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Your ideas for IX's plot.

Discussion in 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' started by Sparafucile, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. churchlander

    churchlander Clone Commander

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Alright. Please forgive me if this bears resemblance to others. I'm just going to the start that I've had brewing in my head for some time now. I'll add more later if people are interested. I'm just dumping the ideas here sorry if it's difficult to understand. I just added some samples of dialogue. I am not good at writing it so please don't judge that I just wanted to give everyone a feel of what I was trying to get across.
    • Starts 1 year after TLJ (stated in crawl)
    • Opens abruptly after the crawl/pan with big battle involving Rebellion and FO. Rey, Finn are on the ground. Poe is commanding. Rey and Finn kick butt and look to be winning until a ridiculous amount of FO troops show up. Poe calls the retreat. Rey and Finn get split up and Finn gets taken by the FO. Poe and Rey try to stop it and it's very emotional. Poe even gets in an X-Wing to try and rescue Finn but fails. Poe seems to think that they'll never see him again because of who he is and what he did to the FO. Rey has hope that they'll see him. There is romantic tension between Poe and Rey it seems something they don't have time for because of the war.
    • We see Finn brought before Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren. No words from either but glares shot both ways.
    • Big bold words: 5 YEARS LATER
    • Luke awakens on Achto is confused. Told by a caretaker he has been away for 5 years. Yells out of anger "YODA!" Yoda talks to him. "Not yet your time is it" "The Girl Rey will need your help" "You must continue to pass on what you have learned" "What is that?" -Luke while feeling something through the force "The First Order it is, done something unnatural and terrible they have" -Yoda
    • Hux is now running a science lab. He has been demoted heavily. He is walking briskly down a hallway. He looks disheveled and paranoid but with a slight grin on his face.
    • The Knights of Ren have come to meet Hux at this facility. "The Supreme Leader is very interested in what you've been working on" - KoR member (behind mask voice)
    • "With how the troopers have been failing lately a clone army is certainly in order" -A member of the KoR As they walk through the facility they look for signs of an army but there is none. They keep asking "Oh you'll see" -Hux
    • Hux has not cloned an army. He has cloned Palpatine. We see Palpatine in black robes sitting in a large room.
    • It's obvious that Palpatine has not been back for very long. Hux gives the Emperor a history lesson and makes a proposal about how the KoR were going to be loyal to he and Palpatine now.
    • Palpatine kills Hux with force lightning cooking him... Sheev aint interested in sharing.
    • Palpatine then tests the Knights of Ren and a few are killed easily by the Emperor but the ones that survive pledge their allegiance to him. "Now bring me to this Supreme Leader" -The Emperor
    That's it for now.

    So I know the Luke skipping 5 years thing is a little strange but it's the force trying to balance things out now that the Emperor is back in the picture
    • Original Original x 3
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  2. Meister Yoda

    Meister Yoda Your Little Green Friend
    1030th General **** (Mod)

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Random fun idea: The rebellion finds some old Droid control ships and battle droids of the separatists and is now using them against the first order.
    So we're closing the cycle and the army that started the downfall of the republic is now the tool of its rebirth.
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    • Cool Cool x 2
  3. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    (Be warned, this is a looooong post :D ).

    Here follows my rambling thoughts on possible Ep.IX plotlines/structure. These are based on nothing but guestimations, attempts at clever deduction, and wishful thinking. Specifically, I have NOT attempted to line up closely my ideas with the various scenes and locations that have been spoiled so far; this is just a thinking out loud kind of thing :D

    It is, of course, impossible to guess SW9’s plot since TLJ left everything so open-ended and free. However, SW9 should be a much simpler knot to unfold than SW8 was, since RJ has given JJ two marvelous gifts:
    1) RJ, who had to juggle both the OT threads and everything set up in TFA, killed of a whole LOT of characters, which makes writing SW9 that much simpler. JJ & Co can focus on a few characters and plots now, giving that all their attention. This is a very good thing (and allows room for the KoR to return, for instance).
    2) Force skype. This was a stroke of absolute storytelling genius, as it allows the main protagonists to interact without having to fight one another (or the writers having to conceive some convoluted plot to explain why they don’t fight when the meet prior to the climactic battle). I guess this could’ve been achieved with holograms too, but this force skype thing offers a lot of depth and intimacy which is great for movie storytelling. This, I find, is akin to Mina Murray’s weird connection with Dracula in Bram Stoker’s novel (which is done even better in the 1991 film, but that’s another matter entirely), and it is such a fantastic storytelling device!

    Huzzah for RJ! :D

    Act 1 – Set-up

    This act will be a min-movie onto itself setting up, exploring, & resolving a side issue that will get some stuff out of the way and kickstart the main plot and tension. The act will be full of action and drama, and will reintroduce us to the characters and establish the current situation.

    We’ll open in space with a mighty ship, or something quite similar. From there, we’ll move in on some major action. I feel a space chase echoing the opening of ANH is likely (JJ being JJ).

