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Insulted by last Jedi? Does Disney deserve anymore of your money after this?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by Jimba Fett, Dec 24, 2017.


Will you give your money to Disney to watch episode 9?

Poll closed Dec 24, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. undecided

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  1. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    The whole theme of TLJ regarding Rey is that she is repressing her memories. She has a warped, blinded view of who she is and where she came from. This then perfectly melds with the idea that she had a naive view of her standing in the world. She was, for all intent and purposes, a slave. She had to spend her entire day salvaging parts to get enough portions of food to survive. The only things she possessed where salvaged scraps. Sure, she was free to roam that part of Jakku - but if she didn't get the junk to Plutt, she'd starve to death. And from Plutt's POV, far better to have Rey think she was free so that she'd remain there on Jakku, working hard, until her parents arrived. You can imagine that even he'd spin her some BS about her parents coming back one day. He was probably the one that actually put false ideas in her head about who she was. No doubt he rubbished the idea of the Jedi (and Luke) as well as anything else exciting that could've made Rey wish for a different life.

    She was a slave. The story in TLJ made perfect sense to me.
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  2. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Even if we assume Rey is in some denial mode about her past even when confiding in her own diary, let us look at the following facts regarding her circumstances in canon books:

    1. Rey did not work for one master. As a little girl, she assisted multiple scavengers and even named some of them. If she were a slave, she would be working for a single master, the one who purchased her. Case in point, Shmi and Anakin working for Watto.

    2. Rey herself chose to no longer work for other scavengers since she found she was better at scavenging than the others. Slaves don't have the luxury of choosing who to work or not work for.

    3. Unkar only came into the picture when she struck out on her own and he discovered she was his best scavenger, his having chopped off the arms of his previous best scavenger for a minor offense.

    4. Unkar is the sort of person who needs to get a return on investment. In the short story True Love, he openly admits he loves nothing more than making money, even killing for it. By letting a little girl he spent money on roam free and potentially get lost and die in the desert makes little to no economic sense.

    5. We have to make assumptions that it was Unkar who fed Rey the story of her parents coming back. There is no fact supporting this.

    If you like to think Rey was a slave and she painted delusions in her head as a coping mechanism across all canon, that is your prerogative though the canon books clearly paint a completely different picture of her circumstances.

    That being said TLJ has made her a slave and so I concede that this is the canon stance....and while I liked the movie, my problem remains that the other canon material before the movie gave a different story.
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  3. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    It makes no difference to Plutt. She works and brings him stuff or she doesn't and other people do it. It might even have been that these other scavanger's worked for Plutt and she for them. We're also still viewing her flashback as canon. Might be a false memory.

    And nor did she. Look at TFA - everyone, every scavenger is lined up to get rations from Plutt.

    Right, so her parents sell her to Plutt because they owe him, he then waits for her to become useful and lets his minions deal with her. When she becomes useful, he takes her on as his main scavenger.

    No, she isn't a slave like Anakin was. But to suggest that she wasn't beholden to Plutt is uttery wrong. She worked all day to merely get enough food to live. That's slavery in my book.

    The choice was either a little girl or no return from Rey's parent's perhaps? And so he takes this little girl and perhaps rents her to some other scavengers or minions until she becomes useful? Plenty of options here. I don't see an issue.

    Indeed. It's up to us. But there is no contradiction, no plot hole. And I don't think it is a huge leap to suggest Unkar was manipulative and knew ways to keep people under his control.

    Regardless of what TLJ revealed, Rey was wrong about her past in TFA. She was waiting for her family to return - when they never were. She was deluded. She had repressed memories (Pablo suggested this soon after TFA was released). So I see a clear link with how Rey remained, almost naively, hopeful despite her circumstances. It was her survival mechanism. By believing she was both free and that her parents would return to take her away, she managed to get through her daily life. And thankfully this optimism stayed with her. TLJ just fleshes this out and explains how a girl who was abandoned aged 5 could retain such hope.
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  4. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    For your supposition to work, we have to assume that (a) Plutt is her master; and (b) Plutt doesn't care whether she or others bring him the stuff.

