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SPOILER Speculation Storyboard

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' started by thehiredgun, May 14, 2015.


    CHOLOBOT Rebel General

    Feb 12, 2015
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    That was amazing! Easily enjoyed. If I were to critique anything it would be the slides show format. The autopsy is too fast, and it doesn't fit well on a cell screen. Also, getting someone to read and edit grammar before presentation. It wasn't bad, but the few errors fixed would have made this perfect. Loved it. Looking forward to any of your future posts.
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  2. remiel6

    remiel6 Rebel Official

    Oct 2, 2014
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    I would stick with the rumor too, I'm just really questioning the source. Those who have worked on the film have stated many times they did not receive complete scripts. This is consistent with past star wars films. So if the actors working on the set do not know if Han lives or dies the likely hood that such an absolute major moment like this would leak through such a simple device is an offense that should get several people, possibly including the director fired. It is hard to believe they hide the scene from everyone working on the film only to leak the key plot point in his source? I don't believe it, sorry. I think its a conclusion he draws passed off as a fact based on misreading a source.

    This is to ignore the point I have harped on from the very beginning. There is no way to have a feel good star wars film, bringing us back to our youth if you kill Han. Nothing else in that movie matters. Nothing.

    Also, why is everyone ignoring comments from JJ himself that he had been told his whole life that Harrison hated Han Solo and wanted him killed and when they get to the set, he gets the exact opposite of what he had heard. Why do we ignore JJ abrams for MSW?
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  3. DarthWarEagle

    DarthWarEagle Rebel General

    Apr 16, 2015
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    I can't wait for the new movie to come out, and I come to this site and others every day. I know the basic plot and many of the scenes. However, going through this breakdown sort of depressed me. I guess deep down I was really hoping for a lot more of the Big 3 (preferably together one last happy time). But I guess that is not going to happen. I know I will love the new Big 3, but I guess a selfish part of me was hoping to spend a bit more time with my 'old friends' before turning it loose to the new guys.

    I'm not JJ Abrams or Lawrence Kasden, and flame away, I do not mind. But I almost wish it started in some swashbuckling style the first 5 minutes with 'Queen Lea' being held captive, and ole' Han Solo and Chewie trying their best to break through and save her, but Han's questionable decisions (although sometimes humorous) leads them being captured bringing them all to the brink of destruction. And then out of nowhere, bearded Luke appears and in some kick-ass Jedi style slays all the enemies except one. While Luke and the enemy battle, Han, Lea and Chewie frantically try to break free. With Lea's help, Han is able to break free but is still defenseless. Han is able to retrieve a gun from one of Luke's victims, but he can not get a clean shot on Luke's nemesis (who is not a Sith, but is clearly an agile warrior who will not succumb to jedi mind tricks). Luke finally gains the upper hand and summoning all his strength does a force push separating himself from the enemy. And with a wink he shouts to Han "You're all clear kid, now lets blow this thing and go home". At which point Han takes care of the enemy.

    I know we could not have the same movie and storyline we have now with something like that, but it really would have given us old timers (you know, 42 year olds) a chance to watch our heroes in action and say "wow they are still kicking ass after all these years....just like I knew they would be".

    I guess my other gripe is we are getting an Empire Strikes Back ending in the first act of the trilogy. There doesn't seem to much interaction between Poe and the other two. I guess they knew they were going to have to kill Han off (maybe because Ford said he would only do this one), and maybe there wasn't an easy way to end this one on a happy note.
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  4. walnut the wise

    walnut the wise Rebel General

    Jan 2, 2015
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    I'm wondering if there is a meetup of Resistance fighters or if they come to extract Poe from Jakku. We'll see in December!
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  5. jtobiska

    jtobiska Rebel General

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Firstly, fantastic post OP!

    Secondly, why on earth did someone give OP a trolling rating? Even if you completely disagree with their conclusions, or had some kind of critique about the format or medium, how does that post deserve a negative rating?

    IMO, if you're thinking of giving someone a trolling rating you should remind yourself of this definition first. At least 75% of the trolling ratings I see around here lately are misused.

    Sorry, rant over :D
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  6. Adam Barnard

    Adam Barnard Rebelscum

    May 11, 2015
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    Extremely, extremely good work sir. Grab yourself a drink from the Cantina, on the house...