    I have previously championed the idea of a battle over Bespin, with the FO besieging Han & Leia’s old buddy, with Cloud City on fire as the Millennium Falcon swoops in with Rey & Co to rescue Lando. This would get me soooo worked up for SW9. However, since it is incredibly unlikely that I straight up guessed the opening scene and plot so precisely, I hold it as extremely unlikely that this will come to pass, heh heh ;)

    More generally speaking, however, I think we’ll see Kylo receiving the Knights of Ren in one of the very first scenes. (Basically, it is unthinkable to me that the KoR won’t return now to link 9 to 7 and broaden Kylo’s personal reach – AND give Rey badies to fight and kill throughout the movie). The KoR might have returned from a secret mission, or whatever, perhaps having located some item/site/clue that answers questions about the Force (or Snoke’s plan or whatever). Kylo will demand the KoR swear new oaths of fealty to him -- (Snoke might have sent them away prior to TFA to limit Kylo's power and prevent his apprentice rising up against him) -- and then he’ll send them off to search for Rey (he wants to test her as much as capture her).

    Next we focus on the heroes’ drama in the first act, whatever that may be. They will do something concerning the rebuilding of the Rebellion/Republic/Resistance, gathering allies and munitions in some way. Their plan will backfire, landing them in some sort of trouble, which they will cleverly fight their way out of. As an alternative to the Cloud City/Lando plot summarized above, we might instead see the heroes butting heads with some lowlifes (even possibly Hutts, but probably a new species since creatures is one thing JJ don’t like to recycle from the OT, it seems). If the KoR are indeed back from the start, one or more of these will show up to complicate the heroes’ plan here, as a foreshadowing of all the trouble individual KoR will cause throughout the film. The heroes will get out of this with additional allies or resources, and it is quite possible Rey will either go off on her own thing here (possibly with Chewie & the Millennium Falcon) or have a sub-plot running through the 1st Act drama where she resolves some of her personal things (the latter is more likely if the 1st Act takes place on Jakku).

    My guess for individual character arcs in Act 1
    BB-8: No plot at all. He’ll just be there to add cuteness and fun to whatever scenes and arcs they decide to put him in. (They COULD do a deeper BB-8 plot since it is hinted to that he is more important than what he’s been used for thus far -- (this, of course, was nothing more than him being a plot device for the map sub-plot in TFA, but they COULD do something more With him if they wanted to, but I don't think they will) -- but I don’t think he will be given that much attention in SW9 except as comical relief and a cute machine).
    C3PO: He’ll be with Leia, offering expositional dialogue to explain scenes that Carrie never shot. “Goodness gracious me! General Solo is in a meeting right now, recruiting the gungans to the Resistance cause. May I take a message?”
    Connix: Minor role in the Resistance administration. A few lines and possibly some exposition.
    Chewbacca: Helps out his friends. Chewbacca basically has no arc.
    DJ: Won’t show up. There’s neither need nor room for him, I think.
    Finn: Fighting at the front, Finn is the most important Resistance warrior, driving the action and using his knowledge of the FO against them.
    Hux: Figurehead of the FO military. He’ll be there to shout orders.
    Kylo: He has detached himself from the FO operations, focusing instead on continuing his training on his own. He will surround himself with KoR and will be desperate to increase his power. Kylo might be plagued by FG-Luke right from the start, fighting against the light he feels inside and his undead uncle championing said lightness. Perhaps Kylo will initially be driven to finding a way to switch off Luke’s haunting to spare himself the pain of the draw to the light (might be a cool expansion of force use).
    Lando: Will swagger in with some support for the Resistance. I don’t think he’ll have a major presence, at least not in the way of physical action.
    Leia: She’ll be away from the Resistance, much like Kylo distancing himself from the FO, doing lobbying work to raise support. (These will be repurposed TFA Hosnia Prime/Galactic Senate scenes where Leia argues the threat posed by the FO against fearful politicians who’d much rather ignore the problem).
    Luke: He will haunt both Rey & Kylo, but probably Kylo the most in Act 1.
    Maz Kanata: I don’t think she’ll show up in Act 1. My feeling is she’ll be a support character who moves the plot on later, like she was in TFA & TLJ.
    Phasma: Probably quite dead. There’s no room for a tertiary major villain in SW9, especially if the KoR are back to fill this spot.
    Poe: He’ll be much more mature now and lead the Resistance wisely. He’ll be there in the fray, but will lead from his ship rather than down on the ground. It is entirely possible he’ll NOT jump in an X-wing, but rather take up command on the bridge of the Resistance flagship (whatever that’s gonna be).
    R2D2: With Luke gone and C3PO probably playing handmaiden to Leia, R2D2 has little purpose anymore. In all likelihood, however, JJ & Co will find new purpose for him, either as Rey’s sidekick (I don’t think so) or as Finn’s combat engineer/personal techie (this will leave room for BB-8 to stay with Poe). In any case, I think the days of R2D2 & C3PO being major characters in Star Wars are unfortunately over… I would love to see them team up for a mission together again, but I don’t feel this is likely to happen in the ST.
    Rey: She’ll join the main action in the opening act, but will either break off on her own personal quest or explore a side-plot to the main plot of the act. This could be something like, everyone goes to recruit X, but Rey finds interesting information and stumbles down her own rabbit hole to investigate an interesting lead which turns out to be a trap set by a KoR sent to hunt her. (Especially likely if Act 1 are the scenes shot in Jordan, with the story taking place on the ruins of Jeddah).
    Rose: I haven’t a clue what they’ll do with her in SW9. Rose had a full arc in TLJ, and I don’t see what her purpose could be in SW9. They will write her a purpose, of course, possibly some sort of techie mission – perhaps even paired with R2D2 which would be great! – but she’ll basically play support in this one, having spent her plot and purpose in TLJ. Pairing her up with Finn again, at least for parts of the movie, is also a given.