    If Rey was his slave from the time she was a little girl, he would have got her to bring stuff directly and bought at a lower price if he wanted a better return on investment and not help other sellers who would sell to him for a better price. I doubt he would want random scavengers benefiting from his purchase of the little girl.

    Her working with random people so that they could bring him stuff doesn't sound anything like slavery.

    Again you are assuming Plutt keeping a little girl around till she becomes useful enough to become his main scavenger. Even if we take your suggestion as true, Rey could have roamed off and/or died at any point of time with Unkar getting zero return on the sale...which makes no sense for someone as greedy as Plutt.

    A slave is property....the scavengers on Jakku were all not bought and sold. In Before the Awakeninf, some scavengers help Rey restore a ship and leave on it. People according the Rey;s Survival Gudie come there to hide or are unable to leave due to poverty.

    Extreme poverty (and being stranded somewhere as a result) and slavery are different things...maybe not in your books but I personally feel they differ.

    I see the contradiction because we have to assume a lot of things and stretch facts to reconcile the ideas (Unkar renting her out etc....which again goes against the fact that she says she chose to work for herself, choice indicating not being a slave)....and that is my issue in a nutshell...I believe one uniform canon means a seamless story...not twisting and wedging of facts like pretzel to make it add up.

    My last post never went into her mindset...it only dealt with facts...and the facts were that she worked for people and chose to go independent....Unkar came into the picture when she became independent and then offered her protection. None of these facts match the circumstances of someone sold into slavery.

    Now if you are comfortable and happy making countless assumptions to make disparate pieces fit, that is entirely upto you.

    I do not see it the same way as I believe other canon must help in the seamless understanding of the story....and while I really liked the movie, I feel it differs a lot from other canon till date....but that is entirely my opinion....and unless you are part of DK Publishing or Marvel comics, I really don't see why you have an issue with my not wanting to buy any more canon materials.
    #184 panki, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
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  5. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    You explained that:

    3. Unkar only came into the picture when she struck out on her own and he discovered she was his best scavenger, his having chopped off the arms of his previous best scavenger for a minor offense.

    Sounds like a slaver to me.

    Anyway, just consider what you see in TFA:
    Rey is being dragged away by Plutt when her "family" leave in a ship. She is aged 5-7.

    So we KNOW from that, that Rey was left with Unkar when she was too young to fend for herself. So clearly, he was in charge of her.
    Now, your complaint is that TLJ contradicts the canon story in the Journal book where Rey actually says she works with some other scavengers.
    Again, we saw that she was left with Plutt in TFA. So she could've been sold on to them for some time or they worked for Plutt anyway so it made little difference. She was left with Plutt. Aged 5. That's the important part. You can make up anything you like for why her drunkard parents would've done that.

    And as for her thinking she isn't really a slave...
    You say: "she says she chose to work for herself, choice indicating not being a slave".
    What would've happened if she refused to work for Plutt? How would she have survived?

    She wouldn't have. She'd have died. Ergo, she was a slave to him.

    You also said that it was a guess that "Plutt would've made up stuff about her parents".
    Well, again - we see in TFA that Plutt watches Rey's parents leave. Ergo, he must've known them and likely knew why they left.
    Yet he obviously never tells Rey this. Instead she is led to believe that she was left by mistake and will return.
    To me, it's borderline obvious that Plutt would've put these ideas in her head.
    • Wise Wise x 1
  6. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    1. Being stuck in a bad situation because of poverty/being young and alone and therefore forced to work to survive is completely different from being sold and hence the property of someone, ergo a slave.

    2. So Rey's visions which has been described as an 'acid trip' is a reliable source of canon while her diary entries are not?

