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Rey's Love Interest?

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' started by panki, Apr 4, 2017.


If Rey were to have a romantic interest in this trilogy, who should it be?

  1. Finn

    22 vote(s)
  2. Kylo/ Ben Solo

    34 vote(s)
  3. Poe

    20 vote(s)
  4. Luke

    2 vote(s)
  5. Jessika Pava

    5 vote(s)
  6. Hux

    1 vote(s)
  7. Snoke

    5 vote(s)
  8. Some new character (please specify)

    6 vote(s)
  9. Nobody. Jedi are forbidden attachments.

    21 vote(s)
  1. McDiarmid

    McDiarmid Force Sensitive

    Feb 18, 2016
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    It is clear that Kylo has an issues with women, he despises them in a way, he obviously run a way from his mather, and explodes when someone mentiones him girls, also in the same time he needs them and wants them.

    After first watch of TFA I got a feeling Rey attracts him much more than just a source of information. And in fact in that moment when he tells her that he can take whatever he wants.....
    ... in this fraction of a second I felt Rey though he will rip her clothes ( and many in public to)

    She also could not kill him, yes she is good in her heart, and the planet was collapsing, and he is a monsta' that killed his own father,but..who knows women.

    #381 McDiarmid, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
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  2. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Haha! I'm sorry, but whaaaaaaat?! "He despises women?"
    I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.
    It's not the mention of girls that enrage him - it's the fact that he hasn't a grasp of events transpiring around him.
    He doesn't hate his mother because he hates women. He hates his mother for the same reason he hated his father. That's if he even hated them to begin with!


    If that were the case, he would've done it. His compassion for Rey is what is telling of the light within the man. He treats Rey with far more respect and compassion than he does his male adversaries.

    (epic fail)
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  3. Maximillian

    Maximillian Rebel General

    Apr 20, 2015
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    I don't think Kylo Ren despises women I think he despises everyone. He ran way from his mother and father and from Luke, so its not that he has issues with women, he has issues with everyone.

    I think the 'You know I can take whatever I want' line is a thinly veiled sexual threat. I don't think the character was actually threatening sexual acts, but I think the adult audience was supposed to get that impression to up the tension, while as a kid watching it, you would take it to mean what it actually means, that he can go in her head and get what information he needs.

    I think as an audience we we're supposed to feel a lot of tension in that scene, and its only when Rey resits his mind probe we realise all his talk was just that, talk, and he's actually afraid.

    I think Rey is being set up to be the solitary monk like Luke was in ESB, but I don't necessarily think her arc will be similar to his over all, meaning Romance could be part of her overall story.

    I don't think a romance plot line is important for her necessarily but there are already two kinds of relationship she is in that people will read into regardless.
    One is her relationship with Finn as the obviously both like each other a lot, and the other is Kylo Ren because having a male and a female engage in combat as equals parallels western allegorical depictions of what 'sex' is. the battle of the sexes and all that. Scenes of intense emotion are often read as sexually charged when one of the characters is female and the other male. or even if they're both the same gender (note Hux/Kylo's tension being read as sexual tension)
    So no matter what happens to Rey, people will still read sexual/romantic sub-text into her relationships with these two, as her continuing dynamic with them wouldn't allow for anything else.
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  4. McDiarmid

    McDiarmid Force Sensitive

    Feb 18, 2016
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    --- Double Post Merged, May 17, 2017, Original Post Date: May 17, 2017 ---
    No my firend you will find that it is you who are mistaking about a great many things.(emperor)

    I think Kylo has even greater issues with women than that since another woman is "guilty"for his uncle lied to him he must not have a woman in order to be a Jedi.

    This is why, afteral the next episode is :The Last Jedi.

    Luke's Gnostic Testament
    #384 McDiarmid, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
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  5. Maximillian

    Maximillian Rebel General

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Rey gets a lot easyer time off of him than anyone else does.

    Compare his treatment of Poe to Rey in interogation

    and his Vs Finn to him Vs Rey.

    He even asks her where the droid is before he attempts to read her mind, and he obliges when she asks him to remove his helmet, something he wouldn't have done for Poe in the same situation.

    The amount of humanity he shows to Rey is basically the only humanity he shows to anyone in the film, aside from his conversation with his father that is.