    Act 2 – Tensions building

    This is where the scales will be upped and Bantha Poodo will become real. It is also where we’ll see the most exposition dumping in the film. (Again, JJ being JJ, it is entirely possible that the 2nd Act will feature a rescue mission similar to ANH’s middle act – it might even entail rescuing Leia from FO prison! – but I have chosen to ignore this possibility here and go with a more straight-forward war story approach).

    I feel it is likely Rey will go on a personal quest here (possibly aided by Chewie or someone), while Finn & Poe & Co do Resistance stuff. It is also likely that Rey & Kylo will have very similar plots in the 2nd Act, with both hunting info/gadgets to help their training. The force skype-thing will further connect their plotlines here, and we might get some weird dual treasure hunting stuff where they help and hinder one another’s hunt through force skyping. Furthermore, one or more KoR will show up to make Rey’s life difficult. As for their actual plots, I think Rey will seek out sites important to the Jedi (Jeddah, Dagobah, Coruscant) while Kylo does the same with Dark Side locations (Mustafar, Jakku, Yavin4?, Coruscant). Kylo & Rey will find some answers/exposition. Force ghosts, holocrons, and other voices-from-the-past might play a big part here. Kylo will come out on top of his personal project in the act, while Rey will find herself at her lowest point ever at the end of the act.

    Meanwhile, the Resistance will try to outsmart or down-right fight the FO, and they will lose badly. The end of the 2nd Act will see the heroes at their lowest in the entire film, injured and broken and in great despair, from the ashes of which they will rise to conquer the day in Act 3.

    My guess for individual character arcs in Act 2
    : See BB-8 act 1.
    C3PO: See C3PO act 1.
    Connix: See Connix in act 1.
    Chewbacca: Chewie will be with the Millennium Falcon, assisting whomever taking the ship out for a spin. (It would be very cool if he leads a mission to recruit the Wookies into the Resistance, but I don’t think there’s room for such a side-plot, other than as an exposition element; “Oh, and Chewie has gotten 19 Wookie clans to help our cause.”).
    DJ: See DJ act 1.
    Finn: Not my idea, but I like this; Finn is captured by the FO and starts a rebellion within the FO ranks. <-- a very cool idea :) In any case, he’ll be seriously injured in a failed escape attempt/sabotage/whatever, leaving us to fear for his life.
    Hux: If he’s given an arc at all, Hux will likely try to oust Kylo somehow, which will go badly. He might be slain by a KoR (or by Kylo himself) here or in Act 3. (A cool alternative would be for Hux to change sides at some point, but the character seems too engrained in the FO to suddenly have a change of heart now).
    Kylo: Kylo goes on an expedition (possibly with some KoR in tow) to strengthen himself and find some answers. He’ll force skype with Rey throughout and be haunted by Luke. He might come across some Resistance supporters, like a group of munitions producers or used spaceship sellers or whatever that they recruited in Act 1, and completely obliterate these, reducing the Resistance’s stable of allies once again. This act will see Kylo at his most victorious and strong, with some major character breakthrough towards the end – he will find/achieve something to cement his position as the ultimate badass in the Galaxy (at least in his own mind), and by the end of the 2nd Act everybody will be terrified of him.
    Lando: This scoundrel will cash in favors in the underworld to aid the Resistance. He will probably join Chewie on the MF, to do whatever the ship will be used for. Most likely, they won’t have their own private plot here, but will be the getaway drivers for whomever they’re chauffeuring (probably Rey or Leia).
    Leia: She continues her struggle to garner support against the FO. Assuming there’s very limited unused footage to salvage here, her 2nd Act mission might be handled in exposition only. However, if more scenes exist between Maz & Leia than the handing over of the lightsaber shown in the TFA trailer, this will be reused here; Leia & Maz together again, plotting ways to beat the badies. (There were said to be cut TFA Maz scenes at the Resistance base, right? These, especially if Maz interacts with Leia, will be repurposed).
    Luke: Here he will switch to haunt mostly Rey, guiding her on her journey of self-discovery and training. He might check in on his nephew once or twice to pester him a little, unless Kylo has somehow managed to switch off the haunting.
    Maz Kanata: Maz will be with Leia, I think. She will also bring considerable resources (she’s wealthy), support (she has many friends), and knowledge (she’s crazy old) to the Resistance. I don’t think she’ll actually do much, but we’ll see her at briefings and helping out practically. Maz might very well be an exposition machine in SW9.
    Phasma: See Phasma act 1.
    Poe: Poe desperately leads the Resistance from defeat to defeat, possibly winning a minor victory at the cost of something else (like Finn being captured). In the end, he just about saves the remainder of the Resistance and spirits the fleet away to a temporary safe heaven (please let it be Hutts!) from where the Resistance will plan and launch their all-in attack on a crucial FO operation in Act 3).
    R2D2: See R2D2 act 1.
    Rey: In Act 2, Rey will have her own personal story and will probably not see much of the others (except Luke and anyone accompanying her on her quest). She’ll go to somewhere important to the force, do some Indiana Jonesing, fight a few KoR and possibly other troublemakers. There will be a monster/creature of some sort in SW9 (as there has been in every SW film), and it is likely Rey will encounter it here. Furthermore, it is possible she will meet some troublemakers who will turn out to switch side to join with her, allowing Rey to return to the rest with fresh allies (and much force insight) in her luggage.
    Rose: See Rose act 1.

