure how I'll feel com December 20 2019. but for now this is what i think.
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  4. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Jan 19, 2016
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    right, so maybe we should just see what comes out of it. at the end of the day, it's not our story to tell. so whether it should or shouldn't do this or that isn't up to us. and the fact of the matter is that it is changing (whether we want it to or not). because everything does. yes, not all change is growth, but preferably this change demonstrates growth. that's really all we can hope for.

    i agree! #SaveBenSolo. : D
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  5. Adam812

    Adam812 Rebel General

    May 16, 2018
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    With Rey being a nobody, I see her as the Forces’s solution to the Skywalker problem. The Skywalkers have screwed up the galaxy so bad that the Force is using an outsider to help bring balance again.
    So by this logic, Rey would need to kill Kylo in order to end the Skywalkers and thus end the vicious cycle that has plagued the galaxy. But that’s too dark for the ending of the saga.
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  6. Jedi MD

    Jedi MD Jedi Commander

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Rey could always reach the same end by helping Kylo seeing the error of his ways and then sacrificing himself in some meaningful way.
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  7. Adam812

    Adam812 Rebel General

    May 16, 2018
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    That could work. The only problem is that it would be too similar to the end of ROTJ. But it would end the Skywalker line.
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  8. greenbalrog

    greenbalrog Rebel Official

    Jan 19, 2016
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    I don't see the need for one to kill the other, as one of the opposites would remain, but I agree that if one could become more balanced (perhaps Ben), and the other could leave scene or sacrifice himself/herself, that would leave things more balanced.

    They are both children of the force, apparently. Ben is Anakin's grandchild, "the darkness that rises", and Rey "is the light to meet it". They are the extreme opposites. It seems to me that there are various plausible scenarios involving these two. Either they both die, they unite, or they both "diminish", sort of speak, and become more neutral, more balanced, and therefore less extreme. Ben has too much anger and fear in him, but Rey is still sort of naive and passionate. I can see Ben becoming more calm and Rey more wise as time goes by.

    The nature of the force suggests that it constantly seeks to balance itself. Luke was creating a Jedi order, then Kylo rises (manipulated and used by Snoke), probably to balance that. Then, the new Jedi padawans are killed and Luke closes himself from the force. This leaves Kylo unbalancing the force too much. Rey appears to balance that. The Force Awakens. Snoke is very specific about this. So, the two opposites now exist in the world. Will they unite and balance themselves - some version of Reylo perhaps, or will one of them die, or leave scene, either in exile or sacrificing himself/herself?

    I have a feeling that IX will be about love, as the main theme. Love of family, of friends and possibly of lovers. TLJ hinted that these two have some chemistry going between them that could lead to love and family, or just friends. I guess we'll see.

    Personally, I'd love for Ben to be redeemed and be kept alive this time, alongside his friend or lover Rey. This would give hope that anyone can be redeemed (even Darth Vader was). Star Wars is about compassion (George Lucas), friendship and love. Anakin went dark because of love, I'm with the ones who suggest that Ben will go towards the light because of love, of whatever nature, being it friendship, lovers or just compassion.
    #228 greenbalrog, Aug 9, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
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  9. Pawek_13

    Pawek_13 Jedi General

    Nov 19, 2016
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  10. Andrew Waples

    Andrew Waples Jedi General

    Feb 3, 2018
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    So, apparently there is a theory going around that Rey is the illegitimate daughter of Han, and thus Ben's half-sister.... that's just no just no. Qi'ra would have to be force sensitive and Solo (movie) makes no indication that she is force sensitive. What's worse is Jedi Council is actually buying it. Or at the very least thinks its possible.
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  11. NinjaRen

    NinjaRen Supreme Leader

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Yes, Rey being Kylo's half sister would be stupid. But just for the record Rey's parents don't need to be FS. The force isn't heritable.
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  12. CTrent29

    CTrent29 Rebel Official

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Rey could still be Kylo Ren's cousin.

    This is your idea for the "resolution" of the Skywalker family saga? What on earth?
  13. NinjaRen

    NinjaRen Supreme Leader

    Nov 23, 2015
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    That's pretty unlikely now. This would make people hate Luke and TLJ even more.

    Apparently the Skywalkers can't save themselves, so someone else has to do it.
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  14. SuperBenKenobi1992

    SuperBenKenobi1992 Rebel General

    Jun 6, 2015
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    I would disagree that Q'ira has to be force sensitive. If the story is that the force woke within her in order to balance out the force from Ben and she was randomly chosen by the force anyway then her lineage doesn't need to have a connection to the force. That's the argument people have been making for Rey nobody. as for not showing any amount of force sensitivity I'd say that Darth Maul scene showed the potential of her learning from him down the road.

    Oh my gosh think about the story.

    Luke goes after a Dark Jedi character. Han goes to help with chewie. Let's say that Han and Leia are in the middle of a fight and that's why he goes with Luke (to get some air). Ben is say 9 years old so he could have come on the journey or stayed with Leia it doesn't matter.... perhaps he does go with Han and Luke that isn't relevant. So while on this journey Han , chewie and Luke run into Q'ira... Luke senses the force in her but not the dark side. Han and Q'ira sort of have a reunion. Luke sees Han and Q'ira flirting and Luke tells Han to be careful. Han tells Luke about his history with her. Crap goes down and maybe either Luke or Han had a little romp with her which conceived Rey. and then they find out that she is the Dark Jedi. perhaps Luke lets her go after feeling the force baby growing inside of her. perhaps Q'ira left Rey on Jakku because Luke was after her. Perhaps he was never able to kill her and she makes an appearance in episode IX to tell the story.

    maybe after Maul dies her training continued with Vader and Palatine.