    Those visions could just represent her fears and state of mind....so Unkar being there when she is between 5-7 could be part of her 'acid trip' and nothing to do with his being there when she was that age. Hence we DONT KNOW for certain whether she was left with Unkar at that age.

    3. As to your saying she would have died if she didn't work. What abut the fact that Unkar would have lost his money if she had died? If she was roaming free, it is clear he didn't care if she lived or died and therefore her life or death had no economic impact on him....hence, not his slave.

    Take Watto...he put electronic chips into Shmi and Anakin and even disabled Shmi's chip fearing she would kill herself when Anakin left since he wanted her to remain alive. Shmi only got freed when she was sold to Owen Lars.....that is how slavery works in TGFFA.

    4. And where exactly does it say Unkar watched her parents leave (the same parents who somehow fly away and yet manage to get themselves buried in a pauper's grave in the Jakku desert.)?

    Rey's acid trip vision showed a ship leaving...now whether it was a real scene, a part of her past or her present have never been established. So there is nothing to suggest Unkar told her anything.
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  7. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    One final merry-go-round...

    Except...we don't know what really happened. You might be right, she might not be an actual slave. Maybe Kylo misinterpreted what he saw or maybe, to Rey deep down, she felt like she had been sold off because of their habits? I don't mind either way. It doesn't not make sense to me that she could've been handed to Plutt as way of payment for their drinks tab. There wouldn't be a contract and perhaps actual slavery would've looked bad for Plutt or caused an uprising against him? I don't know. But the way I see it, she was pretty much a slave to him. The main point is that this doesn't contradict her diary book.

    You're, right. They could be false. But what we DO KNOW is that her idea of what happened to her family in the diary is false and that she was repressing what actually happened.

    You posted above how Unkar killed one of his scavengers for a minor offence. Wouldn't that have cost him something? Clearly, he could afford to play free and easy with the scavengers. We don't even know how much he would've paid for her. And if she was just given to him because of her parent's drinks tab, then she wouldn't have been worth much anyway. It'd have costed him more to feed her before she became of any use. Better to set her free, see if she makes it and then use her as a scavenger slave.

    I see no reason to disbelieve that vision - especially now that we know who her parents are and what they did with her. Before I saw TLJ, the debate centred around who left her with Plutt and why. It was always assumed that the vision was real. And no one ever said that the vision contradicted the journal.

    My only point here is that there isn't an obvious contradiction in the journal when viewing TLJ. All we are told is that Rey's parents abandoned her for drink money. Any number of scenario's could've played out and in conjunction with her memory repression, add up to a reasonable story that fits the vague journal narrative.
  8. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    It is a matter of opinion....as I said in an earlier post, if you want to make several assumptions and twist things around to make something fit, that it fine.

    While I don't expect other canon material material to make any big reveals, I do not want to think up many "maybe" and "what ifs" to reconcile different sources (Unkar buying her, renting her out, her parents gambling, Rey being payment for a drinks tab etc )

    Sorry to burst that bubble but RJ recently confirmed that Rey's backstory could change once more in episode 9.


    They can easily bring up a completely new scenario in episode 9 and turn things on their head again.

    There is a big difference.... his former main scavenger was not his slave, someone he paid money for. He could play free and easy with people who did not belong to him....the same would not apply if he spent credits purchasing a person.

    Rey's diary says she was stranded on Jakku by mistake....Rey's vision shows her being held by Unkar and a ship flying away.... they are quite different.

    You might be happy conjuring hundreds of scenarios to reconcile the two narratives and I completely respect that....please buy/read all the other canon materials and have fun with it.

    What I don't get is why my not wanting to waste money just to make wild speculations affecting you in any way (unless you are part of one of the publishing houses, of course). Unlike you, I like the story across different canon materials to be uniform without my having to create scenarios to make things work.