    Act 3 - Resolution

    This is what all has been leading up to. The good and the bad will clash, plots and arcs will climax, twists will be sprung, and the heroes will be victorious in the end. If there’ll be some sort of unexpected, left field development – like how RotJ suddenly introduced Ewoks the 3rd Act – it’s gonna be here, I think.

    Perhaps the Resistance, possibly abusing the force skyping in some way, might lure Kylo/FO into a trap, assaulting the badies in a manner that equalize the power disparity between the two warring factions. Hard choices and self-sacrifices are almost a given here.

    The KoR will turn up in various ways, hunting Rey and destroying Resistance fighters. They will be slowly killed-off, however, one by one, with Rey taking down at least half of them. If Kylo is the usuprer shogun, then the KoR will be his 7 ronin badguys henchmen.

    If there really is a can’t-believe-it’s-not-the-Death-Star super weapon situation, the Resistance will launch a desperate attack upon it. If not, there will probably be some other form of universal threat lurking… I dunno, like a plague or a vile Palpatine plot in some way or the Dark Side threatening to corrupt sentient minds all over the Galaxy, or something… Whatever it is, there’s got to be a big, quantifiable threat that the heroes can overcome for the good of all. (It will not be alien invasion from beyond the borders of the Outer Rim, however, as that would have to be set up in previous movies. SW9 will offer resolution to the plots and tensions set up in TFA & TLJ, it will not introduce brand new threats at the close of the trilogy).

