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OFFICIAL NEWS George Lucas says he sold Star Wars to 'white slavers' and elaborates on TFA

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by Lord Skywalker, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. PowerConverters21

    PowerConverters21 Rebel Trooper

    Mar 2, 2015
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    You do realize that people can be knocked out and then wake up, in like you know, real life, right? I mean, football players get knocked out, actually have a concussion, and then go right back to playing all the time, or at least they used to. Why is it a problem when Rey does it.....oh wait, now I remember...#smh

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  2. Count dooku

    Count dooku Rebel General

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I didn't have a problem with Rey getting knocked out. Finn's screaming wakes her up.
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  3. PowerConverters21

    PowerConverters21 Rebel Trooper

    Mar 2, 2015
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    ??????? The movie didn't have a "feminist agenda," it was simply feminist. George Miller brought in a prominent, feminist author to help him learn how to better portray the "wives." What you just said made literally no sense in response to what I said. You said that people would have complained about TFA being "pro violence against women" if Rey was more physically harmed. I said, in response, then how come other films that had female action leads, who were often violently attacked, did not face criticism. Then, in your response, you said that Furiosa was vulnerable, and also that some internet nutjobs criticized and even threatened to boycott the film because it was "too feminist"...................what? That response does not make sense to me.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2016 ---
    That's why that post was directed to you, Count. Wait your turn.
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  4. Count dooku

    Count dooku Rebel General

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Luke got his ass kicked throughout the OT. In ROTJ he has to get saved by Darth Vader and Anakin got his ass kicked by yours truly.
  5. PowerConverters21

    PowerConverters21 Rebel Trooper

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Not really in ANH.....If that's the case, then wouldn't this just be Rey's ANH? This isn't the thread for this, so the fact that you guys literally can't go to any thread without bringing this up proves how ridiculous you're being. Let's look at how Luke "got his ass kicked."

    Wait, so in ROTJ he got saved by Vader? If you're using that as some of your ammunition, then how can you consider yourself rational if you won't wait until Episode IV for Rey? Is Rey supposed to be saved in her first movie like how Luke was by Vader in his third? Seriously, you got to have something better than that nonsense.

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  6. Skywalker MD

    Skywalker MD Rebelscum

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Everyone is biased. You are a Rey fan. It's ok to admit it. I don't care about strong roles for women, well not in the way you want me to care. Because while you cheerlead this great accomplishment, what you really mean is its awesome we have all these strong white women movies now. Good for you and your "white" girl power cause. Where are the strong women of color leads. They don't exist. I care about getting women of color lead strong character roles. Because as of now, pretty white women got the market cornered.

    I just wanted a character that looked like me to be that strong character for a change. Not comic relief, not the incompetent side kick. We have plenty of those types of movies.

    Yay, pretty white women sell movies. When has this ever not been the case. I guess Disney figured out that overpowered white women sell even more.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2016 ---
    Nah, you forget the part where they have to be helped up by 4 trainers, the staggering to their feet and the 3-5 minutes that elapses before that attempt to stand them up. You also forgot how they have to go and have a fun battery of neurological exams that gauge their mental status. Then they may be lucky to play again. In the past these concussed players would sit out a quarter. Even back then, nobody out a player back in the game immediately after being flatlined.
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  7. DarthGollum

    DarthGollum Clone

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Lucas lost his way somehow. He wrote and directed ANH and it was fantastic. The OT was everything the prequels wasn't. It had characters you cared about, you went on a journey with those characters, cool dialogue, not too much exposition and politics. TFA has returned to that. I found all the characters interesting and at the end of the movie I wanted to know more about them. I think George should be happy with what he created and be happy that the new movie is so popular. Don't be so bitter
    And "White Slavers" is not the greatest comparison
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  8. PowerConverters21

    PowerConverters21 Rebel Trooper

    Mar 2, 2015
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    First time I've been quoted twice by one person in one post......so this is a huge, huge day for me. I try not to be biased. And when I am and I don't get my way, I don't proceed to, again, throw silly and irrational tantrums and constantly write bizarre and hateful screeds, darling.

    I don't want you to care about anything. I don't care about what you choose to care about (haha).

    I didn't decide to be a Rey fan before the movie came out, and I didn't decide what Rey had to be as a character either. You should have done the same with Finn. This might be hard for you to fathom, but I initially thought Finn would be "the lead." Whoa! (audience gasps). Then, considering how a lot of these forums post spoilers, the leaks made it clear that Rey would be the lead. Unlike you, I didn't try to ignore facts and evidence and what not to suit my own bias, wants or narratives. Now, I'm not just a Rey fan, but I'm a Finn fan too! (Audience gasps once more) I don't just champion "white women".....this might be a pathetic straw man that you throw around on here, but it's not grounded in reality. If KK or anyone at Lucasfilm asked me "would you want a white woman as the lead, or a WOC?" I would without hesitation pick a woman of color. However, I don't hold the magical diversity wand, sadly. I want as many WOC leads as possible! That's why I'm ecstatic over the rumored casting of a black women for Episode XIII, and that's why it was nice to see an Asian, female pilot in TFA. You're right, strong WOC leads are the rarest, but ok, so does that mean that Rey never should have been a white woman? White women don't face the racism, that is true, but men of color don't face the sexism. WOC face both. The fact that the most popular film franchise and fantasy universe on the planet, and perhaps throughout history, now has a woman as its lead is groundbreaking. It's not "as groundbreaking" as if she was a WOC, but that wouldn't be "as groundbreaking" as a gay WOC either. You're the person who is putting all your hopes into one box, and are then irrationally and pathetically losing your mind because you didn't get your way. This is a process.....you can't tell me you give a damn about diversity, and then react this hostilely when a woman, even a white one, is placed in a role as large as this one. Hopefully, Rey paves the way for more female characters of all races. But wait, you don't care about that stuff anyway, right? ;)