    As I keep saying in every post...I liked TLJ a lot and I feel that if I had just watched TFA and then TLJ (without buying other canon material), I would have had no complaints.
    #188 panki, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
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  9. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    And she was wrong. In fact, it was always assumed that she was wrong about this - by Rey Skywalker theorists and Rey Randomers alike. Rey believes she was left by mistake because it is a survival mechanism. That's not that big a problem to work out, is it? I mean, we knew she was repressing stuff from TFA.

    Anyway, it doesn't affect me - I just hoped that I could show you it wasn't a contradiction but can be explained within the narrative of TLJ.
    Personally, I don't buy any of the books or bother looking outside of the films.
    • Trolling Trolling x 1
  10. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I just posted a link in my previous post indicating that her parentage could completely change once again in episode 9....so for all we know, either her diary or the vision or neither could be proved right and a third option might arise.... then once again there will be fresh speculation to reconcile the new theory to existing canon.

    Since you neither buy the books or bother looking outside films, I honestly don't see why you are on my case to get me to change my mind about purchasing books/comics in the future.

    Maybe you don't see a contradiction but kindly stop imposing your perception on others. I respect the fact you don't share my views and I don't wish to change your mind, so kindly respect mine as well.
  11. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    So you only want people who agree with you to talk to you on here?
    Okay, I'll take my queue. Ignorance is bliss...
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. perrymoon

    perrymoon Rebel General

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I will.

    I liked The Last Jedi a lot. It's a film about characters and emotions and yes, as any Star Wars it has its plot holes. Come on people, look at the original trilogy : if the Skywalker twins were supposed to be hidden from Darth Vader, why did they kept the name Luke Skywalker for the boy and just gave him to Vader's step-family in Tatooine? Does that sound as a great plan?
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  13. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I hope you can appreciate the ridiculousness of a person who admits they only watch movies and buy no other material dictating how someone how they should think and feel about other canon material after buying +200 canon books and comics (excluding rpg games, card games and reference books). Lol.

    That being said, I didn't come here for an echo chamber but there is something known as agreeing to disagree and not trying to shove opinions down people's throats.

    I respect you have a different opinion, kindly respect mine.
  14. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    I'm not telling you to do anything. You said TLJ contradicted Rey's journal. I said it did not and explained why. Feel free to do or think what you want.
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  15. panki

    panki Rebel Commander

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I feel does and you feel it does not...as I said before, let us just agree to disagree instead of you trying to impose your opinions on me.
    #195 panki, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  16. KyloRen1981

    KyloRen1981 Rebel Commander

    Dec 18, 2017
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    And don't get me wrong, I love me some SW merch. But, I was thinking after TLJ, I feel really bad for the women who spent good money on that Phasma purse. Or the people who bought those expensive BB-9E spheros. I feel like there has been some broken, albeit implied, promises between the merch and the films. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but, didn't the toys used to come out *after* the films? In other words, you could only decide if you wanted to spend money on a character that was barely in the movie *after* you'd seen the movie. That seems more fair to me. Also, there wasn't the great swath of merch at that time. So if you made a bad choice, you only made it once. Now, sticking with Phasma or BB-9E, you are invited to buy many, many items under the assumption that you'll connect with these characters. People still do, but, the opportunity given to connect is so jarringly small. *shrug* This is all just my 2 cents, mind you.
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  17. Jimba Fett

    Jimba Fett Rebelscum

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Ok I will explain. I don't believe that the creator Rian Johnson or anyone else's contribution to the creation of the Last Jedi set out with the purpose of insulting anyone. However by the complete incompetence of Kathleen Kennedy's decision making in hiring someone like Rian Johnson in the first place was an insult to anyone that cares about this franchise and it's future. When I say future I mean in terms of it's artistic worth not it's monetary worth which I believe financially speaking in terms of the movies (the toys on the otherhand) is very secure.