    My guess for individual character arcs in Act 3
    : See BB-8 act 1.
    C3PO: See C3PO act 1.
    Connix: See Connix in act 1.
    Chewbacca: Chewie will pilot the Millennium Falcon and play support for the other heroes, most likely Rey. I would like to see Chewie accompany Rey on her quests throughout the film – they make a good team :) It would also be fun to see a return to the Chewie & C3PO banter of ESB. Alternatively, I would love to see Chewie stand by Leia’s side, fulfilling the promise he gave Han in the Carbon Freeze Chamber in ESB… <3
    DJ: See DJ act 1
    Finn: Finn will be at the fore in this act, fighting the FO heads-on and (hopefully) leading turncoat Stormtroopers against Hux’ forces. I think his main contribution here will be fighting and being an action hero, and we won’t see too much character development. Especially, I don’t believe we’ll see any romance happening between him and Rey – that train has left the station, I think. He might have his stakes raised by averting a threat to Rey, however. There could be a full-blown romance with him and Rose, of course – actually, a romantic couple action team would be pretty cool to see :) In any case, Finn will be there at the front, playing a critical role in the climax of the film and the ST.
    Hux: If he still lives, Hux will lead the FO war effort against the Resistance. He might try to use this moment to oust Kylo, possibly by turning FO guns on Kylo’s location; he will, of course, fail. I feel the best conclusion to his arc would be if Hux is actually captured by the goodies in the end and thrown in jail; he could even surrender cowardly. If we get some sort of medley of closure scenes at the end of SW9, we might even see Hux in a Nurnberg Trial kind of an aftermath (that would be awesome :D ).
    Kylo: Hoping he can turn Rey (‘cause it’s lonely at the top and in the Dark Side, and he already has a very intimate connection to her), Kylo will seek her out for a final confrontation (reversing the dynamics of RotJ where Luke comes to Palpatine). Kylo, being arrogant and a megalomaniac, might even cause the FO to squander a decisive victory against the Resistance just in order to get to Rey; in the end, the FO is not important to Kylo and he’ll sacrifice it in an instance for a chance to turn Rey.
    Lando: Lando will be on the Millennium Falcon with (probably) Chewie, and they will either run interference and special forces space attack &/or pilot the other heroes to-and-fro the fray. If Lando has brought any friends and troops along (I’m still holding out hope for Lobot), he will also command or even lead these in the final act. He could also lead a spaceship attack like he did in RotJ, taking over that position from Poe (see below).
    Leia: General Leia will not accompany the troops, but will organize and strategize from her flagship or similar. She’ll make hard choices for the greater good, and it is possible Kylo will end up on her ship, especially if Rey’s there, for a force-triangle ending (+FG Luke of course); a reversed RotJ throne room section, if you will. Had Holdo not already done this in TLJ, I would have suspected a self-sacrifice by ship ramming end for Leia. Instead, I think she’s now gonna survive the ST, possibly retiring to a quiet place (Ahch-To?) to live out her days in peace (with ghost-Luke at her side).
    Luke: Luke will be present when Rey & Kylo clashes for the last time, haunting both and trying to steer the youngsters towards Light Side choices. He’ll be mostly a prop and exposition machine, although we could possibly see some sort of one-of-a-kind force show-off like in TLJ, possibly by him giving up his Force Ghost-ness to minorly, yet critically, influence the physical world at a crucial time – by, say… telekinetically pushing an extension bridge button or whatever. In any case, he won’t be a major player, instead playing the role of the wise old master giving advice before the climactic fight.
    Maz Kanata: Unexpectedly, I feel Maz will join the action in the last act. She’ll risk her own life for the Resistance, her thousand years’ existence boiling down to this moment. There are too many cool warriors already, so I believe she won’t be at the front from the start. Perhaps she’ll lead a sub-mission, or she’ll come swooping in at an opportune moment (like Han at the Battle of Yavin). Furthermore, I think it is quite likely she will give her life for this.
    Phasma: See Phasma act 1.
    Poe: Poe will again command the Resistance, now possibly from the front on the ground with the goons (like Han in RotJ, allowing Lando to again lead the fleet). Leia (if she’s still alive) will technically outrank him, I guess, but Poe is gonna be the de facto leader (not least because there are probably few scenes available showing Leia as a battle commander). I feel Poe hasn’t too many places to go, character arc-wise, and he’ll probably just be a badass leader and little else.
    R2D2: See R2D2 act 1.
    Rey: Rey will use what she has found/learned in Act 2 to help the Resistance at first, but will become preoccupied with Kylo at some point. She will fight with and for him, trying to turn Kylo back to Ben, almost succeeding but just long enough for Kylo to sacrifice himself for her (and Leia?) in the end.
    Rose: See Rose act 1.

    Now, since it is extremely likely that I’ve got at least 99% of my guesses wrong, y’all might want to make counter-wagers to earn yourselves a nice slump of points ;) Also, there will be many new scenes and factions and sub-plots in SW9 that cannot be deduced from the previous movies. And finally, we all expect there to be an important PT presence in SW9, so even if I'm 100% correct in my guesses, there's gonna be at least 50% more stuff going on that this.

    Can't wait for SW9!!!! (r2-d2)
    #123 Angelman, Nov 20, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
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  4. Maximus

    Maximus Reel 2 Dialogue 2

    Sep 10, 2014
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    Grrrrr! ok.. i'll wait and see what happens in act III
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    • Great Post Great Post x 1
  5. Andrew Waples

    Andrew Waples Jedi General

    Feb 3, 2018
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    My right thumb hurts.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  6. Angelman

    Angelman Servant of the Whills -- Slave to the Muses
    1030th Grand Admiral ***** (Mod)

    Dec 2, 2014
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    @Maximus: On the positive side, since there are no threads left for R2 to cover, JJ & Co. are free to write brand new awsome quests for him :D Let's hope so ;) (And besides, he IS going to stick arround to tell the Whills about all of this at some point in the far, far future...)
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  7. Maximus

    Maximus Reel 2 Dialogue 2

    Sep 10, 2014
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    the entire episode should be about me taking on a bunch of droids that the Cartels have been using to kill all the main characters

    Episode IX
    Droids in Cartel Killings

    Droids are killing everyone !!
    The Cartel droids have been programming everyday electronic equipment to savagely kill their masters
    The New Rebellion were all killed by a wood-chipper that was disguised as a hand dryer in the rest rooms.
    Reprogrammed FO droids sealed the air holes in all storm trooper suits.. they all suffocated
    A Cyborg version of Millicent ate Hux
    A Cyborg version of Hux ate Kylo Ren.

    Meanwhile, on a remote vacation planet
    everyone's favorite R2 unit is enjoying an Oil bath with some... interesting company :D
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Thretosix

    Thretosix Rebel General

    May 19, 2015
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    I feel with with time going by we won't see Rey build a new lightsaber, things like this will be left to books/comics. There is too much to close up for us to get explanations for anything in the past other than flashbacks like we saw in TFA. The Resistance will have had time to build up. There is a lot left open from what we were left off with. The hardest part in all this if figuring out Kylo. With Leia being in the movie I believe she will be pivotal in Kylo's outcome.