    And I'm sorry but if you honestly think, what, that at most 10% of all action films starring a "white woman" is "having the market cornered," then you have absolutely no grasp on reality.

    Finn is a strong character........I know you might try your best to dislike him like you do with Rey, but he is. There will be more like him to come.

    That last part has to be a joke. I mean, seriously, you have to be kidding me.....Are you saying that Rey, while she was in the middle of the woods fighting for her very own survival, should have had trainers come in and check in on her? Are you outraged by the fact that she didn't make herself "sit out a quarter" after a deranged killer just maimed her friend and intended on capturing or killing her? I have seen few people with such an absence of logic and awareness.....Also, that's not what happens at all. The response you just gave should go in the dictionary as the definition of a person "not getting it." I was saying that, in the real world, people are in fact capable of getting back up after being knocked out, or even being concussed. Who ever even said that she was concussed? So, from what I understood from your response, if Rey had multiple trainers check on her after being pushed into a tree by a force user in a galaxy far, far away, flew back to the base to take several medical exams, sat out "a quarter," and then flew back to fight Kylo, you would have been content with the scene or chain of events? Yes, such logic. Also, I'm sure you always hold male characters to this same, ridiculous standard. Always.

    Now, please, if you want to be ridiculous and whine and complain about Finn and Rey, please go to the Finn thread to do so. That is literally all everyone does there anyway. Let the other threads live in peace and be free of you!

    ("overpowered white women" ahaha....yeah, you're totally reasonable. "pretty white women sell movies" ahaha please tell that to all of the Hollywood executives who, vocally, say they won't finance movies that have female leads, regardless of race, simply because they are female). *waves hand to preform jedi mind trick* you will leave this thread and go back to the Finn thread where you belong (God, I hope that worked) :)
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  9. Rampart

    Rampart Rebel Trooper

    Dec 18, 2015
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    I just watched the whole interview. I didn't see him as being bitter as everyone is making this out to be. He just didn't sugar coat things. The only problem I had with what he said was that Star Wars were kiddie movies. For some reason I felt like that was an excuse for the PT movies.

    Lucas is obviously ant- establishment and that does come off as bitter to some. The "white slavers" thing was over the top but I think the reaction to it is even more over the top. I've seen people quoting him as saying "Disney are white slavers". That's not how he said it at all. He laughed when he said it and it was in context to Charlie Rose repeatedly saying Lucas sold his children off when he sold Star Wars. I saw it as Lucas trying to be funny. We know how that goes when he tries that though. We've seen the PT. LOL! Just saying people are making this out to be more than it is.

    As for his thoughts on TFA. He didn't say anything negative or bitter about it. He said they wanted make something for the fans where as he wanted to continue the Skywalker story. Once they decided to go in that direction he didn't want to be in the way. He had no reason to. Let's be honest though. I'm sure it bothers him. It would anyone. Especially when everyone was saying TFA was gonna be great for the sole fact Lucas wasn't involved. Again let's be honest. TFA is good because they played it safe and got the most out of the actors. Something Lucas failed with in the PT. He had the actors for sure but failed to get anything out of them. Otherwise as much as I like TFA I'm not blinded by the fact it's not very original and has it's problems. It's a soft reboot or homage to ANH and other aspects of the OT.

    Personally I'm more than curious what his vision was for these movies. I would have liked to see what we would have got with Lucas' vision, Kasdan writing, and JJ directing. Problem is as Lucas said in this interview he would not been able to do that.
    • Wise Wise x 1
  10. Reivax

    Reivax Rebel Trooper

    Dec 30, 2015
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    I feel like he has made the choice to dislike any opinion or creation that isn't his own. In the interviews where he is asked whom his favorite character is, he always replies with "Jar Jar Binks" and then follows up with remarks that I would describe as 'salty' at best.

    I don't think he ever expected for Star Wars to become what it did. I think he sees Star Wars as 'his and nobody else can have it'...when in reality, the fans took ownership of Star Wars long before he realized he no longer had unbiased creative control.
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  11. Valkyrst

    Valkyrst Clone Trooper

    Dec 22, 2015
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    SkywalkerMD, I'm sure you're a nice guy but it's clear you're just trolling people now.
    • Wise Wise x 1
  12. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Force Sensitive

    Nov 27, 2014
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    The thing is, it was never just "his" creation. He knows that, or at least he should. The first film was, more than any others, but the final version which came out in theaters was still a collaborative effort. His wife Marcia saved his ass by re-editing the film. Episode V and VI certainly were a collaborative effort as well, probably more so.