    It would seem that Kathleen Kennedy's rationale for choosing people is I want someone "fresh", I want an "up and comer", "I want someone that's done a couple of interesting movies", I want a different tone to each movie", "I want diversity", "I want women to play more prominent roles", "I want the movies to have political and moral messages", I want these movies to be different to what's gone before" ect, ect. Now while many of the things that Kathleen Kennedy probably looks for when hiring people are good reasons I don't think she considers more basic and fundamental principles to getting the right person or people in for the job. The big one is experience. Experience making a wide range of movies and budgets including at least one or two huge budget movies. Also another thing I would have suggested to the writers of TFA, have an overall arc at least in mind for the trilogy and its main characters. If certain things need to be changed about the story arc further down the line in order to improve upon it then so be it but at least have something in place to work from. Another thing I would do in Kathleen Kennedy's shoes is really think about what made Lucas' movies great, think about the overall tone of his movies for a very good reason. Lucas created the Star Wars universe after all. I believe he has very good intuition about what feels like Star Wars and what doesn't (Not saying he got absolutely everything right) but If he were willing I would consult him once in a while to get his take on things in an advisory capacity. I wouldn't have shut him out completely. Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have any intuition about what really makes a Star Wars movie feel like Star Wars. The first reason is the humour. She chose Lord and Miller to me on a whim. She thought what they brought to movies like "21 Jump Street" and "The Lego Movie" was refreshing, zany and funny. She thought they would create a different tone for "Solo" but she didn't even look into what they were like to work with. She just looked at how much money their movies made at the box office and she hired them. To me rather than honouring Lucas' legacy she wanted to cut him out completely and make her Stamp on the Star Wars Franchise above all other considerations. She had all these ideas in the beginning about the standalone movies, exploring different genres. I believe another reason why they chose Lord & Millar was originally "Solo" was going to be a comedy. A buddie comedy no less if you factor in Chewie & Han. I can't think of any other reason why Kennedy Chose them than that. Looking at what they did with 21 Jump Street seemed like the perfect choice. The humour that was allowed in the Last Jedi seemed more fitting in a Marvel movie than Star Wars which is why I question Kennedy's grasp on what she is handling here. As I say her decision making seems to be on a wing and a prayer and now she just signed Johnson to write the next trilogy. Why? Ok despite how much I hate the Last Jedi I respect that the Last Jedi is really admired by many people and it appears it's doing rather well at the box office. In terms of a story arc in last Jedi it really didn't go anywhere. It didn't answer any of the questions posed by TFA like who is snoke? What are Kylo's real motivations for following Snoke and going down the path of the Dark Side. It shows he thought his uncle was about to kill him (how ridiculous) because Luke sensed there was darkness in him. Why was there darkness in him to begin with? Doesn't really answer anything. He is just a rotten egg despite having two loving parents and the best, the noblest, heroic, selfless Jedi master for a father figure that ever lived (all he went through to redeem the most evil badass villain in the galaxy, his father no less, considered killing his own nephew?). Who is Rey? Why is she unbelievably powerful in the force? She comes from nobodies and she realises she must rely on herself like she always has. Brilliant! Why Captain Phasma? What was Finn's character development apart from teaming up with Rose who even stops him from making a courageous and selfless act by almost sacrificing her own life in the process and stops Finn from destroying the battling Ram that is destroying the resistance only defence thereby endangering their lives. Good one Rose. But at least you gave Finn that kiss that came out of literally nowhere and it was all for saving what you love by selfishly excluding the lives of all the others (great message). Can really see why Kennedy Chose this platitude writing guy for the new trilogy. Seriously I could go on but that's a whole other topic.