    With all that the hate I will likely get, I'm still one of those people hanging onto Snoke is Plagueis. It can still play out in many ways. Perhaps it's just because I see too much conflict in Kylo still to write him off a redemption path. For me it just makes things already in play make the most sense. Nothing more epic than trying to kill something that has supposedly been killed twice already, which will lead this up to an ending people will remember for a long time to complete the 9 episodes. Rey will learn a lot before the movie but will at some point remember something from the books, something Kylo will tip her off to, perhaps helping her solve some kind of puzzle of how to correct everything and killing that which cannot be killed. I was never a fan of Rey/Kylo theories but the chemistry and bond they have is hard to just throw away, I actually think Kylo may die saving Rey, with Rey finally killing off Snoke for good. The Resistance led by Poe and with the help of Finn will finally defeat the First Order. Every time I watch the clip of Palpatine talking to Anakin in Revenge of the Sith, it's the not so subtle things like Plagueis having the power to create life will practically doing a nod and wink to let him know that Plagueis is his father. Rey may be have been born in a similar manor, Kylo likely knows this because he did see her parent/s. We will find out who her real parents are in IX, at which point it won't matter, if anything may encourage her to complete what she needs to do so it wasn't all for nothing.

    I'm sorry to bring up Plagueis again, but after seeing Maul in Solo, I find it really hard to believe if he's so powerful that if Maul could have pulled it off but Snoke can't. For all we know Snoke in his throne room was a hologram himself the whole time to. At the beginning of TLJ we see Snoke doing something similar while moving and dragging Hux around after the FO Dreadnaught was destroyed. Always remember, "The Supreme Leader is WISE" - Kylo Ren, don't think this is coincidence and if anything would give continuity across all 9 films. I wouldn't be surprised if Snoke was doing this from Mustafar.
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  9. srawrats

    srawrats Clone

    Nov 19, 2018
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    I can't really see Snoke factoring into the new movies at all. He's not a Sith, not supremely powerful, and not a very entertaining character. I think killing him off was necessary to allow Ben to move upward in the bigger scheme, and perhaps allow for the Sith to return. I never liked the thought of the Sith, having been the ultimate negative balance to the Jedi for 6000 years, suddenly disappearing. They're an integral part of the galaxy's basic good/bad paradox. I could imagine a type of plot involving Ben being further pushed to the dark side with an intent to continue the Sith, maybe trying to coax Rey to join her, while Rey takes it upon herself to continue the Jedi legacy.
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  10. techsteveo

    techsteveo Force Sensitive

    Oct 16, 2014
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    Not a plot but things I'd probably have happen if I was writing Episode 9.

    • Kylo will not trust anyone. He'd be surrounded by his Knights of Ren all the time. He will have given secret orders to build a small Clone Army since he will not trust Hux or the FO. He thinks Clones will be loyal to him.
    • Luke will randomly apppear to Kylo. Kylo will think he's seeing ghosts or going mad. Kylo will also hear the voice of his father and mother. Totally haunted.
    • The movie will open with Rey and R2. R2 will be reading her the Jedi texts on how to build a lightsaber. Could be funny. Rey will be using 1 half of the Kyber crystal.
    • Poe will have the other half. He will have reached out to Lando and Maz. Their plan is to create and manufacture synthetic Kyber crystals to power a Death Star type weapon of mass destruction for the Republic. They will think they are creating the ultimate deterrent. Imagine Kylo's pulsating lightsaber only a blue super laser!
    • Hux will be contacted early in the film by leaders of a Galactic Cartel. Basically the behind the scenes villains that finance the FO. They will want Kylo dead because he's unstable and uncontrollable. Hux is to carry out their plan to remove him. They will also be financing the Republic's super weapon in case Hux fails in killing Ren.
    • Hux will have stepped up his recruitment, aka stealing of children to increase his armies size. He will go for older children to indoctrinate which will lead Finn, Rey and Chewy on a mission to stop him. Rey will not want to see children taken from families. This will spur a large confrontation with the FO and a space/land battle will begin. Kylo will see this as an opportunity and attack the FO, helping the Republic.
    • Kylo will ultimately die doing the right thing, trying to help Rey and Finn.
    • Rey will see force ghosts of Ben, Luke and Leia at the end. In a stunning and hillarious turn of events, Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin will also appear as ghosts, dancing while YUB NUB plays loudly in the background. THE END.
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  11. SuperBenKenobi1992

    SuperBenKenobi1992 Rebel General

    Jun 6, 2015
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    hey guys sorry i took so long here is my thoughts for the second act.

    Act 2

    We continue with a short space fight above Bakura as Poe and his squad attempt to escape. They are nearly killed when Q’ira brings down one of the Star Destroyer’s (with the force) allowing them to hyperspace out of there.