    A couple thoughts:

    - I don't believe Han dies. Not one bit. In the odd event he does die, I think it will be a much more meaningful death. One of the posters above made a good point that they're ditching the father-son dynamic too soon. I also remember it being reported that Ford signed a multi-picture deal with Disney (some say it was for one star wars film and a few others, or a few star wars films, it wasn't specific)
    - Act 2 feels short. I feel like there are subplots or other story beats that are missing.
    - I feel like Poe is underdeveloped and under-utilized. I don't like how Maz disappears either (which refers to my point directly above this one -- I still feel like we're missing a lot of info.
    - Act 3 feels about right, but I truly don't think Luke is only in the last scene, as is rumored. I also feel like we're missing some significance in regards to bother Uber and the First Order's weapon.
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  7. darrenkitlor

    darrenkitlor Rebelscum

    Feb 16, 2015
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    There was a concept piece that depicted a fight outside the falcon. I don't believe I saw it in the deck. However, it was an early piece and may have been scrapped.

    You put a ton of work into this. :) Congrats.
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  8. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    It featured the green saber fighting a tall villain with a red saber, while another character holds a blaster. It felt like an early version of the Han/Luke/Kylo showdown to me and so I didn't include it in favor of the old rumor about Luke coming out of a "tomb" which is probably just a prison of some sort. It also could have been a similar concept for the Finn/Rey/Kylo fight, but the green saber says Luke all the way. We just need a confirmation that Luke is showing up on the Snowy Planet and that shot will go right back in.
  9. darrenkitlor

    darrenkitlor Rebelscum

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Thanks. I knew I remembered it.

    You put a ton of thought into piecing it together, instead of the one-off scene that's usually on the forums. The big picture and shaking things off that didn't make sense early on certainly helps.
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  10. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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  11. John Crichton

    John Crichton Rebel Official

    Sep 12, 2014
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    Definitely a good read. It has a good flow to it and really would make a good film if done following this. I'm still hoping we've got a bit of things left well-hidden for December though.

    But still, great work on it. It was almost like reading a novella, very enjoyable.
  12. KyloRenFan

    KyloRenFan Rebelscum

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Great work on this OP. I will say this though, that judging from what you have, the lightsaber in question is ambiguous regarding its origin. The way you've written it, it makes it sound like it came from the fledging Jedi academy and doesn't necessarily align with the popular rumor that it's the lightsaber that Luke lost in Coud City. I'm not saying that your train of thought is wrong, it's just a different take than what I've read so far here and elsewhere.
  13. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    That was not the intention ... the way I understand the rumor and looking at the trailer, this is 100% the saber of Anakin, taken by Obi-Wan, Given to Luke, Lost on Bespin. The plot calls out that Han and Maz both recognize the saber, especially Han - because he used it to cut open the tauntaun on Hoth and save Luke.

    What seems fuzzy is the supposed flashback... If anything, that seems ambiguous and can be interpreted several ways. One possibility is that the scenes aren't related to some past academy at all and are instead a visual history of the sword. The "dead young padawans" might actually be a throwback to ROTS and meant to show a history of this sword...

    It was not the intention to show this as some 'new' sword.
    #33 thehiredgun, May 15, 2015
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
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  14. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    What seems very odd to me if Maz's castle is on the same planet as the Rebel base, is why does the First Order use the weapon on Maz's castle and NOT on the resistance base? And why would they allow the rebels to just show up and trash their raid if they were that close? And how does a fleet supposedly protecting the Resistance not be involved in the battle? Why would the First Order leave and let the rebels regroup after the battle?

    While it seems very probable that the Resistance base is on Yavin IV (the vines climbing up the hangar walls in leaked photos gives that away) - it seems more plausible that Maz's castle is on the "waterfall" planet... but who knows... there is so little information to go on and concept art can be very subjective.
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  15. Perdu

    Perdu Rebel Official

    Jan 16, 2015
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    I am honestly amazed that this logical connection hasnt gotten more play on the boards.

    It seems very plausible to me that the flashback is showing the journey of the lightsaber and the Jedi Academy scene is showing the original massacre by Anakin using said saber.

    Not saying it is what I want or that there aren't a myriad of other possibilities. Just that this would seem to fit the facts that we do know and make reasonable sense.
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  16. bigbayblue

    bigbayblue Rebel Official

    Dec 26, 2014
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    That's an interesting line of thought. You could even go as far as to speculate that the actor MSW thought was playing a young Luke in the flashback sequence, was actually hired to play Anakin/Vader.
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  17. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    While MSW does state that "Luke shows up" - a flashback to something we haven't seen and have no context for seems jarring while a POV history from the swords perspective might be just as interesting.

    Here's a reasoning...

    The movie starts with a pan down to a shot in space... .that shot is either the Star Destroyer or Poe's X-Wing. It seems highly unlikely that JJ would COPY the floating bottle in space that starts Star Trek: Generations by having a lightsaber falling from the sky. It also means that all the rumored scenes with Naka just seem unnecessary and not interesting - it wouldn't explain the big question - how did the lightsaber get off Bespin??