    So JJ basically leaves the audience in the dark for the most part and you think the payoff will be in the Last Jedi but no because Rian is playing the same childish game of I'm going leave you guessing even though I don't have any answers myself and aren't I clever at subverting audience expectation really just for the sake of subverting expectation. Where the hell is the story here? It's a really dumb writing process. I'm all for change in Star Wars within certain parameters. When it's change that still feels like Star Wars not some third rate disposable marvel movie. As soon as Poe said the words "So who talks first you talk first? I talk first?" In TFA I thought oh my God this is a really bad sign. That cringeworthy humour only got worse in The Last Jedi. When I saw those irons that looked on closeup like ships or something and they were ironing first order uniforms, how utterly cheesy, and pathetic was that? I mean that in a nutshell is what a so called Fan of the franchise (Rian Johnson) thinks of Star Wars. I give him the benefit of the doubt, he wasn't trying to insult some of the fans he is just an idiot. An idiot without a single clue of how to handle Srar Wars and now Kennedy in her immense wisdom is giving him the chance to screw up another trilogy. When all the hysteria dies down for these movies people will see what utter rubbish these movies are. To me this is the result of hiring people that don't have a clue what they are doing but they attempt to fool people into thinking they do. Sadly it has worked. Kathleen Kennedy is destroying everything that was great about Star Wars and when she does it with such assurance and not a care in the world, it's an insult to fans like myself who understands why Star Wars was so important to the world.
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  18. perrymoon

    perrymoon Rebel General

    Oct 15, 2014
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    JJ doesn't care either, right?

    "We don’t write a treatment but there are countless times we came up with something and said “oh, this would be so great for Episode VIII!” or “Thats what we could get to in IX!” It was just that kind of forward moving story. When Rian who I admire enormously and adore, came on board, we met and talked with him about all the things we were working on and playing with, and he as a spectacular writer and director has taken those things and has written an AMAZING script that I think will be an incredible next chapter, some of which incorporating things we were thinking of and other things are things we could never of dreamed of."

    JJ Abrams (Slashfilm, 2015)
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  19. Jimba Fett

    Jimba Fett Rebelscum

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I don't know what you are trying to prove. He had no story treatment for anything following Ep 7. Whatever he mentions about thoughts of where things could have gone (we all did that) means nothing to the outcome of episode 8. All I'll say is he has a real tough time ahead desperately tying all those loose threads together for anything satisfactory for ep9. He basically took the easy route by taking elements of a new hope, creating new characters that were badly written particularly Finn and Rey. Kylo Ren got worse as the movie progressed with his annoying temper tantrums and finally killing off his father in the most disrespectful way to Han Solo's character that JJ could have come up with. Rey, perfect in every way, the worst feminist's wet dream. Finn, poor black guy, supposed to be a trained Stormtrooper, made to look incompetent, told off by Rey for holding her hand in the midst of nearly being blown to bits (I'm sure she would be making gender political comments in that situation, so stupid and unnecessary) made to look like the damsel in distress when she offers her hand which he gladly takes. So pathetic I couldn't believe it. So many instances in JJ's movie I realised he was out of his depth. He treated the old characters with a lack of understanding. I cant be bothered to go into it but suffice to say Abrams,Johnson and Kennedy are like peas in a pod. They all share complete ignorance of what Star Wars is and the legacy they hold in their hands. It's tragic. When Obi Wan gives Luke his father's lightsaber in ANH it's a magical moment. When he first turns it on, the significance of it is powerful. We were shown that weilding a lightaber is something special, something that can only be used by a padawan, a jedi knight or a master (obviously same goes for the darkside). When we see Finn flailing it around and for a while holding his own against someone strong with the force and trained I thought this sums up JJ's version of Star Wars for me. He along with Johnson chooses to show things we haven't seen before at the expense of what makes Star Wars special.
    #199 Jimba Fett, Jan 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
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  20. Jimba Fett

    Jimba Fett Rebelscum

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Alot of conjecture there. Lets face it the scene of her seeing the reflections of herself says nothing objectively and if it does say anything it's purely subjective. Johnson & Abrams really love their mystery to the point where this trilogy is fast disapearring up its own hole of mystery. Instead of misdirections and subverting audience expectations of wanting a great Star Wars story why can't they just tell a great Star Wars story?
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