    If she slept with Luke then he sensed his own child within her and was unable to strike
    If she slept with Han then he sensed his Niece within her and was unable to strike.

    maybe she does something later that plays into his desire to kill Ben when he's older.

    My point being there is a story there with a lot of potential. I wouldn't discount the theory. But to each their own I always say.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 11, 2018, Original Post Date: Aug 11, 2018 ---
    I hate to say it but at this point I'd almost agree. As much as I think she should be the daughter of Luke. Her being the cannon Jaina seems Like the likelier scenario if either happen. Also I'd love to see that brother sister story play out.

    Also its dumb that people keep forgetting that not all of the Skywalker's messed up. Anakin threw balance out of wack but Luke and Leia restored peace to the galaxy. which Ben hasn't technically ruined. as far as we know the First Order hasn't done some of the same criminal stuff that the Empire did. we know their bad but how interesting would it be if the public view of the First Order differed from that of the Resistance. Ben is struggling with the Dark Side but thus far hasn't destroyed the galaxy.... that remains to be seen as fact until episode IX. I would argue that finishing a story about a family by bringing in a random person to fix everything for them is dumb. but a long lost sister coming into right the wrongs her brother has committed that fits the narrative better. IMO
  15. Buckeye94

    Buckeye94 Rebel General

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Oh Good Lord! These theories get dumber and dumber! So they're going to make Han Solo look even worse by making him an adulterer with his ex-girlfriend? An ex girlfriend whose basically a nothing character in the scheme of it all? Where do people come up with these theories? I would think that after TLJ, that people would stop with this stuff, but I guess they need something to talk about for the next 16 months. You know, they could surprise us all and give Rey a relevant lineage, but I don't think that dragging Han down more and making Qira her mother makes any sense.
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  16. Andrew Waples

    Andrew Waples Jedi General

    Feb 3, 2018
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    What I don't understand is why does she have to be someone contected to someone we know? I'm glad she is a "nobody" it makes the universe bigger. Theories like these only make it smaller.
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  17. SuperBenKenobi1992

    SuperBenKenobi1992 Rebel General

    Jun 6, 2015
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    its not that she has to.... the way that they were marketing from the beginning with the statements by Kathleen Kennedy and lucasfilm about the numbered films being the story of the skywalkers its easy to understand why a lot of people thought or were hoping she would he one.

    the fact is no Rey doesn't need to be. a skywalker. i think that if they led with that as her story there would have been less outrage... i personally don't think Rey's story fits in with the first 6 films... yet. i think that once we get the trilogy as a whole we may be able to look at things in a different light.

    no this trilogy is not about ben solo, and bo a story cannot be considered a skywalker story just because skywalkers are there. the fact of the matter is that this trilogy is telling Rey's story. and right now the skywalkers have no business being a part of it. other than fan service there is no reason for them.... particularly the way they've been delegated to background roles to support Rey and as her conflict....roles that other characters could easily fill. and this sense id say she does have to be a skywalker.... however if a different story was being told maybe not.

    it would be like this

    cheers had an 11 season run... and than it had a spin off... fraiser.

    cheers was about Sam and dianne not fraiser.... it wouldn't then make sense to call fraiser season 1 cheers season 12... for one thing fraiser didn't even go to the bar cheered except one time.

    another example oak scrubs. season 1-8 was about john Dorian and his on again off again romance with Elliot reed. Season 9 was nonsense because the stories focus abruptly changed

    the same kind od a thing happens if you don't have the skywalkers as the centerpiece of the new trilogy... right now with Rey not having any tie or relation to skywalkers they seem more or less like fan service than as a necessary piece of the story. Kylo Ren Ten doesn't have to be Ben Solo to be the same character.... he could easly be Ben Regulus from Akiva and literally be the same character.
  18. NinjaRen

    NinjaRen Supreme Leader

    Nov 23, 2015
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    That's not true. He has to be a Skywalker and the offspring of Darth Vader to work as the character he's right now. I wouldn't say the ST is Rey's story alone btw.
    The first trilogy was about a Skyalker turning to the dark side. The second trilogy was about a Skywalker who went from being a nobody to a hero and the final trilogy is about a Skywalker going from dark to light by the help of Rey.
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  19. SuperBenKenobi1992

    SuperBenKenobi1992 Rebel General

    Jun 6, 2015
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    He does not need to be related to Vader for his character to work. Their is nothing about his character that makes him need to be a Skywalker ... even his obsession with Vader can be attributed common hero worship. Han and Leia completely different characters instead of Han and Leia that had sent their son to train under the jedi.... Luke could be one of the masters and this story could take place during the time of the old Republic. The story itself is not about the skywalker. Yes if he is Ben solo clearly he must be an offspring of Vader. but his character and story right now could work with or with out the skywalker stuff because they haven't really done a lot with it yet. Im telling you he could easily be a dark jedi that worships vader and comes from a different family.

    btw I was saying this trilogy is about Rey not the entirety of the story. If they are going the route of this truly being Kylo Rens story and have it be how rey helped him to come from the darkness then I'll concede that it is indeed a skywalker story ... but then Rey is basically just a tool used to propel a skywalkers story. To me that story is stronger if they are siblings. but thats only my opinion.
  20. NinjaRen

    NinjaRen Supreme Leader

    Nov 23, 2015
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    He's (or was) so obsessed with Vader because he's his offspring. He thinks he has to fulfill what Vader started, it's actually his right to do so. His character might work without that legacy, but it gives the heroes of this trilogy a much more difficult task to deal with.

    TPM is also not a story about the Skywalkers. Obi-Wan is the main protagonist in the first movie of the PT. Just saying.

    I also would have liked to see a Jaina/Jacen like story, but her being a nobody is actually more fitting for today's world. It's also a better message.
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