    If you wanted to answer that question in a solid way (discounting any Legend EU history) you'd say that an Ugnaught found it while scavenging on the cloud city. This makes a ton more sense if you then showed how the sword went from that Ugnaught to Maz.

    It would then re-flavor the whole Flashback to be more about "how on Earth did this sword end up here, and how does Maz know all this? Last time I saw it, it was falling down the shaft on the cloud city!"

    Thus, the reasoning would follow that another possibility of the flashback would be to catch the viewer up on the history of the sword.

    Starts with Anakin, Goes to Luke, Ugnaught finds it, He tinkers with it and thinks its dangerous so sells it, a wealthy man buys it, it is used for pirating by Xavier (Vicar/MVS), - then future visions of Maz picking up the sword, and Rey trying to use it against Kylo. THAT would upset Rey in my opinion. That is why she wouldn't like that vision... it represents her destiny and something that she's not ready for or doesn't want.
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  18. jtobiska

    jtobiska Rebel General

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Bravo! Very well reasoned. The main issue I've been grappling with in terms of the outline that has been slowly forming for this film is that we know lots about *what* happens, but almost nothing about *why* it's happening. And the little bit of motivation we do seem to know about is pretty weak. I feel like this takes us one step closer toward understanding the real motivations behind the events of this movie. However, assuming your theory is correct, now that we know why the flashback is occurring - to tell us the history (and future?) of the saber - the bigger question is why does that history matter? This scene seems to be a pivotal moment in the film, so the information that is revealed by that flashback must be really important. I feel like the answer to this question will be the driving force behind the movie.
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  19. thehiredgun

    thehiredgun Rebel General

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Excellent points and it really seems weird to me that they're doing a flashback at all. If family and the triumph of the family unit over evil influences is the core of Star Wars, then the sequel trilogy series seems very squarely centered on Rey. She is the heroine that must take us on that journey.

    To have the Force "awakening" seems to indicate either a dormancy or birth. Either Rey has been reluctant to use her gift, or she has the gift and doesn't realize what it is yet. They seem to set up the story with her performing amazing skills of "skywalker" proportions to which someone is eventually going to say "the force is strong with this one!". If teaser 2 is any indication then Luke is going to be that person (but he may have always known this much in the way Obi-wan and Yoda knew it).

    It's the old saying of "when you were old enough..."

    Rey is probably now old enough and whether she wants to be involved or not, she's going to have to claim that destiny because it is coming whether she likes it or not. Much like Luke's initial reaction to Ben "I can't get involved..." Rey is going to have to do what she thinks is right of course until she simply becomes what she is to become. Yoda told Luke to pass on what he has learned and he either tried and failed (there is no Try!) or he learned his lesson and is waiting his time much like Ben did. Ben didn't go to the Lars homestead. He waited for Luke to be in real danger.. and only then it seemed to be the will of the Force that set it all in motion.

    So either the flashback is strongly reinforcing her initial denial of that destiny or a vision of the future she doesn't want to get involved with... those are the only two reasons to spend time talking about a saber that fell down a shaft two movies ago... its an object lesson of jumping into being a jedi too soon - you might lose your arm if incomplete is your training!
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  20. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    If Anakin’s lightsaber is indeed important to TFA (i.e. holding information or whatnot), which is the reason it was passed on to Luke in the first place, then Darth Vader would presumably know that it is important. Fighting Luke in the bowls of Cloud City, he would probably have recognized the lightsaber, and after defeating Luke, Vader might very well have had it collected off screen. Our "memory stick" lightsaber might therefore have been in Vader’s collection ever since, and the plot wouldn’t need a deus ex machina moment to explain how the lightsaber moves from Bespin to wherever it shows up in TFA; someone simply finds it in Vader’s secret stash. (Such as certain pirate, for instance, who might stumble upon a secret vault or something, guided there by force sensitiveness to the fateful artifact stored therein; or someone completely different could have found it, such as the First Order folks having "inherited" it from the Empire, which could be why wannabe-Vader joins that faction).

    Now, I am far from convinced that the lightsaber actually is the MacGuffin for TFA, but it could work well thematically. If they do it right, then I’m sure I’ll love having the lightsaber tie all trilogies together. If the rumored flashback scene is actually an overview of the lightsaber’s history, then I think that would be very cool indeed. As a storytelling technique, I have nothing against flashbacks, (even though they tend to be badly used as a lazy cheat), and I think this could be interesting.
    • Great Post Great Post x 3

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