    The thing with George is he seems to really believe the PR bull crap he spits out on a regular basis, and, at the same time, forgets the things he said previously. He can say that the prequels were his films and are great because they are what he wanted them to be. Fine. But, films are made to be enjoyed by the public. For the most part the public he made those films for thinks they were crap. They were crap because he surrounded himself with "yes" men, unlike in the original trilogy. No one told him, "wow, this script is not quite there." He needed that and didn't have it, and the PT suffered because of it.

    He really does need to step away. He has $4billion reasons to shut up and let it go. These comments make him look like a bitter, senile old fool who is upset that a Star Wars film he had NOTHING to do with is going to make more than any film he ever made.
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  13. Lord Permaximum

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Perhaps you should choose your words wisely, since George Lucas is the creator of Star Wars and because of him we're spending our time here. Without him, the World would be a different place for quite a few people. More importantly, George Lucas is one of the few guys in the World that donated billions of dollars to charity. Yes, he sold Star Wars to Disney for 4.05 billion (which is a bargain) to secure his company employees' jobs and future, then he donated that money. What have you guys ever done remotely as good as Lucas did for the humanity?
  14. Reivax

    Reivax Rebel Trooper

    Dec 30, 2015
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    I agree with your post....to a point...

    I just never find it a good idea to start entering others into pissing contests they may not want to be a part of.

    I know for a fact, without even having to raise a poll that this community has charity donors, veterans of various countries and wars(some of which whom may be disabled from deployment), missionaries, and more.

    Yes. George Lucas was generous. I, and many others, are thankful for his hard work, donations, Star Wars, and more...They are still allowed to disagree with him, as he is allowed to disagree with his fans.

    But being a great person, or helpful to humanity isn't always a dollar value. It can be blood, sweat, and tears. It can be a song. It can be a movie.

    If your parents didn't get giggity...you wouldn't be here to enjoy Star Wars...you don't have to agree with them either. ;)
  15. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Force Sensitive

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Great post. Actually the whole thing that this is the redemption of Anakin Skywalker, then going to "Skywalker family" is typical George. He changes based on the moment, very much by the seat of his pants. Thus the story changed at the end of Empire when Vader reveals he is Luke's father and suddenly in Jedi Leia is Luke's sister (plot points not originally in A New Hope).

    He just needs to let it go. The prequel trilogies were not crap on accident. We can see that from the disaster that was Indy 4 and RedTails. Whatever he had once is now gone.
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  16. Lord Permaximum

    Dec 17, 2015
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    People may disagree with Lucas just like he has freedom to share his opinion on Disney and TFA too. But insulting "this" man I talked about especially for something Star Wars related seems uneducated at best.

    There are probably many great people that do good in their way. I just pointed out that Lucas was one of them. It's sad to see this man insulted especially for something related to his creation.
  17. Skywalker MD

    Skywalker MD Rebelscum

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Just meant that they could of atleast showed her having a difficult time standing up. Maybe stumble and slip like FINN.

    I care about diversity, it's just that 100% of that 10% are white women. Their needs are starting to be met. I think we are decades away from seeing women of color in the same position. I just don't think the feminist movement cares past seeing white women succeed. I could be wrong.

    I have beef and I come here to complain daily because of the way Finn was handled and the misrepresention in the AD campaign. Hopefully one of JJ's interns lurks here and they get the message to JJ that this isn't acceptable. Minorities aways get the short end of the stick. You don't have a problem with what they did?

    You can say I'm whining and shut down what I'm saying down but just remember a couple of years ago white men were probably telling you to shut up and stop whining because there was no problem with the way women are portrayed in movies.

    I will leave this tread and go back to the Finn thread where I belong. *JB-007 voice*
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2016 ---
    I truly am a nice guy. I'm not some anti white bigot. Atleast this little gal thinks I'm awesome.

    I just don't like the way they did Finn:(
    • Unoriginal Unoriginal x 1
  18. Valkyrst

    Valkyrst Clone Trooper

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Finn felt like Episode VII's C3PO but a human version, so he also had heaps of courage and verve. As far as Rey is concerned, I really don't have any issue with her. How'd she reveal from a concussion? The same way Luke Skywalker recovered from repeatedly electrocution. Movie magic.
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  19. Bosc

    Bosc Force Attuned

    Jan 9, 2015
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    I truly appreciate those of you who are trying to keep this thread on topic. This is not the thread for all those other conversations and it's frustrating that they continued despite some reminders. We're at the point now where this thread is about to be locked and cleaned out of all the off-topic stuff, so let's please try and be respectful of each other and on-topic. Thanks.
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  20. PoeReyme

    PoeReyme Clone

    Dec 31, 2015
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    George Lucas Apologizes for ‘White Slavers’ comment about Disney. He sure has lost it. HE NEEDS TO BRING IT DOWN "BIG TIME".
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