    Scene changes to Rey on Akiva she is mediating asking the force for guidance. She hears force call out to her. “Rey, these are your first steps” the words call back in her memory from when she first saw Luke’s lightsaber. She reaches back to the voice asking, “What are my next steps?” She hears the voice call back to her “Go to Lothal. There you will find what you need” Rey repeats “Lothal?” the voice, “Yes my friend their will find your path, there you will find the world between worlds.” Rey then sees a vision of the past. Luke fighting against Darth Vader on Bespin. Vader turns into a woman with a child. Luke chases her in a city the child has disappeared. The woman falls Luke swings his Lightsaber down on her and she turns into Ben, they are now in his tent Ben pulls the roof down and from the dust rises Snoke with two Lightsabers. Only younger and less scarred. Ben is fighting him, and his lightsaber is green. He is not alone. An older woman is fighting alongside him. They attack, and Rey returns to the present where she sees in front of her Finn a worried look on his face. “Rey are you okay.” “Yes, I’m fine” Finn tells her that she was shaking and that it looked she was having seizure. She tells Finn that she has to go to Lothal. “I have to go Finn, to Lothal.” “Why?” “The force told me.” She poses the same question she gave in The Force Awakens. “Will you come with me Finn?” she holds out her hand. he looks at her hand thinking to when he turned his back on her. This time he takes her hand and with a big grin he says, “Lead the way captain”

    Scene Change to Kylo Ren landing back on his base he is furious. Hux joins him and says that he has heard from there mole on Akiva. Hux informs Kylo of the Resistance base there and that there are many that are unsure of the cause they fight for. Kylo tells Hux to keep him updated on any more developments and to prepare a fleet to attack Akiva. Hux leaves Kylo as he enters his throne room where his Knights await. One of them speaks “Master what do wish of us?” “Calrissian escaped. Find him... And bring him to me.” They leave. Kylo is now alone when he hears the voice of his father again. “I love you son” Kylo ‘s brow furrows. “Ben” Kylo turns to see Luke standing before him. However, Luke isn’t alone. Kylo stares Han Solo in the face.

    Scene changes to Q’ira, Lando and Poe arriving on planet to discard their ship and join up with Maz on her pirate ship. The crew takes ship and leave Lando, Poe and Q’ira to find Maz. Poe opens conversation. ‘Maz told us to meet her friend at the Cantina. She said he would be wearing a red flower of some kind.” They exchange words to which Q’ira reluctantly agree to go with them.

    Rey and Finn tell Chewie that they are leaving for Lothal. Chewie balks and as Finn tries to calm chewie down, Rey feels something in the force. She is drawn to one of the resistance fighters. She begins to hear his thoughts and discovers that he is with the first order. Snap order him to be seized and taken to the brig.

    Back to Kylo “I killed you, how are hear.” Luke speaks, “I brought him to you from the force Ben. I couldn’t save you. I failed, but I am not your father.” Han speaks. “Ben I am sorry, you mother and I … he had our share of mistakes, but you were not one of them. Yes, you have darkness in you, but so did Luke so did your grandfather. We all have darkness, we all have to fight it son”. Kylo smirks and then turns around and walks toward his throne. “You and mom gave up on me, you ran away every time something bad happened. Mom buried herself in politics. And Luke you only ever saw me as a problem to fix. You never saw who I really was. You were always telling what I could and couldn’t be You never got to know who I was, your nephew. (to Han) Your son. I like the darkness, I don’t fear it as you do. It makes me strong. It’s part of me now.” Luke takes a step. “The Jedi were wrong Ben… I was wrong.” Ben looks at Luke. “The Jedi sought to remove the Darkside of the world, the separated it and labeled it as something evil.” Luke turns to Han and the back to Ben “Peace is a Lie, there is only passion, Through passion, I gain strength, through Strength, I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, The Force shall set me free.” Ben and luke stare at each other. Luke then speaks again, “There is no emotion there is peace, there is no Ignorance there is knowledge, there is no passion there is serenity, there is no chaos, there is harmony, there is no death, there is the force.” Ben looks confused. “these are the codes of the Jedi and the sith. Both say something very important. There is no death, there is the force, the force shall set me free. There is no Light side and Dark side of the force. There is simply the force. So many Jedi like yourself have been forced down a path to the dark side that they couldn’t control because we couldn’t find the balance.” Ben stands up “What do you suggest then. If you wish to find balance, then go and Find Rey on Lothal.”

    Back to Poe and the others they find themselves in a cantina. Looking around for someone wearing a red flower. Poe sees DJ sitting in the corner and goes to give him what for when he notices the red flower. “Are you Maz’s friend?” “Who’s asking” DJ asks Poe. “Hey, is it really you?” Lando walks up to DJ. “Look at you kid, you have certainly grown up since I last saw you.” DJ stands up and his entire persona changes. “Lando? I mean yeah its me” Poe “Uh General, you know this guy?”. Lando “I apologize this is my friend Ezra Bridger. I haven’t seen you since before the empire fell. Say how’s that old Jedi of yours?” Ezra gets somber “Kanan uh he died years ago.” “Oh kid I’m so sorry” Ezra, “It’s fine we can catch up later, for now we have to get you to Lothal. General Leia’s orders. Apparently, she got a request for her brother.”