    So, I think the woman hating bit is just projection. One could just as easily deduct that Kylo Ren 'only like women' because he hates his father, which could be why he treats Rey better than her male companions, and works seemingly happily alongside Phasma but takes issue with Hux. But that would just be wild fantastical assumption.

    at this point, there is nothing in the story that points towards the character having issue with 'women' especially.
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  6. McDiarmid

    McDiarmid Force Sensitive

    Feb 18, 2016
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    Kylo likes women very much,that is clear, but they are distraction from the point of focus on the Dark side, just as well as the Light side. For this he also despises them, as they are obstacle for his ambition , on his path to became as strong as Darth Vader.

    Imagine this:

    When he was Luke's padawan, he came to Luke and say's:" master Luke, meet my girlfirend".

    Now when he is Snoke's apprentice, he brings a girl and says:", Supreme leader meet my girl".

    The answer of Luke and Snoke will be almost the same...they will condemn this.
    #386 McDiarmid, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
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  7. lealt

    lealt Rebel Official

    Feb 8, 2016
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    No, no, no... pay attention:

    The first big difference is that before Kylo goes to Poe, the prisoner has been alreardy tortured by someone.
    "I'm impressed, no one has been able to get from you what you did with droid" and it's obvious how they've tried.
    Kylo is the ultimate weapon.
    Kylo does "nothing physical" against him there. As he will with Rey.

    That said, the techinique is just the same - and that is, not "humanity"- because that's one if not main technique of actual interrogation.

    with Poe - "I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board"
    with Rey - "The girl I've heard so much about"

    with Poe - "Comfortable?"
    with Rey - "You're my guest."

    You try to empathize with the prisoner to hit him/her better later on.
    You try to let him/her empathize with you to undermin his/her confidence.

    In fact, that's what you see in every crime movie.

    Then another big difference is that Rey is a woman and Poe is a man.
    So of course Kylo doesn't remove the mask with Poe, even if provoked (Poe tried to make him feel stupid).
    And Kylo (with a man that provokes him) has to pretend he can't care less.
    About what does imply Rey being a woman I agree with everything @Maximillian said, so no need to add a word to that.
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  8. Niamor

    Niamor Rebel Official

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Interesting video on the Reylo thing.
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  9. McDiarmid

    McDiarmid Force Sensitive

    Feb 18, 2016
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    He wants her. Every man knows he wants her.
    But he has other priorities for now.

    Besides scene starts with him (Kylo) staring at her while she was unconscious,...

    Hux was right, he lost BB8 because in his sub-consciousness Kylo believed he can have data and her in the same time.

    And again I sense his proposal to her to train her was not just to train her, but aslo to have her near by.

    He got fine beating at the end...heh
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  10. Linnus

    Linnus Rebel General

    Apr 15, 2017
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    Some good points, I would add this

    Poe is trusted and high ranked resistance member using the same techniques Kylo used against Rey would be pointless for Poe. Poe is not going to be affected at all by Kylo taking off his mask or some soft talk. Torture far more likely to weaken his mental strength and let Kylo in.

    Poe could also be a jurisdictional matter ie Hux gets first dibs vs Kylo having first dibs on Rey.
    Kylo is job is to hunt down Luke and find where he is hiding.
    Hux is job is to crush the Republic and the Resistance.
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  11. Maximillian

    Maximillian Rebel General

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Yeah thats all sound deduction, He obviously is trying to play her for information in the way he thinks will work best.

    But out of everyone he encounters in the film, the only person Kylo Ren tries to engage with in a less than aggressive way is Rey. So its true that he opted for a more 'good cop' interrogation of her, at least to start with. But that was not how he approached anyone else in the film, Lor San Tanaka, any of the F.O lackys, Hux, even Han Solo had to ask Ben to take the mask off. I think his interest in Rey made him go for that mode of interrogation over the usual 'monster in a mask' routine.

    Also the small bit of dialog where he reads her mind & finds that she respects Solo and he says 'You think he's the father you never had, He would have disappointed you.' I think that shows a genuine reaction from him, that obviously got to him and he decided to tell her that he was Solo's son. Which she didn't know prior. So he shared a lot more of himself with her, than with any other character. and it could all have been a ploy to get the information out of her....But, firstly considering how he viewed his own powers at the time, he had little 'need' to interrogate her traditionally, he clearly wanted to get the information out of her without having to go into her mind. (i believe it hints at this in the novel also) so that leads me to think, he was treating her in a more civil manner than he would have treated anyone else, by opting to 'ask' her to tell him where luke was.

    And secondly, his character is such a mess, that I don't think he'd be able feign upset at the idea that Rey saw Han Solo as a father figure, I think that must have really got to him, as he's not a calculating character and seems to act out of a place of pure emotion. So I don't think him being 'humane' to her and taking the helmet off, and talking to her about the droid and stuff was an act, I just don't think Kylo Ren is smart enough to play people like that.

    Same goes with his showdown with Han. I read his speech as totally genuine to Han, I just think at the last minute he switched. I read the character as an emotional mess and not someone capable of hiding his true emotions almost at all. Hence the mask, and the talking with the helmet to vent.

    I suppose at this point its kinda how you want to 'view' the characters actions. I take his motivations to be visceral and emotional but not sly or calculation. so when he says something I tend to believe it. but you could just as easily read his interrogation of Rey as him playing with her. and I think those two ways of viewing it go a long way to explain why you might think Kylo Ren genuinely likes Rey, or why you think the idea of her ending up with him would be a horrible direction for the story to go in.

    Both work fine, but I'm a glass half full kinda guy when it comes to Han & Leia's son, I definitely think there's still good in him.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 18, 2017, Original Post Date: May 18, 2017 ---

    Oh as an asside in response to the post Linnus made above,
    It's not actually Kylo Ren's 'Job' to find Luke. Snoke doesn't care if they find or kill Luke, thats why he didn't mind if Hux destroyed BB8 and the map to skywalker.

    Kylo Ren's interest in finding Luke is purely personal, not tied to the F.O at all, as pointed out by Hux when they argue about the destruction of the map if necessary. Kylo Ren has his own motives to find Skywalker, that Snoke does not share.
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  12. lealt

    lealt Rebel Official

    Feb 8, 2016
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    To me lot of your arguments sound... .
    I'd like to say opinions. But since you like "deduction", let's say deductions.

    Kylo wants to train Rey. That's for sure.
    That's what we can say it was 100% confirmed by the movie. By what we've been told.

    Tekka was useless for him, because he would have never give him the map. 100%
    Same as Finn. Useless and a traitor (from Kylo's pov). 100%.
    Poe was useless, once he read his mind.
    90% he was going to die. To be executed. In fact we say "Finn saved him".

    Rey is 100% usefull: because the doid is lost and the only chance to get the map is by reading her mind...
    Before and after the interrogation. He failed, but he can try again.
    But understanding - meanwhile - how powerfull she is,
    compassion or not, she became even more usefull (maybe 1000x1000)

    That however, didn't stop him from slamming her against a tree, letting her unconscious.
    That's again for sure. 100%.

    All the rest are opinions, or deductions.
    No matter who they belong to.
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  13. Maximillian

    Maximillian Rebel General

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Yeah for sure I was speculating on his motivations for wanting to train her, and where their relationship may lead.
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  14. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    @lealt; @Maximillian : just to throw a curve in, the novelization actually gives us a possible different motivation for Ren wanting to train Rey.

    it's implied that he's trying to get her to "join" him so that he won't have to take her to Snoke as an enemy, but as an ally.
    he knows Snoke will want to torture and kill her (or make Ren torture and kill her), and he doesn't want that to happen.
    he's rationalizing that if he can present her to Snoke as "one of them" then they can be BBF and Snoke won't do anything heinous.

    i don't see this being anything about him actually wanting an apprentice as if in some long game to snuff Snoke, etc.
    Ren's not thinking but about two seconds ahead in this moment.

    just another bean to throw into the soup.
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  15. lealt

    lealt Rebel Official

    Feb 8, 2016
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    So he wants to save her, to train her and maybe in order to use her against Snoke.
    Compassion or not, he has a lot of motivations to keep her alive and train her, once he realizes how powerfull she is.
    That's what I said we can be 100% sure.

    If we want to see more, we can.
    I'm not saying it's impossible. But that is just speculation, at least at this stage.
    And before anyone say it: the bond can be whatever.
    Blood, destiny. And "destiny" can mean many, many things.
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  16. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    no, i actually said his motivation is much more shallow on every level.
    by making her an ally, he spares himself the pain of having to destroy her. that's all.
    he's not capable of thinking farther beyond that in the moment, i don't think.
    he might have more subconscious thoughts/plots, but in the moment, he's just thinking about the moment.
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  17. Maximillian

    Maximillian Rebel General

    Apr 20, 2015
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    I like this reading of it actually. but its hard to pinpoint his motivations on anything at the moment. he seems to swing from willingly killing folks (Lor San Tanaka's whole village) to seemingly trying to convince Snoke not to use the big star killer death rey, to trying to win Rey over to his side. its like he's constantly in moral flux swinging between the draw of the light and the dark. Which was an idea they played with in the concept art. My icon is concept art of a Kylo Ren saber idea with a blue and red blade, which I guess hints at internal conflict.

    It seems that every move he does in the film isn't actually based on good/evil motivation but only the motivation to get to Luke Skywalker. and Rey being the only link he had to him, I guess he'd be interested in her. While he had no use, or interest in Finn though out the story.

    His pursuit of Luke is also not something Snoke is interested in. Snoke and the F.O aren't looking for Luke, only Kylo Ren is. It seems all his contradictory actions and speeches make a lot more sense when you consider that all he wants is a way back to Luke Skywalker. and that would make Rey his biggest ally.

    Here's his conversation with Hux just as a way to highlight how Kylo Ren's motives for finding Luke (and the lenghts to which he'd go to do so) are different to Snoke's ideas about Luke:

    Supreme Leader Snoke was explicit.
    Capture the droid if we can, but
    destroy it if we must.

    How capable are your soldiers,


    I won't have you question my methods.

    They're obviously skilled at
    committing high treason. Perhaps
    Leader Snoke should consider using a
    clone army.

    (YOU SON-OF-A-Vhlor)

    My men are exceptionally trained --
    programmed from birth--

    Then they should have no problem
    retrieving the droid. Unharmed.

    Careful, Ren. That your "personal
    interests" not interfere with orders
    from Leader Snoke.

    I want that map. For your sake, I
    suggest you get it.
    Ren heads off. Hux hates him.

    So, if its purely Kylo Ren's 'personal interest' that means he wants the map undamaged, then it would make sense he'd do anything to no damage the map within Rey's head either, as she is his only link to finding Skywalker at this point. and for whatever reason that is his driving force in TFA.
    #397 Maximillian, May 19, 2017
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
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  18. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    i would argue that everything Ren does is, on some level, about his personal interests.
    he seems chaotic and disorganized (and he is emotionally), but all of his behavior has logic.
    two things we know about Ren:
    1. he believes he has a purpose in the galaxy and he craves guidance (even bad guidance) to figure out how to fit in.
    2. he wants to mitigate or avoid psychological/emotional pain at almost any cost.
    you bring up the "willy-nilly" way he killed Lor San Tekka, but he did it because LST poked him in a wound he didn't want to be poked in.
    he skips out on Hux's big triumphant rally because he doesn't want to have to deal with it.
    even though he can easily rip stuff out of people's heads, he lets the torturers have at Poe before he steps in.
    contrariwise, he doesn't give Rey to the torturers, he tries to deal with her himself--and when that causes him pain, he goes crying to Snoke.
    he tells Snoke dealing with Han is no problem, but we see on the bridge how he's trapped himself in an impossible situation:
    kill Han and he feels pain, don't kill Han and he's going to feel pain.

    so yeah, i think the end is just an extension of this trend with him: he's intrigued by her, he knows Snoke is going to punish them both, and so he's trying to overachieve as a means of impressing Snoke and sparing both him and Rey. it's largely selfish--but there may be some weak bleep of Light mixed in with it.
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  19. master_shaitan

    master_shaitan Jedi General

    Feb 5, 2015
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    Indeed - it seems that the only thing that really motivates Ren is his desire to be free of all his pain. Free of conflict.
    The trouble is, because he is conflicted, this is hard for him to do and he either tries to escape doing anything about it or has a tizzy when he fails at his task.
    For instance, he avoids taking action against Finn and then lashes out when he realises he has screwed up. He avoids being harsh with Rey and then is furious with himself when she escapes. It could even be argued that he is potentially trying to avoid confronting his father - and then in that one moment where he does what he has been told to do by Snoke, he instantly regrets it. It doesn't reduce the pain or the conflict. It just makes it worse, in fact.

    The question is does he have the will-power to change course before it really is too late? I'm not positive what is fully behind his fall to the Dark Side. Clearly, he has found himself in the dark somehow and believes he belongs there. But he doesn't. He's fallen into the lava, like his grandfather, and it is a source of constant pain. He just needs to realise that the pull of the light is the friendly hand that can drag him out of the fiery depths of hell and end the pain rather than the source of all his suffering.
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  20. FN-3263827

    FN-3263827 First Order CPS
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    perxactly. the thing that hurt him first (and deepest), this schism with his family, is what can save him.
    again, there's logic to his "stupidity" in resisting the Light. it's just corrupted logic because of the false sense of purpose that Snoke offers him.
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