    Scene change to Rey Finn Chewie and Snap questioning the spy. They find out that the first Order is coming. Snap tells her to go do what she must. He’ll hold down the fort. Finn decides he needs to stay and help snap evacuate. Rey says to find them on Lothal. As Rey turns to leave Finn pulls her in for a kiss and he tells her he loves her. Rey is stunned but before she can respond, Finn tells her to go and save the force. Rose sees this from a far and is torn apart. Chewie and Rey run for the Falcon and take off. The resistance base hurries themselves to be ready for combat.

    Kylo Ren walks from his throne room to the shuttle bay and get in his ship. The entire time the voice of Snoke tries to stop him. As he flies away Ben says to himself, “ I am what I chose to be not what someone made me be.”

    Poe, Ezra, Lando and Q’ira Arrive on Maz’s ship. Maz gives Land a huge Hug and says to him, I hope where ever we are going Chewie will be there. Lando says “I can’t disagree.” The ship takes off and start on its path for Lothal
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  12. Adam812

    Adam812 Rebel General

    May 16, 2018
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    Its too bad that there is already a movie called Return of the Jedi because I think Episode 9 should be the real return of the jedi. Luke Skywalker was suypposed to pass on what he learned after Episode 6 but in TFA we learn he ended up failing and everything went back to square one. In TLJ, Luke inspired more Jedi to rise up. So naturally I think we should new full fledged Jedi order in Episode 9. A new order of Jedi rising up to vanquish the forces of evil once and for all. That's how the saga should end. And it wouldn't be like the Jedi religion we saw in the prequels. It will be a new and improved Jedi order that has learned from the past. That's my interpretation of The Last Jedi and what it set up for Episode 9.
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  13. daRinze

    daRinze Force Sensitive

    Oct 28, 2015
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    so it can't be Jedi again.
    Jedi and Sith are extremes, according to the prophecy they now both have to end in the "balance".
    Restarting the Jedi Order would push everybody directly back to episode 1, and that would be boring : the same story should start again, no lessons could have been learned.
    Something new has to be born, as Kylo says to Rey when he just sliced Snoke. No more Jedi, no more Sith, mainly because both have failed.

    -my 2 cents-
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  14. Adam812

    Adam812 Rebel General

    May 16, 2018
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    That's certainly an interesting direction the saga could go. I kind of like it. However, Rey wasn't having any of it. She rejected his offer to join him and create this new order of things that Kylo wanted. Then Luke tells Kylo that he will not be the last Jedi. And then the movie finishes with broom boy signifying the rise of the Jedi once again (or that's my interpretation anyhow). So I don't think Kylo will be getting his way.
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  15. Kylocity

    Kylocity Rebel Official

    Dec 14, 2017
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    The whole force story in 9 could be centred in Kylo and Rey fighting over a possible disciple/ally, a new force user in the mix who “needs a teacher” and would make their side stronger. Maybe Ackie, maybe Monaghan, someone youngish.
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  16. daRinze

    daRinze Force Sensitive

    Oct 28, 2015
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    Brooooooooooooooooooooooom boy ???? :cool:
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  17. Kylocity

    Kylocity Rebel Official

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Nah. Broom kid fulfilled his purpose in TLJ story. I would let him be... let him get his freedom, grow up a handsome lad, run a fathier stable in Cantonica and get himself a nice wife. Not everyone in the galaxy needs to be a Jedi or a war hero! :b
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  18. Sparafucile

    Sparafucile Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I can certainly see Broom Boy get through this saga without getting dragged into the fray. That said, if they continue or spin off this time line and saga, I doubt force wielders will be able to avoid taking a side or getting involved. Their too powerful to ignore so as a Sith or dark force wielder you either have to get them to join or kill them. As a Jedi you'd try and get them to join or stop them from becoming a Sith/dark force user. Unless they run off and become hermits on mostly uninhabited planets.

    He'll probably be too young baring a 8-10 year time jump, which I don't see, to be a part of the saga. He can however have a spin off saga or be involved in the next one and probably should. Force wielders seem rare in SW, or at least that was the impression we had. In the PT maybe it wasn't so obvious, but that series was centered around an order of force wielders. I don't think a force wielder gets to choose an anonymous life very often without having others or the force itself draw them into the conflict.
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  19. daRinze

    daRinze Force Sensitive

    Oct 28, 2015
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  20. Seth

    Seth Rebelscum

    Sep 29, 2015
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    The first words of the crawl should be....

    Kylo Ren has been overthrown...... (at this point the story could almost go anywhere and would be a surprise right out of the gate)

    Could be by one of the other apprentices of Snoke's that was implied in one of the books. Might be tough to set up a new character, but would be cool to see. Would probably get to see another lightsaber besides rey's and kylos. Kylo could regroup with KOR right at the beginning of the movie at Vaders castle.

    This will set up a war between three factions. Kylo and KOR vs. First order vs. Resistance

    And for me I hope this leads to a new story of redemption for Ben, so that Han's sacrifice was worth it. Rey and Leia are probably the only ones who think there may still be good in him and they can essentially recruit him to help defeat the first order.

    The story could go in a number of